bunnymommy16 — Changing Pt 11 Frieza x Reader [NSFW]
Published: 2016-07-16 06:54:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2332; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description I entered my chambers, finding the room dark. I guessed Frieza had already gone to bed. I went into my dressing room and changed into my night dress. The servants had already retired, but I didn't mind. Having a small army of women dressing me could be annoying at times. I was careful to turn off the light before I opened the door, not wanting to wake Frieza and alert him to my presence. I stepped into the main room, letting my eyes adjust to the dark. I jumped when I felt arms come around me, a scream welling up in my throat.

"Where have you been?" Frieza asked in my ear.

"Out," I said shortly.

"I called for you to return," he said, his lips trailing along my neck.

"I know," I said.

"You didn't come," he pointed out.

"I didn't want to see you," I replied coldly.

"It's unlike you to disobey a direct order," he noted.

"Am I your pet or your queen?" I asked bitterly. He was silent, his hands against my stomach. His tongue flicked out, lapping at the spot behind my ear which normally made me mewl in his arms and expose my neck to him. Now, however, I fought against that urge, shifting so he was unable to reach it.

"Must you hold me?" I questioned.

"Yes," he said, lifting me into his arms and walking over to the bed.

"Fine," I sighed. He set me on the bed, climbing up next to me and pulling me into his arms. His lips pressed against mine but I didn't return the kiss. I was hurt. Despite everything he had told me, I was still a pet. I loved him and I wanted him to love me, but he didn't. I was a possession, something he wanted to own. Tears welled up in my eyes but I fought them back.

"Do you hate me now?" he asked.

"No," I said honestly. I couldn't hate him as much as I tried. If I hated him, this wouldn't hurt.

"You are angry with me," he noted, his lips on my chin. I said nothing. I didn't need to. My head was tilted back, his red eyes seeking out mine. I turned my head away, not wanting him to see my pain. He shifted me so my back was to his chest, holding me tightly as his lips pressed against my throat, nipping just above the collar.

"No," I said. "I'm not in the mood."

"I told you before that your wants don't matter," he said in a strange tone, almost like he was reminiscing instead of ordering me. "Your body belongs to me." A lump formed in my throat and I struggled to swallow, feeling one traitorous tear slip down my cheek.

"So no matter what, I'm still only a pet," I said in a hoarse voice. "Everything else is just a way to cement your claim on me. It's all lies."

"You are not a pet," he said.

"Pretty words when I'm kept in chains!" I spat, trying to pull away from him. He let me go and I leaned forward, bracing my hands on the bed as I hung my head, one tear after another slipping down the bridge of my nose to drop on the bed. My hands balled in the soft blanket, but even through the fabric I could feel my nails biting into the palms of my hands. My heart constricted in my chest, my eyes stinging.

"I can't let you run again," he said. "I can't...I cannot loose you."

"If this is how you keep me," I said angrily. "Then I will never be yours." I was sure the comment would earn me a slap, but he didn't move. My shoulders shook as a sob escaped my lips.

"I can't keep doing this," I said. "I can't keep loving you like this. It's too painful. If I'm just a pet, just a toy, then make me that. But don't falsely elevate me. Don't ask me to be yours when I don't really have a choice. Don't keep me bound and call it freedom." He still said nothing. I felt his hands against my sides, gently pulling me towards him again. I fought the hold and he let me, watching as I tired myself out. When I slumped forward, he brought me back, cradling me in his arms. He tilted my head back and lapped at my tears, his dark lips kissing the wet trailed.

"My darling," he said. "I am not accustomed to being vulnerable. I have killed strong men with a flick of my wrist, yet you hold more power over me than any could ever hope for. The true irony in that is that you want nothing from me. Money, status, titles, these things I would give to you in a heartbeat, yet you don't want them."

"I would love you even if you were a lowly servant," I said, closing my eyes.

"Such foolish things you say," he murmured and I felt him smirk against my cheek.

"You don't believe me?" I asked.

"I do," he said. "Which is why it is foolish. What could a servant offer you?"

"Love," I replied.

"And a King cannot?" he asked.

"I don't know," I replied, opening my eyes. "Can he?" He stared down at me, a flood of emotions in his eyes. What he thought, I didn't know. A year ago I wouldn't have played such a dangerous game, questioning him like this, telling him without words to prove himself to me. I had drawn the line in the sand, given him a final choice.

