bridgenose — moony

Published: 2016-06-24 09:53:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1644; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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"Fabas indulcet fames."

||   G E N E R A L ||

N A M E   ||   Halva ; Halfpaw ; Moon (temporary) ; Halfmoon
N I C K N A M E S   || Moonshine, Sweetie
G E N D E R   ||   She-cat
R A N K   ||   Kittypet ; Highclanner ; Loner (temporary)
C L A N   ||   Highclan ; n/a
B R E E D   ||   F1 Savannah ; Maine Coon
D. O. B   ||   17th February 2014 (36 moons - 3 YEARS OLD HOLY COW)

||   P E R S O N A L I T Y   ||    

+ Optimistic || Determined || Playful

= Self Confident || Fearless || Overly Familiar

- Messy || Food Orientated || Nosy


O P T I M I S T I C   ||   Moon is of the opinion that there are no real concerns in the world, and as long as her friends are well and food is nearby, then she's content. Little offends or upsets her, and most of the time this makes her a very amicable she-cat. With such a bright outlook in her day-to-day life, little gets her down or holds her back. Moon always seems to see the best, no matter how bleak the circumstances. She rarely suffers from self pity or pessimism.

D E T E R M I N E D   ||   If there is one thing that can be said in Moon's favour, it is that she puts her whole heart into everything that she does. She's got an amazingly strong personality, and faces all opposition and challenges head on. Very little phases her or blocks her in.

P LA Y F U L  ||   As hard working she Moon can be at times, she can be just as equally silly and clownish. With a goofy streak a mile wide and a rather jolly disposition, this she-cat isn't at all opposed to acting like a kit and releasing some tension with a good game of hide and seek, dares or chase.

S E L F   C O N F I D E N T   ||   She has little to no personal hang ups, and is happy beig herself - her size, her scars and her kinked tail are of little importance to her, and she cares little of what toher cats think of her.. The downside to this, of course, is that she had little will to improve upon herself as a she-cat, and very little understanding of those with self confidence issues. Although her life hasn't always been easy, she doesn't let that stop her.

F E A R L E S S   ||   Fear? What's that? Honestly, Moon has no idea. She isn't by anyone's standards an aggressive or territorial cat, but if she feels challenged in any way whatsoever, she will stand her ground. While living in the Endless Forest, she had great fun charging poor, defenseless foxes, startling owls and enraging crows, badgers and squirrels. Nothing is too big or too small to face head on (which, as you can probably guess, causes one or two problems).

O V E R L Y   F A M I L I A R   ||   If she was a little more calm and patient in her attitude towards everyone, then you could perhaps rename this section 'friendly', but really, it's not even that. She just lacks simple etiquette and manners, and assumes that everyone's willing to be her buddy - or that they'll simply turn around and tell her if they're not interested. She's been known to nickname, cuddle and relentlessly follow her 'friends' until they simply turn around and catch her with their claws - that's pretty much how she gets into all of her fights. Well, at least she tries to make friends, I guess.

M E S S Y   ||   As far as she-cats go in the grand scheme of things, Moon is painfully unconcerned with such trivialities as cleaning oneself or keeping her den tidy. She has very little subtlety and close to no interest in grooming herself to make her look more appealing. Tidiness and cleanliness are often the furthest things from the she-cat's mind, which is particularly unpleasant in the colder moons, when she's been out wading through mud, or playing in waterlogged peat bogs (gross).

F O O D   O R I E N T A T E D   ||   Have you got food? Are you going to go and find some food? Are you about to eat? Do you want to go hunting? Are you willing to share? If the answer to any of these is yes, then you've got yourself a brand new friend. Yeah, she's just shallow like that. That said, since living on her own in the Endless Forest, she's grown fairly possessive of her own catches, and can become a little grumpy or irritable if asked to share. Hypocritical, but there you go - as always, she's unapologetic.

N O S Y   ||   If there's something new, noisy or interesting going on, you can guarantee that Halfpaw will be nearby, trying her best to stick her nose in. She loves exploring, poking about and just generally getting in the way. This gets her into an uncomfortable amount of trouble, most of the time, because lcearly no one took the time to teach her subtlety. She invites herself into conversations, butts into arguments, and tags herself onto important hunting groups or patrols. This girlie lovs drama and secrets like no one else.

||   A P P E A R A N C E   ||

F A C E   ||   Despite the width leant to her from her fluff, her cheekbones are actually rather narrow and delicate, taking after Savannah father. Her chin, jaw and nose are thicker and stronger, like her Maine Coon mother. If not for her terrible scarring, she would be considered a fairly pretty she-cat.
E Y E S   ||   Huge and almond shaped; a stunning lime green.
E A R S   ||   Very large and rounded (like her father's); tufted and fluffy (her mother). Her left ear is badly torn and scarred.
W H I S K E R S   ||   Thick, long, and white.
B O D Y   ||   Underneath her ridiculously thick fluff, she is very tall, leanly muscled and slender, her frame almost entirely 'Savannah'. Her paws, however, are huge.
T A I L   ||   Long, thick and badly kinked/broken in two places.
F U R   ||   Very long, incredibly thick fur. Silky guard hair/topcoat, incredibly plush/soft undercoat. Almost constantly mussed, though it rarely matts.
S C A R S   ||   Very bad/extensive scarring on the left side of her face and ear. She has a painful network of scars stretching the entire length of her body (especially on her back and torso) which show through her fur when shifted by the wind or water, but otherwise remain hidden.
O T H E R   ||   n/a

||   O T H E R   ||

V O I C E   ||   Fairly deep and smooth/throaty (think 'soul') ; normally booming loud.
S C E N T   ||   Honeycomb & dog roses (when clean) ; mud, dirt, every gross thing imaginable (when dirty).
Q U I R K   ||   Almost constantly smiling ; tilts her head when thinking ; very fidgetty.
S T R E N G T H S   ||   Very fast and strong, with superd endurance and stamina. Great at blocking out her pain; experienced fighter and hunter. Very long reach, thanks to height.
W E A K N E S S E S   ||   Poor with group work or at taking instructions ; balance compromised by tail and accuracy compromised by poor sight. Thick fur makes swimming awkward.
S E N S E S   ||   Hearing and touch average. Sight poor in left eye. Sense of smell and taste above average. 


