This took me quite a while to complete, but I am really proud of it now!
Link to import/ID#: ID#1878 Denali
Link to Tracker: Denali's Tracker
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:
Robin - 10% chance to succeed in marathon competitions.
Tortoise - 10% chance to win 2 Felpoints or Runecoins when coming in last place in player vs. group competitions.
Brawn - Your strength and power increases your ability to succeed in any player vs group held competition by 3%.
Swift Paws - Your agility and brisk need for speed increase the odds of placing first in marathon competitions by 5%.
ITEM USAGE - Gogo Juice (from my cache) - +10% chance to win in Marathon or Capture the Flag competitions. Can only be used once a month.
Correct Setting/Prompt: +10 points