CassieVulcan β€” Paul McCartney - Boy Tease [NSFW]
Published: 2011-05-03 14:59:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 11143; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 27
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Description Title - Paul McCartney; Boy Tease
Author - CassieVulcan
Rating - NC-17
Pairing - John/Paul/George/Ringo George/Ringo John/Paul Paul/George John/Ringo Ringo/Paul
Summary - Paul drives the rest of the band too far
Disclaimer - I am not in possession of the Beatles

Paul McCartney was known as a charming man; a sweet man. He could always sweep you off your feet with a wink of his eye or a twitch of his lips. There wasn't a soul in the entire world that could escape from the McCartney charm; it was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and Paul McCartney was a very charming man.

However, charm wasn't the only thing the 21 year old man possessed. Paul was very good looking and he knew it. He had the lean and lanky frame, the just barely there muscles, wide brown eyes, plump and pink lips. He had the ability to drive everyone around him crazy, and the girls that practically threw themselves at his feet were only one example for that rule. Not even Paul could have ever guessed the effect that he had on his band mates...


"Hey Ringo, what do you think about sky diving?"

Ringo blinked and looked up from the book he had been poring over to peer at Paul curiously. "I dunno, why?"

"Just wondering," Paul shrugged, biting lightly against the nail of his index finger as he gazed off into space. Ringo blinked again, his eyes trailing over Paul's exposed neck that was arching slightly now that Paul had allowed his head to fall back against the arm of the couch. The bassist sighed, teeth still digging into his finger as he stretched an arm back behind his head and splayed his legs out against the rest of the couch. Ringo was mesmerized, gaze passing slowly over the younger man's frame as Paul squirmed a bit to get comfortable.

Paul continued to chew on his index finger and Ringo flushed, mind automatically going to places that he really didn't think it should have gone. Paul splayed out against a bed, mouth hung open as he shouted out to the ceiling. Hips pushing back, desperate, needy-

"What do you think about scuba diving then?"

Ringo blinked yet again, coming out from his thoughts and crossing his legs quickly to avoid any kind of awkward confrontation. "What's on your mind Paul?"

"I'm just curious," Paul shrugged again and looked back up at the ceiling, chewing that same finger in thought as Ringo tried to organize his scrambled thoughts and go back to focusing on his book. Unfortunately, when Paul McCartney got into your thoughts it was extremely difficult to get him out.


The lights were flashing, the girls screaming and George could only grin as his fingers danced across his guitar strings to make sure that every note matched up perfectly with the others. He didn't want to disappoint, the fans looked like they were loving it. Heck he thought he even saw a security guard (placed there for their safety of course) tapping his foot along with the beat.

Holding back a cheery laugh at the magic of it all George's gaze turned to glance behind him at Ringo, having a blast as always as he swayed to the beat they were all creating together. Ringo caught his eye and George could have sworn that the older man winked at him, blowing him a kiss, but George barely had time to blush let alone send a kiss back before his attention was drawn to his other two band mates.

John and Paul looked like they were having a blast too. Well, Paul did anyway, John's attention was focused more on his guitar and microphone than it was on dancing around and making a show, but Paul wasn't holding back tonight.

Suddenly George's brain stuttered. Paul always seemed to have that effect on him when he decided to sway his hips in a happy dance along to whatever song they were playing. There was just something about the slim waste and lean legs stuffed into a pair of extremely tight trousers that got George thinking about-

George gulped and turned his gaze away from the sweaty disheveled McCartney. He didn't want to see the rise and fall of his chest as he panted, and he didn't want to think about what it would be like to have those luscious lips wrapped around his throbbing erection.

No, that was enough of that. George looked back at Ringo, smiled in adoration at the little drummer that was mouthing along to John's singing and then turned back around to look at the audience. Thoughts of Paul still swirled slightly around in his mind.


John was fucking tired. He had been up the whole night trying to come up with the perfect lyrics to go with a new tune he had swirling around in his mind. He thought that it would be the next number one hit for the Beatles and was really excited to show it off, if only he could think of something to sing along with it.

Sighing John tip toed out of the hotel room he was sharing with George and made his way over to the little mini fridge in the corner of the little sitting room that separated the two master suits that the Beatles had booked all to themselves. He hummed slightly as he dug through the snacks and refreshments the hotel staff filled it with for them. He was just wondering whether he should have milk or juice when a hand grabbed his shoulder and John shouted out in alarm, slamming the door shut and spinning around to face his possible attacker-

Only to come face to face with a very amused Paul McCartney.

"Bloody hell Paul! Don't do that!" John hissed placing a hand over his chest in an attempt to calm his heart.

"Sorry, just wondering why you were out of bed Johnny," Paul shrugged grinning when he went over to stretch himself out on the couch again. Due to the TV that was still on John had reason to believe that Paul hadn't gone to bed yet either.

"Haven't even been to bed yet Paulie," John answered sitting down next to him. At first he had planned on sitting up with him a bit, watching a little TV to make him really tired, but then he got a good look at Paul. The man was wearing nothing but his boxers. Not even a pair of fucking socks to hide a bit of skin. Gulping John moved his eyes away from the smooth pale skin that was illuminated from the light of the TV. Tried to focus on anything that wasn't holding Paul down and attacking him with kisses that he just knew would leave the younger man breathless and flustered-

"You should really try and get some sleep John. You never do anymore," Paul muttered, gaze focused solely on the screen of the TV, "Besides we have a photo shoot tomorrow."