||   H I S T O R Y   ||

||   0 - 5   M O O N S   ||   H A L V A   T H E   K I T T Y P E T

- Maine Coon kitty pet, Lilac, and Savannah kittypet, Titan, she had several brothers and sisters.
- Rehomed at the age of 2 moons to a new family and renamed 'Halva', she was one of several pets - the others being Borris, the grizzly old farm cat, Winifred the Chihuahua, Cocoa the hamster and dozens of guppy fish.
- Despite their differences, she and Borris briefly bonded over their love of food. This kickstarted her urge to hunt.
- At the age of three moons, she started 'hunting'.
- She climbed the neighbours tree and sabotaged her first pigeon nest (bald, defenceless babies and all).
- She ate her first rodent (after dismantling her child-human's hamster cage by jumping down on top of it).
 - She caught her first fish (knocked the family aquarium off it's stand).
- By the age of four moons she was terrorising the neighbourhood dogs and, already larger than Winifred, chased the twitchy little thing all about the house.
- Was getting into a lot of spats with the other neighbourhood cats, and more than once had to be taken to the vets for stitches or patching up when she cut her paw on broken glass, tore her flank on barbed wire or got a scratch on her chest mildly infected after a fight.
- By five moons old, she was patrolling the neighbourhood, barging through other cat's catflaps and pinching their food.
- She didn't hesitate to leave the life of luxury that she'd never really felt a part of, and embraced the life of a loner with all the adoration of her wild ancestors.

||   5 - 7   M O O N S   ||   G E N T L E   I N T E R L U D E

- Very quickly, Halva travelled further and further away from the Twoleg Place, and  eventually (unwittingly) crossed the border into Stoneclan territory.
- Climbing a tree to get at a nest of crows, her young she-cat was divebombed and fell, badly cutting her right flank.
- Discovered by Gentlepaw, the medicine cat apprentice of Stoneclan, Halva was helped towards a covering of bushes.
- Gentlepaw lved up to his name (and future tilte), helping feed and heal the injured she'.
- Over this time, Halva grew to be very attached to the tom, and though he remained loyal to his clan and said as little as possible, she believed that the budding affection was returned.
- As soon as she was able to leave, she headed back to Twoleg Place, knowing that she wouldn't make a full recovery unless patche dup by the 'Cutters'. Before she left, she promised Gentlepaw that she would return, and ask his leader if she could join his clan.
- The moment that she recovered from her treatment, she escaped from the cat pen her humans had erected for her in the garden, and returned to the territories.
- Unfortunately, Gentlepaw's secrecy about Clan life meant that she hadn't been aware that there was more than one clan - unwittingly, she joined the wrong one.

||   7 - 1 0   M O O N S   ||   H I G H C L A N   A P P R E N T I C E S H I P

- Accepted into Highclan by Talonstar, and given the name 'Halfpaw' as a reminder that she would never be a full clan cat, she very willingly settled into clan life.
- After being inspected by the medicine cat apprentice, Noisepaw (a very unhappy cat - and rather bland, in her opinion), she met her mentor Cloudedsky, and immediately liked the older cat.
- Met Rookpaw, and thought him a little dull, if not practical and smart.
- Met Pitchpaw, and thought that her poor temper and her grumpiness was hysterical.
- After some time, Halfpaw came to the understanding that there were, in fact, seven clans. Realising that she had joined the wrong one, she grew rather disheartened.
- At the age of ten moons, during a patrol with Cloudedsky, Starlingfeather, Eaglefang and Foggypaw, there was an awful rockslide. Halfpaw was presumed dead when a body that they mistook for hers was uncovered and brought back to camp, alongside Foggypaw.
- Sustaining grave head injuries, physical damage, exhaustion and loss of blood, Halfpaw suffered from extensive amnesia.

||   1 0 - 2 9   M O O N S   ||   R E B O R N   A S   ' M O O N '

- Discovered by the kindhearted loner, Willow, and nicknamed 'Moon', the she-cat began to take steps towards a very gradual recovery and self discovery.
- With no memories of her past self (not even her name), Willow patiently told her about the  origins of the clans, as well as informing her about Starclan and the Dark Forest.
- Willow re-taught the she-cat everything that she needed to know in regards to hunting, tracking and covering her tracks, as well as helping her regain her physical strength.
- The two she-cats grew very fond of one another, developing a bond close to that of an older and a younger sister.
- By the time that Moon had recovered enough to look after herself, Willow had suggested multiple times that she wished to return more permanently to the Clan territories, and that perhaps Moon should go, too - if only to try to discover more about her old self. Moon, however, loved the excitement of the Endless Forest, and sadly declined the offer.
= Around this time, Moon catches her first sighting og the Two Legs in 'her' Forest, and for a long while she is amused watching them and the way that they act. They seem familiar, and humorous.
- Still meeting up on a regular basis, Moon continued to recover in leaps and bounds, and before long was back to her old shenanigans, taunting prey, disturbing nesting birds, and even challenging and terrorising larger predators (such as foxes and badgers).
- During a hunt, she sees a deer caught in a twoleg trap, and she starts thinking that maybe they aren't so funny after all. Soon after, prey begins to become harer to find, as the Twolegs start to pull the trees down one by one with their shining, roaring teeth.
- Eventually, Moon grew lonelier without Willow's constant companionship, and began edging back into the Clan territories in order to seek her out.
- As Twolegs continue to upset the Endless Forest, even the fearless Moon is pushed closer and closer towards the Clan territories, in order to keep away from the Twolegs and their 'teeth'.
- During a close encounter with one of them, she thinks the word, 'Human', but does not know where it came from.
- One day, after catching her 'big sister's' scent, she headed into Highclan territory at full pelt, and rather forcibly 'stumbled into Willow, and another loner named 'Roedeer'...


||   R E L A T I O N S HI P   G U I D E   ||

  - Mate |   - Mentor |   - Apprentice

 - Leader/Deputy/Medicine cat |  - Family/familial love | - Knows of/no interaction

 - Friend |  - Close friend |  - Best friend

- Infatuation |  - Crush |  - Love

 - Uncertain | - Wary |  - Feared

- Resentful |  - Disliked |  - Hatred

 - Disinterested |  - Curious |  - Intrigued

- Disrespects | - Respects |  - Idolises

||   H I G H C L A N   ||


||   N O N - C L A N   C A T S   ||

||| Willow (older sister figure) – app tba
"Well, isn't she just the greatest? I'd say I've never met anyone else like her, but then, that's the funny thing about never having met anyone else, huh?? Still, I'd not change my Big Sis for all the stars in the sky! What a sweetheart."

| Roedeer (acquaintance) – app tba
"He's got a really funny face, doesn't he!! And all those scars, too... Hoo boy, I sure wish I could see the thing that gave him those! Bet that was a great fight! ... Maybe he'll wanna spar with me, at some point soon??"

