celticknotgirl — Memories to Heal the Broken 3
Published: 2012-06-01 02:33:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 5970; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 24
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Description Bioware owns all these characters. (but I like my Javik better than theirs!) (OK, I like my Liara better too. And grunt, and Wrex, and Tali…well you get the idea…)     

Earth, High Orbit:

The Destiny Ascension hung in space, closely guarding the SSV Nightingale.  Her captain, Matriarch Lidanya stood by the large viewing portal and watched the other ships arrayed close by.  Dreadnaughts of several different designs all sat at station keeping, creating a wall around the diminutive Alliance hospital ship.

Two dreadnaughts from the Asari, Turian, Quarian and even the Batarian fleets had taken station within an hour of hearing that Commander Shepard was aboard and barely hanging on to life.  It was a time honored show of respect and support from the spacefaring races in the galaxy.  The SSV Beijing arrived and the SSV Houston had towed the SSV Normandy over near their little formation, also.  Now ships from the other races were showing up.  While they did not have dreadnaughts, the Volus, Hannar, and Elcor sent their own flagships to stand vigil.

Lidanya was deeply taken with the continued galactic unity demonstrated for this young human.  In fact, the only race not present was the Geth, but no-one had heard from them since the Crucible fired.  That vaguely bothered her, but she was too tired to worry about it overly much right now.  It had been a long, brutal war and she lost a great many friends on Thessia and here in the Sol System.  

And she still had so much work to do.

"Captain?"  Her adjutant said softly trying to get her attention politely.  

"Yes?"  She replied without looking away from the small Alliance ship floating in the midst of giants.  Why did she feel such powerful feelings for this one human?  OK, she was responsible for saving the Ascension three years ago, but there was much more to it.  There was something about the way she held herself, Lidanya supposed.  One could trust her with their life and the lives of their people.  She commanded respect through her bearing, dignity and poise.  Lidanya respected that.  It was rare in matriarchs let alone someone one fifth of their ages.

"The Cybaen reports more ships closing on our position at flank speed."  The young officer sounded a bit rattled to the matriarch.

"So, what's the problem?  They're not Reapers are they?"  She surprised herself by joking about it so soon, a very human thing to do to relieve stress.  She liked it.

"No Captain. It's the Geth."

Lidanya sighed and looked again at the display of unity outside her ship.  She prayed to the Goddess that it would last.


SSV Nightingale ICU:

The crushing black fog fell across Liara's mind as she stood there watching Shepard die.  "Oh Goddess, not again! Please not again!"  She cried out.  Sarah's death had nearly destroyed her after Alchera and now the nightmare was repeating itself a mere three years later.

Moments before, Liara was sharing blissful memories with Sarah in an effort to calm the tortured woman and give her something to live for and hold on to while the doctors worked to repair her devastated body enough for her to recover.  Enough to have a chance.  

But Shepard had forced Liara out of their meld and the young Asari realized now that Sarah was protecting her.  Shepard did not want Liara to be joined to her when she died.  She did not want her love to feel it through their intensely personal, emotionally profound meld as she slipped away into the darkness beyond.  Shepard had died before and knew she was dying again.  She would not let Liara, her love, her...everything, experience it during a deep meld.

The memory crashed through Liara's mind like a dreadnaught under full power.  Sitting in the escape pod and powerless to do anything but listen.  Listen to Sarah's last breaths, her last moments as she fell through the cold, empty void of space to the waiting planet below.  Worse, it had all come through in their bond.  While Liara could not 'hear' Sarah's thoughts, she felt those intense, pulsating emotions of the woman who was facing certain death, yet thinking only sweet, lovely thoughts of Liara and drowning in the crushing regret that they did not have more time.

The doctors worked for over twenty minutes after Liara's meld was forcibly cut off by Sarah.  Dr Silon and Dr Chakwas still worked feverishly trying anything that popped into their minds that could work and restart Shepard's implants.  They could circulate her blood for a while and breathe for her, but she never held on for long.  It wasn't a question of will or desire of the patient, they had never seen a more determined and strong-willed person, it was about how much damage there was to the body and that the implants were not helping any longer.  

One by one the doctors and nurses fell to standing motionless and just stared at the broken, lifeless body of the woman they had tried so hard to save.  They wanted it so very bad because each knew that she had unhesitatingly given her life for each and every one of them.   

