CaribbeanRose9 — An Angel's Prayer Chapter 21
Published: 2011-07-17 21:33:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 486; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 8
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Description An Angel's Prayer

Chapter 21


The Second Sphere;

The youthful Noel excitedly hurried along the grand mansion's immense lawn, barely noticing the serene crystal blue skies or the large crowd of angels off to the side practicing martial arts moves, which were taught to the humans many years ago. He rushed past the intricately designed shrubs and cut grasses until he rounded the corner of the mansion and nearly ran into another angel coming around.

The dark brown-haired angel muttered a quick apology and hurried on, barely noticing the other angel giving him a curious stare. Noel rushed on until he heard Micheal's signature deep baritone voice coming from the back lawn, where he knew the archangel was teaching another class on defensive fight moves. When Noel had him in sight, he stopped to catch his breath, taking in deep gulps of air. He had to calm down, there was no way he was going to present himself to one of the most renowned angels in Heaven looking and sounding like some flushed idiot!

He took one last deep breath to relax and then walked forward on slightly shaky legs until he was almost at the taller, blonde archangel. When Michael finally noticed him, he stopped in mid-sentence and and gave him a slightly annoyed look. "Noel, what is it? I'm almost done -"

"Sir!" The younger angel saluted, barely able to keep himself from flushing and his wings turning a slight violet.  "I…I was told to summon you to the Grand Hall once the repairs and reprogramming of the computer systems have been done. There is a matter of great importance that must be discussed. I'm so sorry to interrupt!" He saluted again, his wings turning a bit redder and expecting to be reprimanded for intruding on such an important lesson.

But instead of harsh words, Noel watched Michael's eyes widen in alarm. "What? The repairs are done already? But I thought -"  The archangel stopped himself, many thoughts running through his mind. He was so sure it would have taken just another couple of days or so, but apparently he was wrong. From what he had gathered, the damage was extensive, but he also should not have underestimated the resourcefulness and stubbornness of Raphael and the other archangels.

Michael collected himself and nodded his head at Noel. "Yes, of course, I'll be right there. Thank you." When Noel saluted and hurried off, Michael turned back to the group. "That will be all for today. We will continue this tomorrow.

The class of angels, some looking to be no older than teenaged or early twenties humans, bowed deeply, their wings shimmering in an array of colors and hues. They then turned to go off different ways, whispering excitedly about what they learned in their class with the amazing Michael. Some flapped their wings and took to the skies, while others simply walked off, enjoyed the scenery and beauty of the lawn as they talked.

After taking a deep breath, Michael turned and headed for the front entrance of the mansion, already knowing in his heart what the head archangels wanted to talk to him about. He knew that the news wouldn't be good. At least not good for Aiko and Jahmiel. He stood in front of the thick double doors, and it immediately opened to allow him in. As soon as he stepped inside, the warrior angel was met with a flurry of activity; the computer systems that regulated just about everything in their galaxy was once more monitored by angels, quickly typing anyway at keyboards or tapping large grandly designed computer screens that surrounded the great computer that was tall enough to reach the high ceiling. Information on every human being born and still alive flashed across the screen nearly quicker than the eye. Programs resembling the spectrum of the rainbow but with numbers and letters flowed across a couple of computer screens and into others, passing along codes and files.

Along with this, angels from other hierarchies were scurrying to and fro, making sure that each bit of information received and sent out was correct.They were taking no chances. Even with dreading the news he was sure he was about to hear, Michael couldn't help but be impressed with the liveliness and energy within the mansion. It was just like old times. He smiled, and just as he was about to calm a little, three figures walked up behind him.

"You made it," said a deep voice.

Michael turned to face the dark-skinned Uriel, accompanied by Raphael and Gabriel.
The blonde angel nodded his head. "Yes, I was told the systems are repaired and up and running, and there was something important to be discussed?" He looked at each of them expectantly.

"Yes, we wanted to tell you ourselves that the cause of the virus, the one file that was unfortunately ruined by someone's student…" Raphael gave Michael a very direct look, "has been dealt with. We have reset the time of the soul's departure, just to make sure there will be no more mistakes. Nothing will deter this fate again. "

Michael stared at him a moment, not fully getting what the other archangel was saying. Then he blinked in slight surprise when it dawned on him. "You…what? Reset the time of the departure? You mean, the time of death? But -"  

"It's for the best, Michael." Uriel interrupted, stepping forward. "So much time has been wasted, been lost because of this. The girl's fate has been altered too much already. If this goes on, who knows what affect this might have on other lives?"