||   T R I V I A   ||

||   She was nicknamed 'Moon' by Willow, who said something sweet and cheesy along the lines of 'You're as bright as the moon.'

||   Probably the largest cat in all of the clans (both she-cats and toms) thanks to her Savannah blood in particular.

||   The least fussy eater ever, though she definitely prefers birds. (The larger and trickier to catch, the better! Her favourite is crow... Yum!)

||   Offer her food, or gossip, or a game, and she'll love you!

||   She has no memory at all of her past life. Eventually, though, she will regain memories of her old life.

||   Moon has very little interest in clan life, though she is repeatedly drawn closer to the territories.

||   When I say that she's fearless, i actually mean that she is absolutely nuts. The bigger and more dangerous the opponent, the more that she enjoys the challenge! As you can probably imagine, this baffles (and occasionally terrifies) the tougher opponents that she stumbles across (e.g. foxes, badgers, owls... and Roedeer).
||   I cannot begin to describe how ubelievably excited I am to be bringing this beautiful giant back into the group again, after such a long time! ;///w///; <33



||   R O L E P L A Y I N G   I N F OR M A T I O N   ||


||   P R E F E R R E D   R O L E P L A Y I N G   ||


S T Y L E   ||   Paragraph roleplay. As in, at least one decent sized paragraph per post, please. One-liners make me want to cry – and not in a good way! I'll make exceptions for those that are learning to write longer posts, but in general I find it difficult to limit myself.


L E V E L   ||   K, PG 13 and T rated RPs are welcome! Now accepting M rated RPs - for gore, foul language and other unpleasantries


art & Moony (c) me

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Comments: 33

TAPEW0RM-CAT [2017-04-20 22:39:36 +0000 UTC]

nice to meet this old gal! seems snazzy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to TAPEW0RM-CAT [2017-09-19 19:57:31 +0000 UTC]

aw, thank you honey! <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dehani [2016-06-30 15:13:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to dehani [2016-10-21 16:26:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlieuMoonlight [2016-06-30 09:43:22 +0000 UTC]

omg tis me
you know bc Moonlight, and she's Moon.... ok
Imma stahp
*sprints away into the horizon*

she looks gorgeous btw :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to AlieuMoonlight [2016-10-21 16:27:43 +0000 UTC]

ahahah, you dork!! ; 7 ;

and thank you, honey!! <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

suicunetobigaara [2016-06-25 02:22:43 +0000 UTC]

HALFPAW IS BACK!! Or Moon now <3 She looks gorgeous, and that scar looks awesome! Doe would be jealous of an impress scar like that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to suicunetobigaara [2016-10-21 16:30:18 +0000 UTC]

and thank you, sweetie! i just absolutely adore this girlie <33
(omg, just imagining the conversation between Doe and Moon gives me life > 7 <  )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

suicunetobigaara In reply to bridgenose [2016-10-22 05:14:08 +0000 UTC]

//Casually offer her all the food and adores her//
((It makes me giggle when I think about it))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GwentheCatify [2016-06-24 16:53:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-06-24 17:16:11 +0000 UTC]

just say the words and--

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-06-24 18:42:45 +0000 UTC]

whispers let's rp <3333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-06-24 19:15:18 +0000 UTC]

squeals yes let's! <333
should we keep them to comments? and who would you like to start us off? ;///w///;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-06-24 19:36:58 +0000 UTC]

Sure!! <3 And if you could start us up this time that would be dandy ewe

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-06-24 20:32:14 +0000 UTC]

((of course, hon <33
eeei, the excitement is real!! i hope you don't mind a bit of a 'blast from the past' type scene, hahah  ; w ;;  ))

Even with a tail as useless as hers was, Moon had no trouble propelling herself up and through the air, to land on the lowest branch of the rickety looking tree. Despite a rather creaky wobble upon impact, the branch only bowed a little under her not so small body. In turn, the large she-cat clung on tightly with her claws until her sense of equilibrium had returned. Above her, the very upset family of crows cawed up a racket, snapping their wings together and stirring up the leaves in the upper rafters of the tree with considerable force.

Never one to be intimidated, she began to climb the tree, jumping from branch to branch and scrabbling up the trunk. Even though she just knew that Willow would be somewhere nearby, hearing the cacophony and worrying about ridiculous little things like 'Stonelan cats' and 'falling to her death', she ignored the crows as they started to dive bomb her. She'd survived a stinking rockslide, there was no need to worry over a couple of ruffled up birds! Upon reaching one of the higher rafters, Moon lowered herself down so that she skimmed the branch with her belly, kinked tail lashing about behind her for balance as she began to shimmy towards the nest over shrieking young. Although newly hatched chicks were one of her favourite meals, they weren't nearly enough to feed both herself and Willow...

As she'd predicted, though, the closer she got to the young, the more riled up the murder of crows grew, and the closer they came to driving their beaks and clawed into her back. Watching the enraged birds intensely, she bunched the muscles in her hind legs, brought her forelegs in closer to her chest, and then... sprung! Forepaws reaching out as she twisted her upper body around, extracted claws caught the unsuspecting bird mid-dive. Reeling it in towards her mouth and ending it's life in one hard bite, she swung around in the air, ruined tail flailing behind her in useless circles and legs extending in order to try and slow her fall. Having missed the first branch that she'd wanted to land on (thanks to her hopeless steering) and been forced to propel herself away from the second thanks to the position of the large bird in her mouth, she resolved instead to bypass anymore attempted landings, in favour of hitting the ground safely.

It was a struggle, and she hit the ground with enough of a thump that she was happy she'd already managed to kill the bird (or Food forbid the struggle that would have been!), but she'd succeeded in her mission. Try telling that to the darn crows, though! More enraged than ever, they continued to launch themselves at her, giving her no time to rest her tired legs, before she was lifting the large kill almost effortlessly into the air, and leaping away from the crime scene.

((ahhh i'm sorry that this was so long!! i just couldn't contain myself hhhh))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-06-25 03:59:48 +0000 UTC]

(Haha I love it, don't ever apologize >w< <33 I'm so excited too, hhhh!)


