Burning-Corpses — [MP] Naamlose (Application)

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~ ~ Basic Info ~ ~

Bio |  Tracker

Name: Naamlose
Meaning: Nameless
Age: 4 Years old (Adult)
Species: Lion
Mutation: N/A
Gender: Male
Height: 4ft 6'
Rank: Healer (Trainee)
Sexuality: Poly Bisexual (Male Preference)
Fertility: 80%
Mate(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A
Father: Neema (Lion 
Mother: Ihlazo (Lioness)
Half Brother(s): Mtumishi , Nashit , Karama
Half Sister(s): Tisha,
Naamlose has many, many half brothers and sisters.

~ ~ Whereabouts ~ ~

Born: Nguvu Pride

Current Pride: Nguvu Pride

Currently At: Nguvu Pride

~ ~ Personality Info ~ ~



Naamlose is a rather patient lion, I mean he kind of has to be after all he is training to be a healer, he has to be patient enough to listen, learn, take the time to make the ointments correctly or the time it takes to heal someone.

Intelligent is one way to discribe Naamlose, he has a general understanding of most things, not taking much time to solve things and prefering the mental challenges that come with being a Healer than the physical ones he would have to overcome if he was to train to become a warrior.

Naamlose is a lion of very few words prefering to keep to himself and stay quiet.

Naamlose is an Aggressively Violent lion especially when in the battlefield, while he much prefers healing he can pack a punch with his paws and claws if needed, he often goes overboard when sparring and fighting others. There has been a few times he has become violent when having an argument with another pride member and sent them to the healers den for many weeks.

Naamlose is a restless lion he needs to be doing something at any time he just is not a lion that is able to relax, he is always up and on the go doing something.

~ ~ Group History~ ~


~ ~ Relationships~ ~

[   ] - Romantic:

Naamlose has not found love.

[   ] - Adored:

Naamlose does not adore anyone enough for them to be placed here.

[  ] - Good:

[   ] - Medium:

Neema - Naamlose does not like nor does he hate his father, he defiently does not like him at all but would tolirate him if he was to be still alive today.

 ] - Hatred:

Ihlazo - Ihlazo's mistreatment and hatred towards Naamlose has earned her the same mutreal feelings of hatred, Naamlose can't help but feel nothing but rage when Ihlazo is mentioned, he remembers she exists or they pass by eachother when going to do their daily things.

~ ~ History Info ~ ~

(Warning the History Information of this character your about to read mentions an attempted murder plan gone wrong on a cub, it does not go into detail and only briefly mentions it but if you do not like reading or seeing what I just mentioned then please do not read this character's history)

Naamlose was born to the unmated pair of Neema and Ihlazo. His father Neema was known around the pride as a player sireing many cubs during his time while alive, one of those unfortunate cubs happened to be little Naamlose, who has an even worse name that his parentage. He infact does not have a name, technally his name means Nameless after his mother threw a tantrum after his father had clearly gone of with another lioness to most likely sire more unfortunate cubs. 

His mother Ihlazo was a young-ish lioness at the time of his birth and was absolutly smitten with Neema, however she ended up falling pregnant with of course Neema being the father, at the time she hated being pregnant, she never wanted cubs at all but to make the best of the situation she had hoped if she bore the perfect son and heir Neema would maybe stick around and be the picture perfect father to the cub however of course just like what happened with the many other cubs Neema fathered, Ihlazo was ultmatly heartbroken and disapointed when along came the cub and Neema had fucked of with some other Lioness most likely to repeat the process.

Ihlazo felt nothing but hatred for little Naamlose constantly leaving him alone at her den as much as she could get away with only interacting with him when needed to feed him, despite this however Naamlose was well looked after by his aging grandparents who where smitten with him, in fact they even adopted him as their son to give him a better life and they could raise their version of a perfect heir.
Naamlose was very young when they unforantly died he was 4 months old at the time, and was enevtably put and stuck back with his hateful mother. Though by that point he was old enough to wander about Nguvu mostly on his own, and look after himself. He rarely saw or interacted with his mother during this time of his life well aside from the very few and far between awkward hatred filled den while they ate dinner in silence when Ihlazo returned back to her den early.