It took all the control Michael had to keep his wings from turning red with anger. "Show me." he simply said, his hands clasped tightly behind his back.

Raphael rolled his eyes and stretched out a hand with the palm held up.  With a flash, a hologram copy of Aiko's file suddenly appeared above it. On it was every milestone in the young girl's life, and at the bottom, the time of her expected death.

Michael looked up at them in surprise. "But that's not her original date, that's not when her soul is supposed to be retrieved!"

"We know, old friend. " Gabriel said, his tanned skin fairly gleaming in the sun. "But do not fret, it's only a day before the original date, it shouldn't make much of a difference. Like Raphael said, it's for the best, and it should clear up any other mishaps that might have been overlooked. If you would just listen -"

"It makes a difference to her!" Michael growled out as his wings took on a slight red coloring. The other three archangels looked at him iin surprise for a moment, blinking their eyes. The taller archangel cleared his throat and straightened himself to his full height. "Forgive me, but this is…..unexpected, you must understand. This has not happened before, but perhaps this is not necessary. Perhaps in changing the date, we are making another mistake."

"We have already discussed this among ourselves before we came to you, Michael," Uriel laid a hand on Michael's shoulder as Raphael brought down his hand and made the hologram disappear. "We know that girl has become important to you and Jahmiel, but we also have to think about how others might be affected by this, how this might hurt her if this continues. Please understand, Michael, it's only a day by Earth's estimations."

"What if we present this to the Master, surely He would know what to do and -" Michael barely finished his sentence before Raphael scoffed.

"Hmph! You know very well the Master is busy with much grander problems and situations. There are things He expects even us angels to fix on our own."

At the look in his eyes, Michael knew that there would be no argument with the dark, wavy-haired archangel.

The battle-hardened angel bowed his head in agreement, forcing his wings back to their neutral white color. "If it is as you say." he said, feeling his heart sink just slightly.

"It is done then. Let it be so!" Raphael announced. The three archangels spread their wings and disappeared in a flash of soft, white light.

When they were gone, the activity continued in the Grand Hall of the mansion. Michael walked outside and then stopped to look up at the shining sun, dread in his heart at the news he would have to give Jahmiel.


Nishitoyamadaini Junior High School

In the girl's bathroom near the gymnasium where the dance would be held, Aiko took one last look in the mirror, wiping away the last of her tears. The dance would begin at any moment now, and the final, last minute touches were being put up on the gym walls. The transformation of the gymnasium into likeness of The Emerald City went surprisingly well. The students on the dance committee were more than happy to try a fresh, new idea, and with Aiko's guidance, painted the walls bright green and created cut-outs and paintings straight out of the book of The Wizard Of Oz. Aiko was surprised at how well they took her suggestions and instructions, and soon, the gym was transformed into the mythical city made of emerald. Here and there were drawings of little Munchkins, smiling mischievously. On the ceiling was a delicately drawn painting of a rainbow. Cardboard cutouts of The Cowardly Lion, Tin Woodsman, and Scarecrow stood near the entrance, ready to welcome everyone in. On one side of the large room was a big picture of the Wicked Witch Of The West, countered on the other side by a picture of Glenda The Good Witch Of The South.

There were just a few rainbow streamers to be put up, and everything would be done.  But despite how glad Aiko was that everything worked out in such a short amount of time, on the inside, where no one could see, her heart was breaking. From since the fight she had with Jahmiel almost two days before, Aiko had not seen the young angel. Was he truly so angry with her? Did she overreact to him calling the dance silly? Now that she thought about it, maybe she did. Maybe….maybe Jahmiel had never been to a dance, never seen a dance. He did mention a couple of times that it's been a long time since he'd been to Earth. That is, before he was sent to retrieve her soul.

Perhaps that was it. Jahmiel had never even seen a dance at a school, to see how it went. Maybe that's why he called it silly. But still, he didn't have to go away for so long. He didn't even give her a chance to apologize! Aiko was so excited to show Jahmiel the beautiful yellow, sari-inspired dress her mother helped her pick out for the dance, but that night, the angel never came to stay with her until she fell asleep, as he normally did.  After waiting almost all night, Aiko finally burst into tears and cried herself to sleep. Her parents went off on another business trip the following morning, and Aiko had never felt so alone, so scared before. What if Asmodeus had attacked? Would Jahmiel had come to protect her? What if he came too late? Aiko didn't know, but she prayed in her heart to see him again.

