canela2000 — Naruto Oc - Reiji Aomigakatta

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 --- Basic Info ---

Name: Reiji
Kanji: レイジ
Meaning: "Courteous child"
Clan: Aomigakatta
Nicknames: Rei (As everyone calls/says) - 'Idiot' (As Mirai calls him)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: July 16th
Age: Part I: 12-13 | Part II: 15-16 | The Last: 18-19 | Epilogue: 30-32
Zodiac sign: Cancer

--- Characteristics ---

Blood type:
Eyes: His eyes aren't light blue, NOT, are a tone like water green
Hair: He has the sloppy and messy hair. Reiji's hair is more darker than Arale's hair, and they inherited the hair color of their father
Skin: Rei have pale skin
Unusual Features: He has a small scar on his face, which is covered by a blessed. Also, he has another scar on his back

--- Ninja Information ---

Afiliation: Kirigakure
Rank: Jōnin

-Genin promotion: 11 years
-Chuunin promotion: 14 years
-Jōnin promotion: 18 years

Ocupation: Medical-Nin – Defense of the Team

Estatus: Active Ninja
Ninja-ID: 012816
Team: Actually: Team 24 – Arale – Mirai – Isae-san
Kekkei Genkai: Hyōton (Ice Release). The Kekkei Genkai of his clan
Chackra nature: Suiton (Water Release)
Ninjustsu range: Short/long-ranged (Most longer than short)
Deffensive/Offensive type: Deffensive
Dominant hand: Rei is right-handed
Weapons: Reiji doesn't use weapons

Missions completed:

D-rank: 30
C-rank: 28
B-rank: 12
A-rank: 10
S-rank: 1
Total: 81  


Strength: Places like lakes or ponds with water and foggy
Weakness: Places deserts like Sunagakure

Taijutsu: Good
Ninjutsu: Excellent
Genjutsu: Bad

Fighting style: Like Medical-Nin, Rei specializes in defending team. But if necessary, he attacked using his Kekkei Genkai and his element

NIN: 5/5
TAI: 4/5
GEN: 1/5
KEN(intelligence): 4/5
RIKI(power): 4/5
SOKU(speed): 3/5
SEI(chakra): 5/5
IN(finger sign): 5/5
Total: 31/40

--- Techniques ---

Ninjutsu: Rei is possibly one of the strongest in Ninjutsu within the Team and this is thanks to his good handling of his elements and his chakra.

Basic Techniques:

Clone Technique (Bunshin no Jutsu)
Shadow Clone Technique (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu)
Cloak of Invisibility Technique (Kakuremino no Jutsu)
Body Replacement Technique (Kawarimi no Jutsu)
Rope Escape Technique (Nawanuke no Jutsu)
Transformation Technique (Henge no Jutsu)
Water Clone Technique (Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu)
Hiding in Mist Technique (Kirigakure no Jutsu)

Ninjutsu Tecniques Examples:

Water Release: Swift dragon wave – Rei created this technique based on the famous technique of 'Water Dragon Bullet Technique'. It consists of forming a water dragon of moderate size that strikes physically. But unlike the original technique, it is much simpler and weaker, but that does not mean that it is not powerful.

Water Release: Severe sensory manipulation of water - This is a sensory technique that his mother taught him and which consists of feeling the water through the trees or soil to locate allies or enemies.

Water Release: Large stream of water – It is simply a large stream of water that hits the enemy physically.

Water Release: Water Formation Wall – From the canon serie. It is a technique where the user through the use of an existing water source can raise the water with a tremendous force, this causes the water to surround the person in the form of a circle.

Kekkei Genkai Tecniques Examples:

Ice Release: Great frosted wall – A basic tecnique. Rei creates a large, high and sturdy wall with which he can protect his Team from major attacks. He can also use this technique to lock someone up.

Ice Release: Explosive ice lances – First, Rei releases a great gust of snow that later takes form of peaks of different sizes, assimilating to be like kunais that attack the enemy. Then to finish, these peaks have an explosive seal, in case of not hit in the first blow the peaks will explode thus damaging the rival.

