Breloom-Da-Bassgod — Hulk vs Atrocitus The Fight

#dc #marvelcomics #thehulk #dcvsmarvel #atrocitus #deathbattle
Published: 2015-06-13 16:35:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 13901; Favourites: 71; Downloads: 0
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Breloom: Alright we’ve analyzed our combatants to the core and considered every possibility and outcome.

Mewtwo: The final verdict is upon us.

Doom: Now entertain everyone including DOOM with a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!


New York City, May 20th, 4:28PM

It was quiet day in New York one of those lazy days most people just dream about. Heck it was even a lazy day in the hero community (At least ever since Deadpool collected the bounty on Deathstroke for killing Captain America). The only villains who trying any crimes were the small time like Whirlwind and such. That's why Tony didn't understand the feeling of dread that was nagging at the back of his mind. Out beyond the moon was what could've very well been the source of Tony's dread. A lunar probe was knocked out of orbit a red streak of light zoomed past it towards the earth.

Atrocitus had come in response to message that some how found it's way to him. It was from a Victor von Doom detailing how his planet was consistently under threat from a dangerous green monster... There was more in the note but Atrocitus didn't read beyond reading that the beast was green. It was probably another creation of those damned guardians god how he hated them. Atrocitus was making a b-line for New York but was stopped when he saw a large airborne vehicle get in his way.

"Unknown bogey stop where you are and identify yourself." said a voice on a load speaker.

Atrocitus narrowed his eye get in his way will they? Oh they'll know his name alright.


Tony looked skyward when he heard the explosion only to see the shield helicarrier set ablaze falling out of the sky.

"Well so much for a lazy afternoon."  He got out a avengers card "Avengers-" The Hulk quickly jumped by the window towards the crashing helicarrier


The Hulk ha arrived and was making his way towards the helicarrier but unlike Tony Hulk knew what has happening. Earlier that Bruce Banner got letter from a familiar station who's name sent Hulk into a rage like no other.

"Hulk not lose this time." Hulk growled to himself as he leapt from another building towards the Helicarrier. Atrocitus was tciked at the waste of time that was the helicarrier he was about to finish destroying it when he sensed...anger. It was then that a large green humanoid landed with a thud on top of a building directly below him and roared. Atrocitus floated down to eye level with with Hulk just staring at the green behemoth. Atrocitus felt his blood boil at the sight of this...thing.

The Hulk snorted barring his teeth this was no doubt the man mentioned in the letter. He was smaller then the Hulk had thought.

"Hulk smash puny red man!"

The attempt to intimidate him really got on his nerves, "I'd like to see you try that after I RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!!!!"

The stage has been set neither one were going to back down and their fight would redefine the meaning of rage match.

Atrocitus closed the distance in a instant ramming a spiked hard light construct gauntlet into Hulk's stomach. The Hulk was barely fazed only knocked back four feet but unfortunately for him there was only three feet of roof behind him. Atrocitus flew down the side of the building ready to hit Hulk with another powerful blow. Little did Atrocitus know the Hulk doesn't take a hit and stay down. The Hulk grabbed onto the building with one hand and with one mighty tug launched himself at Atrocitus catching him off guard.

Hulk grabbed onto Atrocitus's head and flipped him over slamming him through the roof of the building and into the next floor. Atrocitus got up and growled at Hulk as he formed a massive red brick and slammed it down on the Hulk slamming him into the lower floor. Hulk got up right away and was pissed at what Atrocitus had just done and smashed through the ceiling and grabbed him by the leg pulling him down to the floor below....well actually several floors below.

From the rubble that contained Atrocitus a red had made of light flew out right for the Hulk. Hulk didn't even have time to react as the hand wrapped around him and dragged all the way to the basement of the skyscraper. Atrocitus flew back out of the skyscraper and formed a massive spiked mallet and swung it down aiming to bring the whole building down. Right before it hit the building Hulk jumped out of the top with the intention of smashing Atrocitus into a fine red paste.

Hulk grunted as he smacked back into the building followed by the rest of the building coming down on him much to Atrocitus's amusement. Atrocitus readied the mallet again as within the dust and rubble below him he could still sense the anger. Hulk didn't even bother to climbing out of the rubble skipping right to the jumping at Atrocitus part coming out of the rubble like a big green missile. But Hulk still couldn't dodge in mid-air as Atrocitus smacked him in the side. But Hulk wasn't sent flying instead he held on to the hammer and started climbing it towards Atrocitus.

