Scout Pokemon - Sentret
Type.: //
Ability.: frisk//Run Away
H.A.: Adaptability
Evolutionary Line.: Sentret > (Lvl 15) Furret
The first Sentrets were brought from Johto region, where eventually they became a wild species with time... from years of adaptability it gained the ghost type so they can be protected from fighting types common at Astar region. Its body markings mimic bone paintingsto scare off eventually predators
Long Body Pokemon - Furret
Type.: //
Ability.: Shadow Tag//Shadow touch (The Pokémon uses its moves without making contact with the target.)
H.A.: Adaptability
Evolutionary Line.: Sentret > (Lvl 15) Furret
That Furret regional form was able to master shadow manipulation, it can use shadows around either for hide from predators or for get food easily. It is really rare to find a Furret during day.