Ice Release: Definitive mooring – Rei gives the form of whips or chains to his ice and in this way traps his enemies. Through these chains or whips he can freeze his opponents and can even cause them to die of hypothermia. It turns out to be a good technique when it comes to torturing someone.

Ice Release: Wild natural attack – Rei creates or uses snow/ice and gives it form of wild animals that he can easily control. However, this technique does not last long in hot places such as deserts.

Medical Ninjutsu Tecniques Examples:

Wide Healing
Mystical Palm Technique (Shōsen Jutsu)
Delicate Illness Extraction Technique (Saikan Chūshutsu no Jutsu)
Medical Mode (Iryō Mōdo)

--- Personal Traits ---

Rei is a calm, serene and friendly person. Always ready to help those in need with a smile on his face.
Faced with their loved ones is shown as a cheerful and gentle person, trying to help his family in every way he can.
With an overprotective aptitude to Arale as a gentle fitness to Mirai.

However, after the death of his best friend and his former sensei, Rei fell in a small depression until her sister decided to break with all that and was in charge of looking for a new member for the team: Mirai.
After meeting Mirai and talking with her about her tragic past, he found a new way of seeing life and he was again the cheerful person who was.

As a Medical- Nin, he respects the rules set, but he does not mind going out damaged if he has to protec someone.
Rei is an intelligent person who always listens to all possible opinions to reach a conclusion or solution and think things through before doing or saying them.

Within the team, he is the mediator between Arale and Mirai.
And try to take care of his twin sister as his new teammate.
Only he sees being aggressive in dangerous missions risk.

Rei has a peculiar taste for the weekly novels, loves to read but does not like other people touch his books (especially his novels).

Good traits: Friendly - Courteous - Extremely respectful - Serene –
Bad traits: Cautious - Suspicious with strangers - Somewhat disrespectful with Medic-Nin's rules - Easily depressive -

- Favourite Food: Meat and Ramen.
- Favourite Drink: Rei likes almost any drink, but his favorite is coffee.
- Favourite Colors: Blue.
- Favourite Animal: Owls.
- What he likes to do in his free time: Going to the library and reading something new is one thing that Rei really enjoys doing in his free time.
- Hooby: Read novels.
- Other things he likes: The books – The lakes – The rain – etc… 

- Less favorite Food: Dango.
- Less favorite Drink: Above all, alcohol is one of the things that Rei most hates.
- Less favorite Color: Orange.
- Less favorite Animal: Snakes.
- What he doesn't likes to do in his free time: Fight with people.
- Other things he dislikes: Irresponsibility - Bad plays - thunderstorms – etc...

Habbits: When he embarrasses or feels uncomfortable for something, Rei tends to take his hand to the nape of his neck and to look away in any direction.

Fears: Loneliness, death of a loved one, etc ...

Ambition: In the absence of the love of his clan and growing up with his little family, Rei wants to marry and form a big family

--- Relationships ---

Parents: Isae and Tairo
Sibiling: His twin sister, Arale
Relative(s): Part I-II: Arale (Twin sister) - Isae-san (Mother) - Tairo (Bilogical father) Reiji (Brother in law) - Ao (Adoptive father) ----> The Last: Mirai (Girlfriend) ----> Epilogue: Mirai (Wife) - Kai (Son) - Hikari (Daugther) - Airi (Niece)
Teammates/Ex-teammates: Team 24

Part I-II:
- Arale
-His Sensei, Ao and his friend, Kaoba -Both dead- 

Shortly before ‘The Last’:

- Arale
- Mirai – New member -
- His mother - New Sensei -

Arale: Reiji's twin sister. Reiji loves his twin sister and always tries to look after her. Rei likes to make jokes and play with his sister, They have a very close relationship and mutual affection, rarely fight and trust each other.
Reiji tries to help his sister to be able to use her Kekkei Genkai and always encourages and supports her.

Mirai: Reiji's girlfriend. Reiji deeply loves Mirai. At first he was afraid of her bloodthirsty behavior and he fought much with she , but by means of step the time, Reiji sees the good girl who has in her interior and begins to feel things for her.
He cares to find a way to heal her eye, even if Mirai says this is stupid.

