Catgoyle — Little Feet - p7

Published: 2007-07-06 09:19:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 686; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 2
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Description Woken by the plink of coin on tile, Tisha rose and readied herself swiftly. Roasts took time, and she'd need the help of one of the others unless someone else remembered what she needed and had already prepared one on the spit for her. It seemed unlikely... her Orcs didn't seem to think ahead like that in regards to her needs. She'd suggested hunting to Burman... and now she received meat regularly. He'd also mentioned that hunting was part of the bargain he'd made with the others, though. She entered the inn quietly, not wishing to disturb the uncle if he was still sleeping, as was likely. It looked like the second guard was now standing outside the door upstairs. Listening as she silently shut the door did not tell her instantly where the accountant might be.

The accountant did not leer at her, but he asked her many questions and expected her to have answers. He wished to know about the average annual income of a Fox in the village, how much they produced in crops, how many pups, how many males and females...

Sailing past him, she listened to his questions battering her for every scrap of information he could wring from her. No deer waited her cooking touch on the spit, and the girl turned to look at the accountant with large golden eyes wide. "Forgive me... what was your name? I cannot address you properly without knowing your name..."

"I am Mathter," he said. "And I must work hard for what my employer gives me..." No one else would have the pitiful specimen. It allowed the investor to exploit his genius for numbers...

"Mathter... I need a male's help," she said, widening her eyes a bit further, voice a touch breathy. She guessed that he didn't get many females looking his way with anything other than disgust. "Would you be able to... well," she blushed, looking shyly away. "To roast a deer for dinner, I need it on the spit." The deer weighed more than she did. Burman easily managed spitting the last one, but if Mathter was awake, why should she chance waking someone else to do what she needed? "I... I have a berry pie that is ready, if you like..." Tisha added hesitantly, as if fearing to try bribing him. He certainly looked as if he could use fattening up; perhaps offering him a steady flow of food would distract and flesh out his bone thin frame. He looked at her. "I... do not have experience in this... but if you require help... I will help you... provided it does not take too long. I should be resting... the sun is not good for me..."

Blushing prettily, she showed him what she would need, lending a discreet hand in spitting the deer as needed. Tisha washed her hands, then took out a berry pie and offered it to Mathter. It hadn't taken long to do, and she was grateful for the help. "This should help you sleep more easily," she said, smiling at him a little. "I always sleep better on a full stomach..."

He nodded, and took the pie, gently working through it. "Tell me..." he asked, curiously. "What do you want from me?"

Tisha thought that question over carefully, thinking over what it implied. "It really is that way with Orcs, isn't it? Nothing given freely, only offering something for something." She busied her hands with preparing the spitted deer for cooking, both rubbing it with spices and making thin cuts into it to tuck more spices in. "I needed help spitting the deer, not being strong enough to manage on my own. The others are all sleeping or guarding, other than you. Did I not offer enough in payment for your service?" she asked, glancing at him curiously.

"Yes... but you act like you... find my company pleasant." He looked at her. "No one desires my company," he told her. To him, that was a fact of life.

She smiled a little. "No one should feel as if they are without value. I sense, from the talk your employer favored me with, he would only keep the best he can afford by his side. You must be very skilled in your work. And people are nicer to one if you are nice to them. Why should I give you reason to hate or resent me? You have done nothing but try to gain information from me for yours, and while I do not have much information for you =yet=... that may change."

"He is getting older... as am I," he said. "Without him... I will have no employment... no one will have me..."

Tisha looked at him in surprise. "You =are= good with numbers, are you not? I would guess that you are better than most others in your profession with numbers. Am I wrong?"

=Foxes do not think education is important. Most Orcs do not either Did you know that over 75 percent of Orcs cannot read either?=

The vixen waited for Mathter to answer her, meeting his eyes squarely as her hands rested on the deer. "I am good... I do not say I am better than most... I do not consult with others..." he commented.  But... I am not pleasant..."

"Mmm... I have not met many Orcs as yet, but you are far from the least pleasant of those I have known," Tisha stated diplomatically. If truthful, she would have to state his employer was far less pleasant. Mathter did not make her feel as if she needed to hide from his gaze, less he force her to submit to his desires. "And it is likely that another would be willing to hire you, should your life be longer than that of your employer. I can manage small amounts of money well, but larger sums would require someone with a head for figures. Perhaps you should consider looking in the Trade City for work, should it become needful. Certainly we could offer you at least a few meals and a room if you needed one for a time." She hadn't asked the others, but if they did get money, perhaps having someone like Mathter to handle the paper work would be helpful.

