bri159 — Gamma pt. 64 [NSFW]
Published: 2011-02-22 21:37:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2764; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 18
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Description Gamma pt. 64
Brandon and Kiki awoke the next morning cuddled in each other's arms. She looked up into his brown eyes and smiled uncontrollably as she began to rub her fingers up and down his back. The tightness served as a turn-on, reminding her that he had worked ever so hard to achieve his hardened physique. She pressed her face into his Pecs and gently kissed in between them. "Morning." She said with a smile. "Morning back" he replied. "Where did you learn that…wait a minute…I think I don't want to know." Brandon said as he leaned down and kissed Kiki's forehead. They both laughed and snuggled closely, continuing to fondle one another seductively as they engaged in the ancient ways of 'pillow talk'.
Kiki: So I take it you liked your first time with a bodybuilder?

Brandon: I could get used to it. I got over the fear pretty quickly.
Kiki: You were scared?
Brandon: Sort of. Not really. You're going to hit me if I tell you the truth.
Kiki: No I won't. I want to know. I don't want you to be afraid of me. I want you to love me.
Brandon: I do…like…you. It's just that well… to put it bluntly you are the heaviest girlfriend I have ever had.
Kiki: Like?

Brandon: Kiki…

Kiki: Hey don't do me any favors.
Kiki gets up a bit frustrated and begins to get dressed. Brandon gets up and rounds the bed to console her. He hugs her from behind and kisses the back of her neck. "Kiki…you know I care about you. It's just that…like I told you…I want to take it slow." Kiki rolled her eyes and sighed. "I know. I've been waiting a long time for you. I guess a little longer won't kill me." Kiki turned around and hugged Brandon. "I'll be patient. Trust me…I can do patient." Brandon smiled and kissed Kiki slowly and passionately. "Trust me. It won't be much longer" Brandon's cell phone began to vibrate receiving a text message. And he picked it up and looked at it.  His face turned into a blank stare as she shut the device and tossed it on the bed.

Brandon: Hey…um…this is really fucked up, but I need you to leave…like now.

Kiki: What the fuck? Why?

Brandon: Something has come up that I really need to take care of alone. I'll call you in a couple of days.
Kiki: oh…Okay.

Brandon grabbed his cell  and headed toward the bathroom. He kept silent the whole way there. Kiki heard the door shut and lock as she began to get dressed. Finishing as quickly as possible she headed home. "That was weird." She thought. "And I'm supposed to be the one with the secret past." After a quick shower she laid her work uniform on the bed and grabbed a pair of panties and a bra.  Casually bending over she slid the lace red panties up her rounded bulging thighs over her tree trunk legs and into position covering her 'bubble butt'. Up next was her bra, whose E cups could easily cover her head. After clasping the back she did a 180 and adjusted her heaving bosoms into a comfortable position. Soon after were a work tee and some black cargo shorts, both adorned with the 'Omni-GYM logo. After a quick drive, Kiki found herself at work ready for her shift. Jess was finishing up a sale of some juice and a couple of energy bars to some regulars when she spotted Kiki.

Jess: Go home and pack. You have to go to the airport.

Kiki: What? Why?

Jess: You have to meet Frank there. He said he would fill you in on what you would be doing when you got there.

Kiki: Okay. This day just gets better and better.

Jess: What happened?

Kiki: Too long to get into. I'll tell you on my flight I suppose.

After a quick stop home and pack of a bag, Kiki found herself at the airport. Frank met her cab and began filling her in.

Kiki: Frank…Why am I at the airport?

Frank: I need a favor. Your boyfriend is heading to Japan to get the affairs of his Grandfather in order. I need you to tag along and see what Intel you can get on the old man. Specifically his last days.

Kiki: Frank! What the hell? You want me to force myself on my VERY new boyfriend based on news that I don't even know yet so I can ask awkward questions about a guy I don't even know.

Frank: On the contrary. You don't know him. Knew him.

Kiki: Huh?

Frank: His name was Dai Morioka.

Kiki: Oh no! I don't remember much. I was about 8 years old when I met him. Well…I looked about 8 and was treated as such. So I wasn't exposed to his work. But I remember him being very kind to me.

Frank: I can imagine your mother keeping you out of as much of her 'business dealings' as possible.

Kiki: Don't call her that!

Frank: Sorry. I can imagine Eva keeping her affairs pretty close.