Isae-san: Reiji's mother. Rei loves his mother and always looking for ways to help she in everything he can, and he knows that he can trust in her. Although he always get the jokes of his mother about their relationship with Mirai or his things.

Ao: Reiji's deceased Sensei. Due to the absence of his father at an early age, Rei saw Ao as a new father figure, he had a great respect for Ao.
Reiji suffered a small depression for the loss of Ao in World War IV.

Tairo: Reiji's bilogical father. When Rei was a year and a half, his father left the village, so he does not remember almost nothing of his father.
Still, he feels hatred about the way in which he left his mother

Kaoba: Reiji’s deceased best friend. Reiji meets Kaoba when both were 12 years old.
They were glad to know that they were on the same team. Reiji and Kaoba highly trusted each other, and they played and made pranks
By means of both they were growing, continued being good friends.
Reiji suffered a small depression for the loss of Kaoba in World War IV.

Chōjūrō: Rei's childhood friend. Rei always considered him to be reliable and good, so he would never doubt of him. Reiji and his sister usually give him their support so that he has more confidence in himself.

Mei Terumī: the Fifth Mizukage. Due to the fact that he has known her since he was a child, Rei also has a good relationship with her. But unlike his sister, he addresses her in a much more formal and appropriate tone. However, he also regards her as his 'Aunt', but for issues of respect, he does not call it that openly.
The Mizukage is aware of Rei's potential and takes pride in having a Ninja like him in her Village, so she knows she can trust him for missions that can be dangerous.

Naruto, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Chōji, Sakura and Sai: Rei's friends. Rei met them on a trip to Konoha due to a mission where he ended up being helped by them along with the rest of his team. From that time, Rei became a good friend of the group of Konoha. Above all with Naruto, Rock Lee and Shikamaru.

Aomigakatta Clan: Reiji’s clan. Reiji knows that his clan just want him only for the reason of he has the the best control of their Kekkei Genkai. It could say that Rei is only a tool for the clan. And if it were not for that, his clan's scorn to him, could will be more big.
Knowing this, Rei does not see his clan as part of his family.
Risako: Rei’s clan leader. Rei is aware that Risako's appreciation to him is only for have the Kekkei Genkai most powerful of the clan and that if it were not for that, Risako despise he the same way he does with his sister.
Beyond that, Rei considered the leader of the clan as a despicable person and even hold a grudge against her for her way to treat of his sister. However, Rei knows he must treat her with respect.
Makoto: Risako's daughter. Despite being the daughter of Risako, he and Makoto always had a good friendship as if they were brothers therefore both trust each other and if anyone was in danger, the other did not hesitate a minute to help.

Next Generation:

Kaito: Rei's son. It is not difficult to realize that Reiji is totally proud of his son and this is something that Kai knows well, as Rei knows that his son is happy to have a father like him. They both trust each other and usually Rei is the first person within his family to whom Kai goes to talk or consult something (either by any subject, Kai feels more comfortable to talk to his father).

Hikari: Rei's little daughter. Rei sees her daughter as his 'little princess' and the fact that Mirai be a more quiet person cause that Hikari see her father as "a friend to play all kinds of games'. Therefore Hikari is also very close to his father and always enjoys playing and having fun with him.
He is very proud of her but also worries a lot about his health and tries to find a cure for his illness.

Airi: Rei's niece. Being his only niece, Rei feels a great affection and attachment with Airi, so much that always treats as if her were a daughter for him. In general, both have a good relationship and respect each other.

Best friend: Kaoba - dead - Arale, Mirai, Chōjūrō, Naruto, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Chōji, Sakura and Sai
Crush: Mirai
Rival: N/A

--- Background and History ---


Because of the way in which he was born, Rei and his sister were despised by his clan, and it prohibited them to have the brands characteristics in their eyes.

When Rei was a year and a half, his biological father completely disappeared from his life, being left without a trace or anything.
Shortly after, his mother meets Ao and both ended together.
What made Rei saw Ao as their only father figure.

