BurnedSmackdown — Scarlet Cloud

#cloudstrife #crossdress #finalfantasyviiremake #scarletff7
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Description A giftart to Benji-Blacksky User Profile | DeviantArt  after reading his work here quite some time ago  FF7: Cloud's Scarlet Makeover (possession/femboy)Cloud groaned as he woke up in the cell, his sword gone and materia stolen away. He had tried to look around, but the room was reinforced, with a camera far above out of reach. He could tell the place had been designed with SOLDIER member containment in mind. "Guess they figured out who they were dealing with."Cloud sat on his bed, the fluorescent lights above illuminating him while he bided his time. The room was secure, it probably was locked in a way that would keep him from escaping. Instead, he would wait for a guard to come or some other hint...Maybe Tifa would save him if she got free, but he'd have to wait and watch. From elsewhere, through the camera that was recording Cloud sent footage to Scarlet, who was watching with vested interest. She had smiled as she took in his features, slender and beautiful, his lean, but potent muscles and powerful build.Scarlet couldn't help but let out a little sigh as she took in his features. Beautiful, pretty in a sort of masculine way, one that made Scarlet curious.Nearby, a Shinra trooper also looked at the screen."So, you said he used to be a trooper like yourself?" Scarlet asked."Yes, ma'am, years ago. His name is Cloud Strife and he worked for Shinra's infantry division, though he talked about making SOLDIER...It looks like he finally made it," the infantryman said."Mmm, and went his own way, to boot. I suppose he is cut from a different cloth from ones such as yourself," Scarlet said dismissively.The man gasped, but remained silent, unable to really say anything in response.Scarlet smiled. "Eyes bathed in Mako, a body both slender and strong...Tell me, don't most dream of being as powerful as SOLDIER?""I...Suppose, ma'am. Why?""I suppose our renegade amuses me is all. Perhaps I'll see if I can bring him back into our fold." Scarlet smiled. While she had considered making the girl they had captured into her other body, something about this man had fascinated her, rousing a curiosity and a thrill within her as she wondered how her downloaded consciousness would feel in it.She began to feel more excited as she started to make plans. "I'll need to have an order put in to Andrea shortly.""Miss?" the trooper asked."Nothing. You're dismissed," she said, almost absentmindedly as she waved a hand.Not long after, the man left as plans were made.It was a day later when Cloud was finally encountered by someone else, feeling both hungry and fidgety. He could deal with the confinement, but it made it far from enjoyable. His mind raced with worry for Tifa and as to who in Shinra had arranged the trap.However, the door opened, revealing a woman wearing a red dress, one Cloud had seen on the giant television in another sector. "You...You're Scarlet.""Ah, my reputation precedes me. As it should." Scarlet chuckled. "And you should be glad, since you'll get to share in that reputation intimately, soon.""No thanks," Cloud began, but before he could move the troopers raised their guns...And he didn't flinch."Ah, a good show of confidence, but let's dispense with the games. Don't forget your stuck-up little friend is at my mercy."Cloud, hearing that, stopped. "Where's Tifa?""Someplace safe enough. We've seen to it that she's fed and comfortable, although she won't be for long if you make a fuss. Now, will you please dispense with these theatrics? That scowl doesn't suit such a lovely face as yours," she said before she moved a hand forward and stroked Cloud's cheek.Cloud scowled still, even as her soft, warm hands touched him and their eyes met. His disdain for her communicated in his icy gaze.However, instead of backing off, Scarlet kept watching, savoring the idea of those eyes having the same life and vibrancy as her. Instead, she sniffed the air around him. "Ah, that subtle, intoxicating scent...Mako, though it lacks a certain...Something. You truly are SOLDIER, but different somehow...Aren't you?"Cloud remained quiet, instead brushing Scarlet's hand aside. "If you're going to take me somewhere then do it. I'm not going to chat about it."Scarlet smirked. "How stubborn. But you'll come around shortly."Cloud said nothing. Eventually, he was led to a cafeteria room, finding a dining table and a light above them, bathing the room red as Cloud saw a meal before him, hot and steaming as if freshly cooked. The two sides of the table had similar plates, while large, red sears were on both sides, matching. Cloud was guided to one, while Scarlet went to the other."I thought a meal might be good. No one wants to be famished all day, wouldn't you agree?""How considerate," Cloud said. He knew it likely wasn't poisoned since they had gone to such trouble to keep him alive. He was surprised by how good the food tasted, enjoying it immensely before he saw Scarlet was eating too, yet she watched him hungrily, like the food was an appetizer and he was the main course. It took awhile before Cloud felt his hunger fade, and then afterwards he couldn't move.Cloud could feel his body getting loose and lax, as if he had lost his ability to move. "I hope you enjoyed the meal. Pardon, but I had a muscle relaxer added to your meal to keep you from using that mighty figure of yours," Scarlet said as she walked over, ignoring the food and watching his chair mechanically move back, as clamps came out to bind his wrists and ankles. "Extra measures. One can never be too careful," she said. Cloud tried to move, but it was in vain. His body simply wouldn't respond, even as Scarlet fastened a headpiece to him and sat on his lap, before flipping a switch, his eyes on her as she chuckled and his mind was flooded with something else....Her.Soon, Scarlet's very being filtered through Cloud's mind, changing him and suppressing him, all but the most key parts of him. Even in the recesses of Cloud's mind, which had seen much, his truest and core self existed, along with other unknowns from his past experiences, scars lingering in his psyche covered as if by foundation. It was all nearly buried by the overwhelming, forward nature of Scarlet. Her memories flooded him, her instincts, her self. It came to the fore, like