Kiki: Affairs of all kind.

Frank: Yeah hell for all we know, Brandon could be your brother.

A look of total shock and disgust came upon Eva's face. "Oh my God…" she held her stomach and began to cover her mouth." Frank smiled a devilish grin. "Calm down. He's not. His mother and father were killed in a car accident. Eva Brawn has no other children that we know of." Kiki sighed in relief.

Kiki: Don't do that shit again.

Frank: That was a pretty big asshole move. I'll make it up to you…IF you get me my Intel.

Kiki: Bitch please. Who do you think used to get Eva all of her shit.

Frank: Fine make it happen. Since you have experience in the field I took the liberty of allowing you to come up with your own cover story. Also as a show of respect as I said you are doing me a favor.

Kiki: So I have to come up with a reason for going to the exact city in japan that Brandon is and spy on him so you can find out…what?

Frank: Morioka was involved in something called the Trojan project. That's kind of been a little side assignment that the higher ups have been on my ass about. We know exactly jack and shit about it. It's one of the well-guarded secrets in the world. Hell, more people know about the Gamma initiative than know about this thing.

Kiki: Wow…I hung around Brandon's grandfather before he was even born. That's kind of freaky. And it makes me feel old.

Frank: could we try to focus here. I need you to hack into his files. See if you can find out anything about it.

Kiki: Because he would label them, 'top secret shit that no one in the world knows about'

Frank: You're a smart girl. I mean hell, you used to 'get all of Eva's shit'

Kiki: Funny. Fine. I'm on my way. What the hell are you doing at the airport for anyway? You could have called.

About then a luggage cart came rolling up and dropped off a few bags and a pet carrier. Frank tipped the gentleman pretty handsomely and began carrying his bags to the car rental place. "I have to drop off a package to the local office here." He pointed to the pet carrier and added, "You remember Ivanna here don't you?" Kiki faced turned to disgust a second time in their meeting. "You guys actually kept that…thing?" Frank smiled and continued walking. "After that I'm on my way back to Boston for a little R and R with Sharise.

Kiki: And Taylor?

Frank: Don't remind me. Have fun.

Kiki smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, It Should be a blast." Kiki grabbed her bags and headed into the airport. After "casually" bumping into Brandon and coming up with a story about how she had to sign some paperwork releasing her inheritance from her recently deceased father.

At the home of Jess and Dean, Beth Palmer relaxes on the couch and watches a little television. With remote in hand she settles in for a lazy afternoon. With Dean at class and Jess at work, she had only Tommy to keep her company and he saw fit to work on Jess' car who had caught a ride from Dean that morning.  As the hours had passed she began to realize how lazy she had gotten. In her former life she was a work-a-holic. She had basically had to raise herself so she was no stranger to work. Since she got these fantastic powers, she has become lazy, relying too heavily on them to accomplish even the simplest task. She began to get a bit parched and remembered the glass of sweetened tea that she had left on the counter to drink while she lazed around. She saw it sitting there on the kitchen counter and remembered she had set it down to hit the bathroom up before she vegged out. "Damnit!" she thought to herself as she collapsed in utter failure. She reached her hand out as if somehow her hand was going to stretch all the way into the kitchen and fetch her drink for her. Suddenly to her surprise, it did just that! Slowly her forearm inched and inched ever closer to her drink. As it got closer, she grasped it with the dexterity of a six month old, spilling most of its contents all over the counter. After a bit of concentration, Beth's hand began to return to her. She stared at the quarter full glass and then at her hand and forearm. "Freaky" was the only work that she could muster.

Beth wandered if she had dreamed the whole thing but the glass in her hand was evidence enough to prove otherwise. Wanting to test her newfound ability, she decided she was going to keep it small. Realizing that Michael was in the garage she wanted to see what he was up to. She concentrated for a bit and slowly her neck began to stretch. Inching ever so close to the door that led to the garage, Beth peeked out the door to see that Michael was under the car. "He's probably changing the oil" She instinctively began to walk toward him and slammed her head into the wooden screen door which shocked both Michael and her. After cursing herself, Beth began to reel her neck back into place while simultaneously stretched her waist from her standing position until the two appendages met. She quietly opened the screen door and continued stretching until her upper torso was in the garage while her lower body was still in the living room. "Uhhh…Michael… could you come her for a second? She asked quite timidly.
Michael: Sure. Hey did you hear that loud noise. It sounded like someone or something hit the screen door.

