Borin23 — Lucina And The Towering, Tubby Warrior Women
#3ds #ass #awakening #bbw #beautiful #big #bigbelly #bigbutt #blubber #breasts #butt #chubby #cynthia #enormous #expansion #expansive #fea #fetish #fireemblem #giant #giantess #growth #heavy #height #huge #kink #large #lucina #nintendo #noire #potion #severa #weightgain #wg #width #woman #borin23 #bigbreasts #bigbeautifulwoman #fireemblemawakening
Published: 2019-03-29 04:28:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 87378; Favourites: 161; Downloads: 0
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Description (Fire Emblem Awakening/Commission/Giantess and WG)

"Oh, I am such a stupid ditch."

Cynthia was not usually one to swear so casually, as she felt it wasn't a good reflection of what she saw as her 'heroic ethic', but she had good reason to do so right now. An empty bottle of ink was clutched in her trembling right hand, a quill in her left. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates but as glossy as marbles. The reason that the bottle of ink happened to be empty was because she had accidentally lost her grip after she had unscrewed the cap. It was also by pure happenstance that when Cynthia had gone into this particular room to begin writing her letter, one of her friend Severa's favorite dresses had been sitting out on the chair. Likely in preparation to be worn later that evening.

The ink had seen it fit to aim DIRECTLY for the dress. It flew across the room with exact precision, like an arrow being launched from its quiver. It splashed all over the front side of the dress and transformed its lovely red satin into an ugly, all-encompassing black. Cynthia's face had already gone deathly pale. Sweat rolled like tiny ice cubes down her cheeks and over the nape of her neck. She couldn't believe what had just happened. The cogs of her brain had yet to start turning again. Very slowly, she looked down at the bottle of ink in her hand, a few remaining droplets running over her fingers and dripping onto the floor. The dress was already soaked straight through. There was no way to repair something like this. Most likely not even with magic.


Cynthia moved almost mechanically as she turned herself around and placed both the quill and the ink bottle onto the desk. She had no time to spend writing her letter anymore. She needed to run. She needed to run far, far, far away until her legs could no longer carry her anymore. She didn't feel like she could even make it to the stables in time to fetch her pegasus. She HAD to depart as soon as was physically possible. Cynthia began walking towards the door. Suddenly, before she could even place her shaking fingers onto the doorknob, it opened. Who else could it have been in the hallway but Severa herself? Cynthia's face couldn't have gotten any paler if it tried.

"Oh, Cynthia, what are you doing in here?" Severa asked, only to suddenly glance past the young woman's pigtails and notice the black dress, formerly crimson red, sitting on the chair.

"I...I..." Not just her hands, every single inch of Cynthia was vibrating at nearly violent speeds.

Severa's jaw dropped. "Oh. My. GAWDS!"

"I'm sorry!" Cynthia wailed at the top of her lungs.

"What did you do? Cynthia, you...you...!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

Cynthia burst out of the room, knocking into Severa's shoulder in the process. She couldn't stay behind and face the other woman head-on, not after having done what she had done. Perhaps that was not something that followed through with her 'heroic ethic', but she was too terrified to take Severa's wrath. Cynthia ran and ran and ran. She had no plan on where she was trying to go, just that she needed to get SOMEWHERE other than here. Cynthia headed outside with her legs nearly taking her into flight several times. She eventually arrived at the entrance to an empty farmhouse on the edge of the castle grounds. Cynthia, exhausted, made her way inside. Perhaps she could remain in the shadows of the farmhouse until the flames of Severa's rage died down...or perhaps she could stay here in shameful hiding until the end of her days.

"Gods, I'm so thirsty."

Running around so much could definitely leave you parched. Cynthia didn't think that she would find anything that could possibly quench her thirst inside of a dusty old farmhouse. Lo and behold, though, she discovered a small box. It was partially buried inside a pile of straw. Retrieving the box, she pried it open and gazed inside of it. What she found was a small bottle of liquid. It was clear, just like water. Cynthia didn't think too deeply about why it was here in the first place. She unscrewed the top of the bottle and tipped it over so the 'water' could roll down into her throat.

