chaosheart13 — Konpeito Castle App: Alette

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Name: Alette Vida
Species: Eternal Flower Floette (Shiny)
Type: Fairy
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (Really 2371 years old)
Birthday: August 26
Height: 0’8”
Weight: 2 lbs.

Course: Composer
Contest Type: Primary – Beautiful

Secondary – Cool
Rank: Producer
Specialty: Film directing

Personality: +Proper +Knowledgeable =Quiet =Soft -Numb -Distant

History:  Alette claims she was born in a faraway land, Fängelsehåla, though she won’t so much about it. What she does say was that at the time of her birth, she was once normal, with a black and red flower to mark her birth. She grew up thusly, with the little black and red flower, while retaining a respectable image among her sisters. But as time went on, she would grow curious of the outside world and go out to explore it and that she has been exploring to this day.

In reality, she was born a long time ago to a noble family, who were able to live long lives due to strange magic, taken from the souls of other Pokemon. Unlike her sisters who were normal, Alette was shiny and was treated as very special. Her mother, the matriarch of the Eternal Flowers, personally taught her shiny daughter the ways of their family, though she planned on keeping the reason for their eternal lives a secret until she was ready to “grow up.” Aside from her mother’s lessons, which she couldn’t help but feel were slightly overbearing, she grew up happily like any other Flabébé, believing that once she got her Eternal Flower when she came of age, she will be able to fulfill her destiny of being the future matriarch.

Time passed and she evolved into a Floette, her teenage years beginning to fantasize the stories of strange beings called “humans,” that were in a faraway land. They said that there was a reason why they were unable to be like “true ferals,” and it fascinated her to no end. What were they like? she wondered. It soon became her dream to open a trade with the humans, thus bridging the gap between Pokemon and humans. Alas, it was merely a dream, but it excited her nonetheless.

Then it was time for her and her sisters to come of age. Her mother gathered her three daughters together and gifted them the black and red Eternal Flower that marked them as adults. But that didn’t stop there, for soon the matriarch led them away to “celebrate,” despite not wearing any ceremonial clothes. She thought that it would be a momentous occasion. It was, but not in the way she thought it would happen. The four of them traveled to a village that took until nightfall to reach. Once there, her mother promptly performed the ceremony, leeching the lives of the villagers so that her daughters would become Eternal Flowers. She could only watch in horror as villagers screamed and she saw several of them stumbling out of their homes, slowly turning to stone. Her sisters were equally as horrified, one of them even asking if this was the fate of all their sisters when they came of age, to which their mother answered. But it didn’t matter, since they would soon have eternal life and as time went on and they had their own children, their children, too, would go through the same ceremony. It was too terrible, made even more so when the shiny Eternal Flower Floette was told that as the future matriarch, she would be the one to carry out this deed. It was too much for her, so when her family slept, she quickly fled.

As the village was close to the sea, she took a boat and promptly sailed across the ocean. Though she wasn’t really prepared and suffered hunger and thirst, she found that she could not die. By the time she reached another shore, she had momentarily lapsed into unconsciousness and was delirious when she woke up. The human couple who found her nursed her back to health and that was where she began to learn about humans. While they were unable to speak the same language, they gradually taught her about the big world out there and she became utterly absorbed into this new information. The stories were true, humans were real! She continued to learn, even as the couple had children and they grew up and left the house while the couple themselves grew old. But she never aged, and she could only watch sadly when the couple died, first the husband, then the wife. Once they were gone, she began to travel around the world in order to learn about it.

She soon learned the evils of the world. Wars, discrimination, hate, she saw it all and was at first horrified by what she had found. But soon, she just grew tired and numb, wanting nothing more than to sleep forever. But she could not die.

There were some good things, though. Art, stories, acting, the arts were able to keep her going and realize that some things in the world were beautiful. As time went on, she grew a desire to create such stories and art, though she was unable to think of a way to effectively tell such stories. She studied all sorts of arts, from songs to paintings, from the sensual to the material. Seeing the beautiful made her want to show everyone the beautiful side of the world, to forget about the hate that seemingly engulfed the world at times. And what better way to capture it than on film? She bought herself a camera through the money she had accumulated an became an amateur film director, filming anything she deemed beautiful whenever possible. When she heard about St. Konpeito Academy, she believed that this would help her show people the beautiful things in life and thus she began to search for this mysterious Academy.

Hobbies: Exploring, reading, studying art forms of all sorts, researching and learning in general

Extra: - Ability – Flower Veil

- Moves – Light of Ruin, Petal Dance, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain

- Her scarf, she claims, protects her from poisons.

- Has become fully used to clothes, so they don’t bother her as much. However, she does like to wander around nude at times.

- However she will never wear a bra or underwear. They’re uncomfortable for her.

- Her uniform is the standard uniform because she can’t think of anything else for what her uniform should look like. Also, she’s trying to be “traditional.”

- Her favorite type of film is documentaries.

-Her flower is tied to her camera for easier transportation.

- Misses a storage system from back home, as she now is unable to keep everything she wants. At least there’s a bank.

- Though she has accumulated a lot of money through her travels, she has lost her entire fortune at times during economic depressions.

- Is partial to music boxes.

- Views herself as a gourmet and can be picky with her food.

- Loves to fly, despite not having wings. She’s also a little interested in the concept of wings, styling her outfit to have a pair of “fairy wings.”

- It is unknown if the magic she was exposed to will allow other sort of magic to affect her.

- Lives in a large dollhouse, which is in a room in the dorms.

- Is a little disgusted by the fact that those who are well off are so wasteful. Has learned from her travels not to waste anything.

- If she could, she would die. She’s lived a long enough life, after all.

EXP earned:
chaosheart13.deviantart.com/ar… 25 exp (50 MN)
chaosheart13.deviantart.com/ar… 82 exp (50 MN)
Rank up!
Rank up!
107 exp

MN Amount:
100 MN

My second character for Konpeito Castle! I'm pretty happy with the way I drew Alette, bar the flowers. Screw the flowers. Also it looks like she's missing an arm in her coord outfit but that's not the case. Her arm also has the upper flowing sleeve and the lower flowing sleeve separated just like her shown arm. Aaaand her clothes are see through for her coord because I thought that would look pretty on her, though maybe her fellow classmates won't stop eyeing her lol. The only thing not see through are the badges and rank ribbon at the base of her tail. I'm pretty happy with the skirt on her uniform! I basically took white, used different opacities, then used the smudge tool to smudge it all together. It came out great! Also you can't see it but the sash above the skirt is supposed to have four black hearts in a square like in the uniform ref, but her hand covers that soooo. |D Also I didn't shade this one either and I think this might be a running theme for my characters in Konpeito Castle? The only reason why I didn't shade was because of the transparent clothing sooooo. But yeah, Alette!

Oh man her backstory is super long I did not mean that. OTL I like it though, I think it's interesting. Unlike her personality traits lol Though I'm not sure if some of it is allowed...eh, I'll see when I show it to everyone. Maaaan I'm starting to be okay with app art drawing Anyway, I hope she's acceptable! 

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