Bro-Hime — Hiems Mansion: Raspberry Application

#oc #raspberry #werewolf #hiemsmansion
Published: 2015-06-18 02:51:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 382; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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General information 

[ Name ]

[ Date of Birth ]
July 12th 

[ Nationality ] 

[ Species/ Ethnicity ] 

[ Height ]

[ Powers ]
Explained a better below

  • Enhanced Physical Abilities 
  • Werewolf Abilities 

[ Attribute ] 

Primary Attribute: Attack
Secondary Attribute: Dexterity
Tertiary Attribute: Stamina
Fourth attribute: Resistence

[ Personality ]

Raspberry is extremely naivetrusting and careless. She has been in many dangerous situations but has not fully realized how dangerous they were due to her inhuman strength and regeneration abilities. Due to this she is also reckless and does not think before she acts. She is very cheerful and loves to be with people and help out when she can. She hates seeing people sad and will do anything she can to cheer them up. She is very easy-going and is a very adaptive person. She is somewhat mischievous but it is never in a malicious way.  Raspberry is also tremendously dense and terrible at academics. She has a strong intuition and always follows it. She is a very curious person and asks many questions—sometimes they are really dumb questions. She likes to know about people and keeps records of what people like and don’t like in her notebook, in this sense she is observant

[ History ]

Late in the night a small pink haired girl awoke. She remembered distinctly the smell of burning flesh and the dark grey smoke that clouded her vision and filled her lungs. She remembered the stinging sensation in her left arm; it was painful so painful she wished she could have cut it off. She was on the edge of a large burning pile of bodies. She managed to pull her left arm out, it was severely burned and she almost passed out from the pain. 

She had a strong feeling that she needed to leave, to get as far away as she could from this place. So she walked and walked and walked and walked. It was early morning when the forest she had been walking through ended and a small village appeared. She was almost unconscious by this time and passed out in a field of raspberries. The villagers found her a little later when they went to pick the fruit. They took the girl in and treated her wounds.

The girl had no memory of who she was or what had happened to her. She did not even know her own name. She decided to name herself after the small red fruit she had taken such a liking too—Raspberry. To the surprise of the villagers she made a full recovery of her burns in only a few days and did not even have a scar left.  

Raspberry liked the villagers, but there was a strong sense that she needed to leave. Following her instincts she left one morning after writing a thank you note.

 It did not bother her she could not remember her past and made no effort to try and recover her memories. However she is terrified of forgetting again and she records the day’s events in a notebook and took many pictures.

She traveled from place to place-- some good and some bad. She didn't like to stay to long. There was always a sense that she had to keep moving—almost like she was running from something. She enjoyed traveling and experiencing new things so it did not trouble her. 

The Past She Does Not Know 

Raspberry was born to an extremely poor family and spent the first years of her life living in the slums. Her father was a compulsive gambler and her mother was a drunk. Their father made money doing dirty deals and their mother was a prostitute. Their father always ended up losing the money through gambling. Their parents were violent and often fought with each other and were sometimes abusive. Raspberry was mainly raised by her older sister Haruna and her older brother Saffron. Their parents were hardly home and provided little to nothing for their children. Saffron often stole to feed himself and his sisters. The three of them were very close and despite their living situation they were happy. Saffron protected his sisters from the abuse of his parents and vowed he would grow up, get a good job and Haruna and Raspberry away from the horrible life they lived.

When Raspberry was 10 a strange man came to their home and made Raspberry's parents an offer that was accepted almost instantly; he wanted to buy their children. Raspberry, Haruna and Saffron were sold to this man without hesitation. The three of them were taken to a facility where research was being conducted. For the next three years of her life Raspberry was a human experiment. One of the projects aimed to create  the perfect solider.


It was through these experiments that Raspberry gained the abilities she has today. During an experiment thought to be the one that would achieve their goal, Raspberry and some other promising children were administered a test. It failed and all of the children died. The facility dumped their bodies and burned them to get rid of them. They had been wrong in Raspberry’s case she had not died and the experiment was a partial success—it had been a delayed effect and she had taken on the appearance of death while her body changed. The shock of the experiment was likely the cause of her lost memories. 