"Mm, this isn't so bad-" Cynthia started to say, only to suddenly feel a strong, tightening constriction around her abdomen. Her belt was digging painfully tight into her...gut? Since when did she have a gut? "Huh?"

Cynthia reached down to touch her newfound paunch, but she was quickly caught off-guard by even more odd happenings. Some of these odd happenings included her legs sprouting out far until she was towering at a height over twice her original stature. Everything extended to better fit with her new size. She went from shortstack to lanky and towering in the blink of an eye. Though to call her 'lanky' might have been slightly misleading, as she was certainly overloaded with enough blubber to look like a set of spheres on top of one another.

Cynthia shrieked, which in turn caused her belly to start bouncing up and down. Said belly was getting larger as well. It rolled straight over the band of her skirt, like a waterfall, and it slapped against the tops of her plush thighs. Somehow the magic brew was able to keep her clothes intact. That was something to be greatly relieved about; Cynthia did not think that her outfit or her underwear would have lasted very long trying to handle this bigger body. She felt the presence of soft, droopy rolls hanging off of her sides. She could literally grab at one of them right at that instant and dig her fingers so far inside that they almost vanished. Her buttocks swelled and softened, her thighs pushed into one another from the inside, and her breasts were bigger than her own head originally been. Lean muscle that once graced her arms and legs evaporated instantly, quickly replaced with more than their fair share of lard. Fatness took over and it didn't seem like it was ready to stop. It DIDN'T stop until she reached a size that made her appear over 300 pounds. At her new seven-foot-tall height, she was probably much heavier than that. Cynthia moaned, plump lips pursed together in between even plumper cheeks.

"That...was...ooohhh..." Cynthia's eyes rolled back into her head. No other soldier in the entire army could have stood head to head with her anymore.

"Cynthia!" A familiar voice screeched from behind her. Cynthia jumped, which caused the very ground beneath her feet to quake. Her whole body shuddered and rippled all across its very vast surface as she slowly, slowly turned to face the owner of the voice. It was Severa, of course. Cynthia had expected an expression of unmitigated fury on the redhead's face, but instead Severa looked like she was just caught in the midst of transitioning between extreme fury and extreme terror. Of course she would be horrified by what she had come across. The Cynthia that she was used to knowing was much, MUCH smaller than this. And skinner too, like skinny enough that you could snap her as if she were a twig. This girthy giantess in front of her was nothing like Cynthia yet looked and sounded exactly as she did.

"W-What...the hell...am I looking at?" Severa's brain couldn't quite comprehend it.

Cynthia was stunned dumb too at first, but she was much quicker at pulling herself back together than Severa was. Cynthia's chubby cheeks lifted as she began to smirk. She certainly owed Severa an apology for unintentionally ruining the latter's dress, but Severa had been known to pick on the smaller woman for even the slightest of reasons in the past. Severa had mocked Cynthia's 'heroic ethics' before, as well as teased her for her short stature, her lacking fashion sense, her plain-looking panties, and numerous other things that she had no right making fun of. If anything, Severa had this a long time coming.

Cynthia wasn't one to want to take revenge against others, as that wasn't very heroic, but that potion MIGHT have had another side-effect along with making her taller and fatter. It might have brought about a few alterations to her general personality as well. Like a sudden obsession with power, with control, with enforcing one's massive body onto others for the sake of subjugating them. Though there was no confirmation of that. The effects of the potion were still highly unknown to begin with. They made you into a chubby giantess, that much could be seen with a simple glance. However, whatever changes it might have brought onto the mind...well, at best they were probably only 'suggestions', nothing that could actually change oneself long-term. Cynthia had never been given this kind of opportunity before. It was awakening a side of her that she never would have experienced if this hadn't happened. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Cynthia laughed a little under her breath, all husky-like.

