C00pstor1 — Star Wars: Omega (2024)

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Published: 2024-02-23 09:39:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1804; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description (OVERVIEW 🛰️)
Star Wars: Omega follows the titular female clone fifteen years after the cataclysmic finale of Star Wars: The Bad Batch; Omega, now a young woman, works in the fledgling Rebel Alliance alongside her surviving brothers Echo and Hunter as they seek out scattered Imperial clones, now mutinying against the newly emboldened Galactic Empire, seeking the complete genocide of the Old Republic’s army. Teaming up with allies old and new, Omega now must fight for a future that has been seized from her time and time again and grapple with the intense emotional turmoil this war has inflicted upon her.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


THE COUNTDOWN TO WAR HAS BEGUN! As the Galactic Empire, emboldened after the destruction of their secret cloning facility, rages across the galaxy to snuff out the fire of rebellion, the last remnants of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC join the newly formed REBEL ALLIANCE to train and prepare the inexperienced, reckless yet brave soldiers for the coming war ahead.

As the cancerous rebellion grows and spreads across the galaxy, the Empire has deployed one of its most esteemed and brilliant grand admirals to wipe out and destroy the clones once and for all, GRAND ADMIRAL ENRIC PRYDE, in a move to militarily brain drain the Rebel Alliance and to scare their enemies straight into submission.

Omega, the daughter of famed bounty hunter Jango Fett and rookie of the BAD BATCH, has been dispatched by the leaders of the Alliance on a secret mission to retrieve COMMANDER BLY OF THE 327TH STAR CORPS, held as enemy contraband and en route to the Imperial City on Coruscant to face crimes against the Empire. As the rescue is underway, the plan needs to move as smoothly as possible or otherwise, the death of Bly will certainly leave the Rebellion weak and ill-prepared against the Imperial juggernaut…

Star Wars: Omega is set in 2 BBY, fifteen years after the series finale of Star Wars: The Bad Batch during the Imperial Era (19 BBY - 0 BBY) and concurrent with Star Wars: Rebels and Andor. Growing unrest across the galaxy gives rise to the Alliance to Restore the Republic (or simply the Rebel Alliance), merging from different and disparate rebel cells such as the Lothal, Phoenix and Massassi rebel cells under the leadership of Senator Mon Mothma, now in open defiance against the Galactic Empire.

The Rebel Alliance is at an extreme disadvantage; many of its recruits are amateurs with no formal military education or training. Whilst the Lothal and Massassi cells have training in espionage and guerilla warfare, these skills are not adequate for taking on the most advanced military in galactic history, especially as their navies and armies will be lead by some of the best admirals, generals and commanders in the galaxy as well as being assisted by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. As such, the Rebels have brought on several clone veterans from the Clone Wars to help train up and ready their soldiers for the coming war against the Imperials, including Captain Rex (CT-7567), Commander Wolffe (CC-3636), Captain Howzer and now Lieutenant Echo (CT-1409), Sergeant Hunter and Omega.

(OMEGA ⭕️)
Omega is now a young woman, roughly in her early to mid 20s, and has grown to become a far more capable and fierce combatant against the Empire, having fought them throughout most of her childhood. Her chances at settling down on Pabu with Shep and Lyana Hazard was brutally and violently stripped away when the Empire, led personally by Darth Vader himself, sacked the planet and annihilated its population in retribution for the destruction of Mount Tantiss and the death of its chief scientist, Dr. Royce Hemlock. Omega has grown to take on the best traits of her found family in the Bad Batch, wearing the intelligence of Tech, the tactical brilliance of Echo, the brawn of Wrecker, the cunningness of Crosshair and the resourcefulness of Hunter all on her sleeves, whilst retaining her compassionate and empathetic nature. Yet, despite these strengths (and earning the respect from her clone brothers and Rebel High Command), she has become emotionally stunted as a person, retaining her impulsiveness as a child and is quite demanding in person, leading her to be socially shunned by some of her peers and colleagues within the Alliance. A combination of childhood trauma from losing Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair and Shep Hazard as well as guilt over getting Pabu destroyed by the Empire are certainly considered to be prime contributors to her present emotional state.

Hunter is a shattered and scarred veteran; aside from Echo, all of his brothers in the Bad Batch are dead thanks to the Empire and he sees himself as the one responsible for each and every one of their tragic demises. He has become far more bitter and angrier, with his attitude making him a pariah amongst his clone brothers and the rest of the Rebellion. He has also become extremely overprotective of Omega, fearing the same fate that befell his brothers could happen to her if she continues taking assignments for the Rebels, putting her in situations he can’t protect her from. He sees the Rebellion as the only safe home he, Omega and Echo can stay in and the cause the Rebels fight for is enough to give Hunter the opportunity to take revenge against the Empire and their allies for robbing him of the only family he ever had, often handing out extremely brutal punishments for surrendering Imperial soldiers.
Echo, on the opposite hand, has taken over as the “voice of reason” amongst the trio, ironically filling the void that Hunter once filled when the rest of the Batch were still alive. Echo empathises with Hunter’s grief and also wants revenge against the Empire for the deaths of Tech, Wrecker and Crosshair but he sees how Hunter has gradually begun to become overprotective of Omega and how it’s hurting their relationship, even as she tries to make new friends and connect with others in the Alliance. As such, Echo has become something of an “uncle figure” to Omega, consistently communicating with her, instilling words of wisdom and advice and providing positive reinforcement when she needs (or deserves) it. Beyond the interpersonal relationships, Echo has become a respectable and capable tactician and leader amongst the ranks of the Rebellion, helping to coordinate strike forces and establish vital supply chains as the coming galactic war approaches.