Still a young age, Reiji could perceive the scorn that was interposing on his clan towards him and his sister.
However he did not much care about the contempt that his clan had for his family. He preferred to play with children of other clans or with his sister.

Also, it was at this time where Arale met Chōjūrō and both became good friends.

Nevertheless, as a child, Rei had a happy and joyful childhood, more than anything by the bond he had in his small family.

Part I
Genin days:

When Reiji turned 11years, finally he managed to become a Genin.
Likewise he was assigned to a team with his sister, Ao and his new teammate and best friend, Kaoba (who had just met).
In the first stage, their missions were simple and uncomplicated, ideal for a Genin.

The team worked in a typical way: taking orders and missions by the respective Kage (in this case the Mizukage), and respected the rules like any Shinnobi.

In his spare time, the team preferred to stay together. Rei used to play with Arale and Kaoba and the group of children had fun with the scoldings of Ao.

As time progressed, Reiji was improving his mastery over his Kekkei Genkai like his  healers skills.

At some point, in some mission, he and his team were injured severely as a result of an ambush that left him a small scar on his face.

Part II - Shippuuden:
Chūnin days:

For the start of the second part (Shippuden) Reiji had become Chūnin, like Kaoba and Arale.
With the rise of the team to a new position, the C and B range missions increased, above all the missions C range.
Soon, Rei proved to be a genius in controlling his Kekkei Genkai, being so, the strongest user of his clan, for irony of it.

Time later, the team 24 was assigned to a mission in Konohakure. After traveling there, the team was involved in a series of difficulties that they were finally able to solve thanks to the help of Naruto, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Chōji, Sakura and Sai. And it was here that Rei became friend with all of them.

Within the team, Rei began to devote himself to the defense of this while others were responsible for attacking or go to the front in the fighting.

Relatively his life had remorse and good things, having the typical life of a Ninja.

War Arc:

During the Fourth World War, though it seemed at first that Rei would end in the medical division.
But he and his team (except Ao) were allocated to the Third Division.
As the war continued, the team managed to survive the attack of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

Continuing the war and reaching to the resurrection of the Ten Tails.
The worst case scenario happened for the team: the death of Kaoba and Ao.
That prompted to Arale and Rei to a short stay in shock a few minutes, without knowing what to do. Even this way, both decided that it was not a moment to complain, that they had to fight to continue living without giving him importance to the pain of the death of their companions.

Later, Rei fell under the influence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi and dreamed that he was a normal member within his clan, that he did not have the most powerful Kekkei Genkai and therefore, he was not the puppet of his clan.
Not only that, he dreamed that he was having a good relation with his entire clan and that he was having a good time with his whole family.

When the war finally ended, they were glad to have a time to be glad for having survived and mourn the loss of their beloved ones.

Part III -  The Last:
Jōnin days:

- Current timeline -

(It should be noted that by the beginning of 'The Last', Rei had become in a Jōnin)

After two years of the war, the Team 24 was totally shattered e inactive due to the deaths of Ao and Kaoba.
Rei thought that the death of his team maters was his fault, and he fells into a slight depresión.

It was not until his sister decided to resume again with the team what led her to leave and find a new teammate (given that their mother - Isae-san - had assumed the role of the new Sensei).
Arale found by chance a Ninja with dark skin and red eyes, the name of the girl was Mirai.
Arale proposed to Mirai to join her team and the two fought in a battle to decide, even if both finished tied, Mirai finally relented and agreed to join the team. 

It was on the same day when Rei and Mirai knew themselves.
From that day the only contact he had with the girl was his typical meaningless fights. As well as to start being afraid to Mirai's bloodthirsty conducts.
But as time passed, Mirai managed to come to the conclusion of that the most sane person inside the house was Rei, and she came to be more open with him.
Eventually Rei began to understand a new way of looking at life and reverted to being a happy person as it was before the war.

It might say that after a time, him and Mirai they began to be in a relation. Nowadays, Rei is looking for a way of treating Mirai's damaged eye in order that it does not hurt so much while she loses the sight.

