Butters-Love-2013 — I'm not dead (Read desc if interested)

Published: 2021-04-18 20:10:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1012; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description Just posting some of my recent art to show where I am in art, but that's not the focus of this post-
If you care, this character, her name is Matcha, but again, not the focus of this post

Warning, there is a lot of swearing, and I can't find any other words to express the disgust I have for my past self-

I'm not gonna include a TLR because everything I'm saying here is extremely important, and I need y'all who have followed me for a long time to read it if you care so that I can clear up all the bullshit that I did in the past, and explain why I'm done with this account-

If you don't wanna read it, that's fine too- I really don't care since I'm abandoning this account anyways-

But I need to clear up a lot of things from my past first-

Oh hey, look at me-
Annie is back-
But not permanently-
I don't ever want to come back to this shithole of an account-
Too much trash and bullshit happened on this account in the past-
I've done, and said stupid things that I can never come back from-
I'd rather start fresh-
But I never post here anyways, so I don't even think I want to go through the trouble of making a new account-
If I do, I'll make another post and tell y'all where to find me if you're interested-
But for now, if you're still interested in my stuff, let me know, and I'll note you a link to some other social media of mine-
I have an Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Reddit-
I also have a Discord that I can use for chatting-
But most are under different names, so it's not super easy to find me-
That's why I'll send you a note to each one you ask for if you're still interested in my works-
Or maybe I already pasted the links somewhere on my page, I don't remember, nor do I really care, this account is dead to me anyways-
But I don't post much anywhere anyways, so I'm still kinda behind on the posting schedule either way-
But I will never post here seriously again-
I've done too much damage to this account that I can't come back from-
I won't deactivate this account, but I'm not posting here seriously anymore-
Can't bring myself to, sorry-
But either way, I can promise that I've matured since the last time I've been here-
I'm still in some of the Fandoms I was in before, but a few of those Fandoms are now dead to me-
My remaining Fandoms that I'm in currently are Blush Blush, Love Nikki, UTAU, Vocaloid, The Binding Of Isaac, and Sonic The Hedgehog-
The Fandoms that are dead to me are South Park, Minecraft YouTubers, and probably more that I'm forgetting-
So don't expect any more of those kinds of artworks-
And my past of drawing fetish art, please, for the absolute love of God, forget about those-
I was young and stupid, and I wanted to try and get more attention in any way-
And especially forget about every fanfiction I wrote-
Forget all the old cringey things I said and did-
Forget about the dumb recolors I did-
Forget my name as Butters-
Forget it all-
I'm Annie, not Butters-
I'm 19 right now, young me lied about her age-
My username has 2013 in it because that's when I first joined-
I first joined DeviantART when I was 11, WAY too young to know what I was doing-
I didn't see the harm in what I was doing, and that was stupid-
I regret it all, but I'm trying to take responsibility for my past actions, and I promise to y'all that I have changed-
I'm gonna probably remove all of my old journals, art, everything from here soon-
So if you want to save anything for some reason, do it now while you can-
I'm thinking about doing this purge here in about a week or so-
So prepare for that-
But anyways-
I sincerely apologize if I've ever made any of you feel disgusted, weirded out, scared, intimidated, uncomfortable, anything-
I'm sorry if I made you cringe-
I'm sorry for all of that-
That was young me just trying to get attention, and I had the stupidest way of trying to get that attention-
By embarrassing myself, and making myself out to be this weird, gross-ass person-
I lied about a lot of things, so much so to where I don't even know what here is true and what's not-
A good maybe 5% of my journals are true, the rest are lies-
Because I just wanted attention-
But it was a stupid way of getting it, and I don't know if I'll ever fully recover from that-
And that's why I want to abandon this account-
It's not because of my old art style, I know we all gotta start somewhere, but it's because of who young me was as a person-
I hope you guys can understand why I'm making this decision-
I just don't want to be associated with this account that has been tarnished beyond repair-
If I ever want to, I'll make a new DA account like I said, and I'll make a post telling you guys where to find me-
But for now, this account is officially going into permanent lockdown-
I hope you guys understand-
If not, then, I'm sorry, but I'm just making the decision that I believe is best to help me move on from this mess the past me made-

But uh, I guess this is a somewhat goodbye-
So, as Annie, I'll go ahead and say, it was a fun run while it lasted-
If fun is how you want to describe it-

To those who are wanting to follow me on other platforms, I'll see ya there-
For now, peace out- ✌
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