As the medical team slowly stopped one by one, and admitted the inevitable, those watching in the room and through the window reacted to the failure in their own ways.  

Liara, her world falling apart into millions of dark, jagged pieces of agony within her soul, walked to the vat and pulled her love far enough out to cradle Sarah's broken body and rest her charred cheek on her shoulder.  Liara rested her own cheek on Shepard's forehead and cried tears that came from the very depths of her heart.  There she stayed, holding her love and whispering poor words to the father of her daughter and the goddess of her heart, to express the flood of enduring love and overwhelming sorrow that clashed and roiled within her.

Seeing this, the usually reserved Dr Chakwas left the ICU and desperately clung to Admiral Hackett.  The aging warrior who felt as though he'd just lost a daughter tried his best to console the distraught doctor while keeping his own sorrow bottled up for later when he was alone.

Tali felt her world being torn away.  Losing Shepard was more painful and pierced her more deeply than losing her own father.  Sarah had always believed in her and never judged her for being a Quarian or an Admiral's daughter.  The young engineer, who had been with Sarah since the beginning and loved her like a sister, sank to her knees and cried into her hands, as violent sobs shook her slim shoulders.  

Garrus turned away from the devastating sight and silently cursed the Spirits, the gods, and everything else in this unjust galaxy that would let his friend's life end this way.  He stood by himself next to the portal, stared at the passing ships and struggled for both breath and meaning in his suddenly emptier life.

Ashley and James stood with arms around each other, each trying to draw strength from the other.  The big man was stoic and tried desperately to control his breathing and barely controlled tears by whispering, "Oh man, oh man, oh man…" over and over again.  Ashley buried her face in his shoulder and wept openly, silently cursing herself for ever doubting Shepard instead of believing and being the friend she always should have been.

Wrex saw his young protégé start losing control and thankful for the distraction, pulled Grunt away from the others.  The young Krogan toyed with his shotgun and stalked back and forth looking for something to destroy.  He had never felt true loss before.  He had never been attached or cared about anyone or anything like he was with Shepard.  "I have to kill something! I have to destroy…something!"  He growled. "I need to…I need to…I don't know what! She was my battle-master, Wrex!"  He would never admit it to anyone, but she was more than a battle-master to him, she was there when he came out of the tank.  She guided him and brought order to the chaos in his mind.  She was a sort of mother to him as well.

Wrex nodded sagely and grabbed Grunt by the arm.  "She was my friend, Whelp, a true Krogan in heart if not body.  The first friend I made in centuries.  We will control ourselves like she would want us to."   Grunt tried to step away, but Wrex grabbed his armor collar and growled at him.  "Honor her! Not your urges!"

Javik watched all this happen.  Saw the pain and wretchedness these people were enduring and examined his own reaction.  He thought he would never feel loss again after knowing his entire race was gone, but he knew loss now.  His own words came back to him again and again.  'All of these people would gladly give their lives for the Commander, as would I.'

Javik silently stepped by everyone and entered the ICU without really being noticed.  He gazed down on the lifeless body of the Commander as the Asari embraced her, the one who brought vengeance to the Reapers for his people and justice to the galaxy.  He slowly nodded as he became convinced of what must be done.

"No!"  He declared.  "This is not over!"

Liara, the doctors and nurses looked at him like he was mad.  He looked piercingly at Liara and told her, "Steel your resolve, Asari.  You must help me and tears will not aide our mission."

Liara gazed at him through the fog of loss and blur of teary eyes.  "What…what are you talking about?"

Javik leveled his gaze and saw hope begin to dawn in her eyes.  "I will give her body what it requires to survive for a while.  You must give her spirit the reason, the desire, to survive the torment."

Liara stammered, "I…I don't understand.  She will not let me in.  What can you do? Is there…?"

"Enough, Asari!"  He cut her off.  "There is no time.  You must get into her consciousness and gird her and yourself from mine when I start my meld."

"What? You can…But how…?  Sarah…"

He leaned forward until their faces were scant inches apart.  "Listen to me, Liara T'Soni."  His eyes blazed with an intensity born of a life lived while his race died.  "The Commander fought, suffered, faced and accepted certain death for you.  Not for the galaxy, not trillions of lives, not duty and honor.  She did it all for you.  Now you must focus your resolve as she did and find it within yourself to do the same for her."  He saw his words had the desired effect as Liara's eyes dried and her jaw set in either determination or anger.  It mattered not which to Javik, as long as she could do the job.  "I will begin.  You will follow.  If you do not, she will die."