About the events of the time, the new Team 24 helped in everything what could to help to the forces to prevent the meteorite from managing to come to the land.

Epilogue/Cheapter 700+:

He finally marriaged with Mirai and while on a mission outside the Village, Rei and Mirai discovered that she was pregnant with more than two and a half months, so they decided to leave the mission and return to Kirigakure.
Months later, Mirai gave birth to a child who they named 'Kaito' And five years later, they have a daugther who they named 'Hikari'. Mirai and Rei soon realize about a strange illness that damaged the health of Hikari. Since then Rei try to found a cure like a doctor of Village's hospital.

--- Trivia ---

. Rei’s favorite word is ‘Protect’ (“Mamorimasu” - 守ります).

. The novels that Rei reads are suitable for 18 year-olds and over. Nonetheless, Rei reads these since he is 15 years old

. He and his sister work in the form of contrast:
While Arale is the worst user of the Kekkei Genkai in her clan , Rei is the best user of it. And as Rei is a expert with the element is water, Arale is a expert with the element fire

. He is greater than her twin sister for 6 minutes apart

. Rei's necklace was a gift from Ao which gave him when he was little. Since then, Rei uses and appreciates it, above all after the death of Ao. 



I finally I did it
And I am very happy because of it!!!

He is Rei
Ejem ejem:
...Arale's toy
...Mirai's idiot
...'cute' thing of his mother

To be more specific:
He is:
The Arale's twin brother and the Mirai's boyfriend

Some things to clarify:

 Rei likes the owls as he likes read, because I like very much both things xD

 Rei has a bag attached to his pants.
Under his band-aid, he has a scar.
He wears earrings

 I put some things for putting, for the simple fact of not knowing that to put exactly xD
Things as the height, for example

  Finally I decided the name of the dead teammate, that is to say, Kaoba, because I like me very much the name. Not only it, if not that also I decided the name of the Equipment, because it wanted that it had a simple and not very difficult name
And I put Ao in the history of my Ocs because I really love this guy

 The current timeline of Rei is set in 'The Last'
So, I did not think much that it would happen with him in the epoch of the epilogue xD

 All I translated with Google Translate, so if there is something wrong not blame me, please blame the translator -.-

Now I have really wanted to do something of Rei and Mirai
Really I have many, many desire

Base (c) zombie-adoptables
Detailed Template (c) ZombieChocolate
Rei (c) canela2000

Related content
Comments: 74

canela2000 In reply to ??? [2017-12-31 02:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Rei: Hi! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

reallynaruto123 In reply to canela2000 [2018-01-08 03:52:15 +0000 UTC]

u noticed me senpai...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to reallynaruto123 [2018-01-24 22:07:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reallynaruto123 In reply to canela2000 [2018-01-24 23:45:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to reallynaruto123 [2018-02-05 23:52:51 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

reallynaruto123 In reply to canela2000 [2018-02-07 02:31:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

reallynaruto123 In reply to canela2000 [2018-01-08 03:50:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NIGHTSANDSONIC [2017-10-12 04:36:27 +0000 UTC]

aww he is super cute ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2017-10-14 20:17:25 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you so much dear!!! ♥

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to canela2000 [2017-10-14 20:21:20 +0000 UTC]

no problem ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2017-10-21 03:50:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to canela2000 [2017-10-21 03:51:34 +0000 UTC]

Love your icon ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2017-11-27 20:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you dear! ♥

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to canela2000 [2017-11-27 20:19:00 +0000 UTC]

No problem ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to NIGHTSANDSONIC [2017-11-27 20:21:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NIGHTSANDSONIC In reply to canela2000 [2017-11-27 20:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Aww ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WingedAngel94 [2017-01-24 16:10:18 +0000 UTC]

^^ ahhh so there's Reiji! I really like his design here! He reminds me of a grown up Boruto! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to WingedAngel94 [2017-01-24 16:40:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WingedAngel94 In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-24 16:44:08 +0000 UTC]