Crimson eyes stared into mine as a single finger traced along the rim of the collar.

"Ask me again," he said. "Ask me what you are again." I paused, fear gripping me at the look in his eyes. It was intense. My lips parted and I forced the words out.

"Am I your pet or your queen?" I repeated. He bent down, kissing me, plundering my mouth in a possessive way, his teeth nipping at my lips, his tongue trailing along the line of my teeth. I heard a soft click, then the collar fell away and with it the chains that had bound me to him as his servant, his toy, his pet. The coiled links broke and his lips muffled my gasp as the metal fell to the bed, the gem glowing briefly as it hit the plush surface.

His lips pulled away slightly, his mouth hovering over mine as he whispered;



I rolled my eyes as I was fussed over. My hair tucked once more away from my face as the braids and jeweled pins were arranged. My dress was smoothed down, the shimmering silver skirt pooling around my feet as I sat beside Frieza in the throne room. The long sleeves on the gown ended in points at the back of my hands while the open neck exposed my shoulders and throat. A stiff bit of fabric wrapped around my waist and breast, studded with pinpoint size stones and laced in the front. From the top of my sleeves a long white cap fell, draped elegantly over the arm of the chair to pool of the floor. A thick decorative collar adorned my neck, the gems sparkling in the artificial lights. I reached up, touching the gold circlet on my head with a sigh.

At my side, Frieza was dressed in armor similar to what he normally wore, but this armor was white and pale blue with gold lining. A long white cape was pinned to the shoulders with gold buttons and on his head rested a gold piece that followed the lines of the bio-gem.

"Are you ready, sire?" the man with the camera asked as the people behind him adjusted audio sticks and lights. Frieza nodded, uncrossing his legs and sitting straight on the throne.

"Ready in three...two...one...go..."

"Good evening," Frieza said to the camera with a grin. "In light of certain events that have occurred recently, I thought it best to address you all personally," he folded his hands in his lap, "There have been several rumors floating about which have caused a great deal of concern. I am here to assure you, they are all very true." His smile became sinister, his lips curling to show his teeth in a fierce expression that sent chills up my spine. He slowly rose from his throne and moved a bit closer to the camera, standing just at the edge of the dais.

"I have broken tradition and the rules. But I am your lord and it is I who get to make the rules," he continued. "Many of you have concerns, a few foolish souls have sought to take matters into their own hands, but all of you are confused, so let me simplify things for you." He turned to me, holding out his hand. I rose, moving forward, my cape fanning out behind me. I slide my palm over his and his fingers curled up to grip my hand firmly. He urged me forward a bit more until I stood at his side, looking every inch a queen. The lights glinted off the gold band on my ring finger as he lifted my hand slightly in a presenting gesture.

"This," he said. "Is my lovely bride to be," his gaze moved from me to the camera, his eyes growing dark even as his lips curled, "She is death. Should you talk rudely to her, seek to hurt her or end her life, yours will be ensured," his expression darkened more as he glared at the camera, his menacing leer never wavering, "And I can guarantee, it will be a most painful one." He lifted my hand to his lips, kissing it gently, his expression softening briefly.

"I will destroy all who stand against her," he said with a vicious grin as he turned back to the camera. "So it would be best if those who oppose this bit the bullet and accept it. You will not get to her and any attempts will end very poorly for you. I will see to that personally." His free hand lifted, a small ki ball lighting in his palm, he let it grow, the glow from it illuminating us. His fingers curled around it, crushing it to his palm so it dissipated with a tendril of smoke.

"That is all," he said. The recording light on the camera cut off and the film crew began cleaning up. Frieza watched them with a dark smile still gripping my hand.

"Frieza," I said.

"Yes, my dear?" he asked, not turning his gaze from the work.

"Can I take this off now?"

He turned to me, his scarlet eyes trailing over me.

"But you look so lovely," he said, pulling me close and floating up so he was at eye level with me. His mouth was on mine, hot and demanding as one hand wrapped around my back while the other massaged my breast through my dress. I moaned softly, pulling back.

"Frieza!" I hissed, exasperated that he was doing this in front of other people.

"My queen," he purred. "So lovely."

"Can't we at least go to our room?" I asked, trying to pull away from him.

"Perhaps I can't wait that long," he taunted. "Maybe I simply must take my lovely bride. Especially when she looks like this."

