CaptainClovey — TGB: White-Void Altair Application

#wip #altair #application #tgb #voidtribe
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New reference sheet for 9 moons  

Joined tgb and character accepted: April 10th

 Identity  [Name]: Altair (Al-tair) 
    [Meaning]: The brightest star in the Aquila constellation; derives from the Arabic phrase "al-nasr al-tair", meaning "the flying eagle".
[Kit Name]: Sunny 
    [Meaning]: A name that was given to him by his mother due to him being the light of her world (how cute)  
[Nicknames]: None as of yet.
[Age]: 6 moons
[Joined the tribes]: 6 moons
[Birth season]: Autumn year 100 (November 1st) 
[Gender]: Male
 Appearance  [Body type]: At the start of his apprenticeship, Altair is underweight and rather small, his poor diet and genes meaning he's a rather sleek but lightweight tom. He is short in comparison to most apprentices and it's likely he'll remain under average for his age. 
[Pelt]: The top half of his body is pale tan, while the bottom half is a darker red, with white speckling on his body and pointed darker markings on his limbs, tail and face. His fur texture is rather short and spiky, sticking up in odd angles on his thin frame. 
[Features]: Sharp pale blue eyes, thin pointed ears, badly kinked tailed, spiky fur patches   
[Accessories]: None as of yet, but he certainly is curious as to how he would get his own. 
    Tail kink - His tail was broken towards the tip as a kit and as such it's very small and bent compared to the long sleek appendage it should be. 
 Tribe  [Tribe]: Void-Tribe [was previously a loner/exile]
[Level Ups]: 2
[Rank]: Soldier Apprentice
    [Reason]: As creative and inquisitive Altair is and how much he would enjoy being a scholar, when he first meet the tribes, it's only been after a few days of travelling on his own since having to escape his own father. Due to this, he hugely wishes to know how to defend himself for future reference, as well as how to hunt so he can feed himself properly. He'll certainly be interested in all the scholars uncover and even in the future he might wish to change paths, but for now he's paranoid over his vulnerability and knows that being a soldier for the tribes will teach him the basics for survival if he should ever need to rely on himself again. 
[Tattoo]: White-Void
[Active]: sta.sh/0ty8448g6p8
[Ability]: Primary 
[Skills]: + 2 when adolescent
Skill 1 - Sensory Shift
You can change the sensory perception of any object. This does not change the object itself; it only changes what is experienced from it. [The sight/colour, scent/smell, sounds heard, the taste and feeling/touch]

Once Altair discovers this as one of the first powers he has to play with, he'll probably spend all his time thinking with the possibilities of this power, unable to stop himself from indulging in the perfect prank opportunities it presents. Even playing with colour alone would be hilarious as cats would have to double guess whether they saw a bright pink mouse or not; but messing with the taste of someone's fresh kill or sound of someone's voice would probably have him killed over in laughter. Not to say he won't also use this power in battle and for the good of others, but it's guaranteed he's going to be a little nuisance with this skill. He'll have to be careful not to overuse this power of course, since he'll find that the more he affects a certain sense, the more his own senses seem to get muddled for a period afterwards. Skill 2 - Feather-light and Heavy-weight
You can change the density of an inanimate item to make it heavier or lighter. [A feather becomes as dense as a stone or metal can become so less dense it floats on water] 

Again the pranking opportunities for this skill are vast, such as pretending to lift a heavy rock as easily as a feather to impress others. However Altair will probably find more use with this power dependent on the situation at hand than with future planning, especially as until he has more practise, affecting objects with very light or heavy weights will give him the worst headaches since trying to comprehend a feather behind heavy like a mouse can be pretty confusing.   Relationships  [Mentor]: Not assigned
[Soulbond]: None
[Orientation]: Altair still needs to work on making friends let alone decide his love life, deciding this will wait till he's older. However, that's not to say he won't feel his fair share of crushes at this age, since this will be the first time he'll get to meet others around his age and know he'll have the chance to meet them again. What his preferences are or the kind of personalities that mesh with his will be revealed through roleplaying. 
    [Father]: Alshain - Exile - npc - deceased 
    [Mother]: Taraz - Exile - npc - deceased
    [Siblings]: As far as Altair knows, he was the only surviving kit of his litter. 
[Relationships]: I'll link to a relationship tracker laters ouo
 Personality  [Current Emotional state]: Shaken, Lonely, Overwhelmed, Curious
Altair has only just joined Void-tribe after a life of only interacting with his parents and the occasional loner. Meeting and seeing so many strange and different cats is pretty scary for the young tom, especially when he's still affected by the recent fight with his late father. Yet, now an orphan, the red apprentice feels pretty lonely, like an outsider looking in on the tribe he's just joined. But underneath it all, he's still the curious and optimistic cat that his mother raised him to be, so with so many new things to worry about, he's also kind of excited to learn and meet everyone, hoping it all lives up to the expectations his mother gave him. [Personality]: note this will all be subject to change over the course of his interactions with others <3