For once in his life, Gentlebreeze was actually feeling rather relaxed as he scoured the nooks and crannies between boulders for herbs. The past newleaf and greenleaf had been uncommonly serene and disease-free, except for a few mild cases of hay fever (though he suspected one or two of the cases were nothing more than a bit of pollon up the cat's nose). A young apprentice by the name of Volepaw had recently died, though, at the fangs of an adder. Cases such as these were not all that unusual, but the fact that it happened to a cat so young and beloved to the Clan made it come as a shock to most. There hadn't been much that the medicine cat could do, and it had been a rather quick passing, which gave Gentlebreeze some peace of mind. He let out a small sigh as the thought of the young apprentice crossed his mind, and moved on to another pile of mossy rocks. While his current mood was mildly somber, it was true that he was glad to get a few minutes of respite from his new apprentice, Magpiepaw. The black and white she-cat was a little ball of energy and, while she was very eager to learn, it was very difficult to calmly endure her shenanigans from dawn till dusk, every day. Ratfang had asked permission to teach the little she-cat some self-defense moves that afternoon and while Gentlebreeze didn't outwardly show it, he was quite relieved. 

The gray tabby tom lifted himself up onto his back legs and rested his front paws on two boulders leaning against each other, sniffing the cool, shaded spot between them in search of burdock root. Magpiepaw had helpfully pointed out that their store of the smelly reddish root had rotted away and dried up, which honestly was a good sign. This meant that Stoneclan cats were not getting in enough fights to need an herb that prevents infection of wounds, though it was always best to keep some just in case a cat found a thorn in their nest. His pale green eyes lit up happily as he smelled the sour scent of burdock, and he reached one paw in between the boulders to dig the herb up. Once he had removed a few pawfuls of soil, he grabbed a couple of stems between his teeth and tugged the roots up, making sure he left a couple so the plant would grow back. 

However, as he began to gather the roots up in his jaws, he was startled into dropping them again when a chorus of furious cawing erupted not too far away. He immediately ducked into the shade behind the boulders, tucking his striped tail in neatly over his paws. His mother had warned him as a kit that angry crows were dangerous by themselves, but the fact that they were making such a ruckus often meant that there was something else dangerous there that was causing the outburst, be it a hawk, an owl, or even a desperate stoat. He did not want to risk becoming the target of a hungry bird of prey, but he carefully peeked from behind the rock to see what was going on, and how far away the action was. He recognized an old, dying tree and realized that crows must have made a nest in it just this season, as he hadn't seen or heard them around previously... maybe a long time ago, sure, but not any time recently. He couldn't spot any eagles or owls bothering the crows or soaring up high in the sky, so he looked around for any land-dwelling predators being dive-bombed by the angry dark-feathered birds. His eyes locked on what looked like a limp crow bouncing up and down, getting bigger and bigger, as others of its kind swooped down towards it. 

Gentlebreeze then realized with a gasp that it must be something carrying a dead crow- and coming right toward him! Whatever it was had to be big, too, as the crow was hanging loosely almost a full tail-length off of the ground. He desperately looked around for a place to hide, just in case this predator liked the taste of cat as well as crow. He darted off behind a dry prickly bush with his tail between his legs, the burdock roots rolling off in various directions as he stepped on them. Expecting the stench of fox to fill his nostrils at any moment, he glared out from between the branches of the bush as the predator trotted past with its kill. His eyes widened though as he realized that this was no fox-- it was an... enormous cat! His jaw dropped slightly in awe as he watched the giant feline nonchalantly carry its prey past the bush, the angry crows eventually being satisfied and stopping their attack when the cat had left their territory. Gentlebreeze was filled with a mixture of anxiety and fascination, as well as a burning sensation that he couldn't quite put his paw on.. guilt? Curiosity? Maybe even recognition? His heart jumped to his throat though when he noticed a large, ghastly scar over the cat's face that stretched all the way down to its chin. 

For what felt like hours, Gentlebreeze internally debated confronting this cat, recognizing that it was trespassing and stealing prey; but, what if it ended up that this cat was aggressive (and from the looks of those scars, it was obvious to him that she had been in a few fights!)? Gentlebreeze, a timid and passive medicine cat, would be knocked dead against a boulder in a heartbeat, and then who would take care of the cats of Stoneclan? But then, what if this cat was hurt by those crows, and it was a gentle giant? He would never forgive himself if he left an injured cat to fend for themselves. As he watched the large, golden fluffy (and strangly kinked) tail disappear behind a boulder pile, he forced himself to exit the bush and call out, "H-Hey! Hello!," as he ran to catch up with the stranger, but made sure to stay a safe distance behind in case his predictions of aggression were correct. "Are you hurt?" He asked, taking careful steps forward to keep up with this cat's long strides. 

(Holy Starclan, sorry that this is so long!! ;;o;; Once I start, sometimes it's really hard for me to stop! ;w; )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-06-26 21:38:59 +0000 UTC]

((ahhhh i loved all detail!! i thought you said you found it hard having your characters express themselves/show their thought processes? because that's certainly not the case there! your writing is wonderful, honey! and i am feeling some serious nostalgia right here, if i'm honest! ; w ;; <333 ))

Dodging the crows with a great amount of flare and enjoyment, the large she-cat ducked and zigzagged across the flat, dry terrain of Stoneclan, smiling around the heavy mouthful. Trying her best not to inhale the fine, flyaway black feathers that made up the crows chest plumage, Moon sped up the pace as the crows put up a final front, swooping low and trying their best to catch her with their talons. An amused snort, a quick, graceless change of pace, and she was slipping back off to one side, meandering down between a few large, evenly spaced boulders. It was here that the birds peeled off, crowing their fury, even as they turned around in tight circles overhead and headed back towards their rickety old nesting tree.

Feeling upbeat and ridiculously proud of this achievement, the she-cat continued of her way, holding her head high and prancing forwards on the pads of her toes at a more sedate pace. Her kinked tail was high in the air, and her expression was smug (behind the crow that she was lugging about). This hunt was a great success! Rarely did she leave a hunt without at least a small series of scrapes and cuts, let alone anything bigger - she was constantly giving Willow grief with her clumsiness and her lack of concern over her own wellbeing, but as she kept saying, she had a great im... immune system! Even though she had no idea what those words meant when they were next to one another, she knew it was something to do with health, and she knew that she had it. It was one of those things that she figured she'd learnt about prior to the injury, and just couldn't remember the word-for-word meaning... Either way, she had it (whatever it was) and she was more than happy to use it in her own defence.

Chest swelling with pride as she retraced her steps back in the direction that she came (and completely, painfully unaware of her company) she turned a sharp corner around a boulder pile, slowing her pace and just getting ready to drop her prey when she heard the voice behind her. Blinking slowly, the large she-cat stooped to set down her prey and, moving to stand over it in a vaguely protective stance, she turned lime green eyes behind her to try and spot the cat that was apparently calling for her attention. The voice niggled at her ears like a very light itch, ad she she flicked them back and forth a few times, as though to dislodge raindrops.

