CaribbeanRose9 — Osiris Rising Chapter 4
Published: 2009-09-22 20:10:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 626; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 7
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Description Osiris Rising

Chapter 4

Gasping loudly, Tari watched the black, smoke-like monster bare down on her from above. She once more put up her hands protectively, going by complete instinct to defend herself. Like before, a desperate plea for protection flashed across Tari's mind. Immediately the red, crystallized force field surrounded her again, and just as the creature was about to clamp its jaws around her throat, it was bounced back far away from her when it smashed into the barrier. It howled in pain and frustration before it landed hard on the sandy ground.

The protective barrier disappeared in a flash a second later, and Tari looked up in surprise. It..it did it again! So that means it CAN read my mind! Looking down on the shining bracelet, she gently touched and caressed it with a fingertip. Suddenly she understood what the goddesses meant when they said they had infused it with their powers. She looked up just in time to see the beast getting up and advancing towards her again, its eyes narrowing into slits. Well, she certainly needed their power now!

"Alright then!" Tari stood up straight and balled her fists tightly. She then held her arm with the bracelet protectively in front of her. "If you can read my mind, then it certainly wouldn't hurt to have a sword or something right about now!" Tari said, hoping she wasn't making a fool of herself. Not even a second passed when there was a soft whirring noise, as though from a machine. The bracelet glowed once more after the ruby eyes of the snake on it flashed, causing Tari to blink in surprise.  The light from the bracelet elongated to Tari's hand, getting bigger and bigger, until it finally formed the figure of a long and curved sword. The light dimmed, and when it disappeared altogether, a large, elaborate gold-colored sword that was slightly curved appeared in her clenched hand. The hilt was decorated with sapphires, diamonds, and rubies, all of which were flashing brightly in the shining Egyptian sun.

Tari held up the sword and looked at it with her mouth wide open in shock."What the...HOW?" She turned over the sword in admiration and relief, her heart beating wildly in her chest. But she had no more time to admire the weapon, as right then, the beast rushed at her once more, its mouth opened wide to clamp around her throat.

"HEY!! Watch it!" Tari barely dropped and rolled away from the creature in time before it landed where she was just standing. The dark-skinned girl got up and glared at the beast when it turned to her. Snarling, it headed for her again, this time intending to end the game. "Alright, that's it! I don't know what the heck you are, but you're going down!" She held the sword protectively in front of her and then ran with a grunt straight for it. She had never even held a sword before in her life, but right now, she didn't care. She had sworn to herself a year ago that she would never let anything or anyone attack her without trying her best to defend herself, and this was certainly no exception! Besides, for some reason, courage was flowing through her body then, and she was suddenly filled with the knowledge of how to use this ancient yet effective weapon, almost like it was born in her.

When she was almost upon the monster, she jumped high and slashed down her sword, giving a fierce battle cry. The sword sliced it and left a deep, long gash on its side. But after landing on one knee and turning to look back in victory, her eyes widened when she saw the wound immediately starting to close back up. "What? It... it didn't work?" Tari stood up and back away slightly, disbelief all over her face.

The monster stood still for a moment after the wound closed seconds later. Then it howled loudly and headed straight for her again. Tari was so shocked she didn't think to move in time, and it tackled her heavily to the ground. Both of its paws were on her shoulders and it was pushing her hard into the ground. The pain was so intense, Tari could only scream out once in terror before starting to feel the effects of unconsciousness coming on. She tried to raise her arm that was still holding the sword, but it was like a truck was on top of her, crushing the very air from her body. Somebody, help! Please!

After what seemed like an agony-filled eternity, the creature leaned in, its jaws opening wide to finish her off. Just as Tari was thinking it was the end, a few shadowy figures suddenly appeared in a swirling of light behind it and stepped forward with determination. "Be gone, filth of Set!" yelled out a woman's voice. There was a flash of brightness, and a large and heavy beam of pure light smashed into the creature, knocking it off of Tari.

The monster landed on the ground with a heavy thud that sent sand up into the air. Tari struggled to sit up, her body aching beyond belief. The golden sword flashed once before it disappeared and turned back into the broad bracelet on her wrist. After rubbing her shoulder from the pain, she looked up at her saviors and her eyes widened in relief and happiness. Standing before her were Hathor and Isis, and three other figures she had not seen before. But at the moment, she was just happy to see the two goddesses, looking down at her with concern. "Hathor! Isis!" She got up with a painful grunt and rushed over to the women. Tears filling her eyes, she threw her arms around their shoulders. The two graciously enveloped her in their arms.

"Oh Tari, are you alright? We're sorry, we should have been here earlier!" said Isis when she leaned away. She wiped away a tear falling down Tari's dark cheek.