As an Apprentice: [Cheerful] [Focused] [Creative] [Optimistic] || [Competitive] [Observant] [Prepared] [Inquisitive] [Bashful] || [Paranoid/Insecure] [Immature] [Reserved] [Unrelenting
Cheerful - There is a rarely a time that Altair doesn't have some form of smirk or smile upon his muzzle. Whether insincere, malicious or genuine, his first and main reaction is to smile and laugh at most things, partly because it can hide how he truly feels in more upsetting situations and mostly because his mother said that as long as he was happy, she was happy. He adored his mother as a kit, and as she was the optimistic cheerful force for him, he'll be the same for himself and others. He can never get enough of joking and pranking others (as a kit he was always trying to prank his father) and always has the urge to lighten the mood if it gets even the slightest bit dreary. If he sees someone upset, he'll have a personal vendetta to make them laugh even at his own expense. 

Focused - Once put on task, the red tom will not deter or distract himself until it's complete to his satisfaction, wanting to do the best he can before giving up. He'll listen intently to others, put all his effort into his work and most likely be very hesitant if another were to tell him to do otherwise. (Which is to say he'll never play hooky with another bored apprentice) He's very eager to prove his worth to his tribe and can be quite the workaholic at times, never one to dawdle or waste time 'relaxing' when he could be getting something done. 

Creative - Knowing he doesn't have strength or size on his side, Altair was taught quickly by his father to always be aware of his surroundings and how he could use them. So when it comes to battles or games or even just verbal arguments, the young tom can get pretty creative with what he has and use it to the best effect, always pushing things as far as he can get away with them just to see where his limits are. Being only just older than what is considered a kit however, his creative ideas can seem very outlandish and unrealistic at times, meaning more times than not, his ideas fail. 

Optimistic - Again this is another trait his mother ingrained into him during his kithood, where his mother was always a shining beacon of optimism. Due to this, Altair will always look on the brightside of a situation, whether its actually fitting to the mood or not. If told his work isn't good enough, then he'll say that means next time he'll do it even better. When someone says it's going to rain, he'll say that's good for the plants then. It just means he's always encouraging and hoping for the best in others and himself, even if his expectations can be unrealistic, and he'll always work towards the goal of making them real. (that's not to say he doesn't also prepare for the worst, it's just he's usually more happy on the outside then he lets on)   [Neutral]
Competitive - Ever since he joined the tribes, for the first time meeting cats of many abilities and talents, he decided he needed to prove himself worthy of being among them. But being young, he assumes that this is best proved by actual comparison alongside those cats as opposed to just being good enough for them by their judging. The young tom can't help but also love the competition, always liking the thrill and challenge of beating another feline and knowing the final answer of who's better than who. While this does mean he can be very motivated to do things and can do challenges for the sake of fun, it can also lead to him being a rather sore loser if he sees himself failing since he usually wants to be the winner. 

Observant - Altair only feels happy and safe when he knows all that's going on around him, so his eyes will always be swivelling across the surrounding area and horizon, watching for danger, signs, anything that could be of use to him. He's less observant when it comes to other cats as he's inexperienced with socialising and body language, but when chatting with others he'll do his best to focus intently on the other (even if this can a little over bearing) and try to understand them while talking so that he can learn their patterns and tells. After all, he wants to be able to tell at the slightest sign if another cat is going to become aggressive so that he can get away if needed. 

Prepared - After a close call with his father, the red tom is determined to not let himself be caught out again, and so, out of slight paranoia, his mind is always ticking with back-up plans and ideas if a situation were to get dangerous again. Hand in hand with his creativity, it means you can usually rely on Altair to make a plan before doing something, though being young and inexperienced means his plans are less tactical genius and more so just a 'let's hope this works if I do this because it makes sense at the time'. 