"You know, Severa, I am really sorry I spilled that ink on your dress. It was an accident." When Cynthia spoke, the old and creaky wooden walls of the farmhouse shuddered.

"Th-Thanks?" Severa was still mentally frozen.

"But...I think it's about time...that I show you what it's like to pick on someone, after all of these years we've known each other."

"Eh? Wait? What?"

Cynthia knelt down, her fat tummy squishing against her kneecaps, and made a reach for Severa. The redheaded young woman made a run for it, of course. But she was so frazzled from seeing Cynthia in this fashion that she didn't make a beeline for the door outside. Cynthia would have gone and chased after her anyway. She might have become a fatass, but those long legs of hers would give her a stride capable of matching a knight's steed. Severa lunged for a nearby pile of hay. However, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. a box and a small glass container lying abandoned. Severa could only assume that the drink was what had turned Cynthia into this monster. Severa knew what she had to do. She ducked and rolled, avoiding Cynthia's hand as it sweeped overhead, until she was right next to the potion. She picked it up and immediately gulped down what she could.

"Oh no!" Cynthia cried out loud, but it was already too late. Severa's entire body started to swell in front of her very eyes.

Severa moaned and cooed as every single inch of her promptly expanded. Her tight, flat stomach turned into a soft and squishy paunch, something that Severa wasn't too fond about, but that ended up being the only part of the transformation that didn't sit well with her. Her ass filled up with more and more chunky adipose until a single cheek alone would swallow up an entire seat. Severa had always secretly wanted a bigger butt, so she gave it a few hearty slaps and giggled appreciatively. Said ass was supported by some particularly thick and blubbery legs that stretched her stockings to skin-tight levels. What Severa had wanted MORE than a larger bum was a larger set of breasts, and that was exactly what she got. Her newly-chubbified face was all smiles as her tits went up multiple cup sizes in the span of a single minute. They stopped only once they had become massive enough to conceal all view of the floor from her eyes. Severa kept on getting taller and taller until her head burst through the ceiling. It didn't hurt her even a little bit. Of course, like Cynthia, Severa was now possessed by a sudden and overwhelming sense of superiority and strength. She was very eager to enforce it.

"Oh Gods..." Cynthia slapped a hand to her temple.

Severa looked over the bottle, which seemed so tiny in her hand now. "Wow, Cynthia, you really did find something amazing...but I think it's best we get rid of it now, so that YOU won't go and cause me anymore trouble."

"Wait, Severa, don't do it!"

Severa raised her flabby bingo-wing of an arm and hurled the bottle as far off into the distance as she could manage. Cynthia cried out. Severa looked over at Cynthia with a cocky sneer that was very much familiar for her.

Cynthia shrunk back, her chubby body wobbling all over as she trembled. "A-Are you going to bully me now?"

Severa, however, offered a nonchalant shrug in response. "Hmph. Nah, I'll let you off the hook this time. You DID apologize for the dress and I know you wouldn't ever do something like that on purpose. It was my fault for leaving it out in the open like that anyway."

"Oh. Huh." Cynthia blinked. She hadn't expected that to come from Severa of all people.

"I'm not going to bully YOU, but with all of this new blubber of mine...this new POWER...I have to go and make somebody listen to me! You feel the same way, don't you?" Severa grabbed her carriage-sized breasts and gave them a good shaking.

"Yeah, I do," Cynthia replied in a whisper.

"There should be a little village down the road from here. How about we go and stop by to say 'hello'?"

The bottle managed to land safely onto a blueberry bush. A certain blue-haired princess was passing by that bush at the very moment the bottle fell into her line of sight. She grabbed the bottle and held it up in her hands. There was still plenty of liquid left inside.

"Oh my," Lucina gasped as she rotated the potion between her hands, "Wh-What is this? Some sort of sign from above?"