Offering him this lesser boon would give her a chance to speak with them about it and have a chance to offer him the position... if he were not too proud to accept what she'd offered.

"Can you read and write numbers on paper?"

"Numbers... yes. As long as the sums are not very high," Tisha agreed. She continued working on dinner, laying and lighting the fire and setting the waterwheel-turned spit in motion. Vegetables gathered on her return to the inn were cleaned and sliced; not many, for she didn't expect any of the Orcs to want such in their food.

"If you will continue to feed me... I might teach you some of what I know..." he offered. "And if you will continue to be pleasant..."

"I accept your terms," Tisha stated, smiling at Mathter before sweeping her vegetables into a bowl and covering it. "Pamdul promised to find me rabbits for a special dish I wish to try. More of a side dish, as rabbits don't tend to have much meat on them," she said, chatting happily about her meal plans. Most Orcs didn't care much for rabbit meat: took too many of them to fill your belly, unless you happened to hunt the two-legged rabbits. And they were too much work to hunt for the payoff, without any glory in killing a dangerous creature, such as a razortail.

"They all wish your favor... as if you were the Queen or such," he said. "What have you done to attract such interest?" he asked, curious.

She gave him a curious look and answered simply, "I have cooked for them."

He nodded. "I will rest now... vixen. You should do the same..."

The vixen chuckled softly. "I can do that, now that the roast is well begun. Rest well, Mathter." She peeked at him uncertainly. "You do like berry pies? I make meat ones too, although none of those are made up just now..."

"They are very appetizing... I do not eat much..." he said. "I do not need to..."

She frowned a little. "You look like you need to eat more," she contradicted gently, pulling out another pie and pressing it into his hands. "Leave the tin under your bed. I will take care of it when I clean your room later." Cleaning the rooms while the others talked business, unless asked not to do so by those sleeping there.

He left and went off to his room. She noticed he tended to favor one leg, very subtly... it seemed too subtle to be a limp... but he was definitely a bit crooked. The poor Orc... his lack of personal hygiene and thinness aside... his body was not quite formed correctly.

With a soft sigh, Tisha filled a mug of ale and took it up to the guard outside of the investor's door and offered it to him silently. She didn't see the other, and wasn't planning to look for him, but at least the guard on duty shouldn't have to be parched.

"Our employer does not allow anything but water while we work..." he said, annoyed by it. "Bring me water, vixen."

She nodded, returning shortly with water for him, then leaving him alone. Having his employer lusting openly after her was enough; she did not wish to inspire his guards to be looking for her in their off hours.

Tisha hummed softly to herself as she checked on the rabbits, each of which was coming along nicely. The kitchen filled with their savory odor, and she sighed with contentment. Now if only her Orcs liked them as well as her other dishes...

With a mental shrug, she set about removing the greens from each rabbit to be served to an Orc, setting that aside to go with her own meal. The males should be quite hungry, and ready for the finale meal of the night. Waiting on the table were two pitchers, one filled with cold water, the other with Nenald's ale.

Pamdul approached her in the kitchen. "I have come to claim my payment," he said, looking at her. "If there is time."

She blushed, looking up at him rather breathlessly. "I would rather give it after the meal, where we would not be interrupted," Tisha replied softly, melting a little inside and beginning to hope that one of her partners might claim her in a way that would allow her to stay here. Dear to her heart also was not letting their investor know she was willing to bed others, just not him. "Something like that should be savored, don't you agree?"

"I... dreamed about my vineyard, and you were there," he said, awkwardly.

Tisha smiled up at Pamdul, touching his arm lightly. "Thank you for the rabbits," she said warmly. "Will you see if the others are ready to eat, please?"

He nodded, silently and went off. He returned with the others. The investor and Burman were deep in negotiations, which they did not stop, only relocate to the table.

Steaming slices of the same roast from the first evening meal were served to each. However, she had fixed a sweet glaze to cook them in, and the flavor of the glaze soaked into every slice. Each bite melted in the mouth, hardly requiring any effort to consume it. Bread rolls sat in a bowl in the center of the table; she wasn't certain anyone would eat it, but it could easily be cut to hold the meat, or used to soak up the juices that oozed from the meat.

