BookWormPony — MLP NG Family: Rarity

#nextgeneration #mlpmylittlepony #mlprarity #mlpnextgeneration #mlpfimmylittleponyfriendship #mlpunicornoc
Published: 2017-08-19 19:32:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 7884; Favourites: 114; Downloads: 0
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Description Life isn't always kind to those in the spotlight.

Originally, I had planned to have Rarity happily married like the rest, but something occurred to me. I had designed her kid as an adoptable at first (TwilightXRarity), and thus his father could be any of a handful of similarly colored stallions.
Like, blue is the only requirement here. Maybe not even that. And there are a lot of blue stallions out there. SO many. 

And thus the idea came upon me that our little drama queen might've come across some less-than-favorable drama.

Sometime after cannon, Rarity ends up moving to Canterlot. She was hesitant about it, of course, and hadn't wanted to leave her friends behind, but opportunities only come so often. Plus, Dash was on the road with the Wonderbolts more than she was at home, and Twilight was taking over several diplomatic proceedings, so the old group hadn't had much time to themselves anyway. Ready for a high-class life, the unicorn packed her bags and moved out, braving the big city.
All went well for a while. Rarity landed a few more locations to expand her business into, and officially hired on some new designers as well to help keep all of the stores filled and flowing. They did eventually make use of Sassy's assembly line out of necessity. Rarity was on top of her game, officially part of the elite circle. She wrote home often to her friends and family, but with the expectations put on her by work and social pressure, visits dwindled.
But, like any shooting star, fame can burn out quickly if not cared for with intense stress.

When Rarity discovered she was pregnant, all hell broke loose. Not only was the already over-the-top mare an emotional train-wreck (in the train-slipped-off-the-rails-skidded-for-a-while-before-hitting-a-town-then-falling-off-a-cliff-and-exploding kind of emotional train-wreck), her reputation was shot. Having a foal out of wedlock was a social taboo amongst the elite, and a death-sentence for any aspiring socialites. If you thought the boycott in the "Fame and Misfortune" episode was exaggerated and caused havoc, you would not believe the backlash Rarity suffered from her pregnancy. The stress that came from the boycotts, rapidly falling profits, and store closures was furthered by the public shaming and shunning of the fashion mare. She couldn't go anywhere without seeing the angry looks, gossip whispers, and occasional outright violence. Sassy began having to shuttle groceries into the boutique for her friend.
Things got bad. Then they got worse. Then everything went silent.

It was as though Rarity had dropped off the face of the earth for a while. She left Canterlot without a word to anypony, her letters to friends and family stopped, and the hum of gossip faded. The rest of the mane 6 actually panicked in the beginning, searching for their lost friend. Dash canceled two shows with the Bolts to come home, Twilight wrote letters to basically everypony they had ever had contact with, and the crew set off to ask questions around Canterlot. While they were there intimidating asking questions to the social elites, Twilight received a response from Coco Pommel.
Coco told them that she had seen Rarity in Manehattan, but the unicorn had refused to talk for very long. She asked Coco to let everyone know that she was okay, but wanted some time alone to think about "stuff".

While her friends scoured the big city for any sign of their fashion-forward friend, seeking out even the darkest of corners, they found nothing. They expressed concerns to Coco, but unfortunately the one conversation was all that she had. Worried but trustful of their friend, the mares headed home and returned to their lives. 

Three years later, Rarity and her son, Knick-Knack, moved back to Ponyville.

Despite the collapse in her career, Rarity did have a decent amount of bits in the bank and in reserve. She was a smart business pony. She moved back into the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville, which Sweetie had bought after it foreclosed. The place wasn't in the best condition after having been stripped clean by the bank to pay off debt, then let sit for a few years. But it was home.
Her friends and family accepted her back with open hooves and hearts; they helped repair the boutique, put on a late baby shower, and just generally covered everything they could for the displaced mare. Rarity began sewing again about a year after coming home. She decorated the boutique and started dressing like her old self again.
And then she began getting letters from local ponies. Everypony had heard about what happened, mostly because Canterlot publishes its drama for all to see and judge. Ponyville wasn't as stuck-up as Canterlot, and many ponies sympathized with the single mother. Once they noticed that she was trying to get back on her hooves with her fashion career, all of Ponyville was behind her. Starting from scratch, Rarity has rebuilt her dress-making business on the small scale. Her confidence has been (mostly) repaired as well. While she hasn't attempted to reopen any other locations, our favorite diva is back and kicking in her home town.

While Rarity no longer owns other stores that used to house her designs, they are in fact still running. Despite the sharp drop in profit that was brought on by the drama, the publicity also brought in some new customers who were exposed to the boutique names. Coco Pommel and Sassy Saddles, previously being only store managers, stepped up during the downfall and managed to salvage the suffering businesses. Rarity had urged her friends and coworkers to abandon her image and go forward on their own. The advice was not well received, neither mare willing at first to let go of Rarity's signature style, but after some coaxing and financial troubles, they reinvented their respective shops, and rode out the drama. Now both stores remain close in business pursuits, but stand as their own companies.  Both Coco and Sassy gained a decent chunk of publicity and fame after rebounding. They had made a lot of public comments defending Rarity and her privacy throughout the rumor phase of events, and the increasing media presence did wonders to build the new brands. As she recovers from her mental breakdown, Rarity occasionally produces a design or two that she adores, and has expressed wistfully her desire to reclaim her broken dream. As such, one may still find a Rarity piece on display in her previous business locations, though she's kept her name off of the dresses. 