A panic had already started up in the local town before Severa and Cynthia even arrived on the scene. It was rather easy to spot them from the distance. They were both large enough to match heights with some of the two-story buildings. Their guts were also far, far larger than anyone they might have seen before. Only the wealthiest and most hedonistic of all could have packed on so much meat, but no amount of gold could have bought you the outrageous heights these two young women possessed.

Severa had to stop for a few seconds to catch her breath after such a 'lengthy' walk. She leaned her elbow onto the roof of a nearby house, causing the tiles on said roof to crack and shatter. She placed a hand over her magnificent chest and gave it a quick rub-down. Severa's chubby cheeks quivered a little as she breathed out. Being a fat woman was no joke. Even with her magically-enhanced features, she still had to deal with lugging around so much sheer HEAVINESS everywhere. Cynthia did a little better than her, though. She was already hopping up and down in place, making the ground quake beneath her soles. The townspeople were either running for the hills or holding themselves up inside of their homes. Severa didn't know what they were here to actually do. She had thought about bossing these people around, but she didn't know what she could have ordered them to do for her. Perhaps she could take the highest-ranked person in town, probably the mayor, and threaten to sit her whole ass on him if he didn't give them all of their riches. It might have actually worked too.

Cynthia suddenly swung her big, flabby belly against a tall silo next to her. It broke open a hole into the side of the container, causing an innumerable amount of grains to begin pouring around their feet. Mounds of the stuff quickly began to form. Severa swore out loud.

"Whoa, watch what you're doing, Cynthia! You're going to make a mess all over my new shoes!"

"Sorry about that! Heh, I wonder if we can use this stuff to scare the townspeople? Like 'we'll take all of your grain unless you do what we say', or something like that?"

"I dunno, that doesn't sound like the most threatening way to get what you want."

"You don't think so?" Cynthia frowned, her pudgy cheeks folding against her lips.

"If you really want to enforce your views onto others," Severa said with a smirk, before turning around and presenting her gigantic buttocks, "You need to really THROW YOUR WEIGHT around until they comply. That's the best way to do it when you have a body like this."

"Oh, I see! Hee hee! That sounds good, actually!" Cynthia cackled into her fat hand.

However, before Severa could begin 'enforcing her views onto others', another set of tremors began to send both of their flabby bodies into rippling fits. These were not tremors caused by either of the young women, but instead by a third, larger force steadily approaching their location. Cynthia turned her head to the west, the direction that they had just come from. What she saw made her face go pale and her jaw drop far enough to make her double-chin stick out.


The giantess waddling from over the horizon was none other than the daughter of Ylisse's Exalted, Princess Lucina. She had chugged more of the bottle's contents than either Severa or Cynthia so far and it certainly showed. Severa had been pretty proud of her newfound assets, but it seemed like Lucina had her beat when it came to owning the biggest ass. Lucina's legs were like stacks of pancakes, so many rolls of blubber pushing into one another that it was a wonder she could walk at all with them. The blue-haired woman's ass stuck out not like a spare shelf, but a whole spare counter. She could have easily rested several plates of food onto the curve of her ass and successfully carried them around without fear of spilling. Her big butt seemed to jump at a speed of its own accord. Her stomach was a plump, double-rolled belly that swung precariously in front of her crotch. Lucina's face had puffed up considerably, giving her large jowls and a triple-chin that merged with her neck. Lucina had to keep her arms outstretched because she was unable to put them back down to her sides anymore. Severa and Cynthia backed away as Lucina drew closer. She was actually tall enough to cast shadows over both of their heads.

"I could see you two causing trouble from afar, and I'm here now to put a stop to it. Perhaps that was why that bottle chose to fall near me."

"Huh? Wait? What? Bottle?" Cynthia stammered out.

"Y-Yes, I found a bottle," Lucina took a moment to refill her breath. Her breasts didn't jiggle. That was how small they had remained even after her growth. "It landed directly in front of me in a bush. Of course I had to drink it, because what else could it have been but a sign from the Gods above?"

"Oh Gawds, Lucy, you dummy." Severa slapped her palm to her face.