"We had no idea this fight would begin so soon! There was so much more we wanted to tell you." said Hathor with regret.

"No time!" Anubis, his dark face as serious and somber as ever, suddenly rushed up in front of them. The black creature was advancing quickly again, this time more dark clouds swirling around it. Anubis raised his arms before him, his long dreadlocks whipping about him in a strong wind, and dark, swirling energy gathered in his hands. It grew bigger and bigger, and when it was big enough, he threw it like a large ball towards the monster. The power smashed into it with a dull boom. The beast reared back on its hind legs and howled in pain, then fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Almost immediately it started to break apart and dissipate as smoke, leaving nothing behind.

"It's gone!" yelled out Tari in triumph. But it was not to be. The smoke quickly back together to form the black creature once more, its eyes blaring. But instead of attacking again, the monster glared at the group, narrowed its eyes as it growled deep in the throat, then slowly sank back into the sand below it. When it was gone, the wind blew across the spot where it just was, soon making it look as though nothing was ever standing there before.

Tari breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to Hathor and Isis. "Is...is it coming back?" she asked, her eyes nervous.

"Most likely, it will," answered Isis, her hands balled into fists. "You see, that wasn't just an ordinary creature. It was Set's power taken form. Ever since its been released, its trying to find Set."

"Set's powers?" Tari blinked in surprise before understanding dawned on her. "So, that was why I couldn't hurt it? It's doesn't really have a body?"

Hathor nodded her head, her face somber. "The only way to stop it is to try and contain it once again. We can't let it find Set, not if we want to keep this world safe."

"I see," Tari said softly. She turned to look at the three other tall people standing beside Hathor uncertainly.

"Oh! Excuse us!" Isis smiled and indicated the other gods with a graceful sweep of her hand. "Tari, these are the other gods who are also fighting to stop Set from fulfilling his plans. This is Thoth,"

The youthful god knelt on one knee, then gently took Tari's hand in his own, kissing it softly. "A pleasure, fair maiden. You can also call me by true name, Djehuty. Whatever suits a beauty like you. I only hope I can be of assistance in your time of need." He smiled broadly at Tari's blush.

The woman next to him smiled softly and shook her head before next stepping up. "I am Ma'at. I will do my best to make sure you are successful in your task." she said, her voice was full of determination. She bowed her head slightly to Tari, her black hair shining in the sun.

Hathor jerked her head to the tallest one. "And this one is Anubis. He's not much of a talker, but he's loyal, and I'm sure he won't let any harm come to you." She winked at Anubis.

The tall, dark-skinned god of embalming crossed his arms over his dark chest and turned his head away, a scowl on his face. "Hmmm," he muttered. But even Tari could see that he nodded his head slightly in greeting.

Tari smiled at all of them. "Oh, right, I remember now reading about you all in history books and school. But...but I never thought I'd actually get to meet any of you!" She was about to say more, but just then, her father's voice shouted out from a distance.

"Tari! Where are you?!!"

"Uh oh! It's my father! How do I change back?" She looked at them nervously.

"Don't worry, just picture yourself back to normal," said Isis, giving her a soft, confident smile.

"Right!" Tari closed her eyes, and with a soft flash of light, reverted back to her original clothes. The bracelet on her wrist flashed back to normal as well.  Barely a second passed before her father and the large Sajid rushed around the corner of a barely standing tent, his eyes wide with worry.

"Tari!" He ran up to her and grabbed her in a hug. "Are you alright? What happened? Did that thing hurt you?"

"Dad! I'm fine!" Tari chuckled when she leaned away from him. "I was just with these, err, people, and -"

"What people?" Her father and Sajid looked around curiously.

"I see no one, young mistress," said Sajid. When Tari looked back at Isis and the rest, the goddess shook her head and mouthed the words "No one can see us," to her. Beside her, Hathor motioned for her to go with her father. "We'll meet another time," she whispered so that only Tari can hear. Understanding, Tari nodded and turned back to her father.

"Oh! Err...never mind, I guess I must have fainted and dreamed!" Tari said, waving it off. "Come on, let's get out of here. We have to see if any more people are hurt." With that, Tari took her father's hand and rushed off, Sajid following close behind. When she was gone, the group of gods looked at one another, nodded, and disappeared, a sense of desperation in their hearts. Their fight is already getting desperate, and they had much to discuss and plan for.

But before they disappeared, they did not see a pair of glowing, snake eyes watching them from a distance, hidden behind a dune. The figure hissed loudly as it disappeared in a shimmer.