Inquisitive - The apprentice knows he's young however, so any chance to learn, Altair will nearly always agree in the hopes that it'll all help him in some way. His head was always filled with stories from his mother and loners about the tribes, so his love for stories and lectures is not unfounded, however he now wants to find out if they were all true. He's always willing to explore new places, take opportunities and listen to adults talk, however at times his curiosity can turn more into nosy investigating, his unsocialised brain missing the visual cues of when not to carry on inquiring and give another cat some privacy or when they're bored of the subject. 

Bashful - Despite loving praise and knowing he's doing a good job, Altair still hasn't gotten used to being around so many other cats and the idea that his actions will cause them to notice /him/. He can get pretty embarrassed, overly happy, but embarrassed when praised by anyone he looks up to, or even a casual remark about how he looks or his technique can surprise him with a slight blush. It's just a touch of shyness that will most likely fade as he gets used to it, but until then cats can expect Altair to be a little torn between enjoying other's attention and finding it too much for the moment. 
Paranoid/Insecure - These traits are grouped into one because they relate closely in Altair's behaviour. After what happened with his father and mother, the red tom fears being that powerless at the paws of another creature or feline again, and thinks any cat to be that potential attacker, since it was his own father that attacked him. Due to this, he can't help but be very paranoid or at the very least keeping tabs on everything that's happening around him, thinking in some way that if he can keep control of it all, he won't be left powerless again. This can leave him jumpy at times and very frightened if things don't go according to plan, either freezing or feeling an overwhelming sense to flee soon after. 

Immature - Just because Altair is aware of his surroundings, making plans and trying his best to act mature around others, it can't really hide just how childish and young the red tom still is. He lacks the experience of battling or socialising, can over think most situations with others (growing overly nervous and jumpy around them) and still cares for his inner love of even simple games of hide and seek or tag. His emotional state is also very fluctual, a few subjects like his family or his fear of water being very easy ways to make the tom retreat and on the verge of tears. None of this is truly bad, but as he tries to feign that he really can be trusted to act like an older cat and be a reliable friend/ally with his plans and all, it's an air of fake maturity that will hinder him until he grows up a bit for real. 
Reserved - Until the speckled tom learns to start really trusting those around him, he'll have a hard time showing how he really feels around others instead of just slapping on a smile and acting like he's okay. He came to the tribes like his mother wanted him to and, while he's grateful and happy to be surrounded by seemingly nice cats, he's still very shaken after what happened with his father. The regret, the guilt, the questions as to why his father would hate the tribes so much are all still at the back of his mind and since he doesn't want to open up to anyone about it, his main solution is to bottle the feelings and hope they just go away. He slightly fears what other cats would do if they found out after all, accidental or not, he did get his own father killed. He doesn't want anything like that to happen again so until he makes some real friends and learns to trust, Altair will be doing his best to act how he thinks he should and try his best to study others without letting others get too close to him. 

Unrelenting - While being determined can be seen as a good thing, Altair is better described as unrelenting as it better fits his nature to be almost 'too intense' when focused on doing something or finding out something as opposed to endurance in never giving up. He's very likely to step on toes for being too pushy, acting too selfish or stubborn when he believes in or wants something. Even after this behaviour led to the unfortunate events at the frozen lake, it's because of them he also made it to the tribes, so he's unsure whether its behaviour he should really correct or not. He's yet to learn the difference between being determined and when enough is enough, his incessant nature partly fueled by his paranoid nature of what could happen if he didn't try his hardest at most things he does. [Habits]: 
-Watching his surroundings intently
-Laughing at nothing
-Trying to flatten his stuck up fur
-Playing with anything near his paws[Hobbies]:
-Star gazing
-Chasing insects and feathers
-Climbing things to be the tallest (he doesn't like being small) [Likes/Dislikes]:+Praise
+Competition/mostly winning them
+The stars
-Cold weather/ice
-Endurance (mentally and physically, he's no stranger to walking long distances) 
-Escaping tight spots (being so small and lithe, he's not afraid of squeezing into small places) [Weakness]: 
-Balance, his kinked tail is a real hindrance 
-His lightweight means it's very easy to push him over or trap him
-Over thinking, he's always thinking too much, meaning its easy to upset him or to make him freeze once you surprise him[Fears]:-Drowning, specifically being trapped under ice in winter
-Being attacked by those he trusts
-Others getting hurt by his plans/failure  History 
Just a little note: Okay I wrote too much and made his history pretty angsty, I totally agree. 
Warnings for the backstory:  Slight physical abuse and character death.

