Bushtuckapenguin — Jubilee the Golden Pheasant Faunus

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Owner: :iconAuroraBlix:
Permissions: I give permission for Aurorablix to use where ever she likes.
Character: Jubilee Vogel the Golden Pheasant Faunus
RP: Arcadia Academy
Fandom: RWBY

Reference: Sailor Moon
Template: Here

Requests Policy: bushtuckapenguin.deviantart.co…

Notes: Done for her reference art on Arcadia Academy, bought through the Ambrose Markets.

Jubilee Vogel

Origin & Influences: Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s “Jubjub bird” from his famous poem “Jabberwocky”. Jubilee is used as an adjective in relation to desserts, and means flambé or to set aflame. The Golden Jubilee is one of the largest diamonds in the world and is a golden-brown color. Vogel is the German word for bird. The golden pheasant is known in Native American to be closely linked with concealment and protection and is also closely associated with its cousin, the peacock, which is often portrayed as a guardian of royalty and nobility.

Color: Dark gold

Age: 17

Symbol: A multi-faceted, seemingly tiger-striped diamond. Stripes are actually the neck-plumage of golden pheasants.

Species: Golden Pheasant Faunus

Most of her faunus traits are fairly obvious—a little plume of golden feathers just above her hairline that fluff and flatten with her heart-rate; talon-like nails that she files down like one might for a pet cockatoo; and blue-green, scaly bird-skin at strategic places such as elbows, knees, knuckles, and (oddly enough) the meaty bit of her palms just below her thumbs.
Being part bird, she’s also inherited the odd little head-tilt when something puzzles her, the tendency to go stock-still when sensing a predator nearby, and an especially keen sense of hearing. This, of course, (along with her semblance) means that she can move in a manner even more quiet and unassuming than a mouse, though she goes to great pains to consciously make noise when not otherwise occupied.

Personality: Jubilee is, as previously mentioned, not a particularly impressive figure, and uses that to her advantage. She uses the sleepy cast of her eyes to disguise a quick mind, that placid mouth to innocently house a sharpened silver tongue, and will bland with the best politicians in response to anything from insults to praise, preferring to be underestimated or thought lazy whenever she can. The bird-faunus knows there is power in opponents believing in their own superiority.

However, when she does open her mouth, the results are promising and effective—whether she is repeating the intricacies the teacher’s lecture to them after blinking owlishly in response to accusations of napping in class, or explaining in her low timbre why in the Nines she puts lavender oil on her pillows and weaves sprigs of honeysuckle into her braid at night. The answer to those last questions lies with her deeply spiritual upbringing, or rather, what passed for it in her treetop-dwelling clan (see backstory).
However, that’s not to say she’s a typical “strong but silent type” or all quiet, understated genius—while she doesn’t believe in speaking merely to hear her own voice, a much more powerful contributing factor to Jubilee’s near-silence is straight-up disinterest. Most things (including most of her classes) tend to be mind-numbingly boring to the older teen, and as such Jubilee has to make a point of forcing herself to pay attention by taking copious notes for all her studies. Jubilee works hard for her decent grades, knowing that if she allows herself to drift or slack off, she’ll never regain that momentum. Because no matter how uninteresting the academics are, she’s attending Arcadia Academy to learn how to protect herself and others, so she’ll put genuine effort into it.

Jubilee was also raised to consider manners and politeness to be paramount: she always curtsies or bows when meeting new people, and values tact and diplomacy over almost everything when it comes to interacting with others. Her temper (outwardly, at least) is practically non-existent, since children in her village were taught various techniques to control their emotions, and showing patience is generally better than throwing a useless hissy-fit.