Meanwhile, in a large crowded cafeteria in an orphanage, a young boy named Alim was just leaving the food line after getting his tray filled with breakfast. Suddenly he doubled over in pain, moaning loudly. His tray with a simple breakfast of grapes, cheese, toast, and cereal dropped to the ground with a clatter. His friends, who were just walking besides him, looked at him with concern. "Alim? Hey, what's wrong?" Kaddem reached out and put a hand on his shoulder.

But instead of answering, the young Alim fell to his knees and hugged himself around his stomach. "Make it stop! Please! Make it stop!" The pain! It was coming again!  It making it so hard for him to even breath. For as long as the child could remember, he often had attacks of pain at unexpected times. Sometimes it was very painful, sometimes just a dull ache. He had complained about it before and was checked out by doctors, but no one could explain why they occurred, saying it was only in his head. He had learned to get used to it, and it was actually almost a year since he had an attack. But this time it came on strong, and it was different. So very different.

It was like something was clawing at his stomach, trying to rip it apart. But yet somehow, the pain had a certain familiar feeling to it, as though it was from a long forgotten memory. He just couldn't understand why it was so, and why it would hurt so much!

The two boys beside him looked at each other in complete bafflement. What could they do to help their friend? "Alim, come on! Pull yourself together!" said the chubbier Hadi. He put his free hand under Alim's arm and tried to pull him up. The boy only fell back on his knees, his face going paler and paler. One of the teachers of the orphanage saw what was happening and quickly came over to them, her face concerned. "Alim? Is something wrong?" The boy only looked up at her and shook his head, unable to speak due to the pain. Alarmed, she picked him up with her strong arms and hurriedly carried him to the infirmary. The two boys sadly watched Alim being carried away, hoping in their hearts that their friend would be okay.


In the Underworld, where the souls of mortals who have done evil in their lives ended up as punishment, Set sat calmly on a large chair made of bones in the torture chamber of his palace. He watched the soul of a man who was once a robber and murderer being slashed across his back with a whip made of nails and glass. With every strike, with every blow and scream, Set savored in the pleasure the prisoner's pain brought him. The soul was given to him as was custom when his heart failed the test of truth and was eaten by Ammut, the devourer of hearts. Oh how he loved to receive those whose heart had been devoured. It was intoxicating. To make it even more sweeter, Set even gave the soul a temporary body, as he sometimes did so they can die many times over as punishment. The pain emanating from the soul was enough to make him shudder with pleasure many times over.

In front of him, a tall and muscular guard holding the whip obviously took pleasure at giving out this punishment as well. The prisoner was strapped to a metal pole, and great rivers of blood along with flesh trailed down his back, which was nearly stripped to the bone.

Set closed his eyes and deeply breathed in the smell of blood, rankness, and decomposition in the dank dungeon. His black, charred skin and bald head glistened with dampness from the humidity of it, and he welcomed the fear emanating from the rest of the prisoners in their cells. Suddenly, he felt a cool sensation on his leg, and he looked down to see the snake Apep in his smaller form slowly sliding up his leg in a spiral twist, traveling up to his chest. He was green and white with glistening slime all over his body and had glowing yellow eyes. Sharp fangs protruded from his mouth, and he was hooded like a cobra. The snake finally rested on Set's shoulders, his tail hanging on one, and his head on the other.

"I bring newssss, Oh great SSSet," hissed out Apep in his ear. At this, Set flicked a wrist to make the guard stop his whipping for a moment while he listened.

"Speak," replied Set, his eyes narrowing.

"I have done asss you assssked and located where your powerssss are, but I wassss interrupted in trying to bring it back to you," the slimy snake began. "The other godssss are plotting against you, and they have now taken on a human girl to try and ssstop you from retrieving your powerssss. She has been given powersss, My Lord. Ppowerss from the godsss themselvesssss!"

"Is that so?" Set smirked and squeezed his one hand into a fist, his voice deep and full of malice. "No matter, it will only be a matter of time before I am back to my full strength. The human girl will be nothing but a plaything for me, then I will let the maggots feed upon her body. Soon, they will all pay for their crime against me."

His eyes glowed red while he ran a finger along his chin. "I think, perhaps, I'll see this young human girl for myself. It's been a while since I had a little…..shall we say, fun in the living world." The god of chaos thought of the ways he would torture and inflict pain on the girl, both physically and mentally, and suddenly couldn't wait to meet this human and show her why he was indeed called chaos itself. At that, Set motioned for the guard to continue the torture, and he chuckled deeply in his throat at the horror on the unfortunate prisoner’s face. Apep hissed in pleasure, watching the scene with glowing eyes. Both listened in rapture as the lost soul screamed in horror, feeling blood drip down his back in great rivers.