As the cat in question finally came into sight, Moon stared at them hard. Grey, tabby striped fur, kinks and curls in their coat, flat ears... Moon parted her mouth slightly and inhaled, catching the strong, bitter scent of some foul herb, and beyond it, enough to identify the stranger as a Clan tom. She'd not met a Clan cat since before her accident, but Willow had been right - there was such a distinct difference in the scents of a Can cat and a loner... it was like a dozen cats, all blending together to make an underlying musk in this tom's coat. That Roedeer had had something similar too, though his was older, and much subtler. Twitching her whiskers and closing her mouth, she offered the tom a dashing grin.

"Well, hey there, stranger!" she called back, voice strong and stance boldly friendly. She wasn't too worried about this cat having other Clan memebers nearby, considering Moon thought she'd probably stand a good chance against them. What were a cluster of cats, in comparison to a mob of enraged crows? Besides, he didn't seem at all aggressive. He'd didn't feel dangerous, if that made sense at all? (She was acutely aware that it didn't, and that once again, Willow was probably somewhere nearby, groaning into her paws and begging the Stars to save Moon from her own stupidity.)

With a tilt of her head and a flick of her scarred ear to indicate the damage done to the left side of her face, she laughed, "Nah, I'm okay! This thing's just old!" After a long moment of happy smiling, the distant cawing of a crow caught her attention, and she realised what the other cat must have meant. With a roll of her eyes skyward and a second bout of laughter, she corrected herself, "You meant from those lot back there, huh?"

Waggling fluffy toes and trying her best not to stare at the stranger (because there was just... just something there), she ignored the urge to step closer to him and study his face. Her vision wasn't great at any kind of distance - let alone with the way that the sun was glaring off of those boulders right there. "I'm fine! Sound as ever," she erupted into a hearty (if not slightly distracted purr), and tried to think around the fuzzy itch growing in the back of her mind. "Say, do I..." She started the words slowly - deliberately - before brushing the sensation off with a small shake of her head, and replacing her brief frown of concentration with another friendly smile. Huh, weird.

((weeps bc it just got longer again... ''OTL ))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-06-27 03:02:07 +0000 UTC]

(Hhhhh thank you so much! ;;w;; And oh my gosh, same here!) 


Gentlebreeze felt a wave of relief wash over him when he realized that this enormous she-cat was not aggressive; however, he was slightly taken aback by how friendly she was. The tabby tom had never met a cat outside of his Clan that was so eager to speak to another Clan cat, let alone laughing and purring fiercely. He stood there, stunned for another beat or two before he blinked and twitched his whiskers. "I see.." He replied evenly, not daring to look away from her. Gentlebreeze then internally kicked himself for not checking her scent earlier to figure out where she was from - if she was a Highclan or Cloudclan cat, then she was trespassing, and although he hated causing conflicts, it would have to be reported to Applestar so the respective leaders could discuss it at the gathering. He curled his lip subtly and breathed, but couldn't detect any traces of Clan scent. It made sense honestly, he had never seen this she' at any gatherings or even in or around this territory before.. or at least, he was fairly sure he hadn't. This had to be a loner or a rogue cat, and a very lost one at that. He had not smelled this scent within Stoneclan boundaries before, or at least, in a very long time.

As these thoughts crossed the tom's mind, he realized he had been standing there quietly for far too long without providing some sort of continuation of the encounter. "Uhm- who are- well, what's your name?" Gentlebreeze stumbled though the query awkwardly, blurting out the first question that came to him. As he waited for a response, his dusty green eyes scanned her golden and dark-spotted pelt curiously. Something about this cat stirred a tickling sensation in his mind that he was very familiar with in his line of work; it was the same tickle that plagued him when he first woke up after a dream and felt it all fading away in his memory, that irritated him when there was something he had wanted to do that day but couldn't quite remember, and that made his heart sink on sleepless nights because there were certain faces he thought he would never see again and couldn't decide whether it would be better to remember or forget them. Gentlebreeze, for some reason, felt that he already knew this cat's name, although he was fairly certain he had never seen her before. 

He tried to return the she-cat's seemingly-friendly manners and took a few cautious pawsteps forward, but still stayed a tail-length or two away for the sake of safety. His tail inadvertently lashed about with anxiety, and he was internally glad that his ears were curled from birth or else they would be flat against his head. He did not want to seem fearful to this she-cat who was acting nothing short of welcoming to him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-06-30 01:58:15 +0000 UTC]

((so many feels, it hurts ;; U ;;; ))

The she-cat perked up a little more as the silver tom approached her, his cool green eyes still wary. The way that he was drawing nearer to her - with such caution and uncertainty - reminded her greatly of how Willow was with strangers, and Moon felt herself soften a little more. This tom didn't seem to have much confidence in his own skills, so Moon supposed that he mustn't be a seasoned fighter. It was for this reason that she felt no need to hold her ground over her kill, and sank back onto her haunched, her large forelegs braced on either side of the crow, and the thick fur on her chest and belly resting against ruffled black feathers.

Having found the long, drawn out silence somewhat amusing (because ohh boy, didn't this tom have some really sombre expressions going on!) there was something rather endearing about the way that he stumbled over his rushed question. It had been said with such a vehement awkwardness, that Moon couldn't help but laugh a little more through her purr. "I dunno!" She said honestly, in reply to his question concerning her identity. The knowledge had never weighed her down like it might have done with other cats, and she'd never felt trapped or confined by it. Still, she supposed that might be a weird (or even unbelievable admission) to hear. "I mean, I go by 'Moon', these days! Before that? Whatever you want me to have been called, I suppose! I don't rightfully know!"

