BogdanEpure — The swallowtail

Published: 2010-07-10 21:49:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 954; Favourites: 67; Downloads: 0
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Description The Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) is a butterfly found in gardens, fields and open woodlands. It is found in places with sloe thickets and particularly orchards. It is also called Sail Swallowtail or Pear-tree Swallowtail. The Southern Swallowtail (Iphiclides feisthamelii), is sometimes treated as a subspecies.
It is widespread throughout Europe with the exception of the northern parts. Its range extends northwards to Saxony and central Poland and eastwards across Asia Minor and Transcaucasia as far as the Arabian peninsula, India, and western China. A few specimens of the Scarce Swallowtail have been reported from central Sweden and the UK but they were probably only strays and not migrants. The scarcity of UK migrants is responsible for the English common name. In the Alps it can be found up to altitudes of 1600 m.
In some years the Scarce Swallowtail is quite abundant. The Scarce Swallowtail is getting rarer as the blackthorn bushes are being cleared; and it is now protected in some central European countries. It is protected by law in Czech republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and Poland. It is considered Rare-Endangered and protected in some provinces of Austria and of status Indeterminate throughout Europe.

This is, I think, the biggest butterfly in Romania and probably the most beautiful. It's wings spread can reach 10cm while the monarch wing spread is of 10,2cm. But this one is definitely more beautiful than the monarch.
It's the most beautiful butterfly I've ever seen and I'm glad to see it has a big "swallowtail".


Location: Bucharest, Romania
Date: July 02nd, 2010
Light Conditions: Sunny

Camera: Nikon D40X
Lens: Nikon 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED-IF AF-S VR DX
Focal Length: 200 mm
Shutter Speed: 1/160 sec
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Filters:- UV Hoya 72mm

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Comments: 7

raduluchian [2010-08-14 22:21:23 +0000 UTC]

Foarte faina fotografia, incadrata bine si ai avut si bafta sa nu fie un exemplar cu aripile vatamate. Acesta este de fapt un Iphiclides podalirius, nu un P. machaon. Pretty close though. Sunt protejati in Romania?! Imi poti spune care Papilionidae sunt protejate mai exact, daca ai eventual cunostiinte in domeniu, ca mi-ar prinde bine sa stiu. Sunt zone cu coada randunicii in numar foarte mare, de aceea zic.

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BogdanEpure In reply to raduluchian [2010-08-15 19:00:13 +0000 UTC]

Da, ai dreptate. Multumesc mult pt corectie!!!
Evident nu am cunostinte in domeniu... altfel n-as fi gresit. Textul e luat de pe wikipedia din engleza...
Coada randunicii sunt rari in Ro din cate stiam. Unde sunt ei in numar foarte mare? Si nu numai specia lor ma intereseaza... daca imi poti spune as fi foarte recunoscator.
Vreau sa-i fotografiez! deja pun bani deoparte pt un obiectiv macro bun

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raduluchian In reply to BogdanEpure [2010-08-15 21:27:50 +0000 UTC]

In Suceava se zaresc ocazional, mai ales in zilele toride, dar am descoperit un loc pe Dealul Viii in Burdujeni (dealul din spatele strazii Gheorghe Doja) unde intr-o zi am observat peste 20 de exemplare distincte pe o arie de cca. 300mp, din care am recoltat o pereche. De asemenea in Burdujeni Sat, padurea Adancata in zona agricola Odaie se gasesc exemplare de Papilio machaon, aceeasi specie gasindu-se abundent si in Draguiesti (din cate stiu, inca nu am ajuns as vad asta personal, dar sunt convins ca asa este). In zona Odaie de care zic am vazut cea mai mare diversitate pe o suprafata restransa, sunt foarte multe specii de fluturi frumosi acolo. I. podalirius are larvele pe Rosaceae, deci va fi gasit in special in zone cu plante din aceasta familie.

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jennalynnrichards [2010-07-21 16:41:40 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful colors!

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BogdanEpure In reply to jennalynnrichards [2010-07-22 09:55:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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purpleseller [2010-07-11 09:35:25 +0000 UTC]

Ce frumusete! Sper sa am si eu asemenea ocazie sa vad pe viu...

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BogdanEpure In reply to purpleseller [2010-07-11 12:32:53 +0000 UTC]

Nu-ti va veni sa crezi unde l-am vazut...

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