Catsbie — Einar

#digitalart #digitaldrawing #dreamart #einar #eyes #krita #male #man #muscles #portrait #blackandwhite
Published: 2021-07-19 08:33:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 784; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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The third oldest of Alasdair's sons.

Einar is basically a hippy I think. He smells like a barn animal and he dresses like a weird pirate. I adore him. It's hard to tell from this picture, but he has long hair. He keeps it in a ponytail. I'm also fairly certain he's had his nose broken at some point.

Einar's sigil is a ram.

You can read more about the princes here---> The Seven Princes of The VeilThis is just an informational type of thing really. This will just be information about Ainz and his six brothers. I'll be updating this as I learn more about them. I'll also be drawing all of them and when their portraits are finished, I'll post them here as well.Bolg,Firstborn son of Alasdair. Spouse(s): 8 (I don't know their names since Bolg's family and "mine" apparently hate each other.Children: 32 with one on the waySigil: HydraCombat Style: No idea. Didn't even get to see him throw a punch before his stupid ass was knocked out.Bio: Bolg is very big. He's massive really. He has the build of one of those professional strongmen that compete to see who can pick up heavy rocks and shit. He's gigantic. As far as height goes, I'm up to a little higher than his belly button, so he's like twice my size. He's also incredibly strong.There's no other way to say it, so I'll just say it. Bolg is a huge asshole. He is vulgar and conceited. I can't stand the man honestly. He bullied Ainz relentlessly for the majority of the latter's life, making his life a living hell in his early years. When Ainz began spending much less time in The Veil, Bolg assumed that he was just too ashamed of his heritage to want to show his face. He had absolutely no idea that Ainz has the ability to slow down time. He took every opportunity he could to insult or belittle Ainz. They really hate each other.After coming back to The Veil on a more permanent notice, Ainz issued a formal challenge to his brothers (at my request). Bolg took this as a personal insult and visited Ainz's castle to throw a tantrum. He decided to accept the challenge and he informed Ainz that he might very well kill him this time around and that no one would miss him if he died. He's a real charmer.The arena fights took three days to complete. I didn't see Bolg at all on the first two days, but there's little doubt in my mind that he was there, observing the fights. Pretty much everyone showed up to watch the fights, as it was the biggest event in to happen in probably centuries. Formal Challenges are ultra rare. On the third and final day of the arena matches, Bolg was easily defeated by Ainz and took a huge blow to his ego. He was humiliated.Bolg wasn't content to just sit idly by after his loss. He sought revenge for his humiliation. He waited until Ainz was out on a hunt and he tried to attack me in Ainz's castle. I ended up being saved by my attendant Loh (attendants are sort of like butlers, but they all go through rigorous combat training as well) who portalled me to Fin's castle. Upon my arrival at Fin's, Bolg tried to attack me again. Fin confronted him and put a stop to this attack. Bolg was actually put in jail over this by Alasdair, but it wasn't enough for Ainz. Upon Ainz's return from his hunt, he beat Bolg within an inch of his life. He is much better behaved around us now that he's had his ass thoroughly kicked, but he's by no means nice. He's not a very smart man. He makes fun of Ainz for not being a full-blooded Visitor, but none of his own children are full-blooded. When I brought this point up to him, he became even more irritable than usual and told Ainz to never let me talk to him like that again.I guess one nice thing I can say about him is that he seems to really love and respect his father., FinSecond son of Alasdair.Spouse: Ada (Ada is his second wife. I don't know the name of his previous one but she's no longer in The Veil and I can only assume she was either killed at some point by the Travelers or she ended her own life. He's never spoken of her.)Children: 9 Four older children who are all grown with some previous Traveler woman and five young boys with Ada. I have only met his younger children. All of Fin's kids LOVE their uncle Ainz.Sigil: Thicket Fox (That's what he called it. It's a fox with several tails and a crown of thorns on it's head)Combat Style: Precision Puncher. Fin doesn't really like fighting and never really participates in the arena. When he is forced to fight, however, he opts for very strong, precise punches in his opponent's weak spots. I have seen him kill five Travelers very quickly with one punch (each) to the chest. He did not participate in Ainz's formal challenge, so I didn't see him fight Ainz in the arena.Bio: Oh God. There's so much I could say about Fin. I've spent far too much time with him at this point. I guess we'll start with the fact that Ainz wouldn't even be alive without him. He saved Ainz from being killed by Travelers when he was less than a year old. Fin was able to save him from being poisoned and has had a major soft spot for him his entire life. Out of all of the brothers Ainz has, Fin is the only one who actually visits him regularly. He's been a big part of my dreams, and he has always been willing to help out when something serious goes down. He is the generally the first person Ainz turns to when we need assistance.Fin is very interested in not breaking any rules, ever. He is always the voice I hear in the background fussing at his brothers about their manners. He's like a teacher who has a group of rowdy children to keep in check. He also dislikes for things to be dirty or out of place. He has a