The Jet Foal Pokemon
Etymology: Avion (the Romanian word for plane)+pony
Design: This fakemon is based on foal, its ability to run fast being inspired by the foal capability of walking shortly after birth. It also resembles a small plane, in a retro style. This fakemon line symbolizes the human progress, the accomplishment of flying and beating all odds. I also chose a horse as it represents an important factor in our evolution, we wouldn’t be so advanced without our first mean of transport: the horse.----------
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze, Airborn*(HA)
Gender : 87.5% male, 12.5% female
Height:0.4 m
Def: 49
Sp. Atk:56
Sp. Def: 50
Total: 317
Dex Entry: Fast and aerodynamic, Aviony survive by outrunning their predators since birth, thanks to their engine-like tail. Their body overheats quite fast so they must not run for too long, otherwise their nose and ears start catching on fire. They like the warmth of human touch, being similar to the one of their mother.
*The fakemon is able to keep itself in the air for the first 5 turns in battle using propulsion or other means, giving it the flying type during this time.