mah first ever ACEOs. These are for some folks. We know each other from this site and some time ago we arranged meeting for summer. For a 7days in Slovakia mountains. So at this time (yes, this submit was scheduled, so I'm currently away from PC) we are together on a mountain shack hiking around.
The aceos are:
Yellow: the ONE banana - this one is for noone (tho someone might get it) I just neede to wrap up the color serie, so I neede something yellow xD
Red: Nameless horse of Magidaa Lady in Red
Blue: mr. Medik - Mandyurin of Nerissien All Her Men
Black: Fordragon family portrait - belonging to Efirende Charas: Twin Flames of Fire and baby Kenneth
Green: Green dragon - Azraelangelo Zeleny drak
Brown: fluffy morphox - Irsibil Morphox
In case I will not return from that trip: We either met a bear or killed each other, cause we couln't withstand each other.