small army of attendants in his castle to keep it spick and span.Fin has always been very welcoming and kind to me. He has defended me twice now and he is incredibly fond of Ainz and I. He has always welcomed me into his home and he invites us over all the time. He has a tendency to show up at our place when Ainz is away to check up on me. He drives me crazy sometimes. He's very affectionate and I hate being touched. He always wants hugs and he's one of those people that will randomly touch you while they are talking to you. A reassuring hand on the shoulder and all that shit. I hate it. I don't hate him, obviously, just his need to constantly invade my space and hug/touch me are incredibly annoying.His wife (they don't call their spouses "wife" but meh) is Ada, and he's always trying to get me to come over and visit her because he's convinced she's depressed. He likes to suggest that I come over to have "girl talks" with her. He cares a great deal about her, but he's right. She's not really that into him anymore unfortunately. His wife is having an open affair (Fin knows about this) with Corvus. It's widely believed by everyone involved in this wonky love triangle that Ada's latest baby is not Fin's, but Corvus's. While it upsets him that his wife is having an affair, Fin would rather her see Corvus if it makes her happy because he fears she will do something drastic otherwise. (This leads me to believe his first wife ended her own life.)Fin is cunning. He can be a bit disarming because he is also very charming at times and he's not built like his other brothers (he's honestly kind of lanky). He's always observing though. Always watching. I have caught him observing Ainz and I quite a bit. I'm not entirely sure what his end game is at this point, but Ainz told me not to trust him too much so I don't. I don't think he's in any way nefarious, but Ainz and I are currently keeping a very big secret and he is one of the people I've been warned to never tell. Out of everyone, he was the only one who knew that Ainz could manipulate time. He has been trying to get Ainz to formally challenge his brothers for decades apparently. He declined to fight my spooky boy in the arena, opting instead to forfeit. He was absolutely stoked when the formal challenge was issued, and he visited us to gush about it. I sat with him and Ada and we all watched the arena fight together. Fin was very proud of Ainz's victory.Fin owns a winery that is considered the finest one in The Veil. His wine is a highly prized luxury, and as such, it's the number one choice for any occasion that I've been to so far. He has a tendency to break into his own wine a bit too early in the day at any events that are being thrown and he usually ends up getting sloshed. , Einar,The third son of Alasdair.Spouse: CynthiaChildren: 1 Possibly another on the way. Loh (my attendant) gossiped with me that Cynthia might be pregnant. Sigil: RamCombat Style: Grappler. If he grabs you and gets you in one of his holds, you're not getting out unless you're willing to break or dislocate something. Ainz had his shoulder dislocated by Einar in the arena.Bio: Einar is very different from the rest of the princes. He dresses very differently from them as well. All of the other princes wear very nice three-piece suits while in The Veil, especially if they are going to be around Alasdair, but not Einar. He chooses instead to wear what I am loosely calling "pirate attire". He wears big baggy pants that are almost like parachute pants and a black, sleeveless shirt with a deep V neck. He ties his whole outfit together with a colorful sash around his waist. I quite like Einar. He is super chill and wholesome. He doesn't smell the greatest, but he's very warm and friendly. I have no idea what the man does in his free time, but he's got the same build as Bolg, so whatever it is, he's very active. He's friendly with Ainz, and he remained friendly even after his loss to him in the arena.Fin calls him a "goat herder" and implies that he lives in a hovel. I've never seen where Einar lives, so I can't verify either way., Grim,The fourth son of Alasdair.Spouse: I don't know her name, but I've seen her before. She's very pretty.Children: UnknownSigil: HoundCombat Style: I have no idea. I didn't get to see much of the arena fight between him and Ainz. I believe his style is similar to Ainz in that he throws and smashes a lot.Bio: Grim is an avid hunter and Traveler slayer. He is usually the one on call to deal with "monster problems" that arise for the citizens of The Veil. He is sent out to all kinds of places by Alasdair to get rid of problem monsters that harass the Veil's citizens. He has a very "serious business" personality so he's not very friendly. He's not a jerk or anything, he's just not very vocal and he's a bit standoffish. He gets along with my spooky boy well enough. He has come to respect Ainz a lot more after his loss to him in the arena. Previously, he mostly ignored Ainz but now he invites him out to hunt with him.Ainz had to fill in the role of "monster hunter" for him for awhile since he broke his arm in the arena. They like to get together to talk about hunting now. I think it's kind of cute that they are finally bonding., Corvus,The fifth son of Alasdair.Spouse: KeirenChildren: UnknownSigil: Raven/Crow (not sure which one)Combat Style: I didn't see much of it, but I know that he opts for speed and stealth in his fights. He wears rings on the tips of fingers that look like claws, and he uses these claws to wear his opponent down with well placed cuts.Bio: This guy is a bit of a jerk. He's extremely cynical. His whole role is something like a spy. He gathers information and keeps track of everything for his father. My first few encounters with him were rather unpleasant, but he's gotten better over time as he has come to accept me more. During out last meeting he was almost