"Uh... yeah," John whispered back, clearing his throat when his voice came out raspy, "Well... good night then."

"Night, John."

"... Night," John muttered one last time before he made his way back to his bedroom where he immediately fell into the covers with a miserable sigh. "Dear Lord, why couldn't you have made him a woman?"


"For fuck sakes Paul, we're going to be late!" George shouted angrily as he pounded his fist against the bathroom's door. In reality they weren't all that close to being late to the photo shoot, they still had a good hour before they had to show their faces, but Paul had already been in the shower for a half hour and the other's were finally annoyed enough to send George to put a stop to it.

"Leave him then George," John sighed, nodding his head at the guitarist when George stomped his foot angrily after Paul didn't reply. "He's just too much of a girl for us men to handle."

"Fuck you Lennon!" Paul's voice suddenly shouted from the bathroom and then Paul was swinging the door open, hands on his hips as he glared at John, "I'm more of a man than any of you will ever be."

Neither John nor George could answer Paul's insult as both had gone wide eyed and silent at Paul's state of dress. Or lack of dress really, for Paul was wrapped up in nothing but a thin white towel that only covered from just below his hip bones to his mid-thigh. Everything else was smooth pale skin, dripping with water from the shower and from his hair that was plastered down against his head and falling into those wide brown eyes as he shook his head slightly to get rid of the damp nuisance.

John licked his lips when a drop of water fell from a strand of said hair, down his nose and settling it's self nicely on Paul's bottom lip. George crossed his legs, ducking his head to hide his blush.

Of course that was when Ringo walked into the room. "Lads! Brian says too - woah!" He too froze, eyes widening in shock at the sight of Paul. Eyes trailing over a drop of water that had slid down Pau's neck, traveling across the smooth skin of his chest and down his stomach, the just barely there muscles glistening as the drop fell below the towel and out of sight. "Erm... says we have to be dressed and ready within the next ten minutes."

Paul cursed, "Lovely," and then he was making a mad dash to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. At the sound of the slam John, George, and Ringo all blinked and glanced at each other.

"This has got to stop," George whispered his voice slightly hoarse from strain.

Ringo nodded his agreement, "I can't take another day of this."

John said nothing, just wrung his hands together slightly as they awaited Paul's returned, fully dressed.

"Maybe if we just get him out of our system y'know? Have a taste so we can move along with our lives?"

"Fuck, can you imagine that lads? Sweet little McCartney bending over backwards just for us?" They each gave out a collective breathy moan at the thought.

"Shall we do it then?" John asked after a minute of silence. "Shall we finally get our hands on Paul McCartney?"

George and Ringo glanced at each other and John noticed something flash between them before they turned matching mischievous smirks to John. "Let's do it."

"... Alright."


Paul never saw it coming.

The photo shoot had been going amazingly well, they had done some group shots and then some solo shots. It really hadn't been much of a surprise when the photographer recommended that Paul should stand a little bit a head of the rest of the band for one photo, and to the man's credit he did shoot his band mates a guilty look before he did as he was told. It was the solo shots that really got them.

The three horny band members were already randy enough from Paul's innocent little actions, but when it was Paul's turn to take his solo shots they all pretty much lost it. The Photographer was a right bastard to have decided he wanted to show off the cute Beatle's Sensitive side for all of the obsessed fans. He had Paul pick flowers... he had Paul bend over and pick flowers even though he was wearing very fitting trousers that only made his ass look even rounder than it could possibly be. If that hadn't been bad enough later he asked Paul to stretch himself out near their recording studio with his bass. Paul didn't just play his bass for a photo shoot though, no, he fucking caressed it while giving the camera his best bedroom eyes and playful smirk. That was the last straw for the boys.

It was John who had taken action after Paul was done putting away his bass. He grabbed the younger man's wrist and gave it a sharp tug so Paul would meet his eyes and fall into step with him, back towards the two awaiting band mates.

"What's up Johnny?" And oh god John could have melted at the sound of his name falling so perfectly from his lips.

"Three things actually Paulie," He replied smirking slightly at his own wit, "Three very hard things that you need to fix."

Paul frowned, "What?"

"Well you see Paul; it's rather distracting seeing you bouncing around fluttering those pretty little eyelashes of yours, and fairly the rest of us are tired of wanking off alone. So you're going to do us a little favor, m'dear."

And suddenly Paul understood, and his entire body stiffened as he tried to pull himself away from John. "No! No way in hell John! Let me go!"

Ringo and George were at their sides in a second, sensing their help being needed and not willing to give up their one and only chance to be with the one and only Paul McCartney.

"What's going on over here now?" Ringo questioned grabbing hold of Paul's other wrist to stop him from hitting John in his struggle to get away from his mate.

"Paulie here doesn't want to co-operate with us Rings." John sighed clicking his tongue. George and Ringo only smirked and then Paul really started to thrash.

"Get the fuck away from me you perverts!" He shouted twisting about in John and Ringo's grasps as his panicked mind took over. Suddenly Ringo's hand clamped down over Paul's mouth and the bassist's eyes widened in genuine fear, kicking his legs out in an attempt to knock his 'friends' over. George noticed this and quickly took hold of Paul's ankles, lifting them up so they were swinging the man in between them as they walked. The back of Paul's suit jacket only just sweeping against the ground as they carried him away.

