BusinessMonkey — HS fanfic 8: Black moves first [NSFW]
Published: 2012-08-26 10:17:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 82; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Peryxl had decided to take a page from his friend Sylina's book and just wait for someone else to do the work this time.  If nothing else, it gave him time to prepare, and having a ridiculous hoard of grist from entering so late, he was determined to be as prepared as he could be.  He started with a new weapon.

He had plenty of usable material around, so he picked over his animal decorations-he really liked animals, especially the large, powerful ones like dragons and large cats- and chose one of a great, maned feline.  The result would have given him a new staff, a large tuft of fur at one end and what appeared to be claws at the other.  Pride of the Serengeti, whatever that meant.  Unfortunately, it required some kind of grist he didn't have yet, so he had to pick something else.

As he looked over his things, he considered how strange it was that HH had said the "game" was supposed to be dangerous, yet he hadn't seen any sign of danger at all.  The most threatening things around him seemed to be a group of harmless monkey creatures, playfully examining his hive outside.

He remembered how Sylina was a topic of concern among his new companions in the last memo, and as much as he respected a person's privacy, he decided she needed checking on.  Just because he was safe didn't mean she was too.

furiousTraveller (FT) began trolling sangiunEssence (SE)

FT:   Sylina, yoU tHeRe?
FT:   Hey!  Now'S not tHe time foR a nap!
FT:   If yoU'Re aSleep on yoUR keyboaRd again, let me know.
FT:   WHat tHe hell?  How can yoU tell me tHat yoU'Re aSleep?
FT:   Forget tHat part.
FT:   YoU'd betteR  not be dead oveR tHeRe.
FT:   I can't See yoU, RemembeR?  If yoU'Re dead, let me know someHow So I don't get oveR tHeRe and find my fRiend'S cavadeR laying aRoUnd.
FT:   THat woUld jUSt kill my day.
FT:   HaUnt me oR SometHing

SE:   ehhhhhhhH.

FT:   IS tHat a dying noiSe or a Sleeping noiSe?

SE:   *yawN*

FT:   GReat, jUSt making SURe.

SE:   shut up, alreadY.
SE:   i'm finE.
SE:   no one's out to get you, and no one's out to get mE.
SE:   eveR.
SE:   can i go back to sleep noW?

FT:   Have yoU made a new weapon?

SE:   no, and i don't plan tO.
SE:   somehow, i feel likE
SE:   *yawN*
SE:   like i won't be doing much fightinG.
SE:   you and the other "active" people can get thaT.

FT:   JUSt make a new damn weapon.
FT:   If foR no otHeR ReaSon tHan to pUt me at eaSe.

SE:   guH.   finE.
SE:   there, happy noW?

FT:   WHat is it?

SE:   uM...
SE:   it's kind of like a cluB?

FT:   Kind of, bUt not qUite?

SE:   well, not in the traditional sensE.
SE:   but iT
SE:   *hmyeH*
SE:   does the same thinG.

FT:   WHat tHe Hell is it, a table leg?

SE:   ...
SE:   maybE.

FT:   God damnit, Sylina!
FT:   JUSt pick SometHing and mix it witH yoUR weapon.
FT:   It iSn't HaRd.

SE:   therE.
SE:   i used my dreamcatcheR.
SE:   dreamcleave, it madE.

FT:   THat'S an awfUlly wieRd name foR a clUb.

SE:   that's because it's noT.

FT:   Didn't yoU jUSt say yoU USe clUbS?

SE:   no, i said i found a cluB.

FT:   WHat'S yoUR SpecibUS, tHen?

SE:   2hndbladekinD.

FT:   I find tHat HaRd to UndeRStand.
FT:   If yoU Hate woRk so mUch, wHy USe SUcH a big weapon?
FT:   Well, wHateveR, jUSt be caRefUl, we don't know what'S in tHiS game.

SE:   sure, goodnighT.
SE:   *yawN*

FT:   See yoU Soon.

SE:   gjlllllllllk./lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll::::::::::::::::::"pp['''''''''''''''''''''''''''

FT:   Right, yoU too, I gUeSS.

furiousTraveller (FT) ceased trolling sanguinEssence

She does virtually nothing, yet still manages to make a hassle of herself, Peryxl thought, rubbing his brow.