When the day of the dance arrived, Aiko waited eagerly to see him, but still he didn't show. She had woken up that morning with a feather near her on the bed, but no sign of the angel. As she helped with the decorations, she tried her best to hold in her tears, to smile when she needed to, but even the other students knew that something was wrong, seeing the sadness in her eyes. When everything was just about done, the dark-skinned girl excused herself and hurried home. Barely able to hold back her tears, Aiko changed into her dress and returned to school about an hour later. When she arrived, everyone congratulated her on the decorations, and she thanked them politely.

When they left her to admire the inside of the gym more, Aiko rushed into the bathroom and finally let loose the tears she'd been holding back. Jahmiel had not showed to come with her to the dance. Not only sadness filled her, but a bit of humiliation. How could she think that an angel would want to go to some school dance with her? She shouldn't have even suggested it.

Well, she was here now, so she might as well make the best of it. She took a deep breath, then turned to leave the bathroom, determined to put on a brave face. Jahmiel, I'm sorry, Aiko thought one more time, hoping the angel would hear her. Please come back! As soon as she stepped out into the hallway, she was met with school students already coming in for the Fall Dance. They all talked excitedly about the good time they would have and the new theme. Pop music suddenly poured out of the gymnasium from the wide open double doors, and soon, everyone was ushered in by the chaperons. Once inside, Aiko looked around and smiled at the fascination everyone had at the paintings and decorations she helped organize. Pictures were being taken, and couples started dancing joyously under the large rainbow streamers. The girls wore beautifully designed dresses while the boys wore suits and tuxedos. A few looked uncomfortable in them though, tugging on their collars and not used to dressing up so fancy.

Aiko chuckled slightly at that, and just as she was about to turn and walk around some more, she felt a hand lay on her shoulder. Aiko turned in surprise to see a classmate of hers smiling down on her. "Aiko, this is a great dance! Thanks for helping organize it!" she said excitedly, hooking her arm with her date. The boy grimaced uncomfortably, pulling at his collar. He quickly nodded in agreement at the look the girl gave him.

"Sure, no problem," Aiko smiled back, straightening her dress.

"But, where's your date? Is he late?" The girl looked around curiously.

Aiko looked up and blinked her eyes in surprise, not expecting anyone to notice she was without a date.  "He, umm, I mean, he's not, he doesn't..…" Aiko voice faltered as she looked down sadly at her feet.

"Oh, I see. You don't have a date, huh?" the girl asked. She looked at Aiko with slight pity before backing away. "Well, anyway, I'm sure everyone is having fun, thanks again!" She pulled her date along and quickly left Aiko to stand alone. Aiko had just enough time to see the girl whisper behind her hand to another girl she met up with, tilting her head in her direction. The dark-skinned girl sighed and walked to the back of the gym where there were chairs set up along the wall and to the side.

Aiko sat at the end of the first row of seats, and with a heavy heart, she wrapped her arms around herself and watched everyone else dance, feeling more lonely than ever before.


On the rooftop of the school, Jahmiel stood near the edge of the building, letting the early evening breeze flutter his wings. They were a dark blue now, reflecting how he felt more and more remorseful for letting Aiko think he had left her. In fact, he had been there the whole time, watching her, but kept himself out of sight. He had wanted to tell her he was sorry, but he just didn't know how. Why? Why was it that when it came to Aiko, everything was just so….so complicated! He admitted he had done and said some foolish things over the years, and apologized for it. But this time, he just didn't understand why it was so hard to just simply apologize to Aiko.

For some reason, he felt that an apology wouldn't be good enough for someone like her. He felt he needed to do more. And what confused him now was that he had never felt this way before. He had never felt so conflicted, so disorganized about any human much less a girl before. What was going on with him? Was this another result of Aiko's fate changing so much? Was it affecting him? Why his heart beat so fast when he thought of her being hurt or sad? He had seen her cry when she thought she was alone that night, and it pained him to see her go through that. But he just didn't have the courage to come forward to say something, anything.

The angel sighed and looked up once more at the sky, feeling lost. I just don't know what all this means. I..I don't mean to hurt her. the angel thought, balling a hand into a fist.

Just then, a soft light flashed beside him and Michael's form quickly materialized. Jahmiel looked up in surprise, then bowed and placed fist over his heart. "Michael, Sir!" he gushed out, his wings turning slightly violet.

The taller archangel chuckled slightly. "Greetings, young Jahmiel. I trust all is well this evening. I came by to discuss something very -" He stopped as he looked at Jamiel's saddened face and tilted his head. "Is something amiss?"

Jahmiel blinked in nervousness. "What? Oh, no, it's just…I mean, Aiko and I, we, that is…" Jahmiel blushed deeply as his wings flashed into a dark violet.