"You no smack Hulk!!!" Atrocitus was annoyed by this for both his poor grammar and lack of any injury. Before Hulk got close enough Atrocitus simply dematerialized the hammer. The Hulk looked down in confusion at where the hammer went before he started falling.

"Where big hammer go?" With another flash of red and the Hulk was rocketed down towards street level. The Hulk landed with a loud crash among the now busy street filled with fleeing civilians.

"Right here you moron!" 

Atrocitus was about to fly down and finish the Hulk when a man in gold and red armor flew in front of him.

"Whoa whoa big red and mysterious why don't we just calm down and..." Atrocitus didn't have time for Tony stark as he grabbed him and tossed him into the distance. Unfortunately Hulk saw Atrocitus do this and Hulk didn't like it when people messed with his friends. With a mighty roar Hulk tackled Atrocitus in mid air and launched them both further into the sky. The not so jolly green giant smacked his fist into Atrocitus's face followed up by another fist to the face. Atrocitus responded by snorting and punching Hulk across the face in return.

Both flew in an over New York in a large arching path that looked like it'd end up right where the helicarrier crashed. Down below surviving shield agents were scrambling to try and rescue as many survivors as they possibly could completely unaware that the fight was about to end up on top of them. One guy stopped moving when he heard the sound of fist pounding and what sounded like the Hulk screaming.

"Oh god please no."

Hulk and Atros slammed down onto the ground in front of the helicarrier knocking some Shield personal over with the shear power of the impact. Suddenly Hulk came flying out of the smoke cloud with a red rod stuck in his arm nailing him to the helicarrier. Atrocitus stood up to full height holding what looked like some sort of red demented harpoon gun aimed at The Hulk. He turned towards the closest Shield Agent.

"You all should leave...NOW!!!!" Atrocitus didn't need to tell them twice as everyone around fled for safty. With that out of the way Atrocitus fired another hardlight harpoon nailing Hulks other arm to the carrier. If Atrocitus thought he had Hulk trapped then boy was he in for a surprise. Atrocitus stumbled as the ground shook from the Hulk flexing his legs.

"Hulk...." Hulk jumped into the sky helicarrier and all and managed to tear his arms out of the hardlight constructs and reached over his head grabbing the helicarrier, "SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", and slammed the helicarrier down on top of Atrocitus. Or that's what Hulk was hoping would happen but Atrocitus wouldn't just let Hulk slam a massive air carrier down on him. Atrocitus flew out of the way of the helicarrier just in time as is destroyed even more of New York and made a b-line for Hulk.

Atrocitus formed a hardlight spear and rammed it right through Hulk's stomach. With another thought Atrocitus formed spikes on the lance that dug their way through out Hulk's torso. But Hulk didn't scream in agony instead Hulk yelled at Atrocitus.

"Little man make mistake HE HURT HULK!!!!!" Hulk then slammed both fist down on top Atrocitus making him to lose focus on the hardlight construct causing it to fade away. Hulk slammed his fist down again launching Atrocitus in the subway below. Atrocitus shook his head his eye glowing with rage and looked up at the hole and then towards the tunnel to see a subway train coming right for him. Atrocitus formed a ramp in front of the train catching it and launching it through the hole and right into Hulk.

Hulk was yet again launched skyward as the subway train hit him head on. Hulk grabbed the subway train and was about to toss it down when someone grabbed it out of his hands. It was Ironman and he didn't sound to chill at the moment.

"Hulk can you try to stop this guy without destroying the city?!" before Hulk could say something he was tackled from behind by Atrocitus who was carrying him into the sky. Atocitus charged a beam shoot in his ring then blasted Hulk even higher into the sky followed by his trademark roar. Back below Ironman could only float there with the Subway car and look into the distance.

"...Where's Thor when you need him?"

As Hulk's rage filled roared died down he realized he was still flipping through the air and the ground was getting further and further away and the little red man flying right at him. Atrocitus held back his fist as it was covered in a red light construct that looked oddly similar to to a certain hand of doom.

