CecilianBobcat — A messy business
Published: 2005-06-27 04:32:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 27; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description      Once upon a time in a kingdom not so far away there lived a young page boy name Nathania. He was apprenticed to a knight who was harsh, but fair. This Page was one day ordered to accompany his knight on a quest. The quest was to rescue a damsel in distress...naturally. Well after putting his knight into his heavy clanking suit of armor the two set out for lands unknown. Accompanying them was of course the damsel who told the story to the knights and the king. She was a nice enough girl though very naive and something of a chatterbox. Alsandra was the name of the girl and to knight was Nabeth. Alsandra was along to see they reached the destination as quickly as was possible for the maiden was in grave peril.
     The page's duties were care for the horse and the knights armor and any other menial tasks that needed to be done. He was tired most of the time, but was very loyal for one day he was to be a knight and some small boy would care for his armor in this fashion...it was simply the way of things. Alsandra tried to help as best she could, but she was a small frail female and was rather useless with menial tasks. They traveled by day only taking short brakes to answer nature when the call became a scream and to combat any knight who was up for the challenge. You see knights in those days knights proved their worth by fighting any knight who was not of their order. It seems rather silly to us, but as was stated before it was simply the way of things. These people being of the time were of course no deviants.
     We will elapse time for the sake of room and get to the good part. Shortly they arrived close to their destination. The knight carefully observed the situation for he was not one to go in with sword drawn and make a fool or lunch of himself. They scouted the forest and found a small hut nearby. The  thatching was worn and a bit ragged, but it held yet. The wood was weathered, but kept the elements out. To put it simply, there was a general feeling of age about the hut. Not decay, mind you, but a certain wizened feel as though it had a story all it's own.
     They crept around in the clearing where the hut lay for a few moments trying to get a feel for the place and it’s secrets. Alsandra stayed behind for cautions sake considering a stiff wind would have likely bruised her small frame. Nathania crept silently behind the clanking form of Nabeth (for a knight in full regalia cannot possibly be quiet let alone silent).They approached the hut and saw a small old women over a bubbling cauldron. She had much  the same appearance as the hut… wizened, but not ramshackle. She was crooning softly and stirring what appeared to be nothing more than water, but one can never tell in such matters.
      Then a rustling noise from the corner caught their attention. She turned and called to the form "Be silent deary...it won't be long now..." She smiled and turned back to the pot...At this point Sir Nabeth charged in "Unhand that fair lady!” The wizened old crone started in surprise "What?" "You who hold that woman against her will I command thee to unhand her at once lest you should suffer my wrath!" She smiled awkwardly at Sir Nabeth..."Go and see for yourself, brazen child, she is here of her own accord and wishes to stay." He started to the corner and saw a woman sitting partially up in the corner. Her stomach protruded and was very round..."She is with child!" Nabeth was shocked to say the least.
     The woman looked at him with soulful eyes slightly glazed over from pain and exertion.  "What are you about good sir knight that you interrupt the birthing of my child?" Nabeth quickly explained they had been led to believe there was a woman in peril here and they had come to save her. The old woman laughed lightly and said "You arrived just in time Sir knight for I have need of your page." Nathania squeaked out a "Me!? What do you need me for?" he asked with eye huge with curiosity. "The baby is turned wrong…you must needs reach in and turn it..." said the old woman as if it were an every day occurrence. The young page nearly fainted on the spot. "I must needs...reach in...where?"
      He turned a bright shade of red as he followed the old woman over to the place of birth and she nearly lost him at the sight he saw when she lifted the blanket. His knees began to shake and his stomach to roll. "In...there?" his voice quivering with uncertainty. He turned white and turned questioningly to his master. "Sir Nabeth what am I to do?" Nabeth (blushing himself for this was not a mans work) makes the statement "Well young page she is in need of your...services...what ever they may be. You are required to lend aid." If it was possible the boy blanched further yet.
      He slowly turned back to the somewhat messy sight and the old woman began to instruct him on what to do. He slowly followed these orders and winced as he heard the woman's startled cry. His small hands did the trick and he managed to turn the infant so it slid easily from the canal. He proceeded to promptly faint  upon completion of his task, but it was of no consequence as the deed was indeed finished  The new Prince was born quietly in a hut with the rest of the hunting party out scowering the country for help. A lady in waiting being the one who found them. The young page was then made a knight on the spot and finished his training under the watchful eye of a grateful king.
                                                             The beginning
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