BulldozerIvan — Wonder AI - The Final Days of Stung Hornet [🤖]

#ai #chinese #spy #womeninprison #sodality #dozerfleet #gerosha
Published: 2023-10-12 17:45:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1207; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 7
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Scene from: "Sodality: Vindication"


It was a trying time in Mingmei's life.  She'd interfered with the completely lawless kidnapping of Sniperbadger by Toklisanan authorities, and got captured instead.  In spite all the good she'd done, her enemies in the corrupt-to-the-core Congress of Toklisana remembered how she'd humiliated them in the past as a honeypot.  Even though no judge would officially sentence her to such, her political enemies shrilly demanded that she be executed!  Their grudge would not be abated, until they saw a SCALLOP agent hold up her severed head for the camera!

Her two lovers, Shing Xu and Brian Mizgel, did what they could to comfort her.  It seemed her fate was now inevitable.  Candi McArthur still had some Remotach pills though, and hatched a plan.  Having used Remotach to survive being decapitated THREE TIMES, Candi knew it worked on Centhuen Prototypes.  It was used once on Dolly, who wasn't Altered, and it saved Dolly from decapitation at the Denison Death Camp.

Could it save Mingmei?  The plan had merit.  A cadaver swipe later, and Mingmei could fake her own death, and be smuggled back to China.  But if it failed?  Shing and Brian both knew they'd be forever devastated!  Even if it succeeded, Mingmei and Shing had to leave the North American continent forever!  They had to retire to China, in the remote farm areas, and not be seen by western eyes ever again!  To most of the world, Agent Stung Hornet was a dead woman!

Plus, even if the plan succeeded, that would mean having to survive the excruciating agony of having her head chopped off!  Mingmei could barely hold back the tears.

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