"I don't see why you're fussing there Macca," George cooed winking down at him, "You brought it on yourself y'know."

Ringo started laughing at this, nodding his head at what George had stated and neither of them noticed or cared really in their fucked up and horny minds that tears had started slipping down Paul's cheeks, his limbs had gone limp when he gave up trying to get away as he was carried to the car. John, however, did.

Something pulled at his heart strings as he saw Paul's eyes close in defeat, tears slipping silently from somewhere behind the delicate lids as he awaited his rape. Gulping he leaned down slightly, hoisting Paul up slightly as he did so and kissed his cheek causing the younger man's eyes to flutter open and search for him through his tears. John offered him a shaky grin, "It's still John, Paul. It's still George and Ringo too. We won't hurt you."

Paul stared at John unblinkingly for a moment and then nodded not being able to talk with Ringo's hand still clamped firmly over his mouth. A minute later the boys reached the car and shoved Paul into the back first, Ringo shouting out to their driver that they were heading back to the hotel before the other three climbed in after him.

Ringo refused to let go of the younger man, wrapping a tight arm around his shoulders and keeping his hand clamped over his mouth as John and George crouched down at their knees, gazes fixed firmly on Paul's panicked eyes, hands trailing over his thighs greedily, pulling them open to have better access. He whimpered when John's fingers trailed upwards, pausing at the button of his jeans before popping it open and reaching his hand inside.

Then suddenly Ringo's hand was no longer over his mouth, no, his lips were instead. Paul's eyes widened further and he tried to push the two men off of him, and then there was George, grabbing onto his wrists and pinning them over his head, straddling the bassist's lap to make sure that (a) Paul couldn't move a muscle and (b) John could still work at his own task; Releasing Paul's dick from his pants.

When Ringo's tongue pried his lips open and thrusted into his mouth Paul whimpered again, attempting to buck up from under the three men, pleading with them silently to let him go, not to do this, but he was being ridiculous if he thought any of them were going to listen.

George's lips descended down on his neck, sucking, biting, licking and kissing as Paul squirmed under his hold. John's fingers danced across the still soft dick in his hands, kissing it here and there and watching with great satisfaction as it slowly began to go hard, Paul's breathing going heavier as Ringo kissed him, George caressed him and John pumped him.

Then the car stopped, "We've arrived at the hotel," and Ringo was pulling away, George was pulling his arms behind his back, holding them there firmly and John was tucking him back into his pants, buttoning him up quickly before they scuttled out of the limo, heading in through the back door of their hotel so they wouldn't be seen by anyone, something they had gotten quite used to in recent years.

Paul whimpered again, feeling cold and scared as he was lead into the elevator, turning his head slightly so he could glance over his shoulder at John, pleading for help. John shook his head, and Paul sighed hanging his head and awaiting what would happen to him next. Maybe if they were gentle with him, like they had been in the car, Paul would enjoy it. Maybe... he could try couldn't he?

It was when their suit door closed behind them that Paul really started to feel panicked, and as George's hand trailed from his neck to his ass, trailing over the curve there appreciatively, Paul bit his lip and closed his eyes, feeling terrible.

"Wait a minute George..." John's voice made Paul open his eyes again slightly, and there he was right on in front of him, leering at him in a way that made Paul feel as if he was being studied. "Are you scared?"

"Oh come on John, we already agreed we needed to get this out of our system!" Ringo sighed, fingers twitching with the want to touch Paul, John snarled low in his throat and shot the drummer a glare.

"At the risk of his friendship? And his sanity? Can't you wait for two seconds Rings?" When Ringo didn't reply John turned his eyes back to Paul, glare softening, "Are you scared?"

Paul blinked and then nodded, cowering away from John slightly and then gasping when he hit into George, jumping back forward again.

"You shouldn't be scared, it's only us."

"John... why are you-"

"We're not going to hurt you."

Paul blinked, "But you're trying-"

"Christ Paul, do you really think that if there wasn't a way for us to make this pleasurable for you we'd be doing it? We'd never intentionally rape you!"

"Is that what he thinks? God, no, John's telling you the truth Paul," Ringo cut in, and Paul felt George nod behind him although he was still holding his hands behind his back.

"Just think of it like this," John cooed, pressing his face closer to Paul's so their noses bumped, "Three people you love and who love you dearly want to please you in any way they can, and all they ask for in return is that you please them back."

Paul took a sharp breath in through his nose, when he thought about it like that it did sound better. He did love his friends, more than any other bird he had ever taken back to a hotel room, and if they really wanted to give him pleasure...

Suddenly John's lips were pushing onto his own and Paul's eyes widened at the shock that shot down his spine before they slowly fluttered shut and he moaned into the mouth that was claiming him. When John pulled away his eyes were wide, cheeks flushed but neither of them had the chance to say anything as George took his own turn, turning Paul's head and snapping his lips up into a passionate kiss. Paul groaned as George's hand slipped down, rubbing gently at the slowly hardening erection.

Ringo stepped forward then, kissing along Paul's neck as he pulled off the suit jacket and started unbuttoning the shirt underneath, trailing his fingers over the newly exposed skin. John watched through heavily lidded eyes, gently rubbing at himself at the sight, Paul restrained and helpless while he was rubbed and undressed? Hell he wished he had his camera.