Atrocitus launched his fist forward.....only to be surprised by Hulk meeting his fist with his own. Atrocitus snarled at Hulk angered by the fact he was still fighting and hadn't given up and died yet. Hulk was mad at the puny red man for not being weak and trying to hurt his friends. Atrocitus fired a blast from his power ring sending Hulk tumbling back to earth where he was heading towards.....oh no.....

The minute Hulk made contact with the space needle the structure started to collapse all around him. Above it Atrocitus watched and aimed his ring at the collapsing structure and borrowed a little charge from Hulk. Hulk got up with his head spinning he felt...calmer this was quickly replaced with rage as he saw The first Red Lantern floating in front of him. Acting completely on instinct Hulk reached for the closest thing he could grab which happened to be the needle from the space needle.

Hulk swung the needle earning a direct hit on Atrocitus sending him flying through the city as well as a number of it's buildings. Atrocitus came to a screeching halt half across the city tearing up pavement and sidewalk before stopping right in front of a certain Merc with a Mouth.

Yellow Box: "Hey wasn't this scene suppose to be in New York?"

White Box: "Quite your ruining the immersion."

Deadpool: Hey...I mean What are?....crap wait I got this! Gasp it's....DAMN IT now I forgot my lines.

Atrocitus got up and looked over his shoulder as he heard the thundering that was Hulk coming to him for more. Atrocitus quickly grabbed Deadpool and chucked him in the direction of Hulk in an attempt to distract.

"Oh hey Hulk how you doing mind catching me?" Hulk responded by back handing Deadpool with enough force to completely destroy his body sans his head which was sent flying skyward.

"Hey writer this was a really great cameo you know just showing up to be splattered by the Hulk REAL great."

White Box: "I don't think that's all he had planned for us."

Yellow Box: "OH LOOK THE SUN!"

Deadpool looked up as his head was flying and did indeed see our local star coming in hot and fast.

"Oh god this is Deadpool vs Peacock all over again!!!!!!!!"

Yellow Box: "Does this mean we're going to not exist again?"

White Box: "Until Marvel or another Death Battle writer needs us again at least."

Deadpool only had one thing to say to the sun.

"With my dying breath I blame !!!!!!!!"

Back on Earth Atrocitus's distraction although brief gave him enough time to grab the needle from Hulk's hand and smash it over his head. Atrocitus followed up by launching a spiked red light gauntlet coated fist forward. Unfortunately Atrocitus didn't get the clean hit he had hoped for but instead collided with the Hulk's own rage filled fist. The two glared daggers at one another for awhile before slamming fist yet again and again and again. Soon they were punching at each other so fast one could hardly keep up with them. Not that anyone wanted to watch all anybody wanted to do was get away from the destruction. 

Atrocitus and Hulk continued to exchange blows as the camera seemed to circle the two. Atrocitus was punching and dodging when he could or allowing his shield to tank the hits from the Hulk. Hulk on the other hand knew he could tank the hits so didn't try to dodge remaining unfazed by Atrocitus's punches. Atrocitus growled as his attacks were getting him no where and it was to for a mix up. Atrocitus backed away from the Hulk causing him to stagger as his punched missed. In a instant Atrocitus shifted his gauntlets to a pair of long dangerously sharp claws.

Atrocitus dodged another of Hulk's punches and counterattacked by sinking one of his claws into one of Hulk's arms. Effectively pinned Atrocitus rammed is other claw into Hulk's side over and over and over again. Green blood soon coated the road around them and despite the advantage he now had Atrocitus has more pissed then ever. No matter how hard he had this green beast before he wouldn't slow down even now as he ripped at his side it was still reaching for him seemingly ignoring the pain. 

Having enough of ripping into Hulk Atrocitus formed a arm cannon around his and blasted into the Hulk's side send him flying across the city and through a few buildings. Atrocitus growled knowing Hulk was still alive but he did have on pleasant thought.

"Bastard only has one arm now."

The Hulk got feeling a immense where his right arm should've been. Hulk looked over and saw he was missing his right arm. 

"Hulk take arm from little anger red man!!!" 