-Both parents, Taraz and Alshain, are descendants of exiles, they fell in love and Taraz got preggers. She gave birth to Altair, named Sunny at the time, who was the single kit to survive in the litter.
-Sunny was raised with love and hope from his mother, and his father tried his best to play with and teach him.
-His mother, Taraz, was set on travelling to the tribes so that Sunny could be raised safe and happy, and while Alshain disagreed, they all travelled together regardless.
-Unfortunately due to the heavy and long snowfall of winter, a desperate wolverine attacked the family, breaking Sunny's tail and killing Taraz.
-After Taraz's death, Alshain became a lot harsher in his lessons and began to scare Sunny, obviously not coping well with the grief.
-They continued to travel to the tribes for a while, but as they got over the grief of Taraz's death, (Sunny taking on her role of being the optimistic cheerful one of the pair) Alshain decided they no longer needed the tribes.
-Sunny desperately wanted to go anyway, so he snuck away one night and tried to get there on his own.
-His father tried to stop him and during the chase, Alshain ended up drowning under the ice of a frozen lake. With nothing left, Sunny kept going to the tribes as his last hope for survival.  
-He got his void tattoo and was accepted into Void Tribe as a soldier apprentice. woohoo?
-To be continued hopefully
Both of Altair's parents were exiles of sorts. Taraz had grandparents who used to live in the tribes (they left so they wouldn't have their kits split up among the tribes and grow up away from them) and was always told tales of the great powers and wonderful unity the tribes had by her grandparents. Alshain was a kit when his parents left the tribes, taking him with them, a few years before the second great war, learning as a kit of the great destructive powers the tribes had and their ever going conflict with each other. The two met by chance, but as if fate intertwined their paths, they eventually fell in love and Taraz found herself pregnant. As a pair, they decided to search out other loners to help look after Taraz during her pregnancy, knowing that as a pair alone they would have trouble caring for the pregnant she-cat and her kits in their youngest days. 

Soon enough they formed a small group of equal benefits in terms of watching each others' back and specifically looking after Taraz until the kits were old enough to be on their own. In this group, one loner had many rumours and stories of the tribes, about how the tribes had gifted cats who could heal others at will, and how the kits would live a much better life if they had the chance to join these tribes. Taraz felt inspired by these stories, deciding that once the kits were old enough, she would return to the tribes and see if they were truly the home her children deserved. Alshain on the other hand dismissed all the stories, saying that they were just fine as loners and the tribes were nothing but bad luck (remembering clearly how his own parents had left the tribes and warned him about the wars and conflict between them). 

Unfortunately they weren't just fine, as only days before the birth, the small group's shelter was caved in by a heavy amount of snowfall from the previous nights. Luckily, Alshain had been there during the incident, as after the initial shock and struggle, he and one other loner managed to pull Taraz from the debris and snow, but with their shelter gone and both cats freezing cold, they had to leave behind the caved in shelter and their group to quickly find a new nest for the birthing. Due to the stress caused by the cave in and Alshain's hesitance to leave her side and hunt for food, the exhausted mother's litter was nearly all still-born apart from the young red tom, who Taraz named Sunny, for being the little light of her life. 
Early Kithood [0 - 3 moons]:
Once Sunny had opened his eyes and was beginning to take his first steps, Taraz started telling Alshain that their safest bet for Sunny was the tribes. He completely disagreed, but still both being injured from the cave in and mentally pained by having to bury three of their four kits, he knew he had little defense against her reasoning. The small family started to travel in search of the tribes, but the winter journey was slow and difficult for the two weary loners and their very young son whose loud and curious nature only caused more problems. Between travelling, they would have days of rest in which Taraz would tell the young kit all she knew about the world and the tribes, his curious questions and eager ears lapping up all that he could learn about these wonderful cats and their powers. She not only filled his head with stories and knowledge, but also with hope and love, as even in the coldest winter nights when the family would huddle together for warmth, Taraz would tell him to smile because it was bright enough to light the night as they waited for the sun to rise the next day. 