He nipped at my collar bone, his teeth snagging a bit of skin and sucking it into his mouth, no doubt leaving a bruise. I looked up when I heard the door bang, noticing the servants and camera crew beating a hasty retreat. Frieza looked up as well, grinning.

"My, my," he murmured. "It seems we've been left alone." I yelped as I was lifted up, looking down at the leering emperor.. He floated back, sitting on his throne with me astride him. His hands lifted the skirts, moving them out of the way. I felt him tear my panties off,and stared at him wide eyed.

"You're not serious!" I cried. "Here!?"

"Yes," he growled. "I rather enjoy seeing you like this."


I groaned as I jumped up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, vomiting up last nights dinner. Again and again my stomach heaved, the spasms becoming painful as my body sought to purge itself of what it no longer had. Gentle hands pulled my hair back from my face and a cool cloth was laid on the back of my sweating neck.

The spasm stopped and I slumped back, feeling a body behind me. A cup of water was pushed into my hand and I rinsed my mouth out, spitting bile laced water into the toilet.

"The doctor is on his way," Frieza told me as he carefully wiped my face. I only nodded, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. I was no fool. This wasn't the first morning I had spent worshiping the porcelain god. The vomiting, the fatigue and the fact that my cycle had never come. It had been several months since my miscarriage, but it appeared the healing tank had done a bang up job of getting my body back to peak condition.

I stood, walking back into the bedroom and sitting quietly on the bed, my hands in my lap. Frieza said nothing to me, only stood in front of me, his hands behind his back. I didn't look up as Malaka entered the room, the scanning device in his hand. Nor did I look up when he stood before me, tapping at the device and gazing at the read-out screen. I didn't even bother to look up when his low voice declared;

"She's six weeks pregnant."

I continued to stare at my lap at Malaka spoke about having my meals changed to ensure maximum nutrition, taking supplements and other such preparations. I watched my hands twist in my night dress as Frieza thanked him and he excused himself, the door clicking quietly as it closed behind him.

"Darling," Frieza coaxed in a soft voiced as if he were trying to calm a feral animal. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood and shook my head, clenching my eyes shut. Hands cupped my cheeks, tilting my head back and I opened my eyes releasing a torrent of tears. A sob broke free, and the dam broke, making me crumble in his arms, weeping. His hands caressed me as he murmured to me, his tail coming around me so I was held so tightly to him it bordered on pain.

"I can't," I cried. "I can't. If I loose this baby too..."

"You will not," he told me. He urged me back on the bed, his lips against my wet cheeks. When my tears finally dried up, I lay on the bed, exhausted and drained.

"Pet, do you doubt me?" he asked. I smiled softly at the familiar name, knowing not to take offense from it. He called me that out of affection, nothing more, reverting back to the familiar title when he was distracted or upset.

"Doubt?" I echoed with a shuddering sigh.

"Do you doubt my power?" he clarified, his lips against the hollow of my throat. "Do you doubt I can protect you?"

"Well...no..." I said.

"Then cease your tears," he said. "They are insulting."

"I'm sorry," I hiccuped. "I'm just so scared." There was that word again. The one I never admitted to the entire time I was his pet, the entire time my life hung by a thread. But it wasn't my life now that I feared for.

"My darling," he said softly, "I will protect you. If that means going off world until you give birth, then so be it. Do not be scared. I will keep you and our baby safe." I nodded, feeling soothed as much as I could be.

His tongue laved my throat as his hands pushed down the top of my gown. Fingers massaged one of my breast firmly, plucking at the beaded nipple. His lips followed, suckling the bud so I squirmed.

"I cannot wait to see the function of these," he cooed playfully. I chuckled softly, looking down at him.

"Pervert," I said.

"You make me one," he purred. "You seduce me so well."

"I never really tried to seduce you," I remarked. "Aside from that one night."

"Ever since you came to me you have seduce me," he said. "The longer time goes on, the more I want you."

"You have me, though," I told him. He smirked and nipped at my throat.


I dashed through the halls, Duria hot on my heels. The front slit in my gown caused my skirt to flair out behind me as my legs carried me through the corridors, a grin on my face.

"My lady, be careful!" Duria chided me as I stumbled, catching myself quickly and continuing on. I smiled at him over my shoulder, making a sharp turn that almost slammed me into the wall, much to my guards chagrin. I arrived at the council room, mashing open the door and darting inside.