"You will sit next to me when you are not working as I negotiate," the investor told her.

The vixen shrugged slightly in agreement, continuing to put things on the table and ready things for the second course. It did not take her long to realize that no one was touching the food, everyone waiting on the investor to take the first bite. Feeling cross, Tisha schooled her expression to something pleasant, and paused in her work to sit near to Vulmin. She wanted to know if they would like sweetened meat, or if they would find it revolting, and not knowing made her stomach a mass of knots. "It is... and experiment," she stated carefully, eyes anxious.

He ran a finger up and down her arm. Pleased with her presence, he tried some, which allowed the others to eat. "The meat is sweet... it is like dessert meat..." he said. "It is the opposite of a normal meal..." he told her. "You must try more experiments and give them to me..."

Several of the others were enjoying the meal except Burman, who ate slowly. He preferred things spicy... sweet was not to his tastes. He ate her sweet pies only to be polite.

Sharp golden eyes spotted Burman's reluctance for the food served, and she jumped up to serve him some from the unglazed meat, and set out the rabbits for each of them. She looked with longing at her own, but thought it best not to put on the table something that would most likely offend their important guest, especially since he demanded she sit next to him.

The investor, after he started eating, freed one hand to eat, and the other to caress her pelt, mostly her arm and leg. He watched her fuss over Burman and even at the others... he was not blind enough to miss they had her loyalty.

When sampled, the rabbit meat was found to be so spicy as to bring a flood of tears to the eyes if large bites were eaten. The vixen observed the diners closely, trying to determine if she'd put too much spice in the specialty dish, or if her experiment was one that would be well received a second time.

They all seemed to be enjoying their various meals... the two guards looked as if they would eat her if she got too close to their mouths... they shoveled food in as quickly as they could. Their employer was not far off, although he ate more slowly and with one hand... the other with her.

Tisha sat utterly still under Vulmin's hand, trusting that having everyone else in the room would keep him from going too far. When she had any reason to be on her feet as hostess, she made the most of that chance to not be where he would be touching her. Filling tankards of ale that neared empty, offering more sweetened meat to anyone who ran low... although she only offered second helpings to the guards, not wishing to cause them problems with Vulmin over their greed. To Burman, she only offered him the unglazed meat that he preferred.

The vixen ate nothing, drinking only clear water as she watched the others eat.

"I will invest here," he told her, curious to see if she would be excited enough to please him. "Your arguments have been wise... all of you... there is profit here."

The vixen nodded, gaze flicking on him uncertainly, wondering why he acted as if he were speaking for her benefit alone. She liked having the pressure removed from bedding him, but still had no interest in having him as her first lover.

Burman looked at him. "Then... it is settled. I will write the contracts as we discussed and we will put our marks on them. Copies will be sent to the royal archives." He did not like the older Orc's behavior,but he would be gone soon enough... Burman took two pieces of bread and rubbed the meat on them, spicing the bread with its juices. He then ate them together...

When the meat dishes were close to being a memory, the vixen rose again to bring out pies. The one she set before Burman he recognized as being a meat rather than a sweet berry pie; she marked the crusts differently for each. Tisha had made one at the last minute, intending to slip it into Mathter's hands later, but he might like a berry one again.

One of the guards looked at her, handing her the emptied water pitcher roughly, as if she was personally responsible for his sobriety.

Mathter had the oddest table manners of them all; he used his claws to cut his food into little equal-sized pieces which he chewed many times with the oversized teeth Orcs were known for before swallowing. It was painfully slow compared to the others.

Without comment, Tisha filled the water pitcher with fresh water and refilling the guard's tankard. She supposed that in his shoes she'd feel the same way. Used dishes were cleared from the table, and the vixen began washing them. Her meal waited for her, keeping warm by the fire as she waited for the investor to clear out. If he didn't by the time she finished washing up, she'd take her meal with her to her own home, with Pamdul for her escort.

Vulmin, Burman, and Venak were still talking when she finished. Silently she touched Pamdul on the shoulder, handing him one of the covered dishes when he joined her by the fire.

He smiled at her innocently. "It is time?" he whispered.