He looked to a gaping Dr Silon.  "This will not save her, but it will buy you time.  You must find a way."  With that, he placed his open palm across Shepard's bare shoulder and the green-white glow of his biotics flared beneath his hand.  

He glanced to Liara.  "For me, you will tell the Commander that she taught me much during our time.  I thank her.  Because of her, the last act of the last Prothean was not to take life, but to give it."

The green energy flared and engulfed Shepard.  Pulsing from the ancient warrior's hand and flowing in rushing waves into her inert body.  Shepard threw her head back and screamed in anguish as torn flesh forcibly knit and raw nerve endings reignited in searing agony.

Javik shuddered and howled in pain before forcing himself to level his gaze at Liara and grate through clenched teeth, "Now, Liara T'Soni! She needs you now!"

Liara gathered her strength and used all her mental and emotional power to drive her consciousness into Shepard's.  She felt Javik's spirit vaguely flutter as she crashed through the outer layers of Shepard's will and further, into the very center of Shepard's being.

Casting about, Liara desperately gathered what was left of Sarah and wrapped her own soul around it in an iron shell of her making, protecting Sarah as she had protected Liara during their last meld.  She felt Sarah push her away again, but would have none of it.  She grounded her effort in devotion, love, and pure stubbornness and managed to resist Sarah's effort to protect her.  'You will not die!' She commanded in her mind. 'You belong to me and our baby! You are MINE!'

Liara could feel the agonizing, lancing lightning flowing through Sarah's body.  Felt the woman's soul flinch from it and pulled her love away from it.  Back into the past, back to a place where Shepard could rest and endure the pain while it lasted.


Normandy SR2:

"So tell me what you want.  If this all ends tomorrow, what happens to us?"  She asked in a tone meant to hide the anxiety welling within her.  She knew what her heart desperately wanted, but had no idea how to voice it to Sarah.  The pain of losing her before had changed the young Asari in ways she could never imagine.

Sarah got that stupid little impish grin on her face that always made Liara want to kiss her.  "I dunno.  Marriage, old age, and a lot of little blue children?"  Liara saw the joking manner, but sensed Sarah's deep hope that she would want it also.

Liara knew she had hurt Shepard before on Illium.  She hated herself for it, too.  But people bear scars that can make you do things you never thought possible.  She smiled and playfully pushed Sarah's shoulder.  "You just say these things."  Though she wanted nothing more than what Sarah had just said, she walked over to the desk and looked at that awful helmet.  Scarred, pitted and bent, it represented just how fragile even Sarah Shepard was.  That she would die again sometime and Liara would likely have to endure it again.

"Goddess, you were dead."  She says more to herself than her love.

Flippant as always, Sarah says, "I got better."

She hears the confidence in those words, the bravado that pulled her to Shepard in the first place and turns.  She is there, so close, so real she wants to… but she drops her hands.  "This time, but you're going to leave again."  She steps away, needing to get this out.  "When your team is ready, you'll leap through the Omega-4 Relay."  She turns back to Sarah, gazes into those amazing emerald eyes and tells her what her heart feels.  "I spent two years mourning you.  So if we're going to try this…I need to know that you're always coming back."  She stepped into her arms again and felt that same electric thrill gather power deep inside herself.

Sarah's lips twisted into that same grin again and her eyes danced with burning love and desire, "I don't know. That's a pretty big promise to make."  She drawled.

Liara knew she was undone.  She was completely and utterly under Shepard's spell, and she gave herself over to it.  "Oh, is it?"  The heat between them built as those soft, full lips inched closer to Liara's tender skin.  She could feel her love's warm breath on her neck and her heart started racing as it only did when Sarah was near.

"I'd have to have something pretty special to come back to."  Sarah breathed.

With the last of her control, Liara teased, "I'm…open to suggestions."

Sarah lightly touched her lips to Liara's neck and whispered, "How about…this?"  At the same time her strong, but tender hands ran down over Liara's butt and caressed it gently.  

Liara finally gave into Shepard completely, needing to feel her warm skin against her, see her passion flaring hotly in her eyes, and finally join their minds together in the ultimate act of intimacy again.

Liara relived the beautiful moment with Shepard again, feeling their love for each other finally chase away all the pain and doubt of the past.  Liara was in heaven.