"How about I just cram one down your throat!!!" Hulk looked up to see Atrocitus flying at Hulk with his own arm. But the Atrocitus stopped and dropped the arm for he had just got a nasty idea. Hulk didn't wait for Atrocitus to move again as he got up and ran at Atros and sent his fist out only for it to collided with a similarly sized red fist. Hulk looked up  only to see a face just like his but completely red. Atrocitus floated there behind his Hulk construct with his arms crossed using Hulk's own rage to create the image in front of him. Hulk couldn't contain his anger at the mockery he saw in front of him.

The Hulk punched at the clone construct who mirrored Hulk perfectly. Hulk punched with his newly regrown arm and then again and again but to no avail the construct Hulk could match him blow for blow. As the Hulk got angrier so did his red counterpart and both grew in strength. Atrocitus watched as the Hulk trading blows Atrocitus could feel Hulk's rage and was generally impressed for he had found who could perhaps rival his own rage. But Atrocitus had already planned to kill Hulk and there was no changing that.

Hulk threw a one gamma filled punch at the construct but it simply caught Hulk's punch then morphed into a giant claw that held Hulk in place. Before Hulk could start to pry the claw open Atrocitus lifted Hulk up to his level and formed a piked club. With one mighty swing Atrocitus had launched Hulk right toward Mount Rainier. Atrocitus watched as a cloud thick smoke rose from the side of the mountain Hulk had hit. Atrocitus could still feel Hulks anger so now he was just waiting for Hulk to jump back at and run towards him like before. 

Atrocitus eyes widened as he realized he had underestimated hulk's strength as the mountain shuddered then was launched into the air right for Atrocitus. Atrocitus flew as fast as he could and dodged the mountain and flew behind it and saw just what he was expecting. Hulk was on the other side with both hands on the mountain slamming the massive piece of stone where he thought Atrocitus still was. Needless to say practically all of Seattle was demolished as trillions of tons of stone mixed with the lava inside came raining down on the poor city.


Hulk stood there in the crater, rubble, and even a few remaining pools of lava. He was certain he had killed the puny red man. Hulk was starting to calm down now.....wait...

"Why Hulk feel not angry?"

"Because I can make greater use of it." Hulk turned around fist's clenched to see Atrocitus floating the his ring hand sparking with pure rage. Hulk didn't care if he didn't feel as angry now as he did earlier he was still gonna smash this guy into paste.

"HULK...." Atrocitus held out his ring hand, "DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and a massive beam of pure energy was fired from it completely engulfing the Hulk and destroying one side of the creator. When it died down was that was left of Hulk was a burnt corpse that fell to it's knees before Atrocitus. 

"Pitiful" that was all Atrocitus muttered as he turned to leave earth. He suddenly stopped when he felt a huge spike in rage coming from...

"No that's not possible." Atrocitus turned around to see Hulk getting back up his muscles growing larger as skin began to cover them. Blood started to pour out of Atrocitus's mouth signalling that he had reached a new level of rage. Hulk's signal was a bit more noticeable. Hulk swung both arms out and reared his head back with a roar so loud it seemed to be shaking the ground. NO it was shaking the ground and Hulk was glowing with pure rage and gamma radiation.

Atrocitus wasn't facing the same Hulk as before this was the world breaker and he was going to break the world over Atrocitus's head. Atrocitus formed another spiked hammer but it was larger then before and swung it at Hulk. Hulk caught the Hammer and used to swing Atrocitus over his head and right into the ground, scratch that through the ground, scratch that through the earth. Atrocitus popped out of the ground underwater surrounded by lava pouring our of the hole he was just in. This really ticked Atrocitus off if Hulk thought he could get rid of him that easily.

Atrocitus formed a claw and sent it down through the hole right back to Hulk. Hulk looked down the hole to make sure Atrocitus was smashed for good when the claw reached up and grabbed his head. Hulk was then dragged down the hole by the claw that made sure to bang Hulk against the sides of the hole. When Hulk finally popped out of the hole Atrocitus slammed Hulk back into the ground a few more times before letting him go.

Hulk looked up at the red rage while Atrocitus looked down on the green rage. Atrocitus formed a new pair of gauntlets with larger spikes and thrusters at the elbow for more hitting power. With each one releasing their own war cry the two collided fist.

