Boskov01 — Prince Ricart Erodian - Crown Prince of Erodas

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Name: Ricart Erodian the Second
Full Name & Titles: His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Ricart Erodian the Second, Commander of the Scarlet Oak, Lord Governor of Illicia, Steward of Primassa
Nicknames: Rick/Ric, Atlas (By James), Sherlock (by James), Richard "Richie" Underhill (Alias)
Power Rating: 53 Master
Born: 1193 ESC (Aged 32 as of 1225 ESC)
Race: Human
Affiliations: The Royal Family of Erodas (Heir Apparent), The Kingdom of Erodas (Crown Prince), The Brotherhood of the Scarlet Oak (Commander Rank)
Known Relatives: King Ricart Erodian (Father), First Queen Martha Erodian (First Mother, Biological Mother), Second Queen Abigale Erodian (Second Mother), First Princess Georgina "Georgie" Erodian (Younger Paternal Half-Sister), Unnamed Sister (Deceased), 2nd Princess Elizabeth Erodian (Younger Paternal Half-Sister), Sir. James Miles (Brother-in-law)
Known Consorts: Sylphina Faewind, Eryn Whyte, Eowthyn Spearwood

"Ric has arguably one of the most unenviable positions in the whole of Erodas. The Heir to the throne. Yet I have to admit, if the King were to ask me today if I thought Ricart was ready to inherit the throne, I'd give an unhesitating yes. He has inherited his father's wisdom, an extraordinary faculty for figures and efficient organizational skills but without losing sight of the human element. If he has but one love, it is for his people. Perhaps that is why he has as of yet to finally announce an engagement to one of his three consorts." - Sir. James Miles regarding Prince Ricart.

The firstborn son of King Ricart Erodian and his First Wife, First Queen Martha Erodian, the Prince's successful birth was cause for celebration across the Kingdom of Erodas as they finally had a Crown Prince. A couple of years later, Ricart would welcome his younger half-sister, Georgina, into the world. After his sister's birth, Ricart began being doted upon by his biological mother, Queen Martha. He would not find out until years later that this was because his mother had miscarried the same time Georgina was born and had been rendered unable to have another child as a result. As the Crown Prince, Ricart was given a more stringent and strict upbringing. He knew early on that he was the most likely to inherit the Throne but the gravity of the position would not set in for many years. Early on Ricart displayed an excellent aptitude for mathematics and logic, being able to solve complex equations well above his grade by the time his youngest sister, Elizabeth, was born when he was the age of eight.

As he grew older, he began to become infatuated with one of his mother's maids, an Elf-woman who had served the Erodian Queens for nearly a century and a half. Sylphina Faewind, a widow who recognized the young Ricart's attentions early on. When Ricart came of age at fifteen he managed a clumsy request of her to help him become a man. Sylphina accepted, becoming his Princess Consort, the first of three. This relationship caused a bit of a scandal as some thought it inappropriate for the young Prince to take so mature a woman for his consort, even though the Elf woman was merely three-centuries old, roughly a woman in her early-thirties compared to human standards. Yet the King and Queens would not intercede, respecting Sylphina's own wishes and that of the Crown Prince.

Courier, Tenor, Bookkeeper, Prince
In a partial effort to tamp down on the scandal, the King approached Ricart with a suggestion he do as he had once done in his own youth, and spend a year undercover among the people. Ricart was quite eager to do this, wanting to see what the Kingdom had to offer him in terms of experiences. The King would later announce that Ricart would begin a secluded study abroad for a year, a cover story for his son. Ricart, under the name Richard Underhill, would then be smuggled out of the Palace and into the poorest part of the capitol city with only five gold coins to his name and simple clothes on his back. The Prince in Disguise would start out as a humble messenger, carrying and passing messages across the city. He immediately became the target of scorn though for one of the messengers, a boy named Eren Whyte. Eren had grown up on the streets and could tell something was off about the young Richie with his polite and friendly attitude and seeming lack of direction in town. Roughly a month into the job, Ric and Eren were cornered by some roughs in the street and Eren was hurt but Ric stood up for his friend and the pair escaped. While helping Eren seek medical attention, Eren confessed that his name wasn't Eren but was Eryn, and that he was actually a girl in disguise. While stunned by the revelation, Ric confessed to being the Prince, although Eryn didn't believe him. Regardless, their initially hostile relationship started anew as friends. On weekends, he would sing as part of a local Church boy's choir as a Tenor throughout the year.

