Brormorc — Taking A Shot (Kasongo Twins - 1)

#animal #anthro #boxer #boxing #feline #furry #furryart #leopard #twins
Published: 2022-08-31 01:46:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 3834; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description Nathan and Nadine may soon get a chance to step up onto the boxing stage...but at what cost?
Read the story below to find out the details.

The title picture was drawn by the talented DrumerDraws  
He was great to work with and I sincerely recommend him.

Taking A Shot (Kasongo Twins - 1)

By Brormorc

After coming home from work, Nathan settled in the kitchen preparing dinner for him and his sister. He had received his acceptance notification earlier that day, and he knew his sister had received hers as well. He knew the exact moment she received it, because it was the same moment she tried to call him at work. And she continued to try to reach him all day when he refused to answer his phone. He knew the notification was going to provoke an argument, and he wasn’t going to have it in public.

He chopped vegetables while frying chicken, awaiting his sister’s arrival. Eventually he heard the opening of the front door, followed by his sister’s dulcet voice.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?” screamed Nadine holding her phone up to Nathan’s face, showing the notification email that prompted her response.

Nathan ignored his sister’s outburst and continued cooking. He calmly replied, “Hello Nadine. How are you? How was your day? Anything new?” He looked up to see Nadine still standing there angrily, phone in hand.  “I’m tempted to say ‘Your phone.’, but I feel that will just lead to more yell…”

“NA-THAN!!” Nadine screamed, silencing her brother. “Why did I receive an email from the Boxing Association accepting MY request to join the Rockland Boxing League? Oh, AND wishing me luck in my upcoming match at The Jungle?” Nadine looked at her brother with anger, confusion, and disbelief.

Nathan looked at his sister, but didn’t dare smile in fear of increasing her ire. “You’re welcome.”, he simply stated before returned to dinner preparations.

“You?! This was your doing?” Nadine moved to the adjoining living room and paced up and down, as she often did while thinking over a problem. “But even if you submitted a request in my name, I didn’t sign any…”. Nadine’s anger quickly returned. “…You signed MY NAME!” she screamed.

Nathan picked up the cutting board and slammed it hard on the countertop sending food flying. “YES! Yes, I did! Why? Is that an issue all of a sudden?”

Although Nathan didn’t raise his voice, his face reflected his increasing anger. “I don’t recall you being upset when I lied on the application for the fast-food place; saying we were a legally employable eighteen, even thought we were only sixteen at the time. Or when I faked a bank signature saying we had an account; in order to get you that phone you love so much.” Nathan’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Or that time I manufactured a guardian’s signature in order to stop the authorities from separating us.”

Nathan held his sisters gaze silently for a few moments before turning to clean up the mess he had just made. Most of Nadine’s anger evaporated at hearing Nathan enumerate the risks he had taken. Risks to give them both better lives and keep them together. She calmed herself and placed her bag next to the couch before continuing to question him.

 “But why Nathan? We can’t join the Rockland League without a sponsor. You asked Bradley to submit our application last month and he said we weren’t ready. You can’t just create a sponsor by forging a signature.”

Nathan replied sarcastically, “Do we run our lives now by what Bradley says? Should I be running all my decisions past Bradley for his approval? Will I need his permission to take a shit after dinner?”

Nadine was shocked and angered by Nathan’s disrespect. Technically Bradly was their boxing coach, but in fact he was much more than that. When the twins were homeless, living on the streets, Bradley found them behind the gym where he worked. They were living in a makeshift shelter made of boxes and plastic. He allowed them to stay in the gym when the owners weren’t around, and shared what little food he could afford. He was concerned when he found them fighting in the streets, mixing with local hoodlums. He started to teach them the basics of boxing and try to instill them with self-worth and a moral code. Tools he hoped they could use to navigate through the temptations of the dangerous streets.