Then they collided fist again

and again

and just like back in the streets of Seattle the two were throwing each others fist at one another yet again. Although the power behind each blow dwarfed anything they had thrown at each in Seattle. There was so much power that up above the two were actually causing tsunami's above. They continued to punch at one another the sea floor started to crack releasing lava into the water around them, and with every blow Hulk landed Atrocitus only got madder causing even more of his blood to come out of his mouth.

Soon both combatants while surrounded by lava and red hot rage blood. Atrocitus took note of this and figured that if they kept fighting here surly the planet wasn't going to last long. It was then that Atrocitus formed a canon around Hulk and aimed it right for the emptiness of space. 

"Say good bye to earth Hulk." 

Hulk was now flying at hypersonic speeds out of earth's atmosphere and could only watch and scream in rage as he went past the moon. Then Hulk saw a flash of red and felt a powerful blow to his back. Atrocitus had just slashed The Jolly Green Giant's back with axe construct and had formed another one. Hulk unable to properly turn around and defend himself could just float there and tank through it. Atrocitus continued to hack and slash at Hulk back in an attempt to do any lasting damage but unfortunately Hulk just seemed to be healing as fast as Atros could hack away flesh. Getting frustrated Atrocitus fired a beam of energy from his mouth at Hulk's back knocking him into the asteroid belt.

Atrocitus hadn't realized how far he had actually launched Hulk but regardless he had to end this now. Hulk came crashing down on Ceres landing with a bounce before landing on his feet. Hulk didn't have to to take in his surroundings as a for fingered claw came down on his head and pulled.


and just like that Atrocitus had ripped Hulk head off. In one more move he crushed Hulk's head in the construct getting Green blood on Ceres's surface.

"There now you can smash me." Then a big green hand grabbed Atrocitus and lifted him up into the air. Atrocitus was speechless as he watched the headless spew green blood and muccle fibers as Hulk regrew his head piece by piece a new found rage in his eyes. Hulk looked Atrocitus right in the face with his new head and he was far from happy.

"HULK SMASH YOU FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With one mighty heave Hulk launched Atrocitus out and into the asteroid belt. Atrocitus seemed to hit every asteroid there was before finally slowing down. This beast had healed from having his arm and head ripped off just what was this thing it could heal as fast as a black. It was the Atrocitus had gotten an idea of how to put these beast down for good. It was the Atrocitus saw his target coming to him as a green speck in the distance was jumping from asteroid to asteroid. Atrocitus responded by using his ring to grab a nearby asteroid and hurled right at the Hulk.

Hulk responded the only way he could he smashed it. Hulk sent a single punch at the asteroid and shattered it into a dozen pieces. Each piece was sent flying right towards Atrocitus who responded by blasting each one with a beam of pure energy. The next asteroid Hulk landed on he grabbed it and with the strength only the Hulk (and Thor, Juggernaut, Gladiator, and etc...) can muster tossed it at Atrocitus like a giant baseball. Atrocitus formed a giant red baseball bat construct and smacked the asteroid back at Hulk who simply punched it to pieces.

Hulk made one last leap for Atrocitus who did nothing to move out of the way. Hulk grabbed onto Atrocitus holding on to his neck and looked down at the symbol on his chest. Hulk dug his hand into Atrocitus's chest (somehow getting past the force feild) and

his heart out and held it in front of of Atrocitus...

and squished it right in front of Atrocitus his blood seeping through Hulk's hand. But Atrocitus just chuckled to himself.

"That's not what keeps me alive Hulk you know what does? MY RAGE THE SAME THING BURNING YOU TO NOTHING AS WE SPEAK!!!"

It was then Hulk noticed a burning sensation in his hand and looked at it and saw...it was melt and seemingly unable to heal back. Atrocitus then spat some of his blood on Hulk's head causing it to bubble and burn. Hulk let go of Atrocitus as he screamed in pain.

Atrocitus grabbed Hulk's neck,

"...TO FIGHT..."
and turned to face mars,

"... AND TO WIN!!!!!!!"
and blasted Hulk with a laser from his mouth that mixed with the blood in his mouth burned right through Hulk as it launched him at the red planet. Hulk flew through atmosphere leaving behind a trail of fire the whole way before impacting on the planet...