Within a couple months of starting out as a messenger, Ric stumbled into an opportunity for a career change. While delivering a message for one of the nobles, Ric was asked by the noble to answer a simple mathematical question so as to prove a bet between him and another noble. Ricart easily solved the easy equation which prompted the noblemen to start asking him increasingly more difficult questions, the prince answering them all correctly. This prompted the second nobleman to offer Ric a job working as an apprentice bookkeeper in the nobleman's shipping offices. Ric accepted the post although he regretted saying goodbye to Eryn who was still masquerading as Eren. Eryn could tell he was better suited for the post though. But neither expected Ric to advance so quickly. Within a couple weeks on the job, Ric had noticed some issues with his superior's records, and brought it to the attention of both his superior and the nobleman's attention. This earned him a backhand across the cheek from his superiors for going over his head but the nobleman fired the superior as it exposed his attempted embezzling. The nobleman rewarded Ric with the superior's job while the superior was taken away for theft.

This steady advancement quietly prompted Ric to secretly write his father, asking to make sure he had not been conspiring to help him advance. His father's coded response was one of pride in his son's progress but also a denial of any involvement from the Crown. Satisfied, Ric carried on with his work. By the time six months had rolled by, Ric had performed such an admirable job as a clerk, Lord Schneider, the owner of Erodas's largest shipping company and the same nobleman he had been working for, saw Ric as a prospective candidate for membership in the Scarlet Oak, a society consisting of the nation's leading businessmen and economic experts. Ric was inducted into the Scarlet Oak where he began as a junior member. His faculty for figures made him a much favored accountant and he was able to brainstorm several successful business ventures. However his year was soon concluded, and at the Crimson Oak's annual Gala event held in the Royal Palace, the King formally declared the Prince's "return" from his year long sabbatical. The nobles and the other members of the court were astonished when the slip of a boy and expert bookkeeper they had grown to trust took his place at the King's side, donning his Prince's Crown. Ricart would then toast the Scarlet Oak and those who had helped him learn and experience the world beyond the Palace Walls.

The Crown Prince.
The following day, Ric would return to Eryn who had since been forced to abandon the messenger lifestyle after her body began a late growth spurt, becoming undeniably more feminine, forcing her to abandon her Eren identity. She was stunned that Ric was telling the truth about being the Prince but Ric was determined to prove to her he was still the same boy she'd known, offering her a job as a royal messenger. Eryn accepted the job, although they both knew the title was merely a formality.

The following year, 1209 ESC, Ric departed for an official year abroad to Arcanis to study, bringing both Sylphina and Eryn along with him, Sylphina as his consort, and Eryn initially as his messenger, although he would pay out of pocket for her to get her own education. He excelled in his studies in Arcanis, focusing largely on matters of law, diplomacy, world history, and social studies. From there he began a diplomatic tour of most of the continent, avoiding only the countries of Illicia and Sederia (who were both largely hostile to Erodas), and avoiding Nazarick due to a general fear of the Sorcerer Kingdom. He would return home with his entourage by mid-year of 1211 ESC. He would then begin spending his time sitting in on meetings of the Royal Court, chiming in with is input on occasion, usually he and his father the King both reaching similar conclusions.

In 1212 ESC, Ricart agreed to meet with the daughter of Lord Marcus Castwellian, one of the Senior Members of the Scarlet Oak and Erodas's largest manufacturer of carriages and carts. Young Mira Castwellian had garnered a reputation for being unapproachable by would-be suitors, and Ricart found her similarly difficult although Mira did treat him with his due respect as Crown Prince. His knowledge of the arts and culture did earn him some points with her but Mira was uninterested in him as a suitor, especially as he had two women willing to cater to his more carnal desires (Eryn had formally become his second consort midway through his year studying in Arcanis). He was one of the few though that she did express an interest in keeping as a platonic friend, something Ric was happy to accept. He personally had no interest in Mira as anything more than a consort to begin with but knew it was not something she would be interested in. The meeting had been more as a favor to Lord Castwellian but ultimately they remained friends as even Lord Castwellian had largely predicted the outcome.

The Boy in Black
In 1215 ESC, Prince Ricart and his consorts were in the audience of the arena to witness a fight between Cadellos Wisteria, a Holy Knight and fiancé to Princess Georgina, against a stranger to Erodas, a boy named James Miles. Ricart expected the fight to be over quickly but was taken aback when James prepared to cast a powerful magic spell that used no fewer than seven magic circles, Cadellos surrendering immediately out of fear. Afterwards, Ric would ask to be kept in the loop regarding this boy's activities, recognizing he may be someone to watch in the future. Ricart kept arguably the closest watch on James twixt himself and Georgina, keeping tabs on the young adventurer's exploits as part of the Adventurer's Guild, especially after learning that James had defeated a powerful necromancer in a Nevahs Village, saving the village and 2nd Princess Elizabeth's lives in the process. Ric would personally give James a sizable fiscal reward for this act of heroism, but was quickly beginning to realize that James was more than he seemed.