Michael walked over and laid a gentle hand on his arm. "It's alright, you can tell me."

With a sigh and his wings drooping, Jahmiel explained the small fight he and Aiko had and how it was hard for him to come to her and apologize. When he was done, a worried look crossed over Michael's handsome features, but he quickly shook it off and smiled slightly. "Jahmiel, have you ever thought about how important this might be for her? Have you thought that maybe she's never been involved in something like this before and it's a special event she wanted to share with you?"

"To share with me?" Jahmiel eyes widened as it finally dawned on him why Aiko was acting so nervously. "So that's what she was trying to ask me? She wanted me to go with her? You mean like what the humans call a...a..."

"A date, Jahmiel. That's what they call it today." Michael chuckled.

Jahmiel flushed again, realizing what a fool he'd been. "Well, maybe, but I..I mean, she didn't even let me explain that I didn't mean to call it silly, that I was sorry!"

"Go to her," Michael said, stepping closer to him. "You should go to her and let her know you understand now, and that you care how important this was to her."

"But what if she's still angry at me?" Jahmiel looked down worriedly at his feet.

"Jahmiel, one of the greatest attributes humans have is the ability to forgive. To forgive is powerful, more powerful than anyone can imagine. To love is easy, to hate is easy, and to be angry is the easiest of all. But to forgive, that takes true strength. Forgiveness is the greatest power in the universe Jahmiel, you know that."

The young angel considered that for just a minute before he looked up and smiled gratefully at his mentor and teacher.  He nodded and turned to disappear, but just before he did, he turned back to the archangel. "Wait, wasn't there something you said you wanted to discuss with me?" he asked.

The worried look came back on Michael's face, but it was gone as quickly as it came. "That can wait another time, but not too long. Now go, before it's too late." He smiled back and winked.

Jahmiel saluted, and with a flap of his wings, disappeared with a soft flash. As soon as he was gone, the worried look came back on Michael's face. "I truly hope it won't be too late. Time is running out so fast." he whispered to himself.


Inside the school gym, a slow song just started playing, and couples were now dancing together under a soft light. Girls contently laid their heads on their date's shoulders, while the boys held them close. Suddenly they didn't find coming to the dance so uncomfortable now.

Still sitting alone, Aiko watched them continue to dance with misty eyes. Well, at least everyone else is having a good time. That's what matters, right? she thought bravely to herself, turning her head away. The song continued on for a few minutes until suddenly, someone gave a surprised gasp, followed by more and more people gasping and moving out of the way. Couples stopped dancing, and in a daze, moved to the side and created a path to allow a figure to walk towards the back of the gym. Aiko barely noticed everyone had stopped dancing until the figure's shadow stopped right before her and she looked up in surprise.

The figure held out a hand to her, and with wide eyes, Aiko automatically took his hand and stood. Aiko heart beat loudly in her chest as she realized she was staring into Jahmiel's bright, blue eyes. Wearing a dark, midnight blue suit, with black, gleaming shoes, Jahmiel smiled gently down at her while leading her away from her seat to the center of the dance floor.

Everyone watched in awe, hardly believing what they were seeing. The music continued to play on, but Aiko didn't notice that. Smiling, Jahmiel gently spun her around once, then held her close to him. He looked around nervously at everyone staring and whispering before turning back to Aiko. "Do I look okay?" the angel asked. He looked down on himself then back at Aiko.

Hardly able to talk, Aiko nodded, still staring up into his eyes. Jahmiel looked down at his feet and blushed slightly. "Aiko, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say -"

He was stopped from saying anything more when right then, Aiko reached up and gently placed her finger on his full lips, silencing him. She then laid her head against his chest, and not caring if anyone saw, allowed her tears to fall as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close, letting him know without words just how much she missed him.

Jahmiel smiled at that, now finally understanding what Michael was saying about the power of forgiveness. He laid his chin on the top of her head, and together, they continued dancing. The soft music calmed their fears and spread joy throughout their bodies while they held on to each other, and for a while, everything was just right for Aiko.


To be continued…..
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Comments: 23

SailorEnergy [2011-09-23 02:17:03 +0000 UTC]

Akosmia: "The master's busy? Then why did I saw him at some Hawaii beach and he tried to flirt with Gold the mermaid...."
"Wait, I thought that it's supposed to be the muses's job, not some stupid computer?"