Beth: Yeah…That was me. I need you to see this.

Michael: Okay.

Michael climbed from under the car and couldn't believe what his eyes. He saw Beth's upper half seemingly floating in mid-air. "Beth…how are you doing that?" Beth got a worried look on her face. "I don't know…I…it's…It's kind of scaring me" Michael stood up slowly as if he were trying not to anger the beast before him.  Slowly he placed his hands gently on Beth's waist, feeling her soft silky skin and looked directly into her eyes. "Okay…we're going to take this slow. Does it hurt when I touch you?" Beth nodded in the negative and softly smiled. "It feels kind of nice." Tommy grinned back and began to walk Beth's upper body towards her lower extremities, speaking calmly to her so that she would get upset. "You're doing great!" after about ten minutes of slowly walking and talking, Beth had resumed her previous form.

Beth: Thank you sooo much.

Beth wrapped her arms around Michael and gave him a huge hug. "Aaaarrrggghhh" Michael yelled in pain. Beth released him quickly and stood back almost ashamed at what she had just done. Michael grabbed her by the waist a second time and kissed her passionately. For a full minute, the two estranged lovers reacquainted themselves and then simply stared into each other's eyes.

Beth: Hey you.

Michael: Hey…I missed you.

Beth: What do you mean?

Michael: ever since you got those powers, you've been acting differently.

Beth: I know. It's like I finally have the power. The strength to make something of myself. Not just struggling to get by. But I guess it gave me more power than I really needed.

Michael: If you ask me it's too much power for anyone.

Beth: I don't know how Jess has dealt with it for this long.

Michael: Well she did go nuts. That's how you ended up with it.

Beth: It's only temporary.

Michael: You said that months ago. And she even knows about what happened.

Beth: It's just until they can get her fixed.

Michael: I don't think they are trying. At least not very hard.

Beth: They have other things going on. Believe me. I don't think they want me to have these powers any more than I do.

Michael: In their defense, you have kind of disobeyed or bitched about every order they've given you.

Beth: What do they expect? They give a girl seemingly limitless powers and then they want to put a leash on her?

Michael: Ha ha. Yeah. I suppose that sucks.

Beth smiled and lay her hands on Michael's belly, tout from years of hard work. "I'm sorry. You deserve better than this." I spend my whole life trying to get you, I finally do and I treat you like shit." Michael leaned in and kissed Beth passionately for a second time. "I have a confession to make. I don't exactly hate what you can do with your waist." Michael said with an evil grin. Beth returned a devilish smile as she leaned in and kissed Michael with an equal passion that he had shown her. Breaking the kiss for only a second, Beth began to whisper seductively to Michael. "I have an idea but I want to make sure you're okay with it first" Taken aback at Beth's unusual submissiveness, Michael agreed. Beth guided him to lie down on his back as she removed her sweat pants and panties revealing her tight pussy and 'Brazilian' hair style. She straddled Michael's face as he began to immediately work her lips and clit as excitedly as if it were the first time for either of them. Beth moaned and grinded into his tongue as she took his hands and gently placed them under her wife beater on top of her breasts. 'Mmmmmmm' exhaled Beth as her juices began to run down Michael's chin.  Beth put her hands in the air and stretched her waist a bit until her head was right on top of Michael's crotch. Unbuckling and unzipping his pants fairly easily, she uncovered his erect cock and began to kiss and lick it until finally taking all of it into her mouth. Placing her hands on his thighs, she began to massage them with her thumbs. Michaels hands no longer able the reach her breasts, began running his hands up and down Beth's taut waist and midsection. Beth could take no more of Michael's expert licking and came all over his face and neck. Turning her shoulders around, she took her hands and pressed her breasts around Michael's shaft and began to titty-fuck him while she sucked him with vigor. A few more seconds was all that was needed as he came into her mouth harder than he had ever done so before. Beth straightened herself out and kindly moved herself down to Michael's waist, where she began to grind her drenched pussy against his spent cock.

Michael: That was…amazing.