She smiled at him a little, taking a second covered dish and stepping out the back door. Again she waited until they were a distance away from the inn before speaking. "After I eat... if he had not insisted I sit next to him, I could have eaten with everyone else," she said with a sigh. "Now I am starving..." Tisha looked up at him. "Did you like the rabbit? Was it too spicy?"

"I like it the way you make it... You will make me as fat as our guest. All of us..."

She shook her head at him. "How could the three of you ever match his size?" she teased lightly. They entered her home, and she fell on her own meal of rabbit, greens and vegetables with great appetite, washing it down with water. No longer feeling in danger of fainting, she sat back with a sigh, then stacked the dishes neatly to take care of later. Golden eyes looked up at Pamdul. "I am ready now," she said softly, blushing as she recalled the sweet kiss from earlier. "Shall I sit in your lap again?"

He looked at her. "Yes... can I touch your pelt? It looked good when he touched it... but you didn't like it. I could see..."

Tisha nodded, heart in her mouth and moved to sit in his lap. She'd wanted to wash off the feel of Vulmin's hand on her pelt, but Pamdul's request laid sweet balm over her frayed nerves. "I... I think I would like that," she whispered, golden eyes wide as she tipped her face up for his kiss.

He stroked it, liking how it felt on his skin. He very carefully kissed her. Orcs had to be careful; his mess of teeth could very easily hurt her. He allowed himself to enjoy it, but concentrated to avoid injuring her.

The girl leaned into him, relaxing in his arms and under the gentle touch of his hands. She did not pull away when the kiss ended, but snuggled in his lap to enjoy being held and caressed by someone she felt she could trust.

"I like you..." he whispered.

"I like you too," Tisha murmured sleepily, comfortable in his arms and on the cusp of falling into a doze. Napping often wasn't the same as sleeping, and she'd not yet switched over to nights to see to their guests' needs.

He looked like he might nod off as well, feeling rather comfortable. Her pelt was very nice and soft and he felt safe. Her bed was not meant for more than one, but cradled in his arms and resting on top of his larger frame. Feeling safe in his arms, she fell asleep.

She woke up to being nearly knocked out of bed onto the floor. Pamdul woke up screaming, his arms flailing. He'd fallen asleep with her, even though it was not his normal sleeping time.

Tisha woke with a gasp, startled and rolling out of bed hastily. "Pamdul... Pamdul! Wake up!" Light flooded her home through the curtains covering the windows; she had hours before she needed to return to the inn.

He woke up sharply, curling up. His eyes were wet. "I... am sorry," he said, ashamed. "I will go..."

She joined him on the bed, stroking his hair and crooning to him gently. "You can stay," she whispered, still tired and wishing to sleep. Her bodice cut into her, and she sat up with an annoyed sound and removed it before cuddling with him again.

"Even though I have almost knocked you out of your own bed?"

The vixen sighed deeply, not really feeling like talking. "Try not to throw me out of it, okay?" Her words were drowsy, and she was obviously more asleep than awake as she curled close once more. She enjoyed his warmth, and the feel of his body as she ran her hands over him a little. "Feel so strong..." Tisha murmured, sighing with contentment as she fell asleep once more. He tried to relax, still tense over his nightmares...

The girl's small hand slipped between his arm and his ribs, snuggling close without making any demands of him. She seemed quite content to simply sleep with him, trusting him even though there was no one on hand to make certain he would not abuse her. Such open trust was foreign to him. He slowly drifted back to sleep.

Tisha woke later in the day, still draped over Pamdul. It surprised her how easily she'd slept with him. Still, she had work to do, and would have to get to it. Rising quietly, she tried to not wake him, swiftly dressing in fresh clothing and lacing herself back into her bodice. She moved into the forest, filling her basket with seasonings for meat and gathered tubers and mushrooms for herself. Basket filled, she returned to the inn. Setting the basket down, she filled a tankard with fresh water and took it to the guard on duty outside the investor's room. He looked cranky; they always looked that way, but took it.

