The 12th Installment for this Year's fabulous Drawtober entry, just in Time for the Halloween Season, and our current Topic for today is "Scream".
So a Edward & Roji's friends, Jasper, Chuck, Mr. Seagus, & Rodney, are exploring thru a Dark Corridor of a Secret Hideout, and as all seems a-bit quiet, they soon heard a little tinker coming from either left or right of their point of view, and as soon as Jasper shines his Flashlight at something, at First they thought it was a Piece of Metal lying about, until, it rises to reveal a Big, Monstrous, Sharp, Bloody, Robotic Monster, like something out of a 'Death Machine' movie, and they Screamed their Lungs out at the Horrid sight of this Network Nightmare.
Death Machine-inspired Monster(c) Death Machine/Fugitive Features/Entertainment Film Distributors
Original Characters & Drawing(c) Edward & Roji/Mr. Jimmy Gibson/Jimmy Gibson Productions