Beth: I could tell you liked it baby. You haven't eaten me out like that since…

Michael: I know…

Beth smiled at Michael not bringing up the past few months and the couple merely cuddled on the sofa for a while and then, reluctantly parted so that Michael could finish his work. Later that evening, Brian and Brie were just settling in for an easy evening of reading and a good night's rest. After finishing up their respective books, they kissed goodnight and cuddled. Brie's back rested into Brian's chest while Brian rested his hand on Brie's ever expanding belly. He leaned in and gently began to nibble on her ear lobe. "Not tonight baby. I'm…I'm just not feeling it" Brian ignored her comment and began to rub her belly gently moving up to her breasts. Brie quickly grabbed his hands and shoved them off of her. "I said I'm not in the mood Brian." Brie said very sternly. Brian sighed with disappointment and rolled over. "Goodnight" he said in a perturbed tone. Brie got a little irritated but was able to let it go. After all, it wasn't Brian's fault. After her encounter from the past, Brie had not felt sexual since. And with all the changes her body had been undergoing with the pregnancy, her libido had sunk to an all- time low. Brie got up very slowly and walked to the bathroom. After using the facilities and washing her hands she looked into the mirror somewhat mad at herself. He didn't do anything, Brie. It's not his fault. You have to overcome this." She thought to herself. As she opened the door, she began walking toward the bed but noticed Brian was not laying in it. "He probably went to grab a sandwich or watch some televi—" Suddenly, Brie's thoughts were cut short as someone came up behind her and gently grabbed her belly. Brie instantly turned around and slapped them in the face, sending them flying across the room as if they were a child's doll and slammed into the corner crashing into a china cabinet filled with all of Brie's knick knacks. She quickly turned the light on to see that Brian lay unconscious in the debris, his jaw visibly broken and the right side of his face already starting to bruise and swell up. "Oh my God!" Brie said as she rushed to her man's side.

2 b Continued.


It was a pretty laid back night at the Monkey Barrel. Natasha was wiping down the bar hoping that the boss would let her go home early.  Perhaps that way she could spend some quality time with Brandon. She didn't like how close he and that bitch, Kiki were getting. Her thoughts would often drift to them having an illicit affair. Her own promiscuous dealings had no bearing on the matter. She was not going to be cheated on. She had had enough sorrow in her life and those accounts were simply an attempt at happiness. As she finished wiping everything down she noticed a woman sitting by herself, nursing a beer one of the other bartenders had obviously gotten her. "I'd want to go home and ride that too" the mysterious stranger said.

Jade: You were thinking about going home to your man. I bet I know why.

Natasha: Do I know you?

Jade: Not as well as your about to. I'm Jade.

Natasha: I am Natasha. I am exchange student.

Jade: Bullshit. You're an international spy keeping tabs on the grandson of the creator of a nanotechnology known as the Trojan Project.

Natasha: How did you know all that?

Jade: Let's call it woman's intuition. Let's go out back.

Natasha: I am still on shift. My boss will yell at me if I leave.

Jade stood up and began walking to the back. Natasha dropped her rag and made some very controlled movements and followed Jade. The look of shock on Natasha's face betrayed her actions. "I wasn't really asking." Jade lead Natasha outside, the cold wind causing both of their nipples to get erect, letting the back door shut behind them, Jade slammed Natasha into the door and with little effort, and she hoisted her up three feet in the air using only her mind.

Natasha: You're…you're HER aren't you? The Divinatrix.

Jade: Yes. But you don't have to be so formal. You can call me Jade. I've come here to help you.

Natasha: Why?

Jade: I want to protect all of my children. And keep them safe.

Natasha: What do you mean? Your children? My Mother and Father are…

Jade: Not here now. You have struggled with this imperfection you're entire life.  You age at a faster rate than everyone else. You should have died years ago, but my essence has kept you alive.

Natasha: The serum? I never knew what it was made from. How do you know all of this about me?

Jade: Without me you would not even exist. I know all there is to know about you. I can read it in your aura.

Natasha: My what?

Jade: I see that the impurity is stronger than I had anticipated. I have a lot of work to do.

Jade slowly lowered Natasha down and walked closer to her. She gently laid her fingers and thumb onto Natasha's cheek and caressed it in a comforting way. Jade got a bit teary eyed. "I'm sorry for what they have done to you. You should be a goddess." Jade unbuttoned a few buttons on her shirt and took out her left breast and concentrated a bit. Her nipple engorged as her tit expanded to three times its normal size, still smaller than Natasha's E cups but still well endowed. She lifted her nipple to Natasha's lips. "Drink my child. This will not cure you. But it will begin the process." Jade moaned softly and caressed her hair and cheek as Natasha nuzzled her breast and began to drink. After a few minutes, she had finished and Jade's breast had returned to normal size.