On the other hand, his father wasn't as optimistic. Between hunting and scouting the area for danger, he decided to make it his goal to teach Sunny to fight and hunt so that Sunny could live as a loner without the tribes, though these usually deteriorated into fun games of 'hide-n-seek' and 'catch the bug' which both father and son enjoyed all the same. Life was pretty decent for the small family during this time, and while travelling and talking to loners was tiring during the cold months of winter, the days they rested and spent together made it worth every paw step, or at least it did for Taraz and Sunny. Alshain began to dread the idea that once they reached the tribes this peaceful life would be over, fearing the stories his own parents (and some loners on their travels) had told them. 

Sadly, what he feared to see was never proved nor disproved, as during one of the times Alshain had left to hunt, a wolverine, young and desperately starving from the unusually large and long lasting amount of snowfall, attacked Taraz and Sunny in their temporary shelter. While it had aimed to eat the young kit, successfully trapping his tail in its powerful jaws as he tried to flee, Taraz threw herself on top of the predator and distracted it. But in the small confines of the den, she was easily overpowered by its strength and was choked to death while Sunny watched in horror. Alshain had heard the commotion and screams on his way back, but by the time he came back to the scene, he knew there was nothing he could do to help his love, the wolverine now fully focused on.. eating.
Late Kithood [3 - 6 moons]
Picking up Sunny by the scruff and carrying him away as his son cried in pitiful pain for his broken tail and mother was agonising for Alshain, and the following weeks were tough on the pair of toms. Alshain knew no way to help Sunny's tail so it was left broken to mend on its own, ruffled, painful and kinked. While they kept travelling in the rough direction of the tribes, it was only because Alshain knew that's what Taraz would have wanted, as opposed to wanting Sunny to join the tribes. In fact, now his father was even more determined to teach Sunny how to hunt and fight without the tribes, except now he began to passive aggressively take out his grief on Sunny during these training sessions, each time the physical lessons getting more aggressive until the young tom whimpered, more frightened and sad than ever. At night however, Alshain would try his best to comfort his son, reminding him to be brave and happy for his mother, which Sunny clung to like a lifeline, trying his hardest to smile and cheer up himself (and his father). It worked in some form, as his father's training seemed to lighten up as Sunny lightened the mood, but as Alshain began to believe that they were moving on from the pain, he decided that they no longer needed the tribes, telling Sunny one night that there was no point in them travelling anymore. 

However if there was something Sunny was resolute about, he wanted to go to the tribes. It's all his mother had told him about and he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with his father after how the past few weeks had gone. With his broken tail and nightmares about almost dying at the hands of that wolverine, the young cat very much liked the idea of living in a group of cats who had powers to defend themselves. But any time he raised these concerns with his father however, they were dismissed, and after he tried to insist and beg, his father only began to snap and get harsh again, fearing the idea that he would lose his son to the tribes. It was this very attitude that eventually made Sunny decide he had to escape and find them himself, sure that he must be at least close after they spent so long travelling, sad but determined to do get there despite his father's wishes. Eventually he decided to sneak away at night while his father slept, and it seemed to work as in the dead of night, the reddish tom felt accomplished in his get away despite how the cold air froze his breath. That was until he heard his father's shouts far behind him in the early hours of dawn, clearly distraught at Sunny's disappearance, but the young kit knew he had to keep going or his father would never let him reach the tribes. He could feel he was close however, seeing a sparkling frozen lake ahead of him in the rising sun's light, seeing the river that fed it leading all the way up into a tall mountain range. Sunny kept going, but upon reaching the lake's bank, he heard an accusatory shout from his father, and turning around he saw his father staring him down, obviously having caught up with his superior speed and tracking.