Frieza stood with Sorbet, Shisami and Togama, discussing something but I didn't care. I threw myself at his back, my arms wrapping around his shoulders. He jumped, turning his head to look at me.

"Darling?" he asked. I giggled and held up the piece of paper before his face.

"Look at it!" I urged, nuzzling his neck. He reached up, plucking the paper from my hand and gazing at it. He studied it for a moment before his lips curled in a smile.

"Is this...?"

"Yes!" I burst out excitedly. "Isn't he adorable?" Frieza's eyes widened.

"He?" he repeated in disbelief. I nodded and Frieza gazed at the paper once more. There in black and white, was our child. The 3-d picture showed a tiny figure with a large round head, two tiny arms, two small legs and a long tail. Our three month along child resembled a person instead of a little bean with eyes.

"He's perfect," Frieza said with a gentle smile. I giggled and took the picture from him, showing it to the three men in the room who smiled and complimented him. I was aware they were being proper, but I couldn't help but stare lovingly at the ultrasound. Frieza wrapped his tail around my waist, placing a hand on my slightly rounded belly.

"Darling," Frieza said, interrupting my dreamy admiration of my growing child. "We will be traveling off planet in a few months."

"What for?" I asked.

"I have some business I must attend," he said. "You will be coming along."

"What about Kuriza?" I asked.

"He will stay here with the nurse maid," he replied. "I don't want him getting into mischief."

"And I won't?" I asked teasingly, brushing my lips over his cheek. He hummed, his hand groping my rump so I squealed.

"Not if you know what's good for you," he replied with a smirk. I giggled and dropped my head, kissing him before I danced just out of his reach.

"I'll let you boys get back to your meeting," I said, wiggling my fingers in a wave as I moved towards the door.

"I will come find you shortly, darling," Frieza said. I held up my hand, signaling that I heard him and closed the door behind me. Duria stepped up next to me with a smirk.

"He was happy?" he asked.

"Thrilled," I replied with a beaming smile. I started down the hall, Duria trailing behind me.

"You seem very happy, my Lady," he noted.

"I am," I replied. Duria reached out, grabbing me and putting me behind him. I waited as he adjusted his scouter, his eyes focusing down the hall. He watched as a guard approached us, a lazy smile on his face.

"My lady, Duria," the man addressed, bowing low before passing us. I was used to this by now. Duria tended to be overprotective. Since Frieza's announcement, there had been no more attempts on my life. It seemed his warning had been taken to heart.

My hand lifted to touch the gold circlet that now had a regular place on my head. It all seemed so surreal. If someone had told me five years ago I would be engaged to an evil alien space emperor and having a child with him, I would have asked what they were smoking. Now, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

I walked to the gardens where Kuriza waited with his nurse maid. The woman bowed and left as soon as she saw me. Kuriza ran up to me, his arms coming around to hug my legs while he kissed my stomach.

"Hi baby," he gushed, nuzzling my tummy. "Hi Mama."

"Hello, sweetie," I said, petting his head. I handed him the picture, watching as he stared at it in awe before hugging it to his chest.

"This is my brother?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yes, my love," I said. "It's your brother. The doctor even told Mama it was a boy, so you get your wish." He cheered, hugging the picture tighter. I sat down on the bench, watching as he clamored up beside me.

"Can I pick out his name?" Kuriza asked, nuzzling my stomach.

"Well, Mama and Papa were gonna name him," I said. "What did you have in mind?"

"Arctica!" Kuriza cried excitedly.

"An excellent name, my son."

I looked up to see Frieza walking towards us, his arms crossed behind his back. He walked over to us, dropping down next to me on the bench, nodding to Duria. He rested his hand on my belly beside his sons smiling face.

"Arctica is a fine name befitting a prince," he said. I looked over at him curiously.

"So," I said. "His name is Arctica?" Frieza looked down at Kuriza then back to me and gave a nod of his head. Kuriza cheered and kissed my belly.

"Hurry up and get here, Arctica!" he said. "I wanna play with you." I chuckled, not having the heart to tell the little boy that it would be a while before he could play with his brother.
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Comments: 1

12animelover12 [2016-08-06 19:56:09 +0000 UTC]

Omg I love it!!! Can you update Plz!!!!

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