Appearance: Jubilee is five feet eight inches of sleepy-eyes and placid smiles, with a fuller stomach, smaller breasts, and wider hips than of the most other girls; she doesn’t look like much of anything, let alone a Huntress. A secret, though: those sleepy, turquoise eyes that are always closed during class? Simply the result of being especially heavy-lidded, as she’s actually just looking down at the textbook, dutifully following along with the textbook.
She keeps her dark gold hair confined in a tight braid most times, from the crown of her head to the end in the middle of her back—she also winds a spiked strap into it, just in case someone decides it’s a good idea to grab and pull. When wanting to keep the irritation of its length to a minimum, she’ll coil the braid into a tight bun at the back of her skull. Otherwise peach-skinned, she has sun-freckles across her almost beaky nose and absurdly high cheekbones.
She wears a loose, high-necked, and sleeveless shirt of bright scarlet; three small belts curled around either bicep, and three dangle loosely from her waist, which while originally decorative, she uses to hold make-shift Dust grenades and occasionally a few extra cartridges; occasionally she'll have a dark turquoise jacket that covers both arms and stops at her waist; and always a black-striped orange scarf around her neck. Jubilee also wears a myriad of turquoise-encrusted bangles and bracelets covering both wrists and a good deal of her forearms, and will attempt to go barefoot whenever she is allowed—often when she isn’t, as well—only willingly donning her sturdy leather boots for combat-training and field-work.
Jubilee also wears light-turquoise gloves, and ankle-length leggings of the same color beneath a gold-colored wraparound skirt made of a soft, fluttery material. It is generally either knee- or ankle-length, and flashes an inch-wide sliver of legging on the right side, as she modifies normal skirts herself and can’t be bothered add enough fabric lengthwise to close the gap. She ties the ends together in a large bow that can be undone with a sharp tug, allowing her to wear the style that she is used to from living in the Vera Woodlands, but also making it easy to be rid of any hindrance it may cause in battle. Pretty, but practical—because while she likes how it looks, it is somewhat ridiculous to fight in a dress, and she refuses to do so.

Affiliation: Arcadia Academy


Kirmizi: Jubilee gets along fairly well with the rhino-faunus for a few reasons; foremost among them being her lack of exasperation or annoyance in the face of his truly terrible memory. Never once has she sighed or rolled her eyes in response to his millionth butchering of her name or apparent lack of common knowledge; she just calmly corrects him in his errors and continues on. This habit makes for a rather easy co-existence between the two, and she's even offered to write things down for him if it made things easier.
Domino: The pig-faunus is another story entirely--Domino is someone who Jubilee genuinely enjoys being around for exactly one reason: pure entertainment value. While the other students are wary of the little liesmith and think that Jubilee is gullible for always paying attention to what Mistress Swindon says, the reality is that Jubes thinks Domino's pathological lying is the greatest (and funniest) thing since Dust. She's hardly rolling on the floor in stitches, though; no, Jubilee gets her kicks by calmly setting aside her textbook/scroll/homework whenever Domino starts up, listening in (comparatively) rapt silence, and making everyone else groan by asking for clarification on one portion of the story or another. The next part of this whole ritual is the reason she does it, too, because the second Jubilee says something, suddenly those two Beowolves that Domino had been fighting were magically transformed into three Ursa Majors and there was just no substitute for that kind of entertainment