Paul gasped suddenly, hips bucking up and then he groaned and all three men started breathing heavily.

"Fuck make him do that again," John whispered, hand rubbing harder as he watched Paul's eyes flutter open to send an amused glance at him and he smirked, the bastard fucking smirked. So Paul was getting into it was he?

"Ohh, f-fuck!" Paul groaned out louder, almost dramatically as he threw his head forward, forehead pressing against Ringo's shoulder, allowing George to start suckling and nipping at his neck as Ringo pushed the shirt off Paul's shoulder, revealing the smooth expanse of skin underneath. Ringo's fingers trailed over that skin then, tweaking at a nipple and biting at Paul's collarbone when Paul gasped and thrusted against George's hand.

John groaned at the sight and stepped forward, "My turn, back up a bit boys. George, move your hand."

Paul's eyes seemed to follow John everywhere, heavily lidded and glazed with lust as John dropped to his knees, George still kissing his neck, using one hand to hold his hands behind his back and the other to toy with the nipple that Ringo had neglected, Ringo biting along his jaw line and tweaking the other.

John's hands fell onto Paul's hips drawing them forward slightly as he played with the button of his jeans, he smirked up at Paul when the younger man's breathing got heavier, eyes fluttering as he tried his hardest to keep them open. John leant forward then and trailed kisses along the buldge through the jeans and Paul gasped, hips bucking as he shook slightly in George's arms. John only chuckled and unbuttoned the jeans, beginning to pull them down his legs, lips following the fabric as he kissed along the paler than snow thighs that quivered as he did, Paul's whimpers hitting his ears as he finally ridded the younger man of the jeans and then began to pull at the boxers.

"He's shaking John, better hurry," George purred then, licking slightly at the shell of Paul's ear as Ringo bit down hard on the man's collarbone, drawing a startled gasp from Paul that had his knees buckling from under him.

"Mm, seems he's got a vampire fetish."

"Piss off," Paul muttered, eyes falling shut as he tried to regain control of his breaths but Ringo only chuckled and licked along the little red mark that had formed from his teeth.

"Want me to do it again?"

"... I..."

"Just say it and he'll do it Paulie," John cooed as he finally slid the damned fabric of his boxers off the younger man, "We're only here to please you."

Paul groaned, falling back heavily into George's arms when John licked a long wet trail from his ankle to his thigh, running his tongue up the inside of his leg and allowing it to dip into the curve of his knee before he began kissing at the thighs he had pulled open slightly for better access, leaving Paul very bare and very open for his friends to do with as they pleased. "Bite me then," he whispered, head falling back against George's shoulder as he allowed Ringo's lips to trail up his neck easier, still letting off little panting gasps when George pinched a nipple and John suckled a thigh, taking great efforts to keep away from the one place he really wanted him.

"What was that Paul? Can't hear you." Ringo chuckled only pinching Paul's skin lightly between his teeth as Paul writhed against him.

"Fucking Bite Me!" Paul hissed, and then cried out when George's teeth bit into the side of his neck harshly as Ringo continued to gently kiss and nip along his jaw. It was such an odd contrast, yet oddly beautiful, the pleasurable pain and the gentle pleasure, and to make it even better when George pulled away a single drop of blood began to well up against his skin and Paul gasped as it slipped down his neck, George's lips following it's trail so that there was nothing but a stained pink line down the skin.

John purred at the sight before he licked hesitantly across Paul's tip, smirking to himself at the startled gasp and pleased moan that followed his actions. "Want more?"

"Don't tease..." Paul whimpered, curling his hands, that were still trapped behind his back, into fists as he bucked forward, groaning when John licked down his side and back up, circling his tongue back around the tip with an over dramatic slurping sound that managed to drive Paul absolutely crazy. "Fuck! Damn you, oh... god!"

"God won't help you now Macca," George whispered from behind him and Paul shivered at the feeling of his shirt fabric scrapping along his bare back, the rough fabric of his jeans pushing against his ass when George rubbed gently against him, "In fact he's probably watching us, just for the sole purpose to see you so fucking submissive."

Paul groaned allowing his eyes to shut as John took him in fully, bobbing his head and sucking greedily on the younger man and then Ringo was claiming his lips again, thrusting his tongue into Paul's mouth roughly as he scratched his nails down the younger man's arms. Paul's head spun with the pleasure and he whined against Ringo's mouth when he felt John pull away from him, but Ringo was certainly distracting him with his demanding kisses that Paul as trying to keep up with, pushing back against the lips with his own just as hard.

Then he heard the sound of a zipper and his eyes snapped open, focusing on John who was standing again... and undressing.

Feeling as if the room had just got tens time hotter Paul's head fell back again, giving Ringo better access to kiss down his chest, playing along the muscles there before he began to kiss around Paul's erection, taking over where John had left off as George began to bite and kiss along Paul's neck again. All the while Paul's eyes remained fixed on the stripping Lennon.

And fuck John definitely knew he was watching, lips curved up in a smirk as he trailed hungry eyes over the very exposed Paulie, pausing ever moment or so to take in a piece of him he really seemed to enjoy as he slowly pulled his jeans down, having kicked off his shoes like the rest of them when they had walked in they slipped off easily and then he was left standing there in his long dress shirt and his boxers. Paul's mouth watered and he groaned, bucking up slightly when Ringo's tongue flicked across his head, panting as he trailed his eyes down John's body.

