CaptainClovey — Oakclan: Sunkit's application

#sunkit #oakclan #captainclovey
Published: 2015-09-19 23:48:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1502; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Accepted Date: 20/08/15

When will I stop?? Maybe never >3 Because oakclan is worth it

 Sunkit  Current Name: Sunkit
        Prefix: Sun - as he didn't say his name when asked, the cats in camp named him after his warm and fiery coloured pelt, as well as his golden-brown eyes
        Suffix: kit - the standard for all kits in camp
Previous Names: Ray [after his kittypet father] 

Gender: Cis Male
Age: 3 moons - 6 moons 
Birth Season: Greenleaf

Clan: Oakclan
Bloodline: Kittypet x Loner
Rank: Kit
Mentor: x x x
Current Apprentice: x x x   Physical Information  Brief Description: A large fiery tabby tom-kit with a mane of fluffy fur and golden-brown eyes. 
Breed: Maine coon x Moggy  

Body Type: Sunkit inherited every bit of his father's Maine coon genes when it came to size and stature, already looking large for a young kit. He's not exactly lanky or lean, and despite a poor diet wearing away at his stomach before joining oakclan, he looks rather steady on his paws though that might be thanks to all the long fur. 
Scars: x x x

Fur Description: This long furred kit can't and doesn't want to control his ruffled fur, letting it stick up in all directions across his body. The fur around his neck is especially long almost like a mane, this being the main source of rebellion against being groomed flat, so instead he doesn't bother and complains when others try. As he's still a kit, his fur is very soft to touch and poofy to press against, meaning if you're lucky enough to have him let you, he'd be the best pillow.  

Eyes: Hidden behind his long fur, Sun's eyes are a pale hazel with a hint of gold.  
Scent: His main scent is a mix of his mother's, faintly milk and rain thanks to the current weather. 
Voice: Bored, serious and grumpy most times
Example: x x x  Stats  Strength: [4/10]
Attack: [1/10]
Speed: [3/10]
Endurance: [2/10]
Tactics: [1/10]
Swimming: [0/10]
Jumping: [3/10]
Climbing: [2/10]
Stealth: [0/10]Herbal Knowledge: [0/10]
Kitting Knowledge: [0/10]


As an Kit: [ +Protective | +Brave | +Humorous | ~Sarcastic | ~Blunt |-Resentful | -Lazy | -Demanding ]

Sunkit is currently not a happy camper. Missing his brother and mother, the little tom is resentful and angry at being stuck in Oakclan, currently finding it's only upside is the constant supply of food. When not being moody, he's either lazily sleeping in the nursery or watching everyone else from afar, not wanting to take part. While he doesn't speak much, when he does he is short and blunt with his answers, not having needed to be polite in the past and not seeing why he has to be now. His only reasons for speaking though is to demand for things, like more food or where the dirt-place is, otherwise he stares at other cats inviting him to play or talk with an incredulous look. Though that's probably better than what he would say, as before when he wasn't being blunt, Sunkit had taken to being sarcastic with his mother.

It was only with his brother who he really loved and trusted that he showed his better side, being that the pair always used to laugh and have fun. Being fiercely protective, he would have done anything to protect his brother and loved to make him laugh and smile, taking pride when he managed to succeed. He was a real good brother and a good son when he trusted his mother to be there for him and his brother. While it may take time for these better qualities to show, Sunkit has always proved himself to be brave and won't let himself be governed by fears or insecurities, so instead of hiding in the nursery from the new cats and camp, he'll be exploring it and meeting people, whether he's nice to them or not. 