With a rather blunt flick of her tail towards the scarring on her head, and a twitch of her damaged ear, she said simply, "Having half a mountain dropped on your head tends to make things a little... blurry, I've found." A shrug, a good humoured chuckle and a rasp of her tongue against the side of her mouth, and Moon was far more interested in finding out about this stranger. "And you, huh? What about you? You're one of these 'Clan' cats, huh? I bet you're a... a Stoneclanner!" Provided they were in the Stoneclan Territory it was hardly much of a revelation, but still she was proud of herself for remembering the name of the appropriate Clan. And by the burning scent that lingered strongly on his fur... She twitched her whiskers. "Are you a... V . E . T. S? Or a.. a Cutter?" Was that the right word? No, wait... it was a little off--

Blinking back to reality with a thoughtful hum, she pulled herself back on track with a quick, thoughtful glance at the tom's lashing tail and stiff stance. "What's your name, anyway? I don't want to just sit here calling you 'Stoneclanner' for the rest of our chat! That'd just be plain silly."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-06-30 03:36:36 +0000 UTC]

( Right?? ;o; )


Moon's answer hit the tom like a piece of hail striking a leaf in a storm; he was knocked back, at least internally. She didn't know her name? Did she mean she wanted to change it? That she didn't like it? He opened his mouth to pry on the subject, thoroughly intrigued, but the large she-cat soon explained further; however, though it seemed outwardly that she was explaining, the only thing her words did was confuse Gentlebreeze further. How could a cat not know their own name? A thousand questions ran through his mind, but he pushed them aside to ask another time, if he ever met her again, and decided to call her by her apparently self-assigned name, 'Moon.' He then felt his throat go a little dry when Moon mentioned 'half a mountain' being dropped on her head. He kicked himself again for not immediately knowing it must have been damage to the head that caused the phenomenon; while he had never personally treated a cat with memory loss, his mentor Ashfeather had warned him about the dangers of it, what with all of the high ledges and steep drops in Stoneclan territory. Honestly, he was glad he hadn't asked any questions about it beforehand, or he would have felt rather silly and embarrassed upon realizing her condition. 

He heard her then focus the conversation on him instead, and he sat up straight, looking up at her alertly. "Yes, I'm-" he began to reply to her remark about his being a Clan cat, then was interrupted by the mention of Stoneclanners. "That's right." He nodded with a polite smile. So she HAD been here before, to know what Clans are, specifically Stoneclan. Or, at least, she knew someone who did, which was a comforting thought. His expression then went blank with confusion as she said some completely unfamiliar terms, which was not all that uncommon when talking to Loners, who often wandered far beyond the reaches of Clan territories. "A what?" He meowed calmly, tilting his head a little. "V. E. T. S.? Vets? What is that? Is it another word for Clan cat?" Foreign words such as these always intrigued him, although he didn't expect to understand even if she explained it to him.

"Oh!" he exclaimed as he remembered her last question, "Well, my name is Gentlebreeze. You're right about me being from Stoneclan, but I'm not a warrior. I'm the Clan's medicine cat. I heal cats when they're sick or injured." He mewed with a soft smile, his guard against Moon breaking down bit by bit steadily from how friendly the she-cat was. Gentlebreeze had to admit that that was probably one of his biggest weaknesses, that he was too easily trusting. Ashfeather had jokingly told him that it would get him killed someday, but he suspected that there was a hint of genuine warning in that statement. 

"Now, Moon-" He began with another question, tilting his head again, "What brings you to Stoneclan territory? I haven't seen you around here before, or at least, I don't think I have." He figured that this wasn't too much of a personal question, but of course, the Loner was not obligated to answer. He refrained from asking her where she was from to avoid getting her hackles up, and he wondered that possibly by asking why she was here she might give clues as to where she came from. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-10-24 01:07:08 +0000 UTC]

i'm so sorry for the delay, honey!! i'm super excited to get back to writing these two, though! ;///g///; ))

Quite unaware of the shock that she had put the poor, unsuspecting tom only a few paces away from her through at the mention of being crushed under half a mountain, the she-cat carried on quite happily. Casually interrupting when he attempted to get a few words in edge-ways and and just blinking happily at him as he spelt the words out carefully, she shrugged off the confusion at hearing the whole word (it wasn't said like that in her mind, but then again, her head wasn't always screwed on right!) and just offered a sheepish grin and shrug when he questioned her about it. "No, I don't... think so? Maybe? Hm."

Either way, she didn't have too long to ponder, before the silver tabby was introducing himself really rather politely. She listened quite calmly, up until the words 'medicine cat' rolled off his tongue. Then, she froze - stopped to think about it and almost missed the rest of what he was saying. But it was so hard paying attention when he was... when her brain was itching like this! Like there was something there, in that word.

"I like it here," she blurted suddenly, quite unaware of how rude it might have sounded to a cat that didn't know her in the way that Willow did. Swallowing down a rush of somethingsomethingsomething in the back of her throat, she tore her eyes from flat ears and curly silver fur, and peered out into the barren, almost arid landscape of Stoneclan. "I like the Endless Forest - that big, full place, you know? It really wasn't too shabby in there, 'til lately! And Highclan sure is nice, too - though I gotta say, I'm not so fond of them mountains. That's where I was found, y'know. Right on the far side, well out of the way." She paused with a hearty grimace back in the direction of Highclan territory. Any cat that wanted to live on huge, lifeless mounds of dirt were silly in her mind. What a horrid place it was!

After a long moment, however, she continued, face changing once again. "I like it here. It feels like warmth and happiness - smells like it. I dunno how to word that more precisely, but there's something about the way the earth feels underfoot, and the way the crows cawing carries all the way over the territory, and the... That horrid sharp smell on you, too. Even that is good." Really though, she want rambling, wasn't she? The real reason she was here was because of Willow - things were happening, now that the two-legs were here, and she Willow thought that there would be a lot of change here, soon. That the clans would have to take action. But Moon wasn't about to tell this nice Gentlebreeze fellow that. Despite how friendly he was being, he was still a stranger, and Moon didn't like the idea of anyone trying to hurt her big sister. Just the thought of it ruffled her fur the wrong way.

Mind swinging back around to this 'Medicine Cat' term, she canted her head just slightly to one side and studied him again. "So... what d'you do then, huh? To heal them, I mean. Is it stuff like this?" She flicked her injured ear, reflexively grimacing at the pull of tight scars. The network of scarring under her fur was extensive, and though Willow had done an amazing job on patching her up, Moon wondered what she might have looked like, had she been in the right paws all along. Had she been pretty, once? Like Willow was? Or was she more like that Roedeer cat - odd and long face and ungainly? What about Gentlebreeze - would she have looked more like him, with his bold stripes and bright eyes? "'Cause boy oh boy," she continued easily, "could I have done with someone like you around when I got myself knocked about! I'm only half the cat I used to be!" she laughed heartily at her joke, thinking the play on words rather smart indeed - especially when considering her half-ruined face and her botched memory. And to think, a Medicine Cat might have been nearby all along! Oh, irony really was fond of her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-10-24 03:30:57 +0000 UTC]

The tabby tom nodded solemnly as Moon mentioned the poor situation in the Endless Forest, having discussed his anxieties about the whole thing with Applestar several times over. The Twolegs were pushing the Clans uncomfortably closer and closer together every moon, and he supposed the same went for any wandering Loners as well. He then perked his folded ears up (thought it probably wasn't noticeable) as she described Stoneclan pleasantly.