The vixen didn't speak to him, nor did she wait for him to hand back the tankard. He could bloody well keep it until after everyone was up and she got a chance to clean things again. In the kitchen, she worked on cutting slices of meat to cook for pies. Setting her mixture to simmer, Tisha cleaned the last of the dishes others used after she'd left, then brought her own dirty dishes back from her own home and cleaned those. From time to time she stirred the meat, muttering to herself about wanting some nuts for another experiment. It had been a long time since she'd had such freedom to experiment with new dishes, and having so many who made her feel that her efforts were enjoyed inspired her. Checking to make certain no one was watching, she diced mushrooms very fine and added them to the pot, as well as onions and sharp spices.

Venak approached her. "You went off with Pamdul last night. Did he deflower you?" he asked, bluntly.

She blinked at him. "No. We were tired and slept. My bed is rather small, and he was kind enough to let me sleep on top," Tisha stated quietly, glancing at Venak curiously before stirring a bit more seasoning to the pot and covering it. "I would like to pick some nuts to try in another dish. Would you care to keep me company?" Tisha dug a basket out of a cupboard and waited for his answer.

"He is foolish for not taking the opportunity," Venak said, honestly. "I will follow you."

Tisha hid a smile as she opened the kitchen door and stepped out, leading the way through the forest to the nut trees she had in mind. "Are you saying I would have had no sleep if you had walked me back to my home?" the girl asked innocently, feeling wicked for prodding him on the issue. But he did not act as if bedding her would be her death as Burman did, which was certainly an improvement.

"Perhaps..." he said, smiling mysteriously. "You said the bed was too small... how would we avoid accidental injury? Perhaps the floor?"

The vixen let her eyes take in the breadth of Venak's shoulders briefly, thinking very naughty thoughts about running her hands all over him. Swallowing a bit hard, Tisha got herself in hand. "You will understand if my experience keeps me from having a good answer for that. I suppose we could bring a blanket with us to someplace where we wouldn't be interrupted..."

"I am sure we can find a place," he agreed.

When they reached the grove she wanted, Venak saw a lovely little meadow lightly dappled with late afternoon sunlight. The grass was thick and soft, and smelled warm from the sun. Tisha located a long stick, and spent a few minutes knocking it sharply against branches, causing a rain of nuts. Humming to herself, she knelt in the grass and collected what she wanted, checking that the nuts were good ones before taking them.

"This is where you wish to bring a blanket?" He questioned. "It is very... quiet."

His suggestion caught her by surprise, as her thoughts were on what she would cook later. She looked around blankly and shrugged. "It would be very private at night..." But she'd miss getting to see what he was doing. "We could... bring a lantern?" she asked wistfully.

"If you wish to see what we are doing... that would be necessary. Orcs can see very well at night."

She blushed and nodded. "I would wish to see," she added in a soft, breathy tone that told him where her thoughts were heading... clearly in a direction he wished for them to go in.

"Then... when do you wish this encounter to occur?" he asked her. "There is much to do, but we can find time..."

"H-how much time?" she whispered, gazing at him, hands filled with nuts. She didn't wish to rush through her first time, certainly. Perhaps the nut dish could be a nut paste for dipping, rather than cooking the meat in it...

"An hour... perhaps..."

She looked a bit disappointed to hear it would be so short, but cleared her expression as she remembered that she had plenty to do all night without diversions. It also occurred to her that there was that much time =now= if they took it. Tisha peeked up at him. "How long would it take for you to get a blanket now?" she asked, slowly continuing to sort the nuts she wanted into her basket.

"As long as it would take to walk back then return with it," he said. "Not a second longer..."

The girl smiled at him shyly. "I will finish collecting the nuts I need while you do so, if you like." He hurried off, leaving her alone.

She worked swiftly to collect as many nuts as she could in the time he was gone, and filled her basket with far more than she'd need for the project she had in mind. Other food-related thoughts danced in her mind, and she let them as more nuts filled the basket. When Venak returned, she was sitting near her basket in the meadow, waiting for him uncertainly. The shadows were longer, and he had to get close to her before she spotted the movement, and another few moments before she relaxed, realizing it was him. Tisha gave him a weak smile. "I am glad you are back," she said softly, a bit nervous.

"I took as little time as possible without taxing myself... I will require my energy... I did not wish to already be out of breath..."

Blushing, she giggled a little, eyes moving over what she could still vaguely make out of his frame. "Do you run out of breath easily?" she asked, feeling that he couldn't possibly. She helped him spread the blanket, then paused, uncertain what to do next. With the light fading, she could hardly see him at all.

He lit the lantern and placed it nearby so the light shone on the blanket.