Other traits: Throws blame at others, skeptical, playful, rebellious, quick to judge, grudging, distrusting, loyal to few

 Family  Mother: Hazel - A dainty but tall she-cat with dark tabby markings and gleaming brown eyes
Father: Raiden - A proud striped Maine coon with long flowing ginger fur and pale yellow eyes 

Copper - A large fluffy brown tabby kit with sparkling yellow-green eyes

Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A  Sexual Orientation  Mate: none
Crushes: none
S.O.: Unknown for now
Activity: Nope

- Low maintenance
- Chill and easygoing 
- Forgiving
- Sharing

- Hyperactive
- Bossy
- Nagging 
- Emotional 

 Before Birth

Hazel was quite the independent free she-cat, who travelled far and scavenged from humans as she went. Upon scavenging from the trash of one twoleg household, she came across it's resident kittypet Raiden, a rather reserved and irritated tom who did not appreciate the she-cat's presence on his territory. But that didn't stop her and he was too cowardly to do more than puff up and mew complaints. She found him rather amusing and kept coming back to annoy him, even eating from his bowl when his twolegs weren't around. Despite her usual love of roaming, she found herself drawn to Raiden and his pompous fluffy butt, and in turn Raiden found himself enjoying Hazel's free and rebellious spirit as a stray, as he was all too used to withdrawn and quiet kittypets. 

Fortunately to Hazel's chagrin, Raiden was not a neutered tom due to the fact breeding him resulted in quite profitable kittens but Hazel only became pregnant after two years of their little relationship, it being slow to develop faster due to Hazel's wanderings and Raiden being kept inside or taken away to other twoleg houses during that time. However, upon finding out Hazel was bearing his kits, Raiden told her that she couldn't be around him or his twolegs anymore, knowing all too well how twolegs loved to take kits and separate them from their mothers. Hazel had to make the choice of who she loved more, her kits or Raiden, and at that moment the little lives of her litter mattered more. She left him with a broken heart and travelled far to find somewhere safe, now forced to hunt to eat as opposed to her easy scavenging. She didn't make a good hunter, but she managed until her two kits were born, the pair of little toms reminding her so much of the lover she left behind. So much so that she named the little ginger tom 'Ray' in his memory. 

● Hazel was a free spirited stray while Raiden was a pompous kittypet
● They had a slow but loving relationship until Hazel was pregnant with Raiden's kits
● He advised her to leave so her kits didn't get taken by twolegs, so she left him behind in search of a safe place for her kits


Ray was every bit of boisterous and playful as his mother and yet had all the love of food and sleep as if he were a kittypet, complaining insistently when he was hungry and none too gentle if his brother, Copper, woke him up early. But he loved his brother fiercely, the pair doing everything together much to their mother's luck who had to leave them alone for hours to hunt enough for herself. The two brothers were thick as thieves, both loved to fight roughly and would never stop laughing while in each other's presence. For three moons, all went well at least from Ray's perspective, he had Copper to play with and his mother to love and feed him, even if they sometimes were left feeling very hungry as they waited for their mother's return each day. From their mother's view, she was exhausted by the lively pair, Copper being very adventurous while Ray was very demanding, especially once they were old enough to eat prey. 

Unfortunately it was during one of her hunting trips, Copper convinced Ray to go exploring and in their adventure, they got sniffed out by a dog on a walk with its twoleg. The dog chased them, barking madly and Ray tried his best to keep Copper with him, one moment running to safety and the next panting in a hiding spot under a tree. But Ray was unable to find his brother who he thought was just behind him. Sticking his head out of the hiding hole, he saw the twoleg run up to their dog, pulling the mutt off the squealing form of his brother and seemingly shout at the dog who backed off, picking up Copper who was still mewing pitifully. Ray was frozen in fear before the twoleg started to hurry off, carrying his protesting brother and dragging the dog with them, at which point Ray found strength in his legs to stand up and run after his brother, determined to fight the two-leg if he had to. That was until he felt a sharp tug on his scruff, losing his grip on the ground as he was hoisted up, his mother pulling him to a sharp stop. Ray shouted and cried for her to let go, that they needed to rescue Copper from the monster, that she had to put him down. Instead Hazel fought back tears and turned away, walking in the opposite direction. 