John smirked directly at him then, holding his gaze as he unbuttoned the shirt, slowly. One single button at a time, each one revealing a new little sliver of skin that Paul was dying to taste, to claim, but he knew that he wouldn't get the chance. He was the one being dominated that day, not John.

Didn't mean he couldn't make other chances, he thought, lidded eyes feeling heavier than usual as he gazed at John, the shirt falling away from him as he let it slip down his shoulders, and then he was stepping back towards Paul, and Paul could feel him self shaking, panting, bucking, but John wasn't even looking at him yet.

"George, strip, I'll hold the princess."

Paul's whole system lit fire then as John pressed up behind him, his back falling against a very bare chest as John grabbed onto his wrists and moved them around Paul's body so he could hold them firmly against the other man's stomach, holding him in a dominating caress as he began to kiss and lick soothing little trails over the bite marks that George and Ringo had left on his neck. Paul groaned at the feeling and pressed himself further into John, watching George undress out of the corner of his eye.

He wasn't as slow as John had been, preferring to get it all over and done with, although Paul did note the lustful gaze in his eyes as he gazed at Ringo working on Paul, not enough to bring Paul to his climax, but enough to have the younger man shaking in John's arms, tears prickling his eyes as he panted and groaned, bucking his hips in a sad attempt to get more of what they were offering. When he was stripped down to his boxers just like John he stepped forward and pulled Ringo to his feet, and Paul literally cried at the loss, thrashing his head back and forth against John's chest as he tried desperately to move his arms; to finish himself off.

"Your turn," George whispered to Ringo and Paul's eyes widened considerably when the guitarist kissed the drummer firmly and Ringo kissed him back, a little shocked himself but happy enough to go along with it. Once they were done George turned around, not at all surprised to find that John had transferred his hold on Paul to both arms and one hand so that he could trail the other down to Paul's weeping erection and stroke it gently, teasingly as Paul sobbed his pleasure, arching against the older man and letting out silent screams.

"John, please, oh fuck, c'mon guys..." He panted, his head rolling side ways, eyes rolling into the back of his head, "You're driving me mad!"

"Good," John chuckled nodding at George as he pulled his hand away from Paul's length and grabbed the bassist's chin, dragging his head forward to smash their lips together for the second time that night. Paul swooned, his legs buckling and he kissed John back desperately as George got down on his knees before him, grasping on firmly to the base of his cock and beginning to pump him slowly, chuckling when Paul let out little cries between desperate kisses with John.

"He's very vocal," George muttered, turning slightly to watch as Ringo began unbuttoning his own dress shirt, letting it slip away from him as he started on the jeans, dark blue eyes watching the desperate make out session between John and Paul before he turned them to George, smirking down at the young guitarist as he slid his jeans down and off.

"And you're not then?"

"I think John likes it."

"I think John loves it," Ringo chuckled and then dropped to his knees beside George pressing a kiss to Paul's tip and then watching in satisfaction when Paul let out a little scream and bit down on John's lips harshly, drawing a drop of blood as the two of them pulled apart, panting even as Paul's head fell back against John's shoulder and he groaned, turning his head slightly so he could kiss John's neck gently.

"Bed?" George whispered and John and Ringo nodded as the two men on the floor scrambled to their feet, allowing John to lead Paul over to the room that the two of them were sharing, throwing the door open and settling the bassist in the middle of his own bed, gasping and panting as he stared up at his three friends.

"If you don't want this we'll stop now-"

"Shut up and fucking kiss me Lennon!" Paul hissed grabbing onto the back of John's neck when the older man leaned forward to check and make sure their friend was still willing and smashing their lips together harshly, licking at the cut he had left from earlier. John groaned and kissed back for a minute before he pulled away gasping and straightening up, making Paul groan from the loss as he turned to the other two.

"Who's doing what?"

"I want his mouth," Ringo muttered, eyes trailing over the slightly swollen lips of the bassist, parted slighted as he gasped for breath.

"Good choice," George whispered biting his lip and looking from Paul to John quickly, "But what else is there?"

"His ass, and his hands," Ringo stated and Paul's eyes widened, breaths coming a little harsher at what they were suggesting.

John was the first to notice this, "We can't do that to him if he doesn't-

"You could do it."

John blinked, "What?"

Paul took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second before fixing his gaze as steadily as he could on John. "You could do it, fuck me I mean. Ringo says he wants a blow job, fine, and George... did you want one too?"

George nodded, eyes wide at just how willing Paul had become within the past half hour and Paul nodded, head falling back against the pillows for a second before he was struggling to sit up.

"C'mere then."

"Fuck, this I wanna see," Ringo breathed in through his nose slightly as George stepped toward the bed, pulling down his boxers as he went to reveal the straining erection he sported. Paul eyed him, crawling towards him on his hands and knees, ignoring the three respective groans he got for that, and then flicked his tongue across the tip.

"Ooh! Fuck, mm," George sighed, pushing his hips forwards slightly and Paul grinned kissing down the side of his length slowly as he tried to remember everything that he liked having done to him. He circled his tongue around the base then before trailing it up, back to the tip and dipping it slightly into that sensitive little hole. George gasped, "Fucking hell, uung!"