He was later stunned to learn that James had won the affections of Mira Castwellian, a feat that no man had accomplished in ten years and was a sworn witness at their wedding. By now, James had four wives, Mira being his fourth. Ultimately Ric's suspicions were confirmed near the end of the year when Elizabeth was abducted by Illician forces. James gladly joined the rescue party and returned successfully with Elizabeth on his arm, Elizabeth choosing him to become her husband. Ric was hesitant to approve the match despite their father's approval. Ricart invited James to meet with the rest of the royal family for a more private family dinner so they could get to know their future in-law. Georgina and Ric both were the more resistant to James but Ric was softer since Cadellos Wisteria had struck a friendship with the boy. Ric ultimately asked James a question that he'd been unable to find an answer to: Where James had come from.

James's answer was surprising to all but James's existing six wives. He was from another world entirely. Despite the outlandish sounding origin, it still made sense to them all given his general cluelessness of the world. This revelation made everything click for the Prince whose concerns now seemed trivial. James's actions over the course of the past year had rung true and Ricart would add his voice of support for the union twixt James and Elizabeth.

The Erodian Advancement & Governorship
In 1216 ESC, with the merriment of James and Elizabeth's nuptials concluded, Ric's mind turned back to the circumstances that brought James and Elizabeth together, the Illician Abduction. Ricart along with his father and older sister, both knew this had been a prelude to war and sure enough, the Illicians soon declared war on Erodas. Ricart put his skills as a bookkeeper to work, helping to organize and coordinate the logistics and financials of a war economy. He would also rally his brethren in the Scarlet Oak to aid the war effort. However days after the Erodian Army had marched to war, he heard the Bell of Aldis tolling, signaling the birth of a new Demon Lord within the world. He didn't realize it then but that new Demon Lord would be James. An unconscious James was then hurriedly brought back to the Capitol City where it was revealed that he had singlehandedly wiped out the entire Illician army with a Megiddo Spell. When James awoke after a two week coma, he was exuding tremendous amounts of raw power and came before the Court.

James had not come for the crown though but instead began to lay out a plan to rapidly advance and revolutionize Erodas's industrial and military sectors, advancing their technology by centuries within a few years. As Ric listened to James lay out this plan, Ricart was amazed by the scope but also the logic and simplicity behind it and was one of the first to voice his support for what he would dub the "Erodian Advancement," coining the term. The King would appoint Ricart to work with James on the logistical and economic end of the plan, the Prince working closely with his sister Georgina and James to make the Advancement a reality. Within a year, Erodas was churning out its first firearms, tanks, and the world's first airplanes. Ricart would spend some time to be with Georgina though as Cadellos was murdered by a traitor known as the Reaper, helping his sister grieve her murdered fiancé while James killed the Reaper.

In 1218 ESC, the Illician War concluded with the capture of Illicia City itself and the execution of its queen as Erodas annexed the region in a decisive victory. This left Erodas with a problem. Illicia was in economic shambles after the war as a fair portion of its economy had been centered around slavery, something that was outlawed by Erodian law, and its economic centers had taken some damage from the fighting. Knowing something had to be done to turn the newly annexed Illicia around economically, Ricart asked his father to be made governor of the territory, citing his expertise in law and economics as well as pointing out it would give him leadership experience for the throne. The King, having already been considering this, approved of the measure, appointing Ricart as the Governor of the Illician Provence. Ricart worked hard to turn around the Illician economy, working closely with local leaders, many of whom had arisen from the lower classes as the previous Illician Nobles had all been arrested, killed, or fled. James even pitched in by helping to lead the Illicians in constructing the region's first tank factory. Ricart helped to oversee the planning and construction of the railway line that would connect Illicia City with Erodas City. Within two years, Illicia's economy was beginning to thrive under Ricart's direct leadership.