"W-What? I'm here to put an end to this whole trouble! So come back home, you two!"

"Hey...wait a minute..." Cynthia started to come to a sudden realization, and her chubby face twisted with clear resentment. "This isn't fair at all! We want to be able to drink that bottle and get stronger and bigger too! Where is it? Lucina, don't you still have it with you?"

"Um, o-of course I don't! You think I would keep that sitting around? I properly disposed of it!" Lucina said with a huff.

She didn't need anyone else growing so stupendously large and fat around her. Not only was it going to cause more trouble for the people of Ylisse if that happened...but personally, Lucina had come to like her new form rather quickly after obtaining it. She did not want anyone else to possibly one-up her. She wanted to be the woman who would always be looked upon as the 'biggest'.

"Oh, damn it! You're just hiding it from us! Come on, Cynthia, we gotta find that thing!" Severa shouted. She thrust her bigger breasts against Lucina and forced the larger woman to stumble backwards. Lucina tried to retain her balance, but given how she had become a morbidly obese giantess only a few minutes ago, she was unable to stay on her feet for very long. Her chubby arms waved helplessly in the air as she fell back, back, back until she landed on top of her beanbag ass. The resulting collision made between Lucina's bottom and the ground caused literal cracks to open up. The wall of a nearby bakery came crumbling down, the hiding employees screaming and begging for their lives. Lucina winced. She liked being big and powerful, but she didn't want to cause unnecessary destruction like this.

"Where is it? Where did you put it? Do you have it on you right now?" Severa started searching all over Lucina's titanic body. She grabbed at the other woman's rolls, slipping her fingers forcefully in between the folds, groping and tugging and squeezing everything that she could get her hands onto. Of course she didn't give a single consideration about how she was invading Lucina's personal space. The heavyset, super-sized princess whimpered in her helplessness; she did not try to fight back against it, though. Cynthia didn't get so 'hands-on', instead attempting to perform her search in the surrounding area. One would think that being so tall and so fat would make exploring the town easier, but all of these buildings kept getting in her way.

"It might be around here! You never know!"

Finally Lucina had enough of dealing with Severa's touching. "G-Get off of me!" Lucina thrust her belly outward to push Severa away, removing the other woman's feely fingers.

"Getting a little violent there, aren't you, Lucina?"

"I'm trying to get you off of me!" Lucina stood up straight. She looked over her shoulder at her own protruding fat ass and a wicked idea suddenly sprouted from within her head. "You know, though, you might have given me a pretty good idea on how to put you back into your place, Severa! You shouldn't go casually touching a princess like that!"

While Severa and Lucina continued their not so little tussle, Cynthia frantically searching for the bottle at the same time, a fourth young woman was about to put her mark on history through these strange and convoluted events.

"Oh dear...oh dear..." Noire whimpered as she laid low in a dark alleyway, arms wrapped over her head. She had no idea what was going on and she didn't entirely care. But it terrified her nonetheless. Her head felt like it was swimming down river rapids in the midst of a dark and stormy night. She had come to this village to buy some bread and vegetables for her parents. Yet when she saw Severa and Cynthia marching into town several dozen feet taller and several hundred pounds fatter than how she knew them, the anxious young woman had no choice but to go into hiding. Her large, round eyes were brimming with hot tears. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. It wasn't like the giantesses were searching for her, so she could have easily made a run for it. Even if they looked so DIFFERENT, they were still supposed to be her friends Lucina, Severa and Cynthia. Surely they wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Lucina's fat ass knocked into the building that Noire was hiding behind. It caused the entire structure to shudder. A few tiny, harmless pebbles rolled off of the roof and landed on Noire's head. That alone was enough to make Noire scream. She leaped forward and threw herself face-first into the pile of trash across from her.