Knick-Knack is now full grown, and just a few years younger than Dog Days. He runs a small pawn shop in Ponyville. He often rents small spaces for events in other cities as well, such as the Exchange at Rainbow Falls. He has quite the eye for detail and can sometimes get lost in the beauty of some of the rare treasures that ponies didn't even know they had.
He's very regal and polite, much like his mother. He has a bit of a thicker skin than she does, and is quite the haggler with his costumers. There's a hint of manipulative charisma in his eyes that ponies never quite believe is there, but it is. Like the quiet guy in a movie that everyone thinks is too nice and innocent to do something deceptive, but is secretly capable of getting away with anything. Or the villain with the silver-tongue who can talk you in circles until you start to believe he's right.
Knick is a bit of a loner when it comes to friends. After learning about what happened with his mom through eavesdropping and overhearing the occasional gossip, he has some second-hand trust issues. Instead of letting ponies get too close, he masks his emotions with a sickeningly sweet polite exterior that doesn't crack easily. 
His young cousin, Heirloom, often works alongside him in the shop. He loves her to bits, and she's probably one of the only ponies who he feels comfortable being himself around. She sees straight through his overly-polite front and thinks he's secretly some sort of assassin. She makes up stories about how he chases down villains whenever he leaves town. Jokingly, Knick entertains his cousin's stories. In the back room of his shop he has a lot of her art pinned to the walls depicting him fighting crime. 
His cutiemark is a broach. It's a fancy centerpiece accessory, something that is to be sought after and something an outfit can be built around. This shows his affinity for nice things, finding value and beauty, and recognizing quality. It's also a sign of a close family, since broaches are often passed down between genederations. 

Parasol, or Paris, is Rarity's second foal. Compared to the hurricane of emotions that accompanied Knick-Knack's pregnancy, Paris's was creepily calm. It was like nothing was wrong. Like, nothing was ever wrong, even when it should be. Rarity was unphased by her second out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and that freaked everypony out, because she was always dramatic. For the entire pregnancy, Rarity moved through the world with a placid smile, a politely sweet tone, and an affectionate nature. It would've been nice, if she hadn't had a complete breakdown a few years prior. When around her, the rest of the mane 6 walked on eggshells, convinced that she would shatter if provoked. Only Knick-Knack was unphased by his mother's amiability, being young and simply loving the attention and babbling excitedly about his new baby sister. 

Paris is a strong headed, stubborn, and protective filly. Like Knick, she's occasionally heard other ponies criticizing her mother under their breath and when they thought no one would hear. This bothered her greatly, but she knew her mum wouldn't approve of her beating anypony up. She also knew that she wouldn't want her defending the mare's reputation, since that was something she'd tried to put behind her. So, instead, Paris developed a sharp tongue, saying with no obscurity, exactly what is on her mind. There is no question on what Paris is thinking, because if it concerns you, she'll tell you. Only one-on-one though.
Paris is very protective of her friends as well, chasing away bullies in secret. She never wants her friend to feel like she's undermined their ability to defend themselves, so she always sought out ponies individually to threaten with violent deaths should they continue messing with her family or friends. 

Paris is a defender by trade, and an aggressor at heart. She'll want to hurt you, but won't until you mess with something she cares about. 
Paris's cutiemark is an umbrella, a cute and pretty sign. But it's not weather it represents, nor does it call to mind the old victorian outfits that once used parasols, but instead a sign of shelter. Her talent can be described as "the ability to make bad things go away". Like how an umbrella deflects rain in order to keep someone dry, Paris has a knack for keeping ponies happy by disposing of negative situations. This may or may not include threatening problem ponies with a violent death in order to make them go away.

They adopted a little kitten named Kaleidoscope from Fluttershy. She's a little dilute calico baby with periodic narcolepsy. I borrowed this bit of info off of some kittens I fostered recently who fell asleep every time they ate, without fail. It's cute the first few times, but at some point seeing the little babs face down in a bowl of wet food becomes concerning. Like, I'm was scared they'd breathe something in, or suffocate themselves.

Fun Facts:
Knick-Knack's mane and tail are actually very straight, but he started curling them when he was little. He and Rarity had overheard some ponies gossiping about who is father might be while they were out running errands. Rares tried to shake it off, having practice with that kind of thing now, but little Knick noticed how it bothered her. So he found her curling iron and tried his best to mimic mommy's mane (failing repeatedly multiple times to the point of burning it). Rarity appreciated her baby's attempt to cheer her up (after having to cut the burned parts out of his hair and restyle it accordingly). While she regularly tells him he doesn't need to do this, Knick's continued his curling.
While Knick is interested in knowing who his father is, he doesn't want to bother Rarity about it because of the trauma. Paris is uninterested because she sees her father as a threat to her family, since he could upset the balance.

MLP FiM and Rarity (c) Hasbro
Knick-Knack and Kaleidoscope (c) Me
Bases (c)
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Comments: 3

FlutterDashFan18 [2018-02-18 00:00:04 +0000 UTC]

I love it! Who do you think the dad is? I think it's Fancypants. Who do you think?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ooReiko [2017-08-20 07:57:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

allforkierstenrose [2017-08-19 21:03:15 +0000 UTC]

Love it!! So creative  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0