SSV Nightingale ICU:

The stunned doctors were back to work.  "I see a twenty percent improvement in neural activity and somehow her heart and lung capacity has increased two fold."  Dr Silon said in a shaky voice.  

Liara still held Sarah in her arms, but now her face was lifted up with an angelic expression of love gracing her delicate features.

He glanced at the Prothean and shook his head in admiration.  Javik had released all of his life spirit and power into the Commander.  After the last pulse of green biotic power flowed from him, he collapsed to the floor, lifeless and limp.  

Half of Silon's team now worked fanatically with their limited knowledge of Prothean physiology in a desperate attempt to revive him.

Dr. Chakwas had come back into the ICU and started working with renewed energy.  But, after several minutes, she gave Silon a grave, meaningful look.  They both knew that even with this small miracle, without the implants, Shepard would be dead again within an hour.
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Comments: 29

Valkyan [2015-07-26 20:34:29 +0000 UTC]

I'm crying ...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JessGaskell [2014-06-04 15:56:06 +0000 UTC]

OMG I've read a lot of ME fanfic, some very sad and well written ones but this is the first that made me properly cry, not just well up, but properly sob!!!  

There's a 4 right? Please tell me there's a 4!!!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Buzzz1 [2012-06-17 11:19:00 +0000 UTC]

o boy (uh.. girl.. ) , i had some anxious moments reading your story.
we all know by now you are so fond of liara, sarah and what they have, you'd never NEVER end either one of them.
you know what i think is a pretty big achievement?
you've written it like this is all hanging by a thread, and i really am in despair.
thinking: o noo noooo, hang in there!!! don't die on liara, don't die on us! this can't be happening! no no no! o pleaseee no!
how can this take a turn for the better... ever!?!?!?! o my god, even the characters are giving up on her... this is bad. why is this happening? stop writing! i've got to stop reading!
and then we're inside this beautiful memory. and all seems right. and i know the're love is undeniable, unbreakable, and sooo deep, profound and intense!
and then we're back in the icu. nooooooooo!

it's one big emotional rollercoaster, i give you that.

so. in fact you are a professional storyteller. right?
and you applied for the job at bioware. right?
and they said no, because they would rather blow up shepard in the end and leave us all puzzled (but actually thought: o no, she's way out of our league!). right?

i love your stories! i love your writing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celticknotgirl In reply to Buzzz1 [2012-06-17 11:44:30 +0000 UTC]

You are so very too sweet to me, Buzz!

I loved your comment and I'm glad the story has captured your imagination and I could take you where I was going with it.

Thank you for the flattery, flatterer. I wish I could tell stories for a living and work for Bioware! That would be epic!

Thank you again. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SithiR [2012-06-03 20:24:23 +0000 UTC]

YES, finally, somebody who gets it. For one thing, you were aware of and you admitted one of the most refreshingly wonderful, entrancing things about Liara -- when I'm "with" her, there is somebody who feels to me as learned and kind and intelligent and curious as I am. No more sad-alone clinical depression when I am "with" her, when I think about her. Your previous chapter actually came out and admitted that Liara is smart. Most people leave this out, so that it feels sexist when they leave it out.

The other thing -- when Javik said "She did it all for you." I had no proof that anyone other than myself had felt that way before. But after Liara and my Zhenia had met, yes. Absolutely. Not a shred of doubt in my mind.

Does your Sarah start to feel amorous every time she glimpses Liara fighting, and is the reverse also true? It certainly does for Zhenia, because it does for me as the player.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celticknotgirl In reply to SithiR [2012-06-03 20:42:00 +0000 UTC]

I agree. It's Liara's intellect and kindness that puts her a cut above other Asari (like Shiala).

I think my Shep is more in awe of Liara when she's out kicking butt. How can she be so gorgeous, smart, driven and be able to level a Brute? Liara's the total package!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SithiR In reply to celticknotgirl [2012-06-04 02:07:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh, awe too!

Perhaps there will end up being a proffessorial Chair named after her at the place she went to school (U. of Serrice). People will vie to be honored as T'soni Fellows (Sisters?) in Archaeology.

Or, there may someday be a Liara T'soni Center for Intelligence, as our Central Intelligence Agency has its internal Center for Intelligence, very much like a (controlled-access) graduate school, named after George H. W. Bush. But I consider this latter possibility rather unlikely, because she was never a serving intelligence officer for her government.