Backstory: Jubilee grew up in one of the close-knit communities of faunus in the Vera Woodlands that survived The Longest Night, but left for Ambrose when she reached her teens. She had disliked the almost superstitious undertones of her clan’s local spiritual practices and their zealous distrust of anyone who wasn’t already known to them, particularly humans; she found that the nine main divinities, whom she was brought up to follow and honor in various ways, weren’t feasible in light of all the modern accomplishments and discoveries. As such, Jubilee took off to see the world and find her place in it, preferably somewhere that didn’t expect her to shun all knowledge that wasn’t passed down from her great-great uncle or some such nonsense. Still, she was born and raised in that environment, so the young faunus still keeps an unassuming shrine with glass figurines to her three personal favorites in her room (Lunessa, the Great Huntress; Shahria, the Grimmslayer; and Jalen, Patron of the Unlucky), and keeps up with a few minor other practices. Despite her family’s disappointment in her choice to leave, Jubilee left her childhood home with their blessing and the promise that she’ll still be welcome should she ever choose to return.
She faced the typical troubles of being a faunus in a predominantly human society, occasionally hiding her feathers beneath a hat and claws under gloves, learning her infuriating placid smile during her time as a floor-scrubbing maid. Rather than rail and rage against injustice, or turn to crime as a way to pay back the bigots, she simply bore her treatment with bland neutrality and the rare display of temper (though purely for purposes of self-defense). Fortunately, however, her main employers were merely the kind of people who thought of faunus as objects to be used simply because that was what they had been taught and not because of any real spite or malice.
This was demonstrated quite clearly when the man of the family had a proper weapon made for Jubilee after she accompanied them through the Marvo Mangroves, and helped protect their little boy when the company was attacked by a pack of Beowolves. Having grown up in the Woodlands, she had to know the basics of defending against the creatures of Grimm, and picked up one of the guns dropped by a fallen guard. The skirmish was the point at which she discovered her semblance, so her employer commissioned something specific to it; he had also noticed that her preferred method of transportation was a skateboard, so the offer of a weaponized version for Jubilee seemed particularly appropriate. His one stipulation was that she would use it to protect their son and accompany them on any other trips through the wilderness as bodyguard.


Weapon: “Skeeter”, as she calls him, has the look of a weaponized skateboard on steroids, mostly because that’s what he is—several inches thick, three feet lengthwise, and a foot-and-a-half wide, with four evenly-spaced barrels on both the “front” and “back” and. Meant for large shotgun-like shells, the rim of each barrel is a different color to indicate the basic Dust form contained within the shell, and each barrel fires independently of each other based an aura- or semblance-powered chirp or whistle from Jubilee. All barrels can be fired at once, if she’s desperate enough to try; this can be accomplished by using the rest her supply of aura in an ear-piercing whistle—therefore, when she runs out of aura, Skeeter can’t fire.
The feature that gave the creator the most trouble was, of course, the firing mechanism—while precedents had been set for weapons that were actually powered by an individual’s aura, it was a struggle to create something directly influenced by such an abstract semblance like sound. Eventually the creator came up with a solution: he made the mechanism with a microphone trigger that fired when it picked up sound of certain pitches and intensities, igniting the Dust within the shells themselves. Reloading is a bit of a hassle, because individual panels must be removed from Skeeter’s surface to access the barrels, therefore, it was also made several inches thick so there are three row of ammunition on top of each other, the next one dropping down when the previous one empties.
Since the laws of motion dictate that Skeeter will shoot in the opposite direction of the blast, Jubilee has made it her business to understand the mathematics involved and can predict where she’ll end up. She uses it as both evasion tactics during battle—the momentum allowing her to maneuver herself wherever she needs to go—as well as for speed when attempting to traverse distances

Aura and Semblance: Her aura is golden-brown with the occasional flash of turquoise in its depths. Jubilee’s Semblance is rather fitting for the bird-faunus: sound amplification. Her semblance is used to break glass and distract enemies with its painful volume. However, on rare occasions that she has yet to master, or even consciously trigger, a cooing noise will be produced that has a kind of siren effect—though the longest amount of time it’s lasted has only been for a few brief seconds.

Fighting Style: Though the Skeeter’s make is similar to a gun, the ammunition used are not real bullets but cartridges full of Dust, meaning that any one or two or half a dozen blasts are non-fatal to even people, let alone creatures of Grimm. As such, Jubilee will often take the first few moments of an encounter to determine the weakest point of its defense and then hone in on it, focusing all of her blasts on that one particular point. When she runs out of ammo she uses the make-shift grenades on her belt next to the backup ammunition, accomplished by locking unstable combinations of Dust in enclosed spaces. Since the various Dust forms within the containers are volatile, the application of force-energy (like throwing them really hard at something) causes them to ignite. Again, this is not fatal so they would only be used as a last-ditch attempt and/or distraction. Barring that, she has two small, Dust-infused blades tucked into her boots, but she isn’t very proficient with them as she isn’t comfortable with close combat.

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