...with a massive impact. Despite what all had happened Hulk still got up and he looked like hell. Half of his face was melting away, his left arm had his fist completely melted off, and the hole was still there with some of Atrocitus's blood pooling in Hulk's abdomen melting through it. But Hulk didn't care he wanted to win and beat this red man. Atrocitus could feel all of Hulks rage it was like beacon that could be seen anywhere in the universe, and he had to snuff it out.

Atrocitus floated down to the red planet and held his ring out attempting to drain Hulk of his rage so that he'd die quicker. What Atrocitus didn't anticipate was how much rage Hulk hold have. The amount of extra energy was so great Atrocitus nearly feel flat on his back. It didn't help that he saw Hulk was still moving and running right for him. Atrocitus had to much energy for any attack he could properly control so he had only one thing to do.

Atrocitus held his ring up high just as Hulk had reached him and swung his good fist at him. But was blown back by omni-directional blast from the ring that quickly spread outward. From space it looked like a red dome was spreading over mars. But in this dome Hulk still got up, he was far from the best shape but he still walked against the energy the ground cracked beneath ever heavy footstep. Hulk looked up and from his last remaining eye could see Atrocitus looking back at him.

Hulk: "Hulk...."

Atrocitus: "Hulk...."


Outside the dome one could see s bright burst of green energy slowly mix with the red until the whole turned white and finally expanded to cover most of the planet. When the light faded all that was left of Mars was an empty void filled with some dust stray rocks. As one rock moved it revealed a single figure with a gaping hole in his chest his eye's suddenly opened and eyed something floating by his face.

Back on earth Tony was just finishing up cleaning the mess Hulk had made.

"Next time someone from space comes to fight Hulk they should go have the fight in space at the begging and not after they destroy a city." It was then he noticed a shadow looming over him, Stark turned around to see the big red alien floating the with a massive hole on chest a burn marks covering his suit and face. But in his hand is what caught Tony's eye, it was a peice of purple cloth.

"Your beast is dead." and with that Atrocitus's business on earth was done.

K.O.!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Breloom: NO HULK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mewtwo: Wow that really was quite the battle wouldn't you say Victor?

Doom: and that's Captain America, Black Panther, and now once again Hulk...oh yes that was quite the battle if unfortunately another lose for the Hulk.

Breloom: But lets clear something up for some of our viewers THIS BATTLE WAS NOT ONE SIDED!!!

Mewtwo: Very true Hulk is without a doubt a very powerful opponent and easily one of the most dangerous Atrocitus will ever have to face.

Doom: But Atrocitus held several key advantages over the Hulk.

Breloom: First and for most was his ability to drain and use his opponents rage, while true Hulk has faced foes that drain powers before and came out on top he's never faced one the directly drains his rage which fuels his power.

Mewtwo: Basically if you drain Hulk's rage you also indirectly drain his power where's most other would directly drain his power.

Doom: Atrocitus also had the speed advantage by far allowing him to easily stay at a safe distance and he could even attack from that distance as well.

Breloom: Atrocitus ring also gave him more options then Hulk could ever dream to have.

Mewtwo: Heck he could form a second Hulk and just have those two fight it out.

Doom: But none of this would matter if he couldn't get past Hulk's durability and healing factor.

Breloom: Which surprisingly he could with his own blood.

Mewtwo: While fantastic Hulk's healing factor is actually similar to another foe Atrocitus has faced the black lantern's who were completely melted away by Red Lantern blood.

Doom: But we say again Hulk was defenseless with his ring Atrocitus could in theory keep up with Hulk's strength but it's unlikely he could ever truly match it when Hulk is at his angriest.

Breloom: But Atrocitus could keep Hulk from that point even in World Breaker Hulk.

Mewtwo: Even though Hulk has no limit to his anger in World Breaker and can't be reverted to Bruce Banner that doesn't mean he's stuck at maximum anger.

Doom: If Hulk got close enough he could rip off Atrocitus's arm effectively making powerless but Atrocitus's ring would make sure he never really could.

Breloom: Poor Hulk for all his strength probably couldn't even break Atrocitus's constructs.

Mewtwo: While true Hulk gets stronger the madder he gets so does Atrocitus's constructs heck they can even get stronger the madder Hulk gets so they'd be able to keep up with Hulk.

Breloom: Poor Hulk it looks like he just fueled Atrocitus to victory.