Her expression lightened and she smiled up at him shyly. "You remembered." It was thoughtful of him, allowing her an equal chance of seeing him and she liked that. Slender black fingers removed the scarf from her head, letting her hair flow freely. Golden eyes traveled over his body with shy hunger as her hands held the bit of cloth she'd removed. The breaze caused her lightly constructed blouse and thick skirts to shift and rustle. So focused on him, she didn't think to unfasten her bodice, or perhaps she was leaving that for him. Giving him a chance to unwrap her, like a gift...

He got down onto the blanket with her... seeking to remove her clothing slowly, trying to unfasten her bodice... not the most dexterous person in the world, especially in his excitement.

Her own breathing rather ragged with excitement, Tisha guided his fingers to the knot and helped him untie it. She liked the way he took his time in loosening it up; it made her feel as he wished to savor this moment with her too. The vixen trembled, breath catching as he eased her out of the restricting bodice.

The little vixen was not full-figured beneath the bodice, unlike Orc girls tended to be. Small, delicately built, she shivered and moaned softly as his hand slipped beneath her blouse and caressed her fur lightly.

Venak shuddered with need at her innocent pleasure in his caresses, reminding himself to not rush through this. He stripped her first and only remembered to remove his own garments when she tugged on them. Forcing himself to wait, he ran his hands over her body, wringing moans and whimpers of desire from her until Tisha was begging him brokenly. The girl gasped as he sank into her embrace, a sound between pleasure an pain. Much as it hurt, he halted to caress her more. When she melted into him once more, both shared pleasure in the moment.

Naked, the breaze ruffling her rumpled pelt, Tisha lay on top of Venak, lost in admiring his strength, running her small hands over his hard chest and powerful arms. Her long hair lay spread over his chest and belly in silky tendrils. She seemed to enjoy touching him very much.

After an hour or so, he pulled away."I must return to my uncle," he said, softly.

She made a small sound of disappointment and sighed. "We should bath before returning, if we do not wish the others to know instantly what we have been doing," she suggested quietly. "Soaproot does not leave an odor behind, but does clean one well. Just... never make the mistake of eating it," she advised ruefully. "I can show you," she offered shyly, golden gaze traveling over him wistfully.

"Why should I wish them to not know what I have done?" He asked.

Tisha blushed, dropping her gaze. It was something that was looked at differently between Orcs and Foxes. "Your uncle will not... be upset that I have given to you what he wishes to have?" she asked in a small voice, imagining his uncle finding ways to talk her into it now that she was no longer a pure maiden.

"He still desires you. I doubt he will stop..." he said. "He usually gets what he wants. That is his way..."

She nodded, long black hair concealing her face. And his uncle wanted her. Not for his own to keep, but to use now and again, when he was around. And Venak had no intention of doing anything to keep from his uncle that she was willing... if one put things the right way. And she dreaded what 'right ways' Vulmin would find. She dressed in silence, taking the blanket and draping it over the basket before lifting the lamp to take with her. Leaving them at her home until she'd bathed would have to do.

"I will see you later then..." Venak said. "That was very enjoyable... I could not tell your lack of experience..."

Tisha paused, but did not look back at him. If he had been Burman, she would have asked him about his other experiences with females. Right now she wished not to be seen by any of the others. "Thank you for... being my first," she said softly, her low tone barely reaching him. She tried hard not to let her worries color her voice, but it was hard to judge. Tears stung her eyes, and she moved off swiftly into the dark forest, away from the inn.

Pamdul found her by the river, washing up. He looked at her, sadly. "You... have been with one of the others..." he said.

She swallowed thickly, face turned away. But no amount of looking away could hide the tears in her voice. "Yes... and now everyone will know I have, and... and the investor will..." Gulping, she shuddered, arms wrapped tight about herself. "...he will find a way of insisting." Perhaps by offering the others far more money than before, as well as money of her own. Then at least when she left the three partners, she would be able to afford to start over. Quiet sobs shook her, and Tisha made no attempt to stop them.

He put his arms around her. "I thought you wished to be with me," he whispered. "I have had many thoughts about it..."