[ Ability Power ]

Enhanced Physical Abilities 

  • Inhuman strength; crush bolder, crack the ground  deal.
  • Speed; she can channel her power to her legs to increase speed (these would be like sudden bursts not continuous)
  • Defense; She can take much more damage than a regular person.  
  • Regeneration; fast recovery from injury and illness  

Werewolf Abilities 
These abilities are much more powerful and pronounced in her wolf form, but she is unable to transform currently.

  • Claws; sharp claws that can cut through steel-- these are not always 'out' 
  • Fangs; strong jaws/fangs'
  • Hearing; has extremely good hearing 
  • Smell; Keen sense of smell; can navigate in darkness due to this

[ Weakness(es)/Downside(s)/ Allergies/ Health Concern(s) 

  • She has no long range attacks and is weak to long range fighters. 
  • Her regeneration is not instant; it is just faster than a regular person.
    • An injury that would normally take 3 weeks to heal would heal in 1 week for her. 
  • Her powers are weakest on a new moon.  
  • In general she has trouble controlling her powers and can sometimes accidentally crush or break something. 
  • She has a wolf form but is unable to transform into it.  

[ Other ]

  • July 12th is the day she woke up with no memories and thus chose this as her birthday not knowing her real one. 
  • She goes by the age the doctor at the village said she was. 
  • Carries around a journal; surprising good at scrap booking.
  • Likes to sleep in high places 
  • One reason her and her siblings were selected was that werewolf's already posses superior physical abilities to humans.  
  • She is supposed to be really pretty (but I can't draw)
  • Her hair is very soft and always smells like raspberries. 

[ Character Relationships ] 
|  - Likes |  - Dislikes |  - Unsure |  - Interested By |  - Saddened By |  - Fearful Of |  - Crushing On |  - Love |

[ Roleplaying Preferences ]

Method: Skype 
Limits: None (R+)
Type: Long Script or Short Lit 
[ ✓ ] Torture/Gore: Yes this can be really interesting and fun to rp *u*
[ ✓ ] Fighting: I like fighting RP but I really suck at it. I need to improve, so if you could bear with me.
[ ✓ ] Emotional/Drama; Yes emotion and drama is good, very good. 
[ ✓ ] One on One: Yes I love one on one ;v; 
[ ✓ ] Group RPs: I'm not very good at large group RP; I do best with 3-5 people. Unless I know everyone really well. 
[ ~ ] Alternate Universe: It really depends on the AU and characters 
[ ✕ ] Casual: I'm not really into these, they tend to get kinda boring for me.  
[ ✓ ] Romance: Yes I adore romance! But it needs to be right, can't force this stuff just for a pair 'n'

Yes please add me to the Skype! 

RP Sample 
was lazy this is from a different OC 

Script Sample: Shen: *sat down at a nearby table and opened the book she had just picked out* I’ve heard this Solomon mentioned before, he seems like an interesting person *she said looking at cover* These 72 pillars seem interesting, I should like to meet them someday. I’ll have to add that to my list of things to do. *she hummed a little as she flipped through the book*

Paragraph Sample: Shen walked along the rows of books looking for something that would catch her attention. Her hair was messy as she had just woken up from a long nap taken on a table in the library; she could sleep just about anywhere. She paused from her book search to look out the window. The sun was setting and the sky was a blaze of reds organs and yellows. She loved sunsets, they reminded her of bloodbaths and a sunset meant night was coming. She smiled a little remembering a particular nasty battle she had witnessed. Humans were funny creatures, they would fight over just about anything. After admiring the sky for a little longer she looked back to the books finally deciding on Clavicula Salomonis Regis, this Solomon man seemed interesting to Shen

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Comments: 2

Leokingdom10 [2015-06-18 02:57:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wheelzzz [2015-06-18 02:53:46 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute! QuQ ~<333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0