Her illustration of Stoneclan made him think about the place in a warm light, and he was surprised to catch himself thinking "sounds like such a nice place," even though it was his home Clan! He let out a soft purr of understanding as he listened, getting a subconscious swell of pride that this Loner cat wanted to visit HIS Clan; however, he was brought out of it by her next question. "Stuff like.. ?" He queried carefully, before it snapped together in his mind. "Oh! Your inju- oh, I see." He felt a little bit slow for not understanding what she meant at first, and tried to make up for it by joking, "You mean how do I heal serious cases of mountain-head? Hahah.." Okay, it was a bad joke. "At least I'm trying.." He thought, his cheeks heated under his fur.

"Well, yes, I can heal injuries like yours, most of the time." He explained, his toes flexing in the dust. "Yours must have been pretty severe, though, because, well.." He trailed off, knowing it would be rude to blatantly point out her extensive facial scarring. "I mean, I could probably have healed you well enough, but if half a mountain really fell on your head.. I don't know if I could have, um, kept.. all of your pretty golden fur." He danced around the phrase 'prevented all that scarring,' really not wanting to set off a she-cat the size of a boulder who, quite honestly, seemed to have a mild case of bees-in-the-brain.

"But," he continued, "You did an amazing job of healing yourself!" Honestly, Gentlebreeze was amazed that a cat who clearly took a severe blow to the head was still alive, if she was all on her own. "I know that a lot of cats who, if that happened to them all alone, they probably would be up in Starclan." He knew the thought was fairly grim, and he sincerely hoped Moon would take it as the compliment he intended. "Plus," He finished, lashing his tail, "I don't think scars make any cat worth any less. If anything, more scars just means you have more stories to tell." He offered a sincere smile as he briefly looked into Moon's vibrant emerald eyes.

Something about the phrasing of her joke tugged at his mind, though. 'Half the cat I used to be..' Something about hearing it in this she-cat's voice made him feel as though he were forgetting something urgent, like the name of his Clan's deputy or the right herbs to treat sore paw pads. He hadn't ever felt this before, and it was bothering him terribly. Was this important, or was this simply Déjà vu from one of his dreams?

Either way, he did his best to move on. "If you can't go back to the Endless Forest.. are you planning on staying here?" He mewed carefully, his tone curious and not at all accusatory. "Because, well.. if you don't want to risk being attacked by a border patrol, I can speak to my leader about giving you a temporary place to stay." He knew Applestar would not appreciate him speaking on her behalf, so he was careful not to say that she would be happy to shelter Moon. If the situation went sour, he would take full responsibility.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-11-01 19:46:37 +0000 UTC]

((i'm sorry for the delays, honey! i ended up writing a small novel for this, and had to go back and re-edit a about 7 paragraphs out, in the last 3 or so days!! turns out Moonie has a heck of a lot of things to say, hahaha... ; 7 ;;'''  ))

At the returned joke about her old injuries, Moon found herself releasing a few heartfelt chuckles. Though she desperately loved Willow, the she-cat wasn’t one to crack many jokes, and often gave her a worried once over when the younger she’ said something self deprecating or joked about her past. It was refreshing to hear someone make light of the situation that she had no memory or worries about!

Still grinning, she nodded in understanding at his words and fur a shock of warmth at the mention of her ‘pretty golden fur’. Although her companion had always told her that she was precious and pretty, it was different somehow, coming from a stranger. Ego stroked and she-cat impressed by how he had evaded mentioning the deformed, welted scarring (not that she would have cared had he brought it up considering the fact that is was just as much what made her her as the broken, crooked tail and the monstrous, fluffy paws), she purred loudly to let him know that his kind words were appreciated.

“Aw, geez, keep complementing me like that and you’ll have me blushing!” She said  when he continued, though this reaction to his suggestion that she had done well for herself was a little more stunted. She wasn’t sure that he had intended it to be so, but there was always the danger that this cat was probing her to find out more about her past and her whereabouts. Whatever she told him would likely be reported straight back to his clan (at the very least). This would be fine, if it were just about herself. Moon could look after herself. She was absolutely certain she would be able to handle most, if not all, clan cats on a one-on-one basis, but… well, that wasn’t necessarily the case for Willow. The idea that Willow would be unprotected left her feeling a little more uncomfortable.

Deciding to move onto his latter comment, she subtly changed the topic of the conversation from her survival to her recovery, making sure to leave her sister out of the story entirely. “Well, I mean, scars sure do make for good stories, if you can remember ‘em. I have a few predating the fall, and I know it from the colour…” Here, she swung her back end out towards him, tucked her head down to her side, and pulled back with a mouthful of fur. Beneath, zigzagged through and lined with newer, fatter pink welts, was a section of almost perfectly straight white scarring, the fur directly around it only slightly thinner. After giving him the chance to see it, she let go and straightened up, turning over one large, fluffy paw to show the tom the stress-marks on the outer edges of her pad, that showed she must have done a whole lot of travelling, at some point during her younger years. These scars were small - barely noticeable now - whereas just after the accident, they’d still been bubbled and healing, like she’d had many different adventures in a very short amount of time.

Those were some of the main things that she wished she could remember. “I dunno who I was before, but I guess I wasn’t much out of kithood, even though I had lots of little nicks and scars, before it. I couldn’ta healed myself that well, which is for sure. If the older scars weren’t all so well treated, I’da bet my life that I weren’t a Clan cat, once!” But then came the question - the eternally unanswered question - what had she done to her Clan in the past, that she would be abandoned like that? She tilted her head to one side in a thoughtful manner and pondered this question for a long moment, until Gentlebreeze's voice pierced the quiete, dronign questions in her head, and had the real world slamming back into her.

Dumbstruck at his proposal, all she could do was stare at him in confusion, bright green eyes wide and jaw a little slack. Was he… Was he suggesting that she return to his Clan with him, so as to talk with his leader? Remain in their territory, under their protection? The first thing she wanted to do was laugh at the absurdity of it - the absurdity of her, needing protection, of all things - but then she paused. What he said held some strength, she knew. It was flattering to think that he would go out of his way for her, to set up some kind of a ‘neutral zone’ in his territory, but how could she know he was trustworthy? Everything that Willow had taught her told her that Clan cats were dangerous creatures, for the most part not to be trusted.