X3 no problem!! All of your character designs look great!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to WingedAngel94 [2017-01-24 16:46:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WingedAngel94 In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-24 16:49:50 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fiddee [2017-01-01 21:40:39 +0000 UTC]

Such a handsome young man~ ^^
A very wonderful drawing all around, such detail and soft coloring~
You did a very beautiful artwork, be proud over this amazing skill of yours~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to fiddee [2017-01-01 22:13:56 +0000 UTC]

~  ~
I'm glad you like Reí.
 My fangirl side also thinks he is handsome x'DDD 
Hahahahaha the only thing I did in this drawing was to draw the faces, his clothes, and his accessories.
I drew it from a base
Because I do not know how to draw men

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-02 20:56:07 +0000 UTC]

Something wrong with me liking him?~^///^

But even if you did draw from a base I still think you have done a first class job! >///<
..Hihi..Reí: ''Draw me like on of your france girls~'' |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to fiddee [2017-01-03 00:30:43 +0000 UTC]

I don't know... ¬w¬ 
omg x'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-03 21:14:52 +0000 UTC]

You do know, I know, you know |D

Draw him!~ |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to fiddee [2017-01-08 19:10:59 +0000 UTC]

Everyone knows it~

Hahahahahah my poor Rei
Maybe I'll try x'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-16 20:48:47 +0000 UTC]


A great man once said: ''..Just-..DO IT!" |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to fiddee [2017-01-16 21:32:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fiddee In reply to canela2000 [2017-01-17 15:36:27 +0000 UTC]

>w👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sparvely [2016-02-28 22:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Me encanta! Es super lindo c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-28 22:13:26 +0000 UTC]

Muchas gracias!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-28 22:20:16 +0000 UTC]

De nada ~ 
Yo ando trabajando en un nuevo OC para la serie c: <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-28 22:24:37 +0000 UTC]


Oh eso suena interesante...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-28 22:32:48 +0000 UTC]

; v ; te gustaría ver a mi bebe? c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-28 22:35:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-28 22:40:07 +0000 UTC]

Este es mi bebe c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-28 22:46:55 +0000 UTC]

O dios que cosa sensual
Me gusta mucho su diseño y sus ojos *---*
Es muy lindo y esta bien pensado

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-28 22:49:33 +0000 UTC]

Aww muchas gracias!!
Significa mucho para mi ; v ; 
Estoy tratando de dibujarlo en el estilo de naruto xD 
fácil tendrá un crush en Rei c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-28 23:00:11 +0000 UTC]

Jajajaja de nada!
Me gusta mucho en serio xD
Dibujar al estilo naruto es dificil
Pero con esfuerzo se logra (? xD

JAJAJAJAJAJA primero deberá pasar por una tuerta asesina loca

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-28 23:53:45 +0000 UTC]

Muchas gracias!!  
Bueno con una buena referencia, todo se puede xD ! 

Aqui lo intenté 

pero solo es un crush xD yo sé que está emparejado ; v ; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-29 00:05:37 +0000 UTC]

Sigo amando su pelo y sus ojos

Ya ya

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-29 00:19:47 +0000 UTC]

Aww gracias

Jaajajaja no quiero que se peleen xDD  

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canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-29 00:38:33 +0000 UTC]

De nada

¿Con la Tuerta (Mirai) o con el Rubio (Rei)?

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Sparvely In reply to canela2000 [2016-02-29 01:00:03 +0000 UTC]

Osea... Naomi con Mirai xD >w> 

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canela2000 In reply to Sparvely [2016-02-29 01:02:18 +0000 UTC]

Ahi ya tenemos problemas
La Tuerta es difícilmente cruel y malvada

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WarriorAngel36 [2015-12-28 21:11:12 +0000 UTC]


he's sooo cuute *O*

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canela2000 In reply to WarriorAngel36 [2015-12-28 21:26:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks you so much!

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xxAmechanxxx [2015-11-14 01:16:24 +0000 UTC]

So that's your icon,huh?

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L-MASTER [2015-11-14 00:40:45 +0000 UTC]


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