Boskov01 — The Florrum Firaxa

Published: 2017-04-17 15:11:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 6711; Favourites: 76; Downloads: 0
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Description This is one of the ships from my Star Wars Fanfiction Series: Star Wars: The Shadow Wars. The series is currently between "Seasons."

Note: The information below is from my own universe which is a blend of old and new canon and it not to be considered canon in any other universe but mine. I should also mention that this class of ship is canon but its history is significantly different as far as my universe is concerned.

The image was acquired through Garry's Mod


Name: The Florrum Firaxa, Various former names, The Collector (under the CIS)
Class: Providence-Class Carrier/Destroyer
Affiliations: The Ohnaka Syndicate, Various former pirate and criminal groups, The Confederacy of Independent Systems (Formerly)

"As my mother always said, never speak the truth unless you're holding the bigger blaster. Well, this is most certainly the bigger blaster." - Hondo Ohnaka upon acquiring the Florrum Firaxa

After the destruction of his palace on Florrum, the pirate Hondo Ohnaka started the process of rebuilding his pirate empire. However these efforts failed when Hondo ran a foul of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Most of his men were arrested or killed while Hondo managed to escape with only a small freighter full of spice. Hondo became a smuggler and "businessman," working with criminals and gangsters such as the Jablogian gangster Azmorigan. By 5 BBY, Hondo was just barely keeping himself above water but that luck changed when he encountered Jedi Master Rahm Kota under the guise of Fulcrum and enlisted Hondo's assistance with liberating some Imperial Shield Generators for the fledgling Rebellion. Hondo ended up with a sizable sum of credits (stolen from Azmorigan) and wisely invested the credits in a series of legitimate business ventures which paid off for him big time.

With a massive influx of credits in his accounts, Hondo began rebuilding his criminal empire and over the years became influential enough in the criminal underworld he began running in direct competition with the Hutts. Jabba the Hutt had just issued a bounty on Hondo's head in an effort to eliminate his rival when Jabba himself was killed two days later over the Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine. With a power vacuum left behind by Jabba's death, Hondo quickly seized upon the opportunity and within a couple of years had set up a more permanent residence on Nar Shaddah, running his criminal empire from there.

At some point he acquired the aging destroyer/carrier that would become known as the Florrum Firaxa, taking the ship as his flagship. Hondo has used the destroyer's ample hangar space to his advantage, carrying his pirates to their targets further away from Florrum. He's also turned the Destroyer's dorsal communications and sensor pod tower into his "throne room," complete with a bar and bandstand for live or holorecorded music groups. Communications and sensors control was rerouted to an area further towards the bow of the destroyer.

In 14 ABY, Hondo happened to rescue the newborn daughter of a Twi'lek slave owned by one of his Hutt rivals. The girl was orphaned by the Hutt and Hondo, wanting to establish his legacy, adopted her on the spot. The girl's mother had named her Griffon Vao prior to the mother's passing away due to complications from the rescue and delivery. Hondo raised Griffon, teaching her how to survive on Nar Shaddah as well as how to scam easy marks. Griffon herself became a notable slicer, capable of slicing into the computer systems of Hondo's rivals. However Griffon was eventually discovered and forced to escape Nar Shaddah, escaping with the help of Jedi Master Kyle Katarn.

Throughout this drama of Griffon's escape, Hondo was approached by Jedi-in-exile Quinlan Vos to form a secret alliance with the Anti-Slavery Movement known as the Chain Breakers. Hondo had been singled out by Vos as in spite of all of Hondo's criminal dealings, Hondo did not indulge in the vile slave trade. Hondo, being an old Jedi Sympathizer from the Galactic Civil War, agreed to the arrangement, providing the Chain Breakers under-the-table support and information. Whenever the Chain Breakers took down one of his business rivals, Hondo would move in and take over the bulk of their businesses (except for slavery) before anyone else could.

In 28 ABY, with the outbreak of the Shadow Wars, Hondo was surprised when Griffon returned only accompanied by three Jedi Masters, an ex-Senator, and a certain blue and white R2 Unit. Griff tried to convince Hondo into assisting them in locating Quinlan Vos in an effort to convince him to join the Jedi Order. Hondo only agreed on the condition that the Jedi help remove Griff's bounty. When the Jedi left, Hondo alerted the Chain Breakers, informing Vos directly, of the Jedi's presence. Hondo's support of the Chain Breakers was revealed when Griff and the Jedi were rescued from a slaver camp by the Chain Breakers and brought to the Florrum Firaxa in low orbit.

Hondo's public neutrality towards the Chain Breakers though was challenged by Hondo's chief rival, Rotta the Hutt, the son of Jabba the Hutt. Rotta attempted to blackmail Hondo into entering the slave trade but Hondo instead decided to publically reveal his allegiance to the Chain Breakers and assisted them in one final slaver raid whilst also committing his men to an assault on Rotta's headquarters. The attack turned out to be a trap as Rotta, backed by the Sith Empire, had been anticipating this. In the end, Hondo was forced to flee Nar Shaddah but the Chain Breakers had initiated a planet wide uprising against the slavers. Hondo relocated to his restored and upgraded palace on Florrum where he now resides and runs his organization.

Among Hondo's legitimate businesses, as of 28 ABY, includes a small but growing freelance shipping agency based out of Batuu, "Ohnaka Transport Solutions," which has proven useful for smugglers in locating work both honest and "slightly less honest." Some have accused Ohnaka of using his transport company as a strong arming tactic to find suitable targets for pirating (i.e. join up or get attacked) but there is no evidence to suggest this is accurate.
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Comments: 4

DarkOmen94 [2020-02-26 15:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Looks like Hondo did good for himself

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Boskov01 In reply to DarkOmen94 [2020-02-26 18:22:43 +0000 UTC]

In my universe, yes, he did.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

GrayJ3di [2017-11-25 20:01:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kellkrull87 [2017-04-25 03:44:58 +0000 UTC]

Good story. 

👍: 1 ⏩: 0