That was when Paul took all of him, sucking greedily against George and bobbing his head as best as he could, holding the younger man's hips in place as he did, and George just went wild.

Ringo was panting and groaning as he watched, John by his side. The two of them were transfixed at the sight of their friends doing this, Paul's lips, pink and swollen wrapped around George's dick, sucking and then Paul was hallowing his cheeks out and flicking his tongue again and George cried out, hands digging into Paul's hair as he came, "Jesus fucking Christ! Damn McCartney!"

This was what drove John and Ringo crazy though; Paul swallowed. Every last drop as George sighed and stroked through the bassist's hair as a silent thank you, Paul hummed and allowed George to slip out of his mouth, eyes still heavily lidded as he fought to remember that he still had one more to do before John would take care of the aching hardness between his own legs.

Ringo stepped forward then, "My turn."

"Believe me, it was worth the wait," George sighed slumping down onto John's bed at the other side of the room and propping himself up on an elbow to watch as Paul's hand fisted against Ringo's own erection, big doe eyes looking up at the drummer as he pumped him slowly.

"Just how long had you boys been waiting?" He asked leaning forward to press a little kiss to the tip as he pumped and Ringo jerked, groaning slightly.

"Way too fucking long for my tastes," John muttered, dark eyes fixed on Paul and no one else as he struggled not to just take the bassist right then and there, fuck it if he cared about Ringo's needs!

Paul's eyes turned to him and he smirked, "You'll get your turn too Johnny, I had told you you could."

John grunted hand going down to rub himself through his boxers as Paul finally took Ringo into his mouth as well, sucking just as harshly as he had done to George and Ringo groaned, thrusting into Paul's mouth even though the younger man had been trying to keep his hips firmly in place, and Paul choked slightly before taking a deep breath through his nose and relaxing his throat, allowing himself to take Ringo in deeper as the drummer bucked and hissed, hands digging into Paul's hair as Paul finished him off.

He came with a grunt, definitely not very vocal then, and Paul swallowed it quickly. He wasn't very fond of the bitter taste but when it came to Ringo and George he assumed that it was the least he could do.

When Ringo pulled away from him, chest heaving and panting just as George had done before him he sort of patted Paul's hair, "You're good at tha' lad," and then stumbled his way over to John's bed where he collapsed next to George who rubbed at his shoulder as they both turned very eager gazes to watch the next part of the show.

John's gaze was lidded as he stepped forward, his breathing harsh and excited as he slowly pulled his boxers down his legs, stepping out of them quickly so he could stand over Paul, still kneeling on his hands and knees and staring up at John, eyes intense and lips parted as he groaned slightly. They were both desperately hard.

Slowly John leaned down, fingers digging into Paul's shoulder as he pushed him back against the bed so he was lying on his back before crawling on top of him, kissing him in a desperate need to feel those soft lips on his again and he groaned when he tasted the two separate releases on Paul's tongue.

Paul's head was spinning as their skin finally pushed against each other. There wasn't a single barrier between them now as John kissed him. He groaned bucking up and then gasping when their erections brushed against each other. John grunted, and grinded down against him and then Paul was whimpering, "Fuck, ooh, J-John..."

John hummed then, trailing his lips down Paul's neck and chest quickly before he stopped at the tip of Paul's weeping erection. He kissed the tip gently almost lovingly before he went down further still, trailing a finger around Paul's puckered hole when the younger man raised his hips, allowing his legs to fall open so John could have real access.

"Oh, god f-fuck!"

"Somebody get me something slippery," He whispered then, listening as one of the other boy's footsteps headed towards the bathroom and he continued to poke and prod at Paul's hole, watching intently as the bassist gasped and squeezed his eyes shut, chest heaving once again now that someone was finally paying him attention.

"Here," George muttered handing over a little tube of baby oil to John who took it gratefully before coating it on his fingers as George went back to sit on his bed. John hummed to himself again when his fingers were slick enough to actually slide into the man before him, his free hand pressing softly against his stomach when Paul shook, obviously nervous.

"Relax, it's only me."

And he slipped the first finger inside.

Paul gasped and tried to take in deep breaths, evening them out as best as he could when John added a second finger, and then a third. Pain ripping through him slightly as they poked around inside of him, seemingly looking for something.

"John... I don't think- Oh! Fuck!" Paul gasped, eyes going wide as he arched off the bed, groaning at whatever had just happened to him and John chuckled, pressing the tips of his fingers down against the little bump again just so he could hear Paul pant and moan.


"Fuck... Yes! Just, oh god, fuck me would you!" Paul groaned eyes rolling into the back of his head when John began thrusting his fingers in and out of the tight little hole, but then he was slipping them out and Paul whined, hips pushing down in search of the fingers once again. However, John was crawling over him then, kissing him as his own erection poked at Paul's entrance.

Paul's gasp was swallowed up by John's kisses and he supposed later that it was a good thing too, seeing as his scream was as well and fuck did he ever scream when John thrusted into him, biting down against John's lip for the second time that night.

John grunted, panting as he began to circle his hips slightly, "Fuck you're so t-tight."

"M-move dammit! John move!" Paul whined head falling back against the pillows as John finally began to pick up rhythm, slowly building as he got used to the feel of Paul around him. Paul gasped, arching his back yet again when his prostate was hit and then he was panting, pushing his hips down against John's as he was fucked and John groaned leaning forward to claim Paul's mouth for his own once again when Paul's legs wrapped around his waste, bringing him closer.