When Noire reemerged, she had something clutched in her hand. A small, glass bottle with its contents not yet emptied. Lucina had thought that she could get away doing the exact same thing as Severa had done, casually tossing the container away after getting the growth that she wanted, but it seemed that the bottle was cursed in more ways than one. It was fated to always land in the hands of another as long as there was still liquid inside to drink. Noire gazed at the bottle in her clutches. Her eyes flashed as a multitude of thoughts ran through her head all at once. She did not know why, or maybe she did, but she had this incredibly powerful and inexplicable desire to drink from this bottle. A bottle she had found in a pile of garbage. Noire unscrewed the top and brought it to her lips. When it first entered her mouth and gushed down her throat, she expected something burning like alcohol. It was anything but. It was smooth, creamy, and had a bit of a kick to it in the good sort of way. Noire removed the bottle from her lips, smacking them wetly. She felt a sensation of tightness coming from behind her. Looking over, the young woman saw that her butt-cheeks had started expanding in real time. Her favorite pair of green pants stretched and stretched until they were nearly transparent over her voluptuous buttocks.


Noire's brain was in a very curious state of mind, almost similar to being inebriated. She didn't question what was happening to her at all. In fact, she thought it was kind of funny. So instead of panicking, Noire chose to consume more of the transforming potion. Her ass kept on growing, but the rest of her was doing its best to keep up. Her breasts flopped out and drooped until they touched the curve of her swelling belly. Noire's arms were so puffy and doughy that they could have literally served her well as pillows. Noire's lips curled into a wicked, half-cocked smile as the growth added on a few dozen feet to her overall height. Her thighs became so tender, yet so thick, as they protruded to accommodate such a tremendous rear-end. Unlike the other women, Noire kept the bottle securely in her hand. She stood up straight and realized that she could actually see ABOVE the alleyway now. The sky was so blue, the mountains were so large, the fields were so vast. Being so high up really allowed the young woman to develop a new point of view, and what a WONDERFUL point of view it was.


Noire noticed that things were getting restrictive for her again, but it was no longer because of her straining clothes. Her ass spread, resembling two massive mounds of soft, chunky butter trapped in ivy-green pants, against the brick wall behind her. Her belly had scrunched itself up against the other brick wall in front of her. If she didn't wiggle free soon, she could either end up getting herself trapped...or destroying both houses with her body alone. Noire moaned a little through inflated lips. Why did that latter option sound kind of kinky to her?

"Uh, whoa, what the hell is going on over there?" Severa stopped trying to whack Lucina in the face with her breasts and looked over at Noire, whose moans and groans had finally caught notice.

"Is that Noire?" Lucina pushed Severa's fat tits away.

"Oh my gosh, she's HUGE! Maybe even bigger than us!" Cynthia squealed, stomping her feet a little to express her displeasure. This caused another minor quake.

"Wait," Severa squinted her eyes, "Is that...what I think it is...in Noire's hand?"

Noire held one bingo-wing arm triumphantly into the air and the sun's rays reflected off of the tiny glass bottle, indicating that, yes indeed, it was exactly what Severa and the others believed it to be.

"Oh my Gawds!"

The three girthy giantesses waddled over, looking ever so timid, to where Noire was standing. The newest fatty of the bunch slowly sidled out of the too-small alleyway, bouncing and jiggling the entire time. When her first leg popped out, the other women got a good, good look at how FAT Noire's ass had become. So she was a bottom-heavy behemoth like Lucina too, eh?

Once she had gotten herself free, Noire took several seconds to pat off some of dust clinging onto her pants. She looked up and saw she was surrounded by the three tubby titans that had frightened her so much before. Now that she was on the same playing field as them, Noire didn't feel even the faintest twitch of terror inside.

"Oh look, it's you three!" Noire snickered.

"What are you doing, Noire? Hand over that potion right away! It's dangerous for you to be holding onto something like that!"

Noire stared at the three of them as if they had all gone and sprouted numerous heads. "What? Why should I do what YOU say? Especially when I'm the big one here?"

"Ugh...this is getting so out of hand..." Severa ran her hands through her hair and sighed sharply through clenched teeth.

