Hades has kind of become my favorite game?? The combat is addicting. I look forward to dying so that I can keep advancing the story. It's my go to game for relaxing at the end of the day.
As far as painting goes this one was fairly straightforward until I added color. I'm trying to push myself to be BOLDER but then I freak out at how bright everything looks and pull it back. I did try to incorporate cooler blues/greens and purples to fit with Thanatos's color scheme.🥰
Me playing Hades when Thanatos appears: HELLO PRETTY BOY.
Also me: Stop puffing away I'm trying to WOO you-
I relate very much to Zagreus in the regard that we both like gloomy bois with communication problems.
It's been almost a year of playing Hades on and off and the last six months I've been buckling down and trying to get all of the achievements. I have yet to start the pact of punishment but I can feel it staring at me... Or is that Skelly?