From that moment on Ray was snappy and rude with his mother as they travelled, venting his own anger at having failed and lost his brother at her for not trying to go after Copper. Meanwhile his mother was begrieved and distraught, unable to leave Ray alone for a moment at fear of another incident. She found it hard to hunt and deal with her remaining resentful son as they travelled, as she was too afraid to stay in one place anymore. When she stumbled upon the scent of the oakclan border, she almost turned away until she overheard a hunting patrol, seeing the prey dangling from her mouths and the healthy figures of the felines. With a glance at her grumpy son, she felt terribly guilty but placed him down quickly, Ray already protesting at the unannounced stop. She darted away and watched from afar as the patrol found the complaining tom, Ray quickly shutting up in the presence of the strangers, feeling scared until he spotted the one carrying prey, his stare alone telling them how hungry he was. They asked him questions but he remained reservedly quiet, so they offered him a mouse, and once he was complacent they carried him to camp, his mother guiltily watching him go before turning away, deciding that she needed to return to where her heart truly lay. 

● Ray and Copper were the closest brothers and lived happily -if always hungry- under Hazel's care 

● Copper dragged Ray out exploring with him, but they encountered a dog and Copper got caught, the dog's twoleg picking up Copper and carrying him away

● Hazel stopped Ray running after him, leaving Ray angry and frustrated at her as his mother decided to run to safety instead
● With Ray being so resentful and her failure as a mother, Hazel dropped Ray off at Oakclan's border and watched him get taken in from afar

 Clan life 

Ray didn't realise he was in Oakclan camp, due to scoffing the mouse, until he was dropped in the nursery and questioned by the strangers 'what was his name, who was he, did he have any family?'. He didn't answer a single one and instead sat in the corner of the den, waiting for his mother to return. Of course, hours passed and she didn't return. Eventually one of the concerned warriors told him it wasn't uncommon for kits to be dropped at their border to be looked after. He felt betrayed that his mother would abandon him without a goodbye, leaving him to grumpily shut down, refusing to speak to anyone or do anything. The warrior joked he wasn't exactly the happiest 'ray of sunshine' and fitting as it was for his pelt, he soon got nicknamed 'Sun' and later, was told his name was Sunkit. Well he didn't care, not one bit. He didn't want to be part of Oakclan and neither did he want to be called Sunkit, but the warriors told him it was too dangerous for the kit to go out of camp due to the stormy weather, so now he was trapped there. 

To be continued...

● Upon being brought to Oakclan, Ray avoided all questions and remained silent, waiting for his mother
● He soon realised she wasn't coming back for him and felt betrayed, growing resentful of her and Oakclan
● He was named Sunkit for his fiery pelt [and lack of sunny behaviour] and left in the nursery with the other kitsRP starts here:
● Met many new kits and amazingly despite his bad attitude, made friends

 Relationships  CLICK HERE FOR RELATIONSHIP TRACKER <3 sta.sh/02s09rv6n7m

 Extra Information   Skills 
- Bravely taking on everything
- Strong when throwing his weight around
- Good runner

- Underestimating everything
- Lazy when focusing on small things
- Reckless attack style

 Extra facts 
- Sun can't stand cats who don't appreciate their family
- He always used to pretend to lose against his brother to make him happy
- Can fall asleep anywhere in any position just to make a point
- Has a terrible sense of direction and is easily lost even from places he's been to many times before

- All the food
- All the sleep
- Funny jokes
- Puns
- Play fighting
- Going for walks 

- Being hungry
- Being woken up ever
- Hyperactive annoying cats
- Bossy/pushy cats
- Being betrayed or betraying others
- Boring stories or conversations

- Anything related to two-legs
- Dogs
- being abandoned again  Roleplay Example  TGB Roleplay - Altair and Marzipan - My longest post size preferably, I usually adapt to my partner's length

It was almost a relief to be able to walk in the sun without feeling as if the burning light in the sky wasn't trying to scorch the fur off the tom’s back, the adolescent thought as he walked into the open plains from the shelter of the forest. His fur was always a short and manageable length but even with his pale fur, spending summer in Void-tribe had been a suffocating smog of hot air as the sun’s heat would creep into all the stone and rock and cook the camp from every side. It was during this time, Altair found hunting and testing his powers in the cool forests of the neutral lands more pleasurable, preferring to be on his own ever since his best friend had been pretty much exiled from Void-tribe. His tattoo had changed as easily as the colours of the leaves in the trees and she hadn’t been there to see it.