Tisha burrowed into his chest, soaking his clothing and crying harder. Of the three, Venak appeared to have the fewest issues in bedding her. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered. "I did not mean to... to hurt you." And much as she'd enjoyed the experience, the feeling after of only being a pleasant way to pass time made her feel dirty. She hadn't minded so much that the other two of their own group would know, but knowing the investor's party would also know... Well. She'd have to make the best of it, wouldn't she? And Venak would have no right to say anything, no matter her choice. They weren't mates. "I want you, too," Tisha said, sniffling.

"Will you live on the vineyard with me?" he asked her, gently. "I'd like that..."

"I don't know," she said, shivering and clinging to him. Most of all she wanted a mate, someone to love and to be cared for at the very least in return. And none of them had offered her that yet. Venak had offered to be her only, but not her mate. She wasn't willing to settle for that, not knowing how her village would take such a situation. Some would snub her, others would find more... creative ways of displaying their displeasure.

"I want you to," he reminded her.

Reluctantly, Tisha pulled away from him, missing his gentle hold instantly. "I know that," she whispered unhappily. They had all been through a lot, and pushing them to decide if one of them would claim her as his mate would likely push them all away. "Will you... walk me home from the inn again?" she asked, arms pressed tight against her chest, hands tucked under her chin. "Perhaps we will... not sleep so soon this time?" she offered softly.

"I will walk you home whenever you want," he promised, missing her gentle suggestion. "I'm sorry you didn't want me to be your first."

She nodded, blushing as she picked up her towel and dried herself the best she could before getting dressed in fresh clothes. To distract herself, she talked with him about her idea to make a spiced or sweet nut paste to dip thin-slices of meat into. His stomach growled in anticipation.

Tisha giggled at that, feeling better. She smiled at Pamdul, the first time she'd managed that since before Venak told her he had to leave. "Will you help me crack the nuts so I can try this for the later meal?" she asked, not knowing what his plans were. "If you cannot, I'll just work on it myself and serve it tomorrow." After all, if he had other things that needed doing, there was no point in making him feel guilty over not being able to help her.

"I... do not have anything to do... the others told me to leave..."

"Leave?" she asked, humor vanishing and leaving her chilled. "Leave... why?"

"They think I will say something stupid to Venak's uncle,and lose us help... they asked me to stay away and say little."
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Comments: 13

KholdMalik [2007-07-06 13:21:47 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe, good reason for cuttin' here
It turned on a unexpected way, I am amazed with that history!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Catgoyle In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-06 15:43:09 +0000 UTC]

How was it unexpected?

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KholdMalik In reply to Catgoyle [2007-07-06 18:33:39 +0000 UTC]

Tisha had her first... fun without Burman, hehe, it was excellent! So unexpected

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Catgoyle In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-07 10:03:45 +0000 UTC]

(grins) 8 is up, and there are more twists in that one...

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KholdMalik In reply to Catgoyle [2007-07-07 16:15:43 +0000 UTC]

You where right, hehe...

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Catgoyle In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-07 17:31:50 +0000 UTC]

(giggles!) I'm such a wicked woman...!

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Catboy-Trades In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-07 04:24:35 +0000 UTC]

I agree... I was expecting something between Tisha and Burman to blossom first.

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KholdMalik In reply to Catboy-Trades [2007-07-07 16:13:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that's why I loved it: It caught me completely "off guard", surprises are better than when you can say the end of somethin' (it happened to me when I was watchin' The DaVinci Code)

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Catboy-Trades In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-07 21:03:48 +0000 UTC]

READ THE BOOK... much better... if you can get over the explanation of the same terms over and over again... it will make you nearly hate the words Sacred Feminine .

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KholdMalik In reply to Catboy-Trades [2007-07-08 04:26:19 +0000 UTC]

Heh! I always thought that read is better than watch, I ile The Godfather, but the book is much better than the movie.
It's hard to find books here in Brazil, people there just think about soccer and parties, I am a alien here

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Catboy-Trades In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-08 05:10:47 +0000 UTC]

*nods* I love the Godfather... both the movie and the book... I like the book better however because of the fact you can understand how the Godfather thought and what he wanted out of life easier than from the movie.

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KholdMalik In reply to Catboy-Trades [2007-07-08 05:37:13 +0000 UTC]

It was about this that I was talkin': Like you said, books are better

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Catboy-Trades In reply to KholdMalik [2007-07-08 05:39:47 +0000 UTC]

Yep. ^_^

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