They kissed desperately and sloppily as John thrusted into him, tongues and lips running over each other, teeth clicking together and then John was thrusting faster, really fucking him now as Paul yelped and groaned.

"Oh, fuck, harder, faster, c'mon Johnny!" He whined, nipping at the older man's lips and then crying out when John's hand wrapped around his cock and pumped him in time with the thrusts.

"Ready to cum for me Paulie? You've been toyed and played with for an hour now, don't you want to cum? C'mon, cum for me..."

Paul screamed, "Fuck, John!" and then he was arching of the bed for the last time that day, toes curling and hands clinging onto John's shoulder's for dear life as he spilled between them, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he panted harshly with his climax. John groaned at the sight and then he was cumming to, pulling Paul back into a needy and desperate kiss to hide his own scream as he spilled inside of the bassist, groaning when Paul's ankles dug into his back, trying to pull him closer, or keep him where he was.

They collapsed like that, John on top of and inside of Paul as they panted, trying to regain their breath, Paul's hand slowly trailed up from where it had been resting on John's shoulder and he stroked the older man's hair lightly, caressing it, and then John looked up meeting his gaze and he was lost. He knew that he could never get Paul McCartney out of his system now.

"Holy fucking hell," George whispered and suddenly John jumped, pulling himself out of Paul quickly so the two of them could separate and turn to look at the wide eyed George and Ringo sitting on the bed opposite to them. "That was... shit guys that was not just fucking."

Paul's cheeks reddened slightly and he coughed, rolling over onto his side so he was facing away from the other three, not wanting to meet their gazes after what he was sure was a very queer display on his part. There was a pause and then John's hands were on his shoulders, gently kneading the muscle there and Paul sighed, relaxing under his touch as the hands trailed over his arms, curling around him in a cocooning caress as John pulled the younger man back to spoon against him, resting his chin on Paul's shoulder as he did.

Gently he kissed the side of Paul's neck and Paul gasped turning his head so he could meet John's eyes; John smiled kissing him, soft and sweet. So much different than the kisses they had shared before. Paul sighed, hand coming up to press against John's cheek, keeping him where he was as they kissed, slowly, like they had all the time in the world.

George and Ringo glanced at each other, giggling softly as they got to their feet, making their way out of John and Paul's room hand in hand as the couple on the bed kissed. Ringo glanced at George then as they were leaving, and once the door swung shut behind him he quickly leant up on the tips of his toes to press a kiss to the younger man and George flushed, kissing him back quickly as they made their way towards their room.

"It most certainly hadn't been fucking for those two," George whispered as Ringo climbed into George's bed beside him, snuggling close.


"But... what was it?"

Ringo blinked, backing up to stare at the confused expression on George's face, "They'd been making love George."

Then it was George's turn to blink, "Love? Then... John... he-"

"Loves Paul. I could see it in his eyes the entire time we were planning this, worried me. Thought Paul might not have loved him back."

"But he does?"

"Yes. He does."

George sighed, eyes fluttering slightly as he spooned up against Ringo, "Would it be like that for us? Y'know... if we tried..."

"... Tried what?"

"Making Love."

Ringo didn't answer, only leant up to kiss George, keeping the younger man there as they spooned together in that sweet embrace.

In the room next door Paul giggled when John brought the bed covers over them, burying his nose into the bassist's neck with a playful growl as he clutched him closer, hands tracing little hearts and swirls along Paul's stomach.

"You're mine you are, y'know that."

"Mm, Johnny..."

"I love you."

Paul sighed, eyes fluttering shut as he snuggled back against John, "I know. I love you too."
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Comments: 71

perrythecat [2015-01-26 12:00:52 +0000 UTC]

Holy shit that was great!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

dabreu [2014-03-28 07:19:28 +0000 UTC]

Where can I read Boy Tease?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ringoandbuddies [2013-08-10 23:32:46 +0000 UTC]

holy fuck that was hot. Why does your ass have to be so very round Paulie !? :'32

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Its-AFiendishThingy [2013-08-04 22:39:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh... Lawd!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

mysticstargirl [2013-06-17 05:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Whoop don't care how old this is this is fucking Mclennon GOLD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PohnMcLennon [2013-04-10 05:59:19 +0000 UTC]

Sorry omg that was the coolest Beatles slash ever

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PohnMcLennon [2013-04-10 05:58:48 +0000 UTC]

Omb Fha teas the coolest Beatles slash ever

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

StarrisonandMclennon [2012-09-10 23:48:59 +0000 UTC]

OMG! OMG! OMG! Thank you for posting this amazingly amazing story!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PrincessOfTheDark25 [2012-07-07 18:00:10 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjkl.....I think I just came...