Doom: Our winner is Atrocitus.

I can sense your rage Hulk fans and it feeds me.

+ Ring gave him so many more options then Hulk
+ Faster by a long shot
+ Had ways around Hulk's defenses
+ Could directly feed of off and rain Hulk of his rage
+ Has faced foes with a similar healing factors
+ Arguably smarter even when enraged
= Rage is equal
- Weaker of the two
- Hulk's faced foes that were as fast or even faster the Atrocitus
- It'd be over if he lost his ring

+ Stronger
+ Has faced foes that were as fast or faster before
+ Has a healing factor
+ Would keep coming no matter what
+ Can tank most of Atrocitus could throw at him
= Rage is equal
- Atrocitus has so many more options
- Atrocitus could keep Hulk from getting to close if he wanted to
- No counter for Atrocitus's blood
- Atrocitus could feed directly off of Hulk's rage something he hasn't dealt with before
- No surefire way to deal with Atrocitus in a long range fight
- Even in World Breaker Atrocitus could still control how much anger Hulk had even if he could completely extinguish it

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Comments: 115

ffejgao [2020-01-27 04:54:52 +0000 UTC]

...That can't be good.
Still, that was totally wicked!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kauhein [2017-09-30 22:44:47 +0000 UTC]

Errr, actually, emotional spectrum based weapon do not drain emotion but universe's life force by amplifying emotion of nearby sentient beings.
With this atrocitus can win the fight by running away to snipe him from a non regeneration powering distance.
Which is unlikely with said hulk providing a massive mind-numbing source of rage.
So the ring would power their ever-growing savagery until extinction of universe, which should take a few minutes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tigershark8600 [2016-07-21 17:31:14 +0000 UTC]

Monkey king give it a rest. Of course those guys coyld win because (even freiza) their power doesnt stem from rage. Plus most hulk incarnations are dumb. World war hulk is the only one to use big brains. And he STILL gave into his rage when hr fought sentry.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

excalibur976 [2016-04-26 01:20:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to excalibur976 [2016-04-26 21:10:01 +0000 UTC]

Well I like to think I have since this fight

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MonkeykingMOMO [2016-02-16 00:20:45 +0000 UTC]

Hulk with Banner's brain is even more dangerous than that Hulk because he can formulate battle strategies to win. Also, there some people who could annihilate Atrocitus with ease. Put him up against Frieza, Majin Buu, Beerus, Whis, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Cooler, or Omega Shenron. All of them would easily crush Atrocitus at full power.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HaLucination8236 In reply to MonkeykingMOMO [2016-08-27 06:42:51 +0000 UTC]

Atrocitus would get beaten by most of them, but he could easily crush broly into nothing, considering that Broly is also a rage guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SSJ4Truntanks [2016-02-05 20:57:31 +0000 UTC]

Awesome fight over there and man poor Hulk, getting owned so badly there hehe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pyromania101 [2015-07-03 12:58:26 +0000 UTC]

Damn, Hulk is becoming a jobber. He's lost four fights in a row: Asura, Godzilla, Doomsday, and now Atrocitus.

👍: 0 ⏩: 3

Alphas900 In reply to Pyromania101 [2016-10-16 17:56:26 +0000 UTC]

He beat Solomon Grundy

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SSJ4Truntanks In reply to Pyromania101 [2016-02-05 22:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Don't forget that he had also been defeated by Superboy Prime too.

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Pyromania101 In reply to SSJ4Truntanks [2016-02-05 23:14:56 +0000 UTC]

When was this?

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SSJ4Truntanks In reply to Pyromania101 [2016-02-05 23:57:47 +0000 UTC]


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Pyromania101 In reply to SSJ4Truntanks [2016-02-05 23:59:02 +0000 UTC]


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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Pyromania101 [2015-07-16 13:16:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure if you can call him a jobber given how powerful the foes he lost to were.

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Pyromania101 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-07-16 15:25:00 +0000 UTC]

I know, but it's still a no-win record so far. Four straight losses.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Pyromania101 [2015-07-16 15:28:35 +0000 UTC]

He has two wins actually.

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Pyromania101 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-07-16 20:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Against whom?

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Pyromania101 [2015-07-16 21:44:12 +0000 UTC]

Eran Yeager and James Heller.