While Naamlose was lonely he would often make a trip to the Healers Den to "hang out" with his older half brother Mtumishi well I say hang out I mean he would go to bother his brother Mtumishi quite often, though most of them time he would just sit in the corner of the den silent and observe while his brother worked, well until Mtumishi eventually kicked him out of the den each time as he did not need to be there. Despite this however Naamlose adores his older half brother Mtumishi, and as a cub would often look up to him and saw him as a male role model to be like. Of course Mtumishi has misoginistic views however Naamlose was mostly unaffected by his views as to him well at the time till that one day that changed his life.

Naamlose was about 7 months old at the time when this took place, he was walking slowly back home to his mother's den to get a quick nap in before his mother came home so he could go and hang out with friends before she had even entered the den. However while walking back going through a pretty secluded area as he normally did he was suddenly attacked by Ihlazo, who did some pretty bad damage from his shoulder to his chest, with a few other claw wounds before being left to die. Luckily not long after the event a group of lions/lionesses had found him bleeding out and uncontious and swiftly took him to the healers den where he stayed for quiet some time. Luckily for him he was able to recover and survive. After many weeks within the healers den he returned home to Ihlazo's den to find the very little and few things he did have thrown out the den and scattered everywhere. He quickly gathered his things which led him far behind the den a couple of feet away to a very small den. That small den was now his new home.

After that day Naamlose was not the same small, happy go lucky cub depsite his situation any more, He had started to grow a deep hatred for lionesses which kick started his misoganistic views on females and only grew worse as he was learning his older brother's own misognistic views. In his mind he was confused as to why his own mother, would attack her own cub, her very own flesh and blood, he was her family yet no matter what he tried and did nothing could change the hatred she held for him, he did nothing wrong yet she still hated his guts and wanted him death, It was his own father Neema that caused all her problems yet she chose to let her pathetic emotions and feelings get in the way and directed her anger and hatred that should have been directed at Neema and Neema only was instead aimed 100% full speed ahead at him. Naamlose views that females are far to emotional and can't handle themselves especially when feeling such big emotions like hatred and rage, making them pathetic and useless, no wonder males are the far seperior gender after all they don't let their emotions get control of them and hurt those around them.

It was not long maybe a few months later ish that his young half brothers Nashit  and Karama  were born, and while at first when they were still young he hated them, like why did they get to have a mother that loves them eventually he came around are started to care about them.

~ ~ Family Tree ~ ~

Naamlose's Family

Current Mate(s):
Ex Mate(s):


Parental Side:

Father: Neema

Paternal Grandmother: Jafari
Paternal Grandfather: Akil

Half Siblings: MtumishiNashitKarama , Tisha

Maternal Side:

Mother: Ihlazo

Maternal Grandmother: Kumba
Paternal Grandfather: Tanga

Half Siblings: N/A

Extended Family:

Mtumishi's Offspring
Nephew(s): Lucius , Osigrandi

Nashit's Offspring
Nephew(s): Dhaifu (Adopted),

~ ~ Age Chart ~ ~

                         27/11/22 - Newborn <-----(@ Birth)
27/01/23 - 6 Months

27/03/23 - 1 Years
27/05/23 - 2 Years

27/07/23 - 3 Years
                                     27/09/23 - 4 Years <-----(Currently Here)
27/11/23 - 5 Years
27/01/24 - 6 Years
27/03/24 - 7 Years
27/05/24 - 8 Years
27/07/24 - 9 Years
27/09/24 - 10 Years
27/11/24 - 11 Years
27/01/25 - 12 Years
27/03/25 - 13 Years
27/05/25 - 14 Years
                                       27/07/25 - 15 Years <-----(@ Natural death)

Naamlose belongs to Me
Designer of Naamlose is Neefs  

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