"Noire, you need to give that bottle to me," Lucina stepped forward. "It landed in front of me before for a good reason! We need to put all of this madness behind us and s-stop this already! Please!"

Of course, the princess of Ylisse intended to drink the rest of the bottle for herself before disposing of it. They ALL did, in fact. Even Cynthia, who had basically foregone all of her 'heroic ethics' for the sake of more and more power.

"Please, Noire, you can give it to me! We've always been friends, haven't we? I always t-treated you nice and respected you!"

Unfortunately, all of their pleas fell completely on deaf ears. Noire held the tiny bottle near her smirking lips. "I think I'd rather finish it off! There's not a lot left so I might as well drink it, right?"


Lucina was the one who couldn't stand by and watch for a second longer. She WANTED to be bigger. Not only taller, but fatter too. She made an attempt to snatch the bottle away from Noire. The other woman had not anticipated Lucina's sudden attack, and so she was caught off-guard when the bottle was dropped from her grip and landed into Lucina's instead. The blue-haired princess was frantic as she brought the potion to her lips, nearly tossing it straight into her open mouth. However, Severa and Cynthia had already caught on. Cynthia bounced into Lucina with her gut and the bottle went flying once again. She caught it out of the air and managed to get a few droplets into her throat before Severa lunged. Cynthia grew, becoming taller than Lucina, and her belly was so large and heavy that it hung down to her dimpled knees. Cynthia was so enraptured by the pleasures of her gain that she didn't notice Severa taking the bottle. Lucina was so upset that she tried to use her ass to knock Severa right onto her own ass in retaliation. But Severa had already drank a little from the bottle as well. Her tits overtook her belly completely in their size, nearly concealing the paunch except for a small hint of its plump underside peeking out of the breast-shaped shadows. Lucina was able to drink nearly all that was left. Noire didn't think she could stand being the smallest after only JUST turning into a giantess moments ago, so she took drank the last few droplets that she could get by literally crushing the bottle in her hand. She was able to get tall enough that she could flatten a whole state house simply by sitting on top of it with her bum.

In fact, they continued to grow even larger than that. It seemed that the potion's effects were amplified whenever they were consumed by someone who already had more of the liquid inside their system. So they didn't simply grow a little larger, they grew A LOT larger. Lucina rose up and up and up and up. She could see the clouds getting closer and closer. When she reached up with her chubby hand, she could literally run her fingers through the white puffs of condensed water vapor. She looked down and saw how the buildings were so tiny, almost like they were just models, playthings for her. But she had been able to fit inside one of those very buildings quite easily less than an hour ago. Somehow, that fact made Lucina's chest swell with an indescribable pride. She was so proud to know that this is what she had become, and she could not believe to be anything less.

Severa touched herself over some more. Her curves were incredible. Sure, she had to basically become a fatass to achieve humps like this, but she didn't feel too many reasons to complain about it. She was quite happy with her situation. She could make her breasts swing one way and it would send out such a powerful gust that it blew away smaller clouds. Cynthia was able to do something likewise, but only when she was shaking her belly the hardest that she could manage.


"Y-Yes...this is exactly what I wanted this whole time..."

"So big...so powerful..."

With the bottle emptied, there was no further expansion to be expected or hoped for. However, they had gotten what they wanted, and the four women were left standing at equal height to one another. Heights that could rival small mountains, no less. So obese that they would have likely been rendered immobile if they had been at their original sizes. Whether they would be able to turn back again, there was no way of knowing that. Perhaps Tharja or Henry or someone else with magical prowess could figure out a way to fix this...but did they want it to be fixed in the first place? It was so hard to say. There was something genuinely enjoyable about being so massive. It was so grand in its sensations that they didn't want to have to imagine it being taken away from them.

Lucina touched the top of her stomach. Noire took a deep breath. After the initial excitement, their minds were finally beginning to clear. They could think as clearly as the bright, blue skies above them. Noire exhaled. Happiness and relief were finally about to reign again.