Ok, he thought, let's try something else.

He rifled through his things, trying the combinations until he could afford something with his ludicrous hoard of build grist and nothing else.  He eventually found a combination with an old spyglass he had laying around.  All this gave him was a rather strange weapon, the Sniper Staff, the only advantage it had over his regular being it had a handy scope halfway along it.

He guessed he could use it to scout, or keep an eye on his companions, or something.

While he contemplated his strange new weapon, his computer let out a little Trollian alert.

kaoticallyReaperfected (KR) began trolling furiousTraveller (FT)

KR:   thAts A vEry nIcE wEApOn
KR:   Odd bUt nIcE
KR:   jUst thInk Of whAt yOU cOUld dO wIth It
KR:   yOUll hAvE thE bEst vIEw Of OUr fOEs As yOU bEAt thEm tO A gIbbErIng wrEck

FT:   KR, wHat the fUck?!
FT:   Have yoU been watcHing me?!

KR:   yEs

FT:   WHY?!

KR:   hOw ElsE Am I sUppOsEd tO fIgUrE thEsE thIngs OUt whEn nO OnE tElls mE AnythIng
KR:   nOt thAt Im cAstIng blAmE On AnyOnE fOr hIdIng crUcIAl InfOrmAtIOn

FT:   If I wanted yoU to know aboUt tHiS, I woUld Have Said So.
FT:   How tHe Hell aRe yoU watcHing me, anyway?

KR:   Am I thE Only OnE whO bOthErEd tO fIgUrE OUt thE vIEwpOrt On trOllIAn
KR:   In thE End It wAs EAsy
KR:   yOU hAvE A lOt Of AnImAl thIngs dOnt yOU

FT:   Don't cHange tHe damn sUbject!
FT:   Stop watcHing me, it'S fReaking me tHe Hell oUt!
FT:   How woUld yoU like it if I staRted watcHing yoU witHoUt yoU knowing?

KR:   yOU knOw nOw sO
KR:   cAn I kEEp wAtchIng yOU

FT:   I jUSt told yoU to Stop a moment ago!
FT:   I tHoUgHt yoU paid a cRazy amoUnt of attention to tHiS StUff.

KR:   yOU Only snArl thrOUgh thE rIght sIdE Of yOUr mOUth whEn yOUrE Angry
KR:   thE lEft sIdE stAys nOrmAl
KR:   whAts wIth thAt

FT:   FUck!  WoUld yoU jUSt
FT:   YoU know wHat?
FT:   I don't caRe anymoRe.
FT:   YoU jUSt keep on watcHing me all yoU want.

KR:   rEAlly

FT:   No!  CUt it oUt!
FT:   Look, wHat'S yoUR name?

KR:   mAlchA

FT:   MalcHa, I'm aSking nicely.
FT:   PleaSe Stop doing eveRytHing in yoUR appaRently aweSome poweR to cReep me oUt.

KR:   fInE fOr nOw
KR:   bUt fIrst
KR:   A mOnkEy Is AlmOst thrOUgh yOUr wIndOw
KR:   yOUr drAgOns lOOk nIcE
KR:   yOU lEft A lIght On In AnOthEr blOck
KR:   And thErE Is sOmE kInd Of lIttlE mOnstEr OUtsIdE yOUr dOOr
KR:   byE

kaoticallyReaperfected (KR) ceased trolling furiousTraveller (FT)

Did she say something was behind me? Peryxl thought, looking over his shoulder to see a small, black creature watching him.  It almost looked confused.

As soon as he looked at it, it threw itself at him.
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Comments: 3

Rushalike [2012-08-27 00:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Love it!

However, I am noticing a few 'you're's where it should be 'your' >3>


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BusinessMonkey In reply to Rushalike [2012-08-27 04:19:37 +0000 UTC]

Glad you like it. Fixed those problems, I think. How the eff did I actually make those mistakes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rushalike In reply to BusinessMonkey [2012-08-27 21:18:19 +0000 UTC]

I would not have a clue!
Oh, by the way, I can't remember whether or not I gave you my ideas for Peryxl's physical description. I was thinking sorta tall and thin/lean-ish.

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