But… this tom, he didn’t seem bad to her. That awful, bitter stuff on his fur smelled safe, like home, and there was something in those folded ears and those big, mellow green eyes that seemed to settle her nerves a little. Despite herself, she found her resolve crumbling a little. Large ears folding back against her head in a rare sign of discomfort, she crouched lower over her food, chest and belly pressing into dark feathers and forelegs bracketing it uncertainly. “That’s… that’s a real nice offer, bud. But…” she cleared her throat, tasting out the words silently, before she carefully continued. “But would that offer only go so far as me? Or would it… extend to my friends, too. I’d never bring anyone bad here, of course, but I don’t want friends of mine being under threat, neither. If that’s gonna be the case, I’ll just keep moving on, no harm done.”

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2016-11-01 21:58:17 +0000 UTC]

(Don't worry a bit on it, I absolutely love writing novels back and forth!! <3 )

"You didn't heal those yourself?" Gentlebreeze echoed in surprise before he could stop himself, looking over the tiny, neat white scars on her flank. It was indeed very strange to have such cleanly healed wounds as a Loner, and the tabby tom agreed wholeheartedly that Moon must have either been or known a Clan cat at one point in her life; however, realizing how he had rudely interrupted, he swallowed softly and shuffled his paws, not commenting further on the subject.

He then felt his heart go into his throat for a brief moment as he saw the look of shock on Moon's face. Afraid that he had upset the large she-cat, he flinched and attempted to make himself appear as small as possible, curling his striped tail between his legs. Soon after, though, Gentlebreeze realized that Moon seemed just as uncomfortable with the situation as he was, which, oddly enough, put the tom at ease. For some reason, he would not have expected to ever see a large, confident she-cat like herself looking as anxious as she now did, and his more nurturing side subconsciously kicked in. Not wanting to make Moon feel unwelcome, Gentlebreeze tilted his folded ears forward as much as he could before emitting a low soothing purr. He brought his tail back out, waving it back and forth behind his rump as he meowed, "I didn't mean to make it seem like staying and leaving were your only options," he began, trying to reassure her. "I'm just afraid that a patrol might see you and attack you, 'cause they wouldn't know what you're like. Oh, but- I'm not saying I know what you're like either, I just-" Gentlebreeze sighed, shaking his head, internally scolding himself for going off on a minor tangent. "I don't want you to get hurt."

As soon as he had finished saying that, though, his green eyes darted up to hers in an instant. "Your friends?" He asked, genuinely intrigued. "You have other friends living around here?" His smile was soon dampened though as he realized how hesitant Moon seemed to be about even mentioning said friends. "Ah, well, um.." Gentlebreeze continued, clearing his throat softly, "I suppose it would.. depend on who they are, and how many there are." He reasoned.

"While I would love to bring you and another Clan's worth of cats who need help to stay in Stoneclan, I.. simply can't." He frowned softly before explaining himself. "You see, Stoneclan's in a bit of a pinch right now. We already have all of Seaclan and some Leafclan cats staying with us at the moment since the Twolegs took their camp, and there's barely enough space for everyone to sleep, and barely enough to eat as it is."

He sat up a bit more before looking at Moon, sincerity glimmering in his eyes. "I suppose what I'm trying to say is, only a few of your friends can come, and they'd need to be able to hunt for themselves." Gentlebreeze couldn't believe he was doing this, inviting a strange cat he didn't know, as well as other Loners who he hadn't even seen face-to-face into his camp. But somehow, he found himself being reassured with the thought that if this insanely large cat wanted to harm him, she would have done it already. And, he repeated to himself, if anything at all went bad with Applestar, he would claim full responsibility for this. "Oh, and, it's all up to Applestar." He added a few moments later. "I can't promise that she will say yes, but knowing her, one or two more mouths to feed shouldn't be a problem.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to GwentheCatify [2017-02-15 20:43:59 +0000 UTC]

((rereading all of this again, Gentle is a painfully sweet, thoughtful tom. gosh, my heart!! ))

Falling silent, Moon considered the tom's offer more seriously. Everything that Gentlebreeze was saying was well thought out and so generous she had to fight to keep from breaking into a smile, but... she still couldn't work out the motivation behind his offer. She was incredibly flattered by the way that he had slowly warmed to her and had reacted to her presence, but at the same time, it seemed almost too good to be true. If the condition that his clan was in, was really as bad as he said it was... then why would he want to waste even more of their resources on someone like her? She was a huge cat, she knew, and she ate far more than most did - well, she at least guessed that was the case, judging by the amount that Willow and that Roe cat ate. In comparison, the were sparrows, pecking at worms, and she was a great, greedy owl. And besides that, he didn't know her at all, huh? 

Eventually, feeling heavy hearted but warm with appreciation, the large she-cat offered him a genuine smile. "That's really sweet of you, bud, but I'm not... not sure it'd be a good thing, you know?" She turned her eyes down towards the crow she was braced over, studying the soft ridges and bright lengths of the feathers. Following an odd impulse, she turned and leaned down, taking a rough mouthful of the handsome creature's primary wing feathers, and yanking them clean off. Teeth clenched around the odd prize, she rose from her kill and stepped carefully over the body, taking slow steps towards the previously flighty tom. Still some way away, she set the feathers down like some kind of peace offering, and backtracked to her kill. She wanted to stay and talk longer - to sit here and just natter away like he was a close friend - but she really did need to go and find Willow, before her sister gave herself a heart attack from worry.

"I eat a whole lot and my-- my friends tell me I'm too loud and reckless and headstrong. I guess I'm kinda selfish, you know? Anyway, I'm not clan cat material, bud. There's a reason no one went looking for me, you know!" The rather sad statement was softened by a deep, throaty laugh. Once she'd regained herself a little, and was getting ready to haul her kill up off of the ground, she made a loud chuffing sound of appreciation. "You're a good tom though, you know that? Maybe we'll meet again, huh? Next time, let's chat for longer!"

A short time later, quite a way away from the silver tom - long after that horrid, sharp scent on his fur had faded - she realised that the heavy feeling in her stomach was regret. How odd.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GwentheCatify In reply to bridgenose [2017-02-15 21:11:37 +0000 UTC]

( He's such a kind hearted soul that it will really get him into trouble one day And now we can close this rp )

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shiningstarofwinter In reply to GwentheCatify [2016-07-09 02:46:35 +0000 UTC]

(Just saying you two but this is terribly cute. bridgenose )

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

bridgenose In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2016-10-21 17:10:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GwentheCatify In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2016-07-09 16:21:04 +0000 UTC]

( Thank you )

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cleverpelt [2016-06-24 16:11:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to Cleverpelt [2016-06-24 17:16:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dekiruu [2016-06-24 10:15:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bridgenose In reply to dekiruu [2016-06-24 17:17:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0