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CassieVulcan In reply to PrincessOfTheDark25 [2012-07-17 14:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it so much

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PrincessOfTheDark25 In reply to CassieVulcan [2012-07-17 21:01:10 +0000 UTC]


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dontMindmyName [2012-05-14 23:30:31 +0000 UTC]

[link] Did you know that Paul once burned his backside on a truck battery? It left a zipper-shaped burn mark, apparently...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to dontMindmyName [2012-07-17 14:56:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear god, that is a very interesting excuse xD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

dontMindmyName In reply to CassieVulcan [2012-07-17 20:00:47 +0000 UTC]

ZIPPER BURN! It's like, what the heck is that...then you read the story and it's all, O.o

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to dontMindmyName [2012-07-18 02:45:52 +0000 UTC]

Hahaa the funny thing is I never knew that either, that must mean that it's true!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

dontMindmyName In reply to CassieVulcan [2012-07-18 02:56:15 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

LilieJames [2011-10-02 06:16:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm having a BeatlesSlash overload. Reading this and RPing John/Paul smut with my girlfriend.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to LilieJames [2012-07-17 14:56:37 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like the best night ever! I am jealous

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Cinniflame120 [2011-10-02 02:14:21 +0000 UTC]

WOW! OwO! I'm reading this for like the second time, and I have to say I love it! You should do more Ringo/George

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to Cinniflame120 [2012-07-17 14:57:25 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thank you very much! I'm glad you like it so much, I dunno, maybe someday I'll take a shot at some good George/Ringo fics

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

lovemesome2D [2011-08-29 03:35:16 +0000 UTC]


dear lord, that was so hot... heart, you may slow down now.

i've never seen a beatles foursome... and now i kind of want a piece of it. four beatles pleasuring me at once. YES. someone needs to do a second person POV of that. PERHAPS YOU?!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to lovemesome2D [2012-07-17 14:58:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh my xD That is quite the request especially since I'm only now attempting to get back into my writing groove after so long I'm very glad you liked it though hun

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

lovemesome2D In reply to CassieVulcan [2012-07-17 17:00:26 +0000 UTC]

i wrote that comment quite a while ago, but quite vividly remember the story at least. well, when you get back in the saddle, you can tackle it if you want.

and you're welcome.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Lennon-McCartneyLOVE [2011-08-25 18:52:34 +0000 UTC]

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CassieVulcan In reply to Lennon-McCartneyLOVE [2012-07-17 14:58:39 +0000 UTC]

I shall take this to mean you liked it very much and that makes me

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Shadow-Byte [2011-07-14 10:37:52 +0000 UTC]

T-That…was mind-blowing… :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to Shadow-Byte [2011-07-14 10:53:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you xD I'm glad you enjoyed it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shadow-Byte In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-07-14 12:04:54 +0000 UTC]

Haha it was a great read. Kinda reminds me of a dream I had… but Geo was the victim... And I'm a Macca person lol

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to Shadow-Byte [2011-07-16 12:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Georgie's cute too though xD I just felt that Paul was the better victim

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shadow-Byte In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-07-16 18:25:48 +0000 UTC]

he definitively is! it was fantabulous XD and yeh Geo's cute too

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

sbcatfang [2011-07-13 08:26:50 +0000 UTC]

I'm drooling. 1 AM. I have problems.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to sbcatfang [2011-07-13 12:07:21 +0000 UTC]

1am? That'a nothing to worry about then! lol you're perfectly sane just like all the rest of us

Glad you liked it love

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

sbcatfang In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-07-13 16:56:57 +0000 UTC]

(I've been up til 5 on this but YAYY)

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hotlipsalice [2011-06-18 23:48:29 +0000 UTC]

* hyperventilating* EEEks, gah, urg! Awesome. *fangirl double giggle*

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CassieVulcan In reply to hotlipsalice [2011-06-19 03:15:24 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you hun I'm glad you enjoyed it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

hotlipsalice In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-06-19 04:27:08 +0000 UTC]

verrrrrrrrrrry much so... in fact, I love all your writings and am eagerly (and not too patiently) awaiting the rest of sex tape... It's very enthralling.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to hotlipsalice [2011-06-19 11:20:00 +0000 UTC]

Not too patiently? *gulp* Well then I-I'll get right on that for you, right away O.O xD Thanks luv I'm really glad you like my stuff

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

hotlipsalice In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-06-19 16:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Of course I love it...its awesome! <33333333333333333333333

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to hotlipsalice [2011-06-20 02:51:36 +0000 UTC]

Aw thank you, gosh I get home from work and get compliments, what an awesome day

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hotlipsalice In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-06-20 17:21:22 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome... I'm glad your day was good! <333

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

kkbeatles [2011-06-17 20:28:16 +0000 UTC]

this was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to kkbeatles [2011-06-18 11:24:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm so glad you think so It was a lot of fun to write

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AllYouNeedIsLove12 [2011-05-07 08:25:44 +0000 UTC]

...so many words...this is great! nuff said

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to AllYouNeedIsLove12 [2011-05-07 10:38:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much love, I'm glad you liked it

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AllYouNeedIsLove12 In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-05-07 17:50:56 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

unlukky13 [2011-05-06 04:58:28 +0000 UTC]

I just re-read it. I think its really good!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to unlukky13 [2011-05-06 14:54:37 +0000 UTC]

xD You make me laugh hun, but thank you

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psychedelicmoptop [2011-05-04 20:37:12 +0000 UTC]

God you're brilliant. Like, holy shit that was soo awesome! THANKYOU

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

CassieVulcan In reply to psychedelicmoptop [2011-05-05 01:20:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, thank you love I'm so glad you like it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

psychedelicmoptop In reply to CassieVulcan [2011-05-05 02:42:03 +0000 UTC]

No problem! xD

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