Jade: you will not need the serum anymore. It is only temporary though. When you need me again, I will be there. You are much stronger now. That is also temporary. Learn to keep it in check until we meet again.

Natasha: How can I thank you? You have given me so much tonight.

Jade: you will thank me again one day.

Jade begins to walk away on the cold January night and turns to look at Natasha with a smile. "Until we meet again" she said in  perfect Russian. Natasha turned to walk back into the bar. The steel door, which had always stuck from time to time, had done so yet again. "Damn it!" Natasha thought to herself as she tried again to unstick the door. With her second attempt, Natasha ripped the door from its hinges in one motion. Shocked she held the door as if it were paper. "I'm going to have to get used to that."

As Jade was rounding the corner, she was met with a fist to her face. The punch had the force of a freight train and launched her several yards into the air before landing on her back. Before going unconscious she saw a man in rags hover over her. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" was the last thing she heard before closing her eyes.

2 b continued

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Comments: 9

SolGravionMegazord [2021-10-04 19:28:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Lurker-Below [2011-03-02 07:16:04 +0000 UTC]

Interesting, though Jade seems to know a lot more than Jess does. Is the Jess persona being subsumed by some older persona? Why send Kiki, and not an unknown undercover agent? Beth had me confused, as did Brie's walling herself away from Brian. Guess we'll hopefully get more answers in the next installment.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bri159 In reply to Lurker-Below [2011-03-03 02:36:29 +0000 UTC]

definitely more answers next installment. 'Jade certainly knows alot more than Jess does. the answers for that lie in the '6 months ago' back up. Kiki was sent because of her ability to get closer than a random agent could using her relationship with brandon.(Also, i have enough characters to deal with. lol )Brie is a little sensitive about what happened in her past(the rape)all of which the memories came flooding back to her when she met her attacker. that will be the focus of next chapter. glad you dig it man. what about beth confused you? i'm coming up with a score card so if you want anything addressed. let me know.


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lurker-Below In reply to bri159 [2011-03-03 06:52:48 +0000 UTC]

I guess I forgot about Beth because she seemed to have come out of left field.


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bri159 In reply to Lurker-Below [2011-03-03 23:58:16 +0000 UTC]

yeah. kind of sort of. the name anyway. lol


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RinjiPantera [2011-02-24 19:07:48 +0000 UTC]

So the focus was on Kiki mostly as she goes into undercover mode. It was certainly an interesting chapter for sure. Though I can't remember or recall who Beth Palmer is. Is she house sitting or something?

As for Brie, this may very well spell the brutal end of their relationship, should Brian recover. I mean damn, he was only trying to be kind and sweet to her. But the vibe I seem to be getting is that Brie doesn't trust her own home. Granted you gave off the impression that Brian was somehow abducted and someone else chose that moment to walk up behind her and grab her belly.

In short, you really made Brie rather jumpy, nevermind rather celibate. The latter I can understand to a degree. But the former is inexcusable. Poor Brian.

Is it weird that I am still waiting to see Anne get what's coming to her? I really dislike that character...a show of good writing on your part. That, and whether or not Jess will eventually return to her original powers from her Jade era. And speaking of Jade, coincidence with the name there?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bri159 In reply to RinjiPantera [2011-02-26 01:51:27 +0000 UTC]

yep. Kiki is going the spy route. i got tired of her just kind of being there. lol. Beth Palmer is Anna and Micheal is Tommy. they had to switch names because Frank is hiding them.(also it was too confusing because the villians of this season are Anne and Tommy.) Brie was a bit jumpy and celibate because she is still dealing with last chapter's revelation(being raped) admittedly i should have emphasized that a bit more but will definitely deal with that more next chapter. and no it's not weird. i want everyone to hate her.she is the villian. lol

no coincidence on the name. that was Jess or rather her new persona of JADE.


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

doompatrol123 [2011-02-24 00:02:28 +0000 UTC]

interesting. didsay it as a game changer. good moves.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bri159 In reply to doompatrol123 [2011-02-24 01:38:04 +0000 UTC]

that i did. and there is a lot of shit between now and 75 aka season finale!


👍: 0 ⏩: 0