Akosmia; "I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. "(pointing at various people) "I forgive you................I don't forgive you." (pointing to Waluigi)

Energiea: "Yay! They're back together!"
Akosmia: "huh?! Oh finally, he got smart....sniff! WAAAAH!" (tears of happiness)
Energeia pulls out an umbrella and going

Really nice there.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to SailorEnergy [2011-09-23 22:35:44 +0000 UTC]

Waluigi: Hmph! *looks over to see Asmodeus lurking by and leans over to whisper to him* Psst, hey, I got some great ideas if you're serious about taking over the world. *whispers in his ear*

Asmodeus: Hmm..maybe there might be a place for you in Hell..not bad.

HEY! What are you two whispering about? Anyway, thanks so much for reading, I'm really humbled and surprised that I've gotten so many good reviews on it so far, no one complaining on my concepts of angels and demons and such. It's good.

*sees Waluigi and Asmodeus still whispering to each other* Hey, don't me get Ako-san on you...or worse, Energia on you, with her power of cuteness!

Waluigi and Asmodeus: NOOO! Not the power of cuteness! *runs off*

Heh heh.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2011-09-23 23:06:31 +0000 UTC]

The power of cuteness!

Akosmia: "Now you see why I love my Energeia!"

Yep, that's always good to hear that you're getting such good reviews. I saw all of the comments. Now to read chapter 22, 23, and 24.

I noticed the thing with "power of forgiveness." Forgiving those who apologized for stealing my artworks really helps.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to SailorEnergy [2011-09-24 15:44:29 +0000 UTC]

Stealing your works? Really? Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not an artist, so I don't know much about art theft and such. But I'm glad it worked out. Yes, forgiveness is powerful, but it's also powerful to forgive yourself as well.

*sees Waluigi and Asmodeus lurking* Oh brother. Hey, Engergia, get them!


Asmodeus and Waluigi: NOOOOOOO! *melts away*

Heh heh.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2011-09-26 02:53:06 +0000 UTC]

Nah, it happened few times and all of them came out fine.

Akosmia: "Good job, you melted me too."
Energeia: "ACK! I'm sorry!"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to SailorEnergy [2011-09-27 00:42:49 +0000 UTC]

She has to learn to tone down her powers!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2011-09-27 01:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Energiea; "I can't help it."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to SailorEnergy [2011-09-27 16:05:21 +0000 UTC]

It's okay, it's cute, so it's worth it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2011-09-28 02:26:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenliano [2011-07-24 02:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow, Aiko's brave; I would have stayed home. I love the line about forgiveness; it is quite quotable! Jahmiel must have been wearing an exceptionally spiffy suit to make everyone stop and stare like that!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Kenliano [2011-07-24 19:13:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so, so much for reading, really! Yes, forgiveness is very powerful, and I've learned the value of it. Thank you again so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenliano [2011-07-22 14:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Okay, reading it today hopefully. Printing it now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Kenliano [2011-07-23 14:01:02 +0000 UTC]

I hope you enjoy it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kenliano [2011-07-18 15:53:57 +0000 UTC]

Yay! A new chapter! I'll read it as soon as I can!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Kenliano [2011-07-18 17:38:17 +0000 UTC]

Cool, I hope you like it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mareishon [2011-07-18 13:10:16 +0000 UTC]

Omg! I absolutely love this chapter! it's so sweet
Keep up your great work!, I'll be looking forward for the next chapter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Mareishon [2011-07-18 17:39:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you, thank you, I can't begin to tell you how hard I worked on this chapter, and what your words mean to me! Truly you have made writing worth it, thank you! Thanks for the fave too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mareishon In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2011-07-18 19:24:28 +0000 UTC]

You're most welcome!, it's really my pleasure I always enjoy reading your work, you always amaze me with every new chapter and I can tell how much effort you put on your stories and that it's all worth it. Please keep up your awesome, awesome work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to Mareishon [2011-07-20 00:17:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh, you just really made my day, honestly. I do put a lot of effort in it because I really want to be recognized. Looks like it's not working so well here on Deviant Art, but...I'm not giving up.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kittyocean [2011-07-18 10:14:54 +0000 UTC]

... yup, there were small tears on this side of the screen. So beautiful, so romantic, so touching....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to kittyocean [2011-07-18 17:39:44 +0000 UTC]

Awwww, thank you, I was kind of going for that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VoltronZ1 [2011-07-17 21:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Well now, the two are back together now. All thanks to the words of wisdom from the kind and wise Michael.

Awesome work Ms. Rose, I think we're almost to the end.

PS: Who would you pick to play Michael if your story was a TV series?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to VoltronZ1 [2011-07-18 17:41:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much again, friends like you make it truly worth it being here. Oh that's easy, Michael would be played by Chris Helmsworth, who played Thor this year.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0