How many died there, in her home place? Will greater happiness ever return to my dear one's home? Across a world, how many live after the War? A few thousand? Fewer? Sad doesn't even begin to cover it. Do the Republics have civil defense networks? The subways, like the massive protection level of the Moscow Metro? Do they have undersea habitats and immense city submarines? I think the Alliance must have some truly wonderful submarines, making today's Virginia Class look like the tinker toy of a demented child. I say this because it would be very hard to find and hit a good submarine with an orbital bombardment. The water conceals it and absorbs so much impact energy.

But the Asari ... their submarines must be absolutely awe-inspiring. They are water beings! Liara "told me" that the root word is asyárriyh, "dappled ones," as of the sunlight on the water, or in the forest, or on one's body when the sun breaks through the window ...

My Shepard loves Liara so much, she learned Liara's native dialect. Can you see the intent look Shepard has, studying? I tried to draw the glyphs for Liara's name, I imagined how "Liara had taught me" -- but my attempt to draw her name didn't turn out very well. She says to me that liara is the mythological archetype of the "serene bird" which they have among their people. t'soni signifies "of or relating to the miners," "of the clan of the miners." She says to me that for formal occasions one adds aile'Benez, "offspring of the brightness." Of course, no word for "son" is present. I suppose they must now have an offworld loanword for "son."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celticknotgirl In reply to SithiR [2012-06-04 02:47:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow! There is so much material in these five paragraphs. I think you should take it and run with your own FF of the Asari or Liara's future. I think it would be very detailed and interesting if you did.

I think there are at least millions still alive. It took the Reapers hundreds of years to wipe out the Protheans. Seems like they wipe out the cities first, but then you have milions more living in the country-side that are harder to find and get to. (my thoughts only.) I never even thought of undersea habitats. That would make a good story, also.

I had to laugh, thinking of my Shepard sitting there concentrating, the tip of her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she bent her mind to it. Too funny.

In all, very interesting, you could write a very intricate story with all this. I'd like to read it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SithiR In reply to celticknotgirl [2012-06-19 08:03:07 +0000 UTC]

Her name is Zhenia, "hospitality," and her surname, Pastushkova, is the feminine form of Shepard. It is awkward to constantly have to explain that your name is hospitality. So, in English-speaking countries, she uses "Jane." Russians don't have middle names, they use patronymics instead, to which the women then add -a on the end. So, in English-speaking countries, she uses the middle name "Eleanor" (Hannah's middle name, Commander Shepard's mommy's mommy's name). Hannah is also a registered nurse.

Russia has a monarchy again by that time, but it is constitutional, which is unprecedented. The Tsarina's voice-only message -- the Protectress-General of All Holy Russias, their Colonies, and Appurtenances -- the message is going to be wracking, towering, blood-curdling. "To the profane and godless Abominations who slaughter billions of our citizens, whose names will be written only in ashes and spoken only in Hell ..." Stalingrad doesn't even come close. I imagine the warriors from India in the Siachen Glacier fighting the Reaper ground forces. I see Ghurka fighters screaming in rage. I see the British leader quoting Churchill. I hear the words he chooses. I see the Pact of Islam fighting the Reaper ground forces, and the War of Ten Thousand Martyrs. I see the asari, with their immense city submarines and their undersea habitats and their ballistic missile submarines lancing second-strike missiles into orbit. I see Zhenia, a polyglot, who speaks Russian and Serbian and English and Karshamai Batarian and Quebeçois and even has a *perfect* command of Liara's native dialect.

For CAN YOU DREAM OF EVEN ONE BILLIONTH OF HOW MUCH ZHENIA LOVES LIARA UNTO DEATH AND PAST IT? Every time she has killed, since she met Liara, it has been in Liara's name. When she thought Liara had been killed, she tortured the shadow broker's troops to death, bit organs from them and threw them on the ground, severed their limbs while they yet lived, turned insane, became aroused by what she did to them. Jack was terrified of her. Samara, controlled but icily just as enraged.

This from a Paragon.

Then Zhenia wept at what she had done. Drenched in blood, smearing Liara with blood of many different colors, kissing her, kissing her, collapsing against her, sobbing and mewling and kissing and loving, speaking in Tyann'asyárriyhha. "I'll never, I'll never ... never ... never again ... so sorry ... for ... I thought ... "

"I would have done the same thing. Dear, dear, dear one. I'm here. I'm yours. i'm here. I am alive. There, there. It is ... rage is in sentience, ever-beloved. For in water and in fire is the spirit forged."