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Pyromania101 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-07-16 22:29:41 +0000 UTC]

I don't recall him ever fighting them, but okay, that makes his record 2-0-4 now. To me, the most overrated character in DB, both here and on Screwattack, is Toph Beifong. Her record stands at 3-0-1, when it really should be the exact reverse (she'll likely tack up another loss against Venusaur... if the writer ever gets back to it), and even now, I'm actually starting to wonder whether or not Terra really should have lost that fight. People keep overestimating metalbending because the writers didn't explain it too well, among other problems.

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WOLFBLADE111 [2015-06-29 16:57:21 +0000 UTC]


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Water-Frez [2015-06-23 05:14:31 +0000 UTC]

Aww... Was rooting for Hulk. 

Good work Bre! 

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Water-Frez [2015-06-23 05:17:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks and look at it this way now Hulk can only go up right?

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MooMinded [2015-06-23 00:51:22 +0000 UTC]

Yeesh, Poor Hulk... It was a cool battle though (Deadpool's cameo was amusing lol) but I honestly thought he'd come out on top. Aw well, he still put up a good fight regardless.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to MooMinded [2015-06-23 05:17:24 +0000 UTC]

He always does.

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METADANE [2015-06-17 15:42:53 +0000 UTC]

2 days ago was brithday

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Dboy12 [2015-06-15 06:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Good fight. I knew Atrocitus would win, but I still rooted for Hulk. Keep up the good work!

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Dboy12 [2015-06-22 00:22:49 +0000 UTC]

I shall keep up the good work!

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dokuganryu15 [2015-06-15 00:05:21 +0000 UTC]

APOCALYPTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to dokuganryu15 [2015-06-15 01:18:46 +0000 UTC]

Well maybe on mars.

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dokuganryu15 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-15 02:43:29 +0000 UTC]

* speechless *

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phoenix821 [2015-06-14 21:31:17 +0000 UTC]

Darn looks like another loss for Hulk.

Is there any fight where the Hulk actually wins?

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to phoenix821 [2015-06-14 21:37:21 +0000 UTC]

When he fought Eran Yager and James Heller.

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phoenix821 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-23 05:36:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh Thanks forgot about those.

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Saurian96 [2015-06-14 15:27:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm not a fan of Hulk but this match especially when he unleashed the World Breaker got me rooting for him   

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Saurian96 [2015-06-14 15:35:22 +0000 UTC]

Well this is probably the first time I've gotten someone to root for a character they're not a fan of!

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Jose-Ramiro [2015-06-14 04:45:20 +0000 UTC]

Wow, a very savage fight.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Jose-Ramiro [2015-06-14 13:18:30 +0000 UTC]

It's what you get when you have two people fueled by rage fight each other.

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Jose-Ramiro In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-15 07:21:44 +0000 UTC]

True that.

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Zextr3mE [2015-06-14 02:58:38 +0000 UTC]

Really awesome fight! Loved it from the very start till the very end. And the picture that was showing Hulk being punched by Atrocius, Lol.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to Zextr3mE [2015-06-14 13:17:45 +0000 UTC]

Well...glad you enjoyed the fight!

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METADANE [2015-06-14 01:03:58 +0000 UTC]


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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to METADANE [2015-06-14 01:22:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks any favorite part?

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METADANE In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-14 01:39:48 +0000 UTC]

the deadpool part.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to METADANE [2015-06-14 01:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Deadpool: Aw come on why does everyone I love love seeing me in pain?!

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KingOfCopper16 [2015-06-14 00:40:35 +0000 UTC]


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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to KingOfCopper16 [2015-06-14 00:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Glad you thought it was good enough to warrant a aplause!

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KingOfCopper16 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-14 00:49:08 +0000 UTC]

at last i see the green goliath die. nothing personal but at last.

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Breloom-Da-Bassgod In reply to KingOfCopper16 [2015-06-14 00:53:41 +0000 UTC]

You relize Hulk has actually lost most of the matches he's been in right?

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KingOfCopper16 In reply to Breloom-Da-Bassgod [2015-06-14 00:56:21 +0000 UTC]

no. i saw him be destroyed by godzilla and that's pretty much all, OH and asura right?

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