Stallion ID: Pierce #7-2
In response to: --
Art features: Pierce , Sycamore
Story features: --
Word Count:--
Aging: --
Healing: Pierce S (1/1)
Pregnancy: - -
Captured: --
Mare Steal: --
MS Pregnancy: --
Destination of Bachelor: --
Items Used: --
Companion Animals:
Sycamore - P
Members that own outside horses: --
Bachelor Herd: --
Collab: --
Rolls: Normal Rolls
Reference Source:
Ref 1 - ElaineSeleneStock
Ref 2 by noelholland
Other: Pierce and Sycamore are off on their morning patrol - they head out pre dawn to ensure their boundaries are safe and all is well in their roam-able piece of land. While their routine is serious, this doesnt stop the close allies from conversing idly during their patrol.