As they grew older, Bradley was surprised to find the twins had a natural talent for boxing. And when they showed interest in wanting to further their skills, he enrolled them in the gym, personally covering their gym dues. He took it upon himself to train them. He was kind but firm with both of the twins, and tried to be someone they could count on.

Nadine’s anger was in full swing again as she jumped up from the couch and yelled at Nathan. “How dare you, Nathan! You know how much Bradley has sacrificed for us! He’s given us what he could and has proved how much he cares for us. Everything we are now is thanks to him! He wouldn’t say we’re not ready if he didn’t really believe it. You know he only has our best interests at heart.”  

Nathen bent down to clean up the spilled food while considering his sister’s words. “You’re right, sis. Bradley has done a lot for us and I shouldn’t have disrespected him like that. I let my anger get in the way.” He discards the food in the bin and turns back to his sister, “But my point still stands. Remember before Bradley, it was you and me against the world! We counted on each other. And even after Bradley started helping us, we trusted each other to have our backs. I’m sure Bradley meant well by refusing to sponsor us, but he has his own history, his own demons. And that history makes him want to play it safe.”

Nathan reached out to take his sister’s paws “But that’s not how WE live our lives, is it? We don’t play it safe. We take big risks for big rewards. And if there are obstacles or consequences then we will face them, the same way we face everything…together!”

It was very true; Nadine couldn’t deny it. No matter what hardships life threw at them, Nadine and her brother did what they needed to scrape by, to survive. And they always knew they could only count on each other, because other people would let them down. She thought Bradley the exception, but his recent refusal gnawed at her.

Nadine sat back down on the sofa. “I’ll admit I was disappointed by Bradley’s refusal as well Nathan. But a part of me is questioning if Bradley knows something we don’t. The Rockland League are professional boxers…”. Nadine stopped as she was interrupted by Nathan putting his hand over his face, looking up, and sighing in exasperation.

“God, not this again. ‘They’re professionals.’” Nathan air-quoted before he turned to his sister, with growing ire in his voice. “Just what do you think WE ARE!!!  We both go to that gym every day, sometimes twice in a day, not to mention the constant roadwork! Isn’t that what professionals do? Or are we not professionals because we also have to work full time jobs in order to pay for rent, utilities, food!” Nathan waves his arm towards the kitchen.

Nathan sat down on the chair opposite his sister and took a few breaths. “Nadine, you’ve won your last six matches, four by knockout. And your last match, you knocked out that wolf in the 2nd round! How much more proof do you need that we’re ready for the league?”

“Oh yeah Nathan, I knocked out the local night club’s part-time bouncer. That’s real impressive.” She replied cynically. “Those were just smokers Nathan. The league has experienced, professional fighters! You can’t compare them!”

Nathan sat back and sighed, “These league boxers that you’re glorifying, they aren’t all that different from us. Sure, they have skills, they have ability, but we’ve got that as well. Do you know what sets them apart from us? Do you know what they got that we didn’t?”

Now it was Nadine’s turn to sigh. She had heard all this from Nathan before. Exasperated she delivered the line she knew he was waiting for, “Someone gave them a shot?”

“Exactly!” Nathan exclaimed, like he had made some valid point. “They were in the right place at the right time for someone to notice their talent.” He got up and headed back towards the kitchen. “As you may have noticed, no one around here is handing out shots. And we both know that waiting around for others to be generous is a good way to waste your life. I’m tired of waiting, and that’s why I decided it was time we stopped waiting for someone to GIVE us a shot, and time we TOOK one.”

Nadine was really only half listening to Nathan as she was familiar with this tirade. But as Nathan’s last line sank in, she turned to her brother in confusion. “What do you mean ‘Took a shot’? What are you even…”. Nadine stopped talking as she started to put the pieces together. She got to her feet and approached Nathan, an accusatory tone entering her voice. “Even if you forged my signature to get us into the league, that doesn’t guarantee a match. And it certainly doesn’t guarantee a match at The Jungle, the league’s premiere arena in the city! And yet we both have matches there in four months. And you already admitted that Bradley doesn’t know anything about this. So, if Bradley wasn’t responsible for setting up our matches…then who is? ...Nathan?”

