I wish to thank all of you who choose my Work as a Favourite,I am truly Grateful and Apologize,that from now on I will not be able to Thank You personally
The highlands of Cape Breton view-able on the World Famous Cabot Trail
This is my entry is for Unframed-Nature 's AUTUMN CONTEST 2015: "MYSTICAL SCENERY of AUTUMN!"
Check out the Journal for further info
CONTEST UnframedNature: Mystical Scenery of AUTUMN:iconzubatlaplz: Welcome to Unframed-Nature's Next BIG Contest :iconzubatlaplz:
It's the Perfect Time to Announce Our AUTUMN CONTEST!
:iconpumpkinborderplz: AUTUMN CONTEST 2015: "MYSTICAL SCENERY of AUTUMN!" :iconpumpkinborderplz:
MYSTICAL: In this case, mystical means, magical, mysterious, a bit strange or spooky.
SCENERY: In this case, scenery means, landscapes, natural settings, views with at least some to much distance, non-urban like forests or mountains or countryside for examples.
Of course this is an AUTUMN Contest, so keep it an Autumn "feel" - and if it's MYSTICAL, that should help. It's okay if Autumn is not the same for everyone- whatever it is for where you live is okay. MYSTICAL should keep it okay for everyone. We'll see.
This Contest is open to ANY MEDIA which is able to portray the theme,
the obvious ones, perhaps some not-so obviou