"I think we should call this 'contest' of ours a draw and put an end to it. D-Don't you think, Lucina?"

Lucina nodded her double-chinned head. "I agree. I think we should stop fighting over who's fatter or taller and...and put that behind us? Don't you think so too, Cynthia? Severa?"

Severa and Cynthia looked at one another. They had been larger for even longer periods of time than either Lucina or Noire. They didn't understand, at least not yet. They would have to be super-sized giantesses for a while longer before they could start bossing them around, telling them what to do. Cynthia had been the one to 'grow up' first, followed very soon after by Severa. They'd had the time to experience what kind of wonderful and incredible power you could receive from a form such as this. No matter what happened, they didn't want to lose that form. They certainly didn't want to concede and simply accept it at the level it currently was, either. It would be so, so easy to get larger and taller. Severa had aspirations to become tall enough and wide enough to literally overwhelm an entire continent with one's fat ass alone. Cynthia believed that an even bigger body would allow her to eliminate any of Ylisse's potential enemies with little more than a simple stomp of her chubby foot. Rather than roll themselves back and be content with where they were size-wise, the two young women could only look towards the future. A bright and glorious future full of peaks. Nothing but peaks ahead.

Severa and Cynthia broke out into such fiendish grins, it already told Lucina everything that she had to know. These two were already up to no good.

"I think I'd rather try to find more of that potion!" Severa said with a booming guffaw.

"W-What are you saying? That was the last of the potion already!" Noire said, holding up her hand. "I crushed the bottle in my fist to get what was left in it!"

"I know, but if there was one bottle then there should surely be others lying around somewhere, right? I mean, we don't know anything about where this weird potion came from, but I think it wouldn't hurt to try to look into that!"

"You intend to drink more of it and grow larger, don't you?" Lucina narrowed her eyes in great suspicion.

Cynthia rubbed the back of her head and stuck out her tongue, looking sheepish. "Yeah, something like that! Hee hee...I mean, that's okay, isn't it?"

"I really don't think that's okay." Lucina shook her head.

"To be fair," Noire spoke up after a few seconds, "I can understand how they feel...sort of. I wonder too about where that odd potion came from."

"So would I, but I don't think I'd want to do it for the sake of becoming even bigger!" Lucina proclaimed.

"That's no good for you?"

"We're already too large to fit inside of a HOUSE! We can't go inside of the castle either! We'll be stuck standing outside in the elements for the rest of our lives!"

"Well, we'll have more than enough blubber to keep us warm on the winter nights!" Cynthia said with a little laugh as she shook her smooth, smooth belly apron.

Lucina and Noire both knew that they should have tried harder to talk their friends out of this mindset. It wasn't good for them. Getting larger would only likely create more troubles in the future. Though at the same time...they were more than well aware that it would create more pleasures as well. So many new sensations, so much contentment, so much amusement. Severa and Cynthia turned around and began to march back towards the castle, or rather the farmhouse where they had initially discovered the mysterious drink. After about half of a minute of silent contemplation, Noire decided to join the two in their tubby trek. Her fat ass bounced behind her to a rhythm that was uniquely its own. Lucina watched them go. She bit hard on her lower lip. She didn't think that she should be doing this with them...encouraging this kind of bad behavior...and getting as much out of it as they were...but...

"W-Wait for me! I'll help you look too!" 

Lucina waddled after Severa, Cynthia and Noire with a wheeze in her throat and her legs already caked in sweat. The princess was quite out of shape, but that was not a matter she could fix anytime soon. Lucina took a final glance at the village that they had so thoroughly terrorized. She left craters in the shape of feet in her wake. Those craters, as well as much, much more, were only bound to get bigger and bigger in the coming days.

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Comments: 2

mariic1 [2019-08-26 05:58:46 +0000 UTC]

I take it you saw "King Sized Canary", right?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Borin23 In reply to mariic1 [2019-08-26 13:41:43 +0000 UTC]

This was a commission so maybe the person who came up with the plot did

👍: 0 ⏩: 0