Tiber Amata is a Zabrak engineer hailing from Iridonia, the native homeworld of the Zabraks, and one of Omega’s newest friends in the Rebellion. Tiber joined the Rebel Alliance following hardened Imperial crackdowns on Iridonia following the increased presence and subsequent terror attacks committed by Saw Gerrara’s Partisans, which were swiftly and brutally cracked down on by Grand Admiral Enric Pryde. Tiber is a competent and polite engineer, knowing the ins and outs of many star fighters and cruisers, now including the Rebels newly acquired Y-Wing proton torpedo bombers from Reklam Station. Despite growing up towards the end of the Clone Wars (and specialising in post-Republic tech), Tiber feels a strong sense of nostalgia for the technology of the war, loving the simplicity and practicality of machines such as the AT-TE, ARC-170 starfighter and especially the Eta-2 Actis Jedi starfighters and often itches at the thought of repairing the Marauder, the Bad Batch’s Omicron-class attack shuttle, which sits in the hanger bay just across from where he usually works.

With the successful destruction of Mount Tantiss and the death of Doctor Royce Hemlock, Emperor Palpatine has become agitated that the clones have remained this resilient and defiant in the face of Imperial persecution. Now with a galactic rebellion in open defiance against his Empire, he deploys his Grand Admirals to swiftly and decisively take care of the Alliance and their clone allies before it spills out into a full blown, galactic war. Whilst Grand Admiral Thrawn tackles the Rebellion head on in theatres such as Atollan and Lothal, Grand Admiral Enric Pryde, the future Allegiant General of the First Order, has been personally assigned by the Emperor to wipe out the clone underground for good and to recapture Omega in order to continue extracting her blood for his “Contingency plan”.

Although Grand Admiral Pryde is relatively new to the Imperial navy, he has made an astonishing climb to power and has personally taken the eye of the Emperor, who gave him the position of Grand Admiral following major victories against Rebel cells on Alsakan, Iridonia and Kata Tjuṯa. Grand Admiral Pryde has never faced an enemy like the Old Republic before, but his hunger for power, ruthless determination and zealous devotion to the Empire makes him the greatest existential threat to clone survival and someone who should never be underestimated tactically or even in a one-on-one.
Hello there. So when I mentioned in that journal that I was doing “three main art projects” throughout 2024, that was a lie, because I’m actually doing four. Star Wars: Omega is my fan fiction art project inspired by Star Wars: The Bad Batch, building off my “Adult Omega” artwork from April 2023“ and Star Wars: Omega (FANON)” in September of that same year through this artwork, which contains far more of a comprehensive background into the characters, world and lore of my fan fiction. Now, I’ve also written down this entire piece of fan fiction down with A) the knowledge of the first three episodes of S3 of the Bad Batch coming out literally 24 hours since posting and B) written with the astronomically high possiblity of this FF becoming horribly outdated by the time the series concludes on May 1st, so take all this with the vaneer that this is FAN FICTION and not a PREDICTION of what could happen.

Omega has grown to become one of my favourite female characters in Star Wars, which, let’s be honest with ourselves, is a pretty low and sad bar to pass. Most of Star Wars’ feminine characters are either really well-written like TCW Padme and OT Leia, to mediocre like Prequel Padme, ST Leia and Rey, to down right god-awful like Rose and Holdo (or are just Twi’leks. Twi’leks everywhere). Luckily for me, Omega is not like Rose or Holdo, because Omega is actually a well-written, charming, cute and likeable character with great potential (provided Filoni and Corbett don’t slip up in the last hour and ruin her character) and, in the words of good ole’ Palpatine “I look forward to her career with great interest” when it comes to future projects starring her in the future.

My fan fiction is, on face value alone, infinitely worse than whatever the Lucasfilm Story Group has in plan for Omega; I’m not a film / TV screenwriter, I’m an artist and a hobby artist at that. The writers behind Omega have a far more interesting and compelling story for her character beyond The Bad Batch S3 (btw, really liking it so far, I’m holding with baited breath it sticks the landing with its ending) than whatever I’m gonna write for her character, but hey part of the fun of writing fan fiction is looking back at your work and cringing to death at the writing and artistic inconsistencies, the inclusion of edgy stuff to make it “cool” and shipping, lots and lots of bad ships everywhere.
Star Wars: Omega is my personal fan fiction based on Star Wars, which was created by George Lucas, and Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which was created and developed by Dave Filoni and Jennifer Corbett; any and all credit belongs for to the original creator(s) and their publishers at Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox and the Walt Disney Corporation.
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