ChaosOverlordZ — Harlequin Duo

#harlequin #lunar_empire
Published: 2023-10-08 14:59:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 16081; Favourites: 86; Downloads: 4
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Description With  Harlequin tour Miyuki pinched her butt. While she could grip the pink and white harlequin outfit and it stretched a little bit, she had no idea how to get this off. She pondered for a moment how it got on in the first place. She was with a school group doing a small tour of the guild hall. Suddenly the chequered floor turned into a semi liquid and they all sunk in. Well that was it. She ultimately just had to shrug, at least there was a mirrored surface down here to admire herself. It wasn't a bad look Pink and white harlequin outfit, Some black diamond patterns on the side of her leg and a chequered one on her right arm. “No idea how the mask works,” she said leaning in to look closer. The pink domino-like mask made her eyes completely white yet they seemed flexible. Whole thing made little sense, but that was probably the point. Finally on her head was a jester cap featuring two long tassels that went all the way to her hip. She giggled a little as she just watched herself wiggle her head and jingle about. After a brief moment she sprang to her feet with a smile on her face and hands on her hip. Well no point is just wondering what to do. May as well explore, see if she could find a way out, and if there was any sign of a problem, there was always violence!While she started walking at first, the hall or corridor.. She wasn't sure, she was walking down just kept going, that to pass the boredom she did a few hops, some backflips. Her outfit made things tingle pleasantly, plus it helped distract her from the bewildering patterns all about. Her elf ears twitched as she heard a few familiar giggles. Right past her view. She had thought it was walls but the patterns must have been so designed she couldn't tell what was what, some harlequins walked by almost in a giggling trance. The outfits all had different patterns and colours but rushing to them cause even a bunch of crazy people were people, she could see it was members of her class. Once she could get close she could start to identify them more clearly, the yellow black and purple one was Angelica, a rather haughty blond girl. Blue and green was Elon, a rather smart boy and really wanted to do well in their studies.. Though both those elements of their personality seemed to not be present in their expressions as both had big crazy smiles. Miyuki did a little spin twirling jump in front of them, she didn't really think about why she did it like that at the time. “You two look out if it” she said with a fair bit of snark. Angelica was the first to speak, “HI Miyuki!” still with a big smile. “It's so much fun here” followed Elon. Miyuki crossed her arms and tilted her head “oh, and what did you do?” “angelica quickly replied “ well we…" Then paused, Elon looked like he was going to say something but couldn't. “You two have just been walking down the corridor too haven't you?” The two turned to look at each other, which seems to have been it, resulting in them snapping out of whatever stupor they had been in and causing Miyuki to do a very exaggerated laugh. “What are these gaudy clothes i'm wearing?!” Angelica spoke tucking at the skirt and other areas of her get up once her personality returned to normal. “Dear Gods! You can see my.. Well a .. between my “ he was referring to a notable bulge between his legs on his outfit. The whole thing caused Miyuki, already doing an almost over acting level of laughter with big expressions now, to be on the floor holding her sides. “Will you get up! you embarrassment? Are not elves supposed to be cultured?” Angelica spoke with disdain, though couldn't hold back as her eyes kept going over how good Miyuki’s figure was in this get up. Miyuki barely stopping laughing, raised one arm in the air “Oni by adoption!”. “I recall there being 9 in the class” Elon spoke trying to be a more calm person between the laughing pink elf and the yellow and purple snob. “Egil declined to come so that leaves Dela, Maria, Kwan, Kabir, Elena and Seren. I suspect they are in some state similar to us.” As he paused for a moment Miyuki intersected “so in these kinds of get ups and probably going nuts?” Elon turned and looked at her “yes, probably.” He was about to continue pondering as it was helping calm him from the state they were in, something angelica was clearly failing at, when he had a realisation. “Miyuki, why did Egil not come?” Miyuki who was picking herself off the floor replied “oh he had been in here before, mentioned getting turned into a zombie and shoved into a room till he stopped being one”. This prase shook the other two as they spoke in unison “ZOMBIES!” Miyuki waved her hand dismissively to them “not the undead kind, according to him you end up almost sleepwalking about for a while wanting to bite people. After a while he said the Guild master