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celticknotgirl In reply to SithiR [2012-06-19 08:30:32 +0000 UTC]

Wow! That was...intense. I really think you should write out a formal story. I've seen some of the very well thought out near-stories in replies to others. You have a singular talent and imagination. I really enjoyed the entire back story on Russia and the references to the historical stubborness and valor of past generations. This could...no, should be written into a story. Please!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SithiR In reply to celticknotgirl [2012-06-26 23:37:57 +0000 UTC]

Not now. Can't do that. Too busy with other things. Unpaid internet contributions of two realistic but imaginary vehicles, for those who like to play the pen-and-paper roleplaying game "The Morrow Project." Post-apocalyptic humanitarian aid game. New edition game coming sometime reasonably soon. Game's makers are company called "TimeLine Limited." Since I have autistic tendencies, have a high-functioning learning disability, and I am not a so-called neurotypical, I have significant special and "unfair" advantages. One of them is the ability to evaluate disasters, emergencies, and outbreaks of violence with total emotionlessness whenever needed. "Okay, suppose that a nuclear explosion occurred? How would I go about helping? First, there would be ... and one would need ... and what the government would do, according to the contingency plans we know of, would be ... " But on the other hand, I have trouble admitting certain errors, get lost easily, get obsessed with sounds, have sensitivity to light, can't recognize faces hardly at all, get depressed, have problems with selfishness and lack of empathy because part of me forgets that other people have their own minds and keep existing after I leave a room, etc.

I have lots of physical therapy and a taxing job in a chocolate shop, and stuff like that. Please don't comment about how chocolate shops must be fun all the time, it's mostly just muscles firing, things happening, objects moving. It is just a job. And, because there are times when my emotions suddenly switch off for no reason, therefore I can be a miserly and greedy person. I have the job because I want the money. I look down on people because they admit that acts of terrorism cause emotional stress, and that victims of terrorism cannot just go on as if nothing had happened. I would rather get shot than not know the answer to a question on a test. For me, the hardest thing in the world is to face the situation where "I studied, but I don't know the answer."

Part of me hopes that you yourself will be inspired by what I have said, and that because of me, you will get your own inspiration for some story that you would not otherwise have written. However, I couldn't admit this because it might look bad.

Here's one thing. In Mass Effect, Cerberus killed the Pope. If you do not know, you can look in the Shadow Broker's files. I am not Catholic, but this is totally unspeakable. No matter how many disagreements one might have. I thought before that the Illusive Man might someday support us, repent, and have a good soul again. I thought he would support us in ME3. I used to be angry and disappointed that the plot line had the folk of Cerberus driven into madness and opposing us. I still am, but now, it is mostly because it is sad. I thought he would give us Cerberus combined arms forces following our orders -- air/space wings, black sky vessels, mecha, bots, tele-ops, infantry, whole package. I thought he would help. I imagined Shepard as the Illusive Woman, successor to the Illusive Man, forging Cerberus into something good and righteous. I saw her saying that the Cerberus vessels were to fly on THIS course, bombard THESE coordinates, make the assault in THIS manner. I said, "Win. And someday, we will see Aria bound over for trial, and we will bring artists and peacekeepers and civil engineers to help Omega, and put Samara where Aria used to be." Samara said, in ME2, that she was thinking of returning to Omega for some time so that she could help. And then, we will bring about what Arcangel was trying to achieve. It is a failed state there, Omega is a failed state, much like the present Somalia, Colombia, or Sierra Leone. What must righteous people do, when we see such things? We must keep helping. Help them uplift themselves. Then, we have a new reformed place from which we can consolidate relief assets and help others, branching out from Omega.

So, I say the sitting Pope of the year 2186 actually called a crusade, a real crusade, against Cerberus and against the Reapers. He was not kidding. He actually proclaimed it, and it was not a metaphor but a literal urging and directive. The first such in NINE HUNDRED FIFTEEN YEARS. Counting Catholics living in extra-solar locations, it may have been a million or more people who went to fight. The Pope stabbed an indoctrinated assassin to death, in self-defense. He said he didn't care about his own life. Next, did the Pope resign, the first one ever to resign? Did he go and fight himself? In breach of the 1815 Council of Vienna, hundreds of Swiss Guards left the Vatican. He stated that prohibition was not valid anymore. They went with his blessing. The Swiss guards poured out and they went fourth with other devout Catholics and they fought. Zhenia is not Catholic, but I don't know if she's a Russian Jew or an Eastern Orthodox person or a Subbotnik.