Steward of Primassa
In 1220 ESC, the neighboring Kingdom of Primassa called upon Erodas for aid to help repel an invasion by neighboring Bleumarch. The Erodian forces successfully repelled Bleumarch's own, but in a surprising move, Primassa's young queen, Queen Mari Primrose, offered Primassa to Erodas as a Provence of Erodas. This was not without precedent as Primassa had originally been founded as an Erodian Provence centuries prior, as had Illicia. However, the King politely refused, wanting Primassa to respect and honor its people's desire to remain independent. Mari however needed time to grow and to learn as she was a mere 12 years old at the time of the war. As a compromise, the King agreed to make Primassa a temporary vassal state, appointing Prince Ricart to be the Steward of Primassa. Mari herself would have authority to overrule the Prince's actions while she received her education. Ricart has since remained as the Steward, helping to restore Primassa's battered economy and military in the aftermath of the Bleumarch invasion.

In 1225 ESC though, Ricart was the subject of scandal again when he took a young Primassan woman as his third consort. This in and of itself would not be an issue but the woman herself is merely fifteen, slightly less than half Ricart's age. Eowthyn Spearwood had met the Prince while tending to his horse in the stables. The two had started off as innocent friends until he soon recognized the looks of infatuation he still had for his first Consort, Sylphina. She ultimately would make a clumsy confession, asking him to make her a woman, a request he would honor, making her his third consort. While both Erodian and Primassan royalty alike are known to take consorts, the age gap has remained the most controversial aspect.

That same year he supported Queen Primrose's decision to shutter the Churches of Holy Light in the aftermath of the Luminous Theocracy (which runs the churches) and its unprovoked and routed crusade against the Kingdom of Erodas. At present he is endeavoring to convince the Queen to reopen the church and establish the Primassan Church of Holy Light or to join it with the newly established Erodian Church. Queen Primrose has not yet made a decision on this.

It is anticipated that Ricart will be inheriting the throne from his father by the end of the decade, his father rumored to be considering abdicating and retiring after 35 years on the throne.


Personality and Traits
Prince Ricart, or simply Ric or Rick, is a friendly and approachable fellow, easily able to get along with just about anyone. He is friendly, polite, and respectful at all times and is considered a hero among the lower classes for not looking down at them while also actively working to make life easier for them. He possesses an eidetic memory as well as an astounding faculty for figures, occasionally auditing the books of several state departments. Running a business, to say nothing of a country, comes practically second nature to him. His brother-in-law, James Miles, once described him as "having the business acumen of Donald Trump, the analytical mind of Sherlock Holmes, and the wisdom of King Solomon rolled into one." His analytical mind has garnered him the nickname "Sherlock" from James.

He does have a few vices though, namely pipeweed (a mildly addictive tobacco-like substance), once even writing a monograph on the 140 different pipeweeds and pipeweed ashes. He is an avid player of the game Chice (a variation of Chess), but also enjoys a more upper-class game called Activa which, in the words of James Miles, is "Like Monopoly: Mensa Edition." Since Ricart's taking young Eowthyn as his consort, Ricart has earned reputation as a womanizer, especially considering he has the much older Sylphina as a consort along with Eryn who is the same age as him. However he has not pursued anyone beyond his consorts and he has openly vowed to marry the ones that become pregnant with his child. The only one of the three who has refused his hand is Sylphina who is already once widowed and Elves are habitually unlikely to remarry after the passing of their first partners, although they remain sexually active regardless. It is likely that Slyphina will remain Ric's consort even if she is to carry his child at some point. Ricart has a fondness for music and has even composed a couple of operas under his former alias "Richard Underhill," both of which have been successful. He is a talented and self-trained singer, possessing a beautiful tenor voice. He is also a very talented self-trained violinist.

Despite his vices, Ricart is still a highly respected figure in Erodian society, having fairly earned each accolade given to him. The sole exception to this was during the Illician War when he was given the rank of Commander within the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Oak to better coordinate with them. He was welcomed to keep the title in honor of his achievements. His relationship with his family is good, particularly favored by his mother. He strives to maintain a good relationship with his sisters, implicitly trusting Georgina on military matters and Elizabeth on spiritual matters, turning to them both for advice in their respective fields. Although both are expected to legally lose their crowns once Ricart both ascends to the throne and his first child is born, he has openly pledged to keeping both in positions of royal authority in his court, valuing their advice and sibling bonds. His friendship with his brother-in-law James is similarly strong. James has also given him the nickname "Atlas" after a fictional deity from his world known for carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, something he anticipates Ricart will experience as King.

In terms of magical ability, Ricart is fairly average when it comes to magic, capable of casting magic spells on a par with similarly ranked Wizards and Witches. His skill as a swordsman though is limited but he does carry a dagger with him at all times. James gifted him a revolver during the Advancement, and Ricart has carefully trained with the weapon, proving a decent shot.
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LightspeedToVictory [2023-07-29 20:57:06 +0000 UTC]

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