friendly. It was weird.Corvus has his own castle, but he spends most of his time in Eastcairn with his father. He is shrewd and uptight. He is having an affair with Fin's wife Ada. Both Fin and Corvus's wife know about this affair, so it's not really a secret. During one of my visits with Ada, she overshared with me that she greatly prefers Corvus to Fin. Gross.Corvus is a complete asshole to Ainz. He usually refers to him as "half-breed". He thinks that Ainz is a troublemaker and he greatly dislikes him. I think this stems from Ainz's tendency to break the rules and laws set in place by his father. He was extremely pissed off when he lost to Ainz in the arena as well, and he spent the entirety of the next few matches informing his brothers that there would be no way in hell for Ainz to win. He was proven wrong time and time again., FolkeThe sixth son of Alasdair.Spouse: UnknownChildren: UnknownSigil: StagCombat Style: I honestly have no idea. I couldn't see much of the fight between him and Ainz.Bio: I probably know the least about Folke. His is apparently a real womanizer and Ainz never invites him to any feasts or get-togethers he's forced to throw. I've only talked to him once and I found his very "direct" personality to be pretty off-putting. Fairly certain he would sleep with literally anyone.He was the first one to get his ass kicked by Ainz in the arena., Ainz/No-Speak,The ninth son of Alasdair.Spouse: Lorelei/Juniper Children: One on the waySigil: Basilisk (with its mouth sewn shut)Combat Style: Brute force. Ainz favors both absolutely smashing people with his fists and throwing them. I don't mean lightly throwing either. Ainz fucking LAUNCHES things. I've also seen him straighten out his fingers and do a wide sweep that obliterates anything he connects with. He can also manipulate time in a "pocket" of space around him.Bio: My spooky boy. Ainz has led a very difficult life. He doesn't know his exact age, but he thinks he's either 356 or 357 years old. There is a large age gap between Ainz and the rest of his brothers. He is half-Visitor, half-Traveler. His mother had the ability to slow down time very briefly, but her ability to do so was incredibly weak and unreliable. His father chose his mother as a spouse for this exact reason. He wanted more children, and he wanted to see if this ability would be passed down. She ended up having three children with Alasdair, Ainz being the youngest of the three. At some point, Ainz's mother was sent out of The Veil. I have no idea why (I heard this story from Fin and he didn't elaborate). While she was outside of The Veil, the world she was in was attacked by Travelers. Both she and her twin boys were killed during this event. The Travelers were in the process of forcing Ainz to drink some kind of liquid when Fin showed up and intervened. Whatever they were forcing Ainz to drink greatly damaged his vocal chords and left him mostly unable to speak without great difficulty. Ainz was less than a year old when all of this occurred. With his mother dead, Ainz was kind of neglected by his father. I'm not entirely sure who raised him, but I do know that he had his own wing in Alasdair's castle. He had a very lonely childhood. While Fin was always very kind to him, most of his other brothers weren't. Since he is a "half-breed", most of them thought less of him. Bolg would hurt him and belittle him a lot when he was a child. Ainz grew to be quite spiteful over time. He would often break the rules laid down by his father, but Alasdair rarely punished him. If anything, Alasdair made things worse by letting Ainz get away with so much. Because he went unpunished for his bad behavior for most of his life, he is openly defiant and unruly. His lack of social interaction with others has caused him to be very distant and hard to get along with. As the years passed, Ainz became very unpredictable and he began leaving The Veil to be on his own a lot. Nobody really knows what he did outside of The Veil during this time, but it is known that he enjoyed hunting down and murdering both Travelers and beasts. He searched for but could never locate higher up Traveler targets like Mirth and Van.Eventually, he encountered me in a "Waystation". (I still don't really know what that place was, I just know it was called a Waystation.) He initially thought that I was a Traveler, and he was excited about the prospects of murdering me. I fucked up his plans when I gave him a name. I named him Ainz. Naming Visitors is apparently a big deal and I don't quite understand why. Up until then, he had gone by the name of No-Speak, which is his Veil name. (Everyone in The Veil still calls him No-Speak).Since I named him, a bond was formed between us and I've been stuck with him ever since. He has both haunted me and protected me. The bond between us grew when I touched him for the first time. I started being able to hear him inside my head after I touched him, and our relationship really changed after we were able to communicate with each other better. Now that we are completely bonded, he doesn't have to touch me to talk to me in my head anymore. Ainz figured out I wasn't a Traveler at all shortly after I named him. He decided to test his theory about my origins, and when they proved to be true, he "claimed me" and marked me with a silver bracelet. Said bracelet melted (painlessly) onto my arm and formed what looked like a tattoo of a solid black band around my right wrist. After a lot of drama involving Travelers, Ainz and I ended up getting what I basically consider to be married. After our "marriage", the tattoo on my wrist formed into a basilisk with its mouth stitched up. Ainz tells me that this is our sigil. He has a similar tattoo on his left wrist, and both of our tattoos are capable of moving around on their own.Ainz has given me the name Lorelei.... 

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