Nathan was silent, but he could feel the heaviness in the air as his sister waited for a response. Nathan looked away as he whispered, “…Nigel.”

“Nigel! I told you to stay away…” Nadine stopped again, as she felt there was something more. “…Nigel is a local two-bit hood. He doesn’t have the clout to arrange a match at The Jungle like this. What aren’t you telling me?”

Nathan, knowing Nadine was not going to stop digging, decided to lay the whole thing out. “Nigel and I were talking about my last fight. He congratulated me and asked when I was going be fighting in the city. I told him about Bradley saying we weren’t ready, which Nigel also disagrees with by the way. Anyways, I told him we couldn’t fight in the league without a sponsor. So, Nigel offered to speak to his uncle Jamal. He’s the one who setup our matches, but you don’t have to worry, we’re not having any direct dealings with Jamal.”

Nadine was shocked into silence by Nathan’s revelation.  Jamal and Nigel were members of the Bakshi family of tigers who owned most of Greenglade, the suburb where the twins lived and worked. It was also generally accepted that the Bakshis ran a large criminal enterprise that covered not only Greenglade, but extended into Rockland as well. Jamal was the eldest son of the head of the family, and Nigel was his cousin.  Nigel had met the twins when they were growing up on the streets, before they met Bradley. Though not really friends, Nathan and Nigel seemed to get along well enough and Nigel sometimes gave jobs to Nathan when money was scarce.

Nadine’s voice was controlled with self-contained anger. “So, Nigel offered to sponsor us, an offer that will require him to ask a favor of his uncle, and Nigel didn’t ask for anything in return? He just offered this out of the kindness of his heart? Nigel?! The same Nigel who still makes local restaurants keep open, unpaid tabs for him and his boys? Bullshit!”

“I may have offered to help him with a few jobs.” Nathan confessed. “Just so we didn’t end up owing him.”

Nadine gave Nathan a look of disbelief, “Nigel hardly pays you for the jobs you do for him. A few freebies aren’t going to be worth much.” Nadine started to pace back and forth. “No, there has to be some other angle to this. Nigel doesn’t do something for nothing.” She stopped pacing to ask a question that had just occurred to her. “Nathan, just who exactly are we fighting in this big debut match?”

With the direction the argument had been going, Nathan was hoping that Nadine would overlook that detail until later. No point holding it back now. “Bue Notoshi and Rolf Hayden.”

This revelation was even more shocking to Nadine than hearing about Nigel. Bue and Rolf were not rookies. They both had a record of professional fights, and much better than average win rates. While not league champions, they both had solid followings in the public and were always cheered loudly at their events. Rolf was currently on a six-fight winning streak by knockout, and there was a general consensus that Bue was a top contender to challenge the champion. These were definitely not entry-level opponents.

“Rolf and Bue? Nathan, what were you thinking?” Nadine asked, flabbergasted by the news.

“I didn’t pick our opponents sis, The Jungle notified me earlier today. I was just as surprised as you. Maybe they were hand-picked by Jamal? Maybe we were just really lucky? I don’t know how it works. I just never imagined we’d be given the chance to take down such large names so early in our careers!” Nathan was replying with excitement, not really paying attention to his sister’s concerns.

Nadine looked at her brother in disbelief as she realized how out of touch he was. “Take down?!? Nathan, we’re going to get FLATTENED! Something’s fishy with this! Nigel, Jamal, someone in that family is going to make buck from this! Meanwhile, we’re getting sent out like sacrificial lambs!”

Nathan turned to Nadine, slightly annoyed at her inability to see the potential in this situation. “Make buck? How? You think they’re going to get two big, popular boxers like that to take a dive? How else would they make anything off this?”