Sighing with exhaustion, Tari walked into her room in her father's apartment and closed the door by leaning against it. It had certainly been an interesting and tiring day. Not only did she change and became some sort of superhero, she fought a deadly monster and talked with mythical gods that weren't even supposed to exist! But after today, she was sure anything could happen. She just hoped she was ready for it.

After the attack, Tari spent hours helping the wounded along with her father and Sajid, and trying to get the dig site back into shape. No one even dared tried to figure out and explain what happened. It was just too crazy! What mattered now was getting back to business and saving whatever historic artifacts they could find. Tari and her father didn't make it home until almost midnight.

After sighing once more, she sat on her bed and proceeded to take of her dusty and grimy clothes and sneakers. When she was only in her black-laced, satin undergarments, she flopped back on her bed and yawned, stretching her shapely body. Her dark braids spread out under her head on the soft, cotton sheets. She turned her head towards the window next to her bed and looked out at the almost full moon. I don't understand what's truly going on yet, but I hope Isis and all the others will help me out. I can't do this without them. I want to help all I can, but I don't want let them down either. I wonder if I'll even see them again.

She brought up her arm with the bracelet and once more traced her fingertip along it, almost feeling the power within it. Somehow, she felt that this bracelet will have a lot more surprises for her. With a chuckle, she got up from her bed and went into her bathroom for a quick bath before getting some much needed sleep.


Be Continued....
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Comments: 26

ErisForan [2020-07-03 04:15:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to ErisForan [2020-07-03 14:26:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mariojuggernaut23 [2011-08-15 01:41:34 +0000 UTC]

Getting a glass and nail whip across your back mave got to hurt a lot.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to mariojuggernaut23 [2011-08-15 22:12:05 +0000 UTC]

I bet. Thanks for reading.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shnoogums5060 [2010-05-14 23:52:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow. I can see that Tari's powers are far from being perfected yet.

Looks to me like she'll really need the help of the egyptian gods, although will they be enough to stop Set from having his powers all back to full again... Hmm.

Anyway, this is yet another interesting chapter, Rose.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to shnoogums5060 [2010-05-15 16:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh.....you have NO idea how much that means to me. I really appreciate it, and hope you continue reading. It just gets better!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shnoogums5060 In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2010-05-15 20:13:03 +0000 UTC]

Well, i'll have high hopes that it gets better by each passing chapter, Rose.

I may be slow on checking them, but once in a while, i'll gladly follow the chapters of your Osiris Rising story, dear.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to shnoogums5060 [2010-05-16 01:08:43 +0000 UTC]

It doesn't matter if you're slow, as long as you're ready, that's what matters. I'm truly grateful to you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shnoogums5060 In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2010-05-16 01:15:17 +0000 UTC]


And since you're as grateful as i am, here's a Llama for you, dear.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to shnoogums5060 [2010-05-16 19:28:43 +0000 UTC]

Awwww, thank you so much for the llama, you're the best!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shnoogums5060 In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2010-05-16 19:33:32 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to shnoogums5060 [2010-05-17 18:30:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WinterCabin [2009-11-21 19:45:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to WinterCabin [2009-11-21 23:09:18 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh, really? YAAAY! Thank you so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterCabin In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-22 07:24:48 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! ^^
And you're welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to WinterCabin [2009-11-22 21:28:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm just really so grateful and flattered that you'd take the time to read. I worked really hard on this chapter, and I hope others will like it too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterCabin In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-23 18:14:11 +0000 UTC]

Of course I would take my time to read it,
it is an amazing story! ^^
I can see you worked really hard!
Never guess what? I'm working of Exile at my
mums and a bran new one called Bastet at my dads!
Me busy! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to WinterCabin [2009-11-23 21:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Really? Awesome, I can't wait to read!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterCabin In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-24 19:14:08 +0000 UTC]

It's on here now!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to WinterCabin [2009-11-25 00:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I'll drop by when I can!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterCabin In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-25 16:37:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! ^^
I appreciate it very much!
Hopefully I won't start any new
ones for a while! Touch wood! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to WinterCabin [2009-11-28 23:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Let me know when you do!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WinterCabin In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-29 09:08:18 +0000 UTC]

I will! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SailorEnergy [2009-10-31 02:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Excuse me, but there's this Egyptian cat holding up a sign "Animal Guardian for hire!"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CaribbeanRose9 In reply to SailorEnergy [2009-11-01 20:25:03 +0000 UTC]

Heh, I'm afraid you're a little late my furry friend. The story is almost done..

*watches as the cat sulks away*


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SailorEnergy In reply to CaribbeanRose9 [2009-11-01 21:42:14 +0000 UTC]

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