A loud caw caught the adolescent’s attention, his pale blue eyes snapping on the sight of a flock of birds. Catching one or two of these would be a nice meal for his tribe mates, he thought, licking his lips at the thought of eating one. He usually caught his own meal and he so did love to play with birds feathers despite how kit-ish that seemed to his friends. Stalking up to one that had wandered away from the crowd, he lay low and focused quietly to activate his tattoo, the white-pink swirls lighting up his face and chest. Evaline had been teaching him to use his powers and the next one he wanted to master was the ability to manipulate the shape of matter, so this was a good opportunity to practise. Trying his best to focus on the ground under the bird, he tried to pull it up and around the bird’s feet to trap it in place, knowing if this worked then he’d be able to catch the entire flock before they even noticed and flapped their wings. But even as the ground began to slightly shift under his control, the bird seemed to hop away without so much as a care, leaving the white-pink-void to huff with a sigh, his tattoo flaring out. He would probably need weeks to learn to change the shape of things from a distance and with such speed to ensnare a creature, but until then he supposed he would have to manually hunt like every other cat.

But with such a flock all busy with pecking the ground, he knew just catching one would mean all the others would be alerted and escape. He flicked his tail, his ears almost twitching with all the loud and almost taunting calls of the birds before picking up a less musical tune in the form of a whine. A whine from a feline if he had to guess. He looked around slowly, but wasn’t able to see another cat standing around at his eye level, leaving him to wonder if he had imagined it.  RP Status  Comments: No thanks
Notes: If that's how you want to
 Skype: This is best for me
 Google Docs: I enjoy this one too
Chats: Maybe


the-roots.deviantart.com/art/B… - Got a trick badge

Formatting © Indesomniac
Character and art @ Mineee <3

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Comments: 25

Rivers-Of-Red [2016-01-16 22:48:12 +0000 UTC]

My god those stripes are beautiful!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to Rivers-Of-Red [2016-01-17 00:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Awh thank you!! quq they're pretty intense

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rivers-Of-Red In reply to CaptainClovey [2016-01-17 01:33:58 +0000 UTC]

No problem! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rebel-Night [2015-10-30 01:20:13 +0000 UTC]

would you be interest in rping with Otterkit 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ARCommando [2015-09-20 22:07:34 +0000 UTC]

I must get my second cat. Ono

the guy is so cooool. ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to ARCommando [2015-09-20 22:21:08 +0000 UTC]

YEs you must! I'd love to rp lil Sun with ur next kit ouo thanks<33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DatDeer [2015-09-20 21:57:02 +0000 UTC]

Very pretty markings!!! 0.0

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to DatDeer [2015-09-20 22:20:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you C: His markings are very fun to do ~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DatDeer In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 23:10:03 +0000 UTC]

They look like it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WinterGiraffe [2015-09-20 20:52:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to WinterGiraffe [2015-09-20 22:20:03 +0000 UTC]

Awh thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sshoes [2015-09-20 00:10:06 +0000 UTC]

He is the light of my life I s2g.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to sshoes [2015-09-20 00:15:26 +0000 UTC]

Keep talking like that and you'll never have a grey day again cos Sun will be all over you lmaoo he finds puns so cheesy but amusing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sshoes In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 00:19:50 +0000 UTC]

I am in love with this bright little bundle of fluff.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to sshoes [2015-09-20 00:26:03 +0000 UTC]

Hehe I can't wait to rp him with you then OuO It should be super fun <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sshoes In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 00:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! Just hmu on skype or here whenever. <3333333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cupkit [2015-09-20 00:05:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to cupkit [2015-09-20 00:07:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cupkit In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 00:14:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to cupkit [2015-09-20 00:17:31 +0000 UTC]

SUN CAN DEFINITELY MEET EVERYONE tho who knows how nice he may be lmaoo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cupkit In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 00:21:51 +0000 UTC]

frost is a weirdo it's ok, she might not be nice either

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to cupkit [2015-09-20 00:27:04 +0000 UTC]

Well if they share a mutual weirdness, maybe they'll like each other... or maybe it'll go terribly hehe can't wait to see tho ouo 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cupkit In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-09-20 00:55:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2015-09-19 23:51:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to wiskrr [2015-09-20 00:00:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0