“I DON’T KNOW, DO I?” Nadine yelled in response “This is hardly my area of expertise! I don’t know what kind of back-door, underhanded dealings go on in an organization like the Bakshi family. But I don’t believe for a second that this was random. Someone’s hand is behind this, and they are using us!” Nadine started to shake with panic, anger, and frustration as tears welled up in her eyes. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to be Nathan! Bradley was going to take us to the league, set up our matches, build our records! I was going to walk into that arena feeling accomplished, knowing I earned my way! Now you’ve turned the one thing in my life I was proud of into a sordid mess! This was MINE Nathan!”

Nathan took his sister in his arms and put her head on his shoulder. “Shhh. Shh. I’m sorry sis. I didn’t realize…I thought I was helping us out. You have every reason to be proud Nadine. This arrangement doesn’t change anything.” Nathan held his sister until she calmed down, as he had many times before when they were kids.

Nathan puts his paws on Nadine’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Nadine, forget about Nigel, Jamal, Bradley, forget about everyone else. There’s only two people who are looking out for us, and we’re both looking at them. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does, we just have to lookout for ourselves. And I’m telling you sis, this opportunity can only be good for us.”

Nathan’s embrace and calm voice soothed Nadine. She knew Nathan loved her and that he was always trying his best to help them both. “How is this good Nathan?”

Nathan smiled at seeing Nadine recover. “Let’s say you’re right, and we both lose our matches. So what? We’re still in the Boxing League. And even if we lose, we still had an appearance in a major league arena with two big named opponents. You think people won’t see that? Our names will be on animals’ tongues and we’ll get match requests from boxers trying to ride that popularity train. Or by those who might think we’re an easy path to another tick in the win column. Won’t they be surprised.”  Nathan chuckled and his sister joined in.

“Oh, but if we win Nadine...” Nathan’s smile expanded into a wide grin. “If we WIN! Then we will have single handedly taken down two huge boxers in the League. We’ll become overnight sensations! The offers will come rolling in so much, that we’ll have our pick of opponents! We’ll be able to earn some real cash and reduce our hours at work. Or maybe even quit our jobs entirely to focus just on training, you know, like ‘professionals’.” The twins laughed at Nathan’s sarcastic reference.

Nathan stepped back and got into his boxing stance doing a little shadow boxing. “And you can’t tell me that you aren’t a little bit excited at the idea of getting in the ring with Bue. I know you follow her online and cheer for her. And I remember how excited you were last year, when Bradley took us to see one of Bue’s matches. I don’t believe for a second that you aren’t looking forward to facing her in person.”

Nathan stops boxing so he can focus on his sister. “And I have no doubt, honest truth, I KNOW that you can take her Nadine. I’ve seen you in that ring, and she has NOTHING on you. With four more months to train, well now, I think Bue’s going to have a rude awakening.” Nathen leans over to kiss his sister on the forehead.

Nadine smiles, feeling comforted…and more confident after Nathan’s praise. Maybe he’s right. The match isn’t tomorrow, there’s still time to improve and focus on her skills. And now she had a goal to incentivize her. She was going to show Bue who she was, the kind of fighter she was. Nadine was going earn her respect.

“Thanks Nathan. You’re absolutely right. We don’t need anyone else. If we just focus on our fights, we’ll be fine.” Nadine smiled as she got up and collected her bag. “I’m going to take a shower before dinner.”

Nathan looked over at the kitchen, chicken burnt in the pan, vegetables all over the counter. “Um…how about take-out from the Steak Bar?” he asked Nadine sheepishly.

Nadine laughed at her brother. “Absolutely Nathan! Let’s splurge a little. After all…” she winked at her brother, “…we’re celebrating tonight!”

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Comments: 2

DrumerDraws [2022-08-31 01:53:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Brormorc In reply to DrumerDraws [2022-08-31 03:40:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0