- Jim Long
Born : Summer 1902 (age 30)
Was a muscular bull terrier. His strength was his main power, e.g : threaten folks, etc. But too stupid threaten cute girls.
- Jason Chang
Born : Winter 1907 (age 24/25)
The youngest member of this mob. Skinny and tall were his main appearance. Only about a drop of knowledge, even his basic counting were terrible. But could steal without anyone knew, by the speed of second.
- July Huang (or Julia Huang)
Born : Summer 1905 (age 27)
The only female. The smartest, but the slowest. Had tremendous lust to cute guys, even killed their spouse. Little kid by her appearance.
- Jack Chen
Born : Spring 1899 (age 33)
The leader (oups, sorry to type at the end). The shortest and always predicted the fortune. Without him, the mob would end to cell. Opposite lust to July, too crazy to young girls. Really loved to eat donuts.