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liquidfire101 [2012-06-03 03:23:40 +0000 UTC]

Not going to lie I cried during this one. You have written another brilliant piece of work! I just love reading these from begging to end. I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter and I got to say I am rooting for Shepard and Liara.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

celticknotgirl In reply to liquidfire101 [2012-06-03 03:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kind words!

It means a lot when I see people are emotionally invested in the story like me. Anyway, I'm rooting for them too. Let's hope the dice (and the goddess) are kind to our favorite couple!

Thanks again.

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liquidfire101 In reply to celticknotgirl [2012-06-04 16:04:39 +0000 UTC]

The kind words are well deserved so you are most welcome. I hope the dice and the goddess are rooting for them too. It would be sad to see it end with the death of one of my favorite characters of all time but death also has a way of making stories epic lol. Can't wait to read more.

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lololwot [2012-06-02 00:30:23 +0000 UTC]

you just keep on delivering amazing posts,the characters are incredibly well written, incredibly compellig story and an amount of feels that you seem to nail (and improve) each time!
cant wait for part 4!

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celticknotgirl In reply to lololwot [2012-06-02 01:45:15 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Thank you so much!!

I hope I can keep it going and do justice to these characters!!

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metaloman88 [2012-06-01 23:59:37 +0000 UTC]

I love your work, it is well written, well worded and very emotional and emotionally engaging, your stories never fail to bring tears to my eyes. This series as well as your other works are just brilliant in my book.
Looking forward to more of this story! And thank you!

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celticknotgirl In reply to metaloman88 [2012-06-02 01:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I really appreciate your kind words.

I hope I can continue to do justice to these amazing characters.

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CrazyGreggy [2012-06-01 15:33:48 +0000 UTC]

2 little latin phrases seem appropriate here.

Amor omnia vincit

Dum spiro, spero

Hold on, you two.

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celticknotgirl In reply to CrazyGreggy [2012-06-01 21:31:59 +0000 UTC]

I know! I really hope they make it!

I tried translating-I think the web-site I used isn't a very good one. They came out:

Love always victorious


While breathing, hope

Is that right?

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CrazyGreggy In reply to celticknotgirl [2012-06-01 22:04:55 +0000 UTC]

More or less, aye. Usually accepting meanings are

Love conquers all

While I breathe, I hope OR where there's life, there's hope

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celticknotgirl In reply to CrazyGreggy [2012-06-01 22:14:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Cool phrases, I may use them sometime!

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Maman-Ourse [2012-06-01 13:32:39 +0000 UTC]

I hold my tears. It's well writting. You did a great job. Congrats!

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celticknotgirl In reply to Maman-Ourse [2012-06-01 21:29:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I'm very glad you liked it!

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Big-Wired [2012-06-01 04:57:36 +0000 UTC]


Again, you are just nailing the characters of both Wrex and Grunt in their interaction, and the final salute from the final Prothean was simply amazing and powerful. The pain that everyone is feeling is just so heartfelt and right for their characters, and not in a shallow, angst ridden way either.

I like how you mentioned as many of the other races as possible, and I have to wonder just what role the Geth are to play here. Hell, I'm just happy to see the Geth at all, since that BS Red energy beam was said to have wiped out all artificial life.

Will we see the other memmbers of Shepard's crew from Mass Effect 2? I know that Miranda is off with her fighter squad and that Jack is tending to her class of biotics, to be sure, but I imagine that they'd race to support their commander as soon as they were able.

You are a frigging amazing writer.

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celticknotgirl In reply to Big-Wired [2012-06-01 05:04:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so MUCH!!!! YAY!

I really felt this part and hoped I was able to give it justice. YAY!

I'm thinking of the other characters, but I admit I'm streched to my ability with the amount there now. I may have to have some go do some work first. We'll see.

Geth? What Geth?

Seriously, though. Thank so much!!!! YAY!

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celticknotgirl In reply to Big-Wired [2012-06-01 05:01:07 +0000 UTC]

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SaintWalker1806 [2012-06-01 02:38:12 +0000 UTC]

Nice work! I'm enjoying these chapters!!! I can't wait to see what you do next!

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celticknotgirl In reply to SaintWalker1806 [2012-06-01 02:39:58 +0000 UTC]


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