pushed him out as he didnt want to stay.” they looked at eachother “ I should have pinged that lamia was up to something… feel dumb now”The three began walking down the halls together again, Angelica was looking nervous, her haughty nature hiding as the idea of all the strange things that were going on were sending chills down her spine. Elon was mostly deep in thought pondering everything while Miyuki was mostly unphased. Given what had happened to almost every elf, this was nothing. “Miyuki, did he say how it turned into a zombie” Angelica spoke clearly nervous. Miyuki shrugged “he got bitten by one” she replied quickly with little concern. Elon then spoke “with the fact this hall has gone on for so long, the circumstances how we got here and that, its clear this place is not normal, even by the capitals standards.” Elon had been born on earth so the way things in the capital were was not something he was initially used to, but in time things like lots of different species, a strange background presence and other oddities did start to feel a little more normal to him, but this place exceeds even that initial feeling of bizarre. And then, a chasm before them with floating platforms. With a shriek Angelica clung to Miyuki as Elon looked down. “While I wouldnt say its bottomless… this place has defied explanation. We could look ba” turning round he saw not a straight tunnel they had been walking on but rather it was a spiral, and the floor had gone onto the walls, ceiling, and then round again how had they missed that? “I don't think going back is a good idea, we were walking for Somnia knows how long after all, besides Elon how good are you at athletics?” He gulped and did a jump to the first platform, it was as he had hoped and seemed better than outside as he reached it “well.. I can at least make this far” He was winded by it. Miyuki was about to jump when Angelica tugged at her arm “I.. don't think I can make that jump on my own yet” Considering how much angelica acted like a pampered princess, seeing her like this was very entertaining as Miyuki without a word lifted her up and jumped onto the platform with Elon. As they jumped from platform to platform both Miyuki and Elon got a little more confident with each one. It got to the point Elon was getting rather quiet in thought again while Miyuki was more wondering if that was Angelica rubbing her head against her. At the end of the chasm there was a female harlequin who just held up a sight with 5 on it, giggled and then leaped into the walls. They group looked on as a 2d version of her jumped along patterns on it as if it was a side scrolling platforming game. Angelica finally wrecking herself off Miyuki went and touched the wall seeing her hand enter it “we can.. Do that?” she spoke in amazement” Elon walked up putting his arm in too “seems we can” Their arms feeling weird as they became flat images. Miyuki turned to Elon “you got very quiet back there, so what were you thinking?” she had noticed he got quiet when deep in thought so he must have been thinking about this whole thing. “Given the state you found us in and so far what we have experienced, this whole area is most likely training us. Had you not snapped us out of our craziness we probably would have jumped along that with ease, being a little bit mad” “well this is definitely a little bit mad” came a somewhat distorted voice, turning back they noticed angelica had fully gone in the wall and was a flat image now, she waved at them “I don't really know how to describe this but… being 2d is… yeah no words” the flat Angelica shrugged The flat Angelica walked alongside the two “you going to stay in there?” Miyuki in her usually brash manner said without turning her head. “It's not doing me any harm, and im experiencing something new without having to debacle myself” replied the flat girl. Elon paused, finding a door, opening it he saw a room filled with large polka dots, and then closed it quickly seeing what looked like a shimmering snake rise up “not that way”. Then large pictures began to cover the walls. On the side with angelica looked like a burning building, the other some kind of factory. “Still want to stay in there” Miyuki smirked to which Angelica put her nose up “it's just a picture” she said walking in. Elon walked along looking at them “it's odd, how do they make these move?” He leaned in , was that a face? Looking around he saw more, the moving parts, were harlequins. Harlequins in silver outfits forming gears in the factory image. He turned around and looked at the other one, those dancing flames, they were also harlequins “we have to get angelica out of there” he spoke urgently but for angelica a flame harlequin dropped down behind her and gave a seductive giggle “you should dance with us” she said dancing slowly towards the blond girl, arms flowing as if flames. Angelica took a step back, the bewildering appearance before her “I.. am really not very good” she then felt something warm behind her, another flame harlequin pressed right next to her