"Sunny! Where are you going?!" The shout broke the peaceful serenity of the morning, Sunny feeling his heart beat rapidly as he couldn't even utter a word in reply. He hadn't planned for what to do if his father managed to catch him, fearing what his father would do to him, his paws feeling as frozen as the group below him. But as his father began to approach, the younger cat managed to break free of his hesitation and began to sprint as fast as his little legs could take him across the frozen lake's surface. He could hear his dad's shouts behind him, worried but evidently angry, so Sunny didn't slow down. One moment his paws were trying to skitter across the surface of the ice, the next he felt his scruff being jerked upwards and his dad's fangs digging sharply into his skin, in a last attempt to stop Sunny from running away from him. Sunny began to panic, the pain of his dad's bite making him lash out in anyway he could to get away. His father was angry, but whatever he was trying to say however was muffled by the squirming cat in his jaws, until Sunny just managed to kick off his father's chest, hitting the ground with a hard crack resounding from the ice below. In a chain reaction, the ice below them began to creak and fractures quickly spread, and his father, in one last spur of adrenaline, head butted Sunny, his light form skidding ahead as the ice finally gave out from under his father. One moment Sunny was staring at his father try to claw his way to safety and next the ice seemed to rock and part, Alshain disappearing below. Sunny ran to the edges of the solid ice, only to hear a thumping sound from below which led him to seeing his father desperately scratch at the ice, unable to break through the bobbing ice flows which were just too big for the older cat to shove from below. The young tom tried his best to scratch through the ice himself, but feared falling in, again just frozen again in fear as he watched his father drown. Eventually the scratching stopped and everything was as silent as it was before his father had appeared in the first place. For what felt like days but most likely was only a few hours at most, Sunny sat there on the frozen lake, almost wishing he could be submerged too if it would wake him from this terrible nightmare. He never ever wanted this to happen. He had just wanted to join the tribes! He couldn't face the idea that he had gotten his own father, his only remaining family, killed.

It was only when he felt his paws going numb and his stomach growling painfully that he realised he needed to get moving, to get off the accursed lake. Once he reached the other side, he just lay on the lake bank and wished that he'd never even thought about leaving his dad. His dreams that night were full of nightmares, but he was rescued by the warm presence of his mother who said that if he could smile and keep himself going till he reached the tribes everything would be okay in the end. Whether it was her spirit or not in his dream, Sunny awoke that night and pushed himself to try and get moving. On the last few days of his journey before reaching the tribes, he tried his hand at actually hunting like his father showed him, but he realised that he really hadn't listened to his father that well, only managing to snatch one frozen mouse in all his attempts to hunt (relying on what crowfood he could find otherwise). He did make it to the tribes however, exhausted, hungry and emotionally spent.
Apprenticeship [6 moons+]
Here he managed to get a blessing from the Spirit of Void, a strange grey tattoo appearing on his forehead and disappearing over the top of it, unable to check just how far it went or even what it really looked like. However once directed to Void Tribe, a 'new' tribe but that made a little difference to him, he asked the leader if he could join their ranks, promising he would do whatever was required of him. After all he had nearly nothing left after this journey for the tribes, he would probably cry right there and then in front of the leader if they had said no. But the Silver-Void, Coud, for whatever his reasoning was, accepted the young tom as a soldier apprentice, his tattoo turning from murky grey to a pure white. At the same moment, the name 'Altair' whispered in his head. Apparently this new name was his true name, and that he was to refer to himself as such from now on. It was a punishment in his opinion, sounding all too similar to the names of his deceased parents, but he accepted it, feeling he deserved the recompense all too well.

From that moment on, Altair started his life an apprentice of Void-tribe, training as a soldier to defend one of the many tribes his mother had told him about so long ago. Only time will tell if he decides it was worth it in the end.  Roleplay   [Roleplay Methods]: 
Be warned my timezone is GMT as I live in the UK so co-ordinating times will be a bother
    -Skype is good
    -DA chats are fun though for quick rps 
    -Notes is okay (but not the best)
    -I haven't tried google docs but if that's your style sure thing

[Roleplay Example]:
From Highholt Between my character Devon and Kitsanil's character Landon. This is a good example of the length I like to rp at but I can go longer or shorter when asked.
Devon wasn't sure what happened. One moment he was opening the door, the next there was several yelps of surprise and he soon found himself falling backwards into the dusty void of their house, tripping over the weight of something suddenly leaning on his legs and then the entanglement of said legs with his pants. His back hit the ground hard and Charlie groaned, deciding it would be best to lie there and let the pain ebb a little before trying to move. He only pushed himself up when the canine realised that the weight that had knocked him over was infact animate and he peered at it in a vague attempt to make out what had happened in the moonlight of the night. As his eyes adjusted to the new light from the doorway, he turned his head slightly in surprise to see the other was infact Landon. It was also in that moment he felt a slight breeze on his more private area and he realised his sleep shorts had infact been pulled down to his knees. "Oh fuck." His face burnt with the fury of embarrassment as he tried to desperately pull up his shorts again. He was all for close contact and invading other's personal space but his pants had to stay on his waist at all times thank you very much.