a new facade or mask, sharing space with him, and the other suppressed presences within Cloud's mind. yet...the shock was so great that most of who Cloud was went under, as the parts of Scarlet came to the fore as Cloud's body let out a deep, roused moan.Afterwards, Scarlet locked eyes with him as the helmet went up, but instead of the icy gaze of before, there was the warm, loving look, reflected both in Cloud's eyes and Cloud's expression as the two chuckled, before breaking out into the same laugh.Hours later, after having a bath and letting his body rest, Cloud was back in normal shape, though Scarlet's mind was still in the fore. He and the original Scarlet had agreed to use the vessel's original name, and for the most part the Scarlet that had been uploaded was adjusting nicely to her new body.On the bed behind him, redressing, Scarlet stared on. "That new body of ours sure is a wonder...""It is. I never expected being a man would be so...Interesting," Scarlet-Cloud had said, admiring himself in the mirror, one hand on his chin and another on his hip. "We honestly should have considered this sooner...It holds such wonderful possibilities.""It does, my dear, and we'll explore all of them, intimately," Scarlet said before she hugged Cloud's body from behind, still enjoying the scent of Mako lingering on the body."I think I can work with that, my lovely self..." Scarlet-Cloud said before staring down. "Though, perhaps I should find new clothes that suit me.""Oh, I took the liberty of having you sized, Andrea sent quite the selection...Three lovely dresses, though I asked for duplicates in our shade of red. Oh, and our classic dress too.""Oooh, so many options. We'll make quite the pair, won't we?" Scarlet-Cloud asked, giddily."We will. Now, Shall we get you made up and into something more...fitting?""Ah, I suppose if I'm to get anything done. At least someone more than competent will be tending to me."Scarlet grew eager, glad to treat her other self in Cloud's body as a perfect doll, ready to refine and polish the already grand gem that was Cloud's body.Scarlet was careful to sit her other self in a chair before working on him. Painting his nails a deep, bloodrose red, making sure they polished nicely and were trimmed carefully. She took care to note the calluses on Cloud's body, making sure to have them tended to later."They are rather inconvenient, though there is a ruggedness about them," Scarlet-Cloud said with a smile. "Still, I rather a graceful body with hidden strength.""One I'll deliver soon," Scarlet said as she slipped rings with materia on Scarlet Cloud's fingers. "So I vow.""My...A proposal that sets my heart a flutter," Scarlet-Cloud replied, feeling more pretty by the moment." Scarlet soon moved on to her male self's face, adding ruby red lipstick and generous amounts of mascara added meticulously, not to mask Cloud's traits, but to highlight them. Even for one so masculine there was beauty, there was enticement...Slipping on stockings and heels, along with lace, finely crafted undergarments meant to hug and support the male body, Scarlet soon saw Cloud's body was done, the familiar red leather dress hugging Cloud's body, while green earrings and two long, ribbon adorned braids were added."We're rather fortunate Cloud's body has so much hair to work with...I look utterly fabulous. Almost as fabulous as my lovely original," Scarlet-Cloud said before she kissed Scarlet on the cheek.Scarlet laughed, growing red and excited. "So you do...Tell me, what shall we do now?""I think we should go grace the world with our presence...""What of Cloud's little friend?""Tifa?" Scarlet-Cloud asked. The part of her mind that was still Scarlet had plenty of ideas on how to toy with her, but something stronger, deep down, was rising up."Yes, her. I had some ideas on how we could toy with that stuck up brat, for fun, of course. Wouldn't that be adorable?" Scarlet asked, giddily."I rather we have our fun with her in a...Different way. She is rather fond of this vessel's old self and he had similar feelings for her.""Really now?" Scarlet asked. "Her seeing you at my side might be worth it...To know she lost out to a true woman.""Or...We could have our fun with her in a more...Fun way," Scarlet- Cloud said. "Almost like a plaything for us to enjoy together.""My...I hadn't considered. But far be it from me to deny you pleasure...If anything, I want to enhance your delight," Scarlet said, kissing herself in Cloud's body.Scarlet-Cloud only smiled and chuckled, the thought making him warm. "You already do...Now how to go about it?"Elsewhere, Tifa was trying to find a way out, still locked in her room. Though she was kept in what seemed like an apartment, she found herself curious, though she wondered where Cloud could be and how to escape. She figured a guard or someone would come sooner than later, when there was a knock at the door.Tifa looked, only to see the door rattle. She raised her fists, ready to fight, even without her Materia or gear...However, she instead saw... "Cloud?"Cloud, dressed elegantly and in red, smiled at Tifa. "In a sense, dear...So lovely to see you again, and with a favorable expression.""Cloud...What happened to you?" Tifa asked, only for Cloud to draw near. She was stunned, staring in shock, which only grew more when she felt Cloud's manicured hands on her ass and herself pulled close against his body, held there intimately, there noses inches apart as she saw him stare at her...adoring her and exuding an aura of delight and deviousness, as if he was eager to dominate her. It stirred something in Tifa despite her apprehension before Cloud let out a chuckle, his painted red lips meeting hers with tenderness and passion...Tifa's eyes were still open as Scarlet came in next. "What a lovely sight...I hope you don't mind if I join..."Cloud" and I have so many ideas for you, dear."Tifa tried to pull away, but she couldn't unaware that when Cloud had kissed her, the lipstick's chemical makeup had a chemical that made her feel more warm, pliable, and airy. Not much would happen that time as both Scarlet and her copy within Cloud only wanted to tease her, with Scarlet hugging her from behind, sandwiching Tifa between them as they shared in enjoyment of their captive.

I do not own Final Fantasy

Scarlet clothing and Cloud model were made by
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