TGB belongs to its respective admins and creators, application by Zaabu, art and character are mine <3
Woohooo ouo

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Comments: 50

Zuzira [2015-04-17 22:59:26 +0000 UTC]

Oooo we should rp him a Spyridon together ^^ Would you be cool with that?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to Zuzira [2015-04-18 13:04:08 +0000 UTC]

Definitely! Altair needs to meet all his fellow tribe mates (and make some awesome apprentice friends too :3) 

Got any plots in mind though? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zuzira In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-04-18 15:18:03 +0000 UTC]


Oooo I don't really know We could always wing it xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leefeon [2015-04-11 23:54:45 +0000 UTC]

!! he's pretty

i hope u kno ilen will try to flirt

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to leefeon [2015-04-12 17:03:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! C: 

Well altair won't say no to a little flirting (if he understands that it is flirting that is haha) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leefeon In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-04-12 19:49:20 +0000 UTC]

np uvu;;

pfFT ilen is p forward lel

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to leefeon [2015-04-12 20:42:34 +0000 UTC]

Well that definitely will be interesting then |D 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jaewolfeh22z [2015-04-11 19:37:45 +0000 UTC]

OuO I love his pelt!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaptainClovey In reply to Jaewolfeh22z [2015-04-11 20:06:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It's a fun design x3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GingerFlight [2015-04-11 19:07:44 +0000 UTC]

Welcome back to TGB! ouo I don't remember if you were still here when I joined, but either way, I don't think I ever got a chance to talk to you l'D But I'm glad to see you back! Altair is so adorable omfg <333
I'd love to rp with him and Calista sometime! ;u;

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CaptainClovey In reply to GingerFlight [2015-04-11 20:05:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much! Indeed I don't think we've chatted before, but I'd definitely love to rp Altair with Calista sometime, she looks just as adorable <3 In faaact, I do have my own plot table sorted out if any of them take your interest sta.sh/02789lnd5mem

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GingerFlight In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-04-11 20:17:31 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you! ;v;

My skype username is Gingerboop, so just hit me up there and let me know when you'd like to start rping! 
also I spy a Wicked reference in that plot chart eue

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CaptainClovey In reply to GingerFlight [2015-04-11 20:46:50 +0000 UTC]

Yesss! Kids will be Kids is the cutest! I've added you now, idk if I'll be able to rp tonight but definitely I'll have time over the next week ;3

(oh you most certainly do)

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wiskrr [2015-04-11 02:15:55 +0000 UTC]


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CaptainClovey In reply to wiskrr [2015-04-11 09:10:11 +0000 UTC]

WHERE? *picks up my gun* >C I'll get them this time

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wiskrr In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-04-16 12:19:05 +0000 UTC]



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AutumnBells [2015-04-11 01:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to TGB!~   
He looks great- hope you enjoy the group!

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CaptainClovey In reply to AutumnBells [2015-04-11 09:09:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I hope I definitely will C:

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ipann [2015-04-11 01:30:49 +0000 UTC]

What a cutie~ His personality is so adorable- We should def. rp him and Haku since they both are very creative<3 I think they would get along well

<3 I've missed yew~ Welcome back to The Golden Buttholes <3

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CaptainClovey In reply to ipann [2015-04-11 09:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes I definitely want Altair and Haku to meet! Especially as Haku is a story-teller because Altair loves stories ouo

Awhh >u< Thanks pan, I've missed you too! It's great to be back c: back to the butthole x'D

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Scoutiki [2015-03-26 12:08:19 +0000 UTC]

I never met you while you were here, but welcome back! This little guy's positively adorable. <3

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CaptainClovey In reply to Scoutiki [2015-03-26 12:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Awh thank you! I mean that is if I get in but the sentiment is heart warming ouo Thanks<3

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Scoutiki In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 12:27:44 +0000 UTC]

Well, I certainly hope you do! ^^ You're very welcome~

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SilviBili [2015-03-26 01:32:04 +0000 UTC]

Ima go sit and sweat for a lil while jfc I can't with this THE FACE IS TOO SWEET HOW

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CaptainClovey In reply to SilviBili [2015-03-26 10:07:22 +0000 UTC]

Altair: ,,.u.,, Me? Sweet? I think some of that sweat must have got in your eyes because I'm not 'sweet'

Also xD thanks Silv, can't wait to potentially rp with you again C: 

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Darkmask7 [2015-03-26 01:13:14 +0000 UTC]

Clove you lied :U

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CaptainClovey In reply to Darkmask7 [2015-03-26 01:14:36 +0000 UTC]

About? ouo;

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Darkmask7 In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 01:34:13 +0000 UTC]

You said you didn't like the group and you weren't going to join another group:U
^ Something along those lines :U
You should totes join oSaC :U

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CaptainClovey In reply to Darkmask7 [2015-03-26 10:05:44 +0000 UTC]

I never said I didn't like the group, just some people in it which is no surprise. However it is true I said i wasn't going to join another group, but it turns out I'm a bad student lmao

Also osac never really interested me, its a nice looking group run by some cool peeps but post apocalyptic cats with powers just seemed a little much for me xD

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pavrzlove [2015-03-26 00:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Hell o friend omg

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CaptainClovey In reply to pavrzlove [2015-03-26 01:00:14 +0000 UTC]

Yup I'm trying this rodeo again xD I'll see how much the group has changed in two years

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PenumbralWolf [2015-03-26 00:54:32 +0000 UTC]

-rolls all over him-

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CaptainClovey In reply to PenumbralWolf [2015-03-26 00:57:35 +0000 UTC]

Altair: ono please refrain from squishing me! *tries to scramble away*

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PenumbralWolf In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 02:05:24 +0000 UTC]


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CaptainClovey In reply to PenumbralWolf [2015-03-26 09:47:15 +0000 UTC]

Altair: Nooooo ;w; there's too much love

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Zaabu [2015-03-26 00:50:30 +0000 UTC]

Finn: -lays on- =w= <33333

my blue son

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CaptainClovey In reply to Zaabu [2015-03-26 00:55:30 +0000 UTC]

Altair: uuuuuuh o-o; *maybe if i play dead he'll get off me* 

I'm gonna save super caboose cat for a later character since I wanted my first character to be a little more mature haha but don't worry Altair is still blue team ;3 loosely based him of Captain Butch Flowers/Florida instead haha

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Zaabu In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 01:05:29 +0000 UTC]

It's funny, I saw his pose and expression and was like "...I'll bet you she decided to save Caboosecat for later."

It's ok ahhhh drapes self on this one


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CaptainClovey In reply to Zaabu [2015-03-26 01:11:33 +0000 UTC]

I do adore caboose cat but while making his ref I had already started thinking about future character designs and well xD obviously I wasn't attached enough yet

the first kit I get will most likely be a caboose kit and we can still totally do all the cute apprentice rps with Altair and Finn ouo

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Zaabu In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 15:43:22 +0000 UTC]


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wiskrr [2015-03-26 00:45:29 +0000 UTC]


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CaptainClovey In reply to wiskrr [2015-03-26 00:47:53 +0000 UTC]


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wiskrr In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 01:02:34 +0000 UTC]


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CaptainClovey In reply to wiskrr [2015-03-26 01:04:33 +0000 UTC]

If I manage to get in - most definitely. But that's a big IF xD

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wiskrr In reply to CaptainClovey [2015-03-26 01:37:33 +0000 UTC]

PFPF YOULL MANAGE <333 ah god I'm so glad you're rejoining

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CaptainClovey In reply to wiskrr [2015-03-26 10:03:55 +0000 UTC]

Hope sooo! Yush it'll be great to be in an active group together xD

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trinnnn [2015-03-26 00:44:32 +0000 UTC]


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Zaabu In reply to trinnnn [2015-03-26 00:51:15 +0000 UTC]

fist bumps

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trinnnn In reply to Zaabu [2015-03-26 01:01:08 +0000 UTC]


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CaptainClovey In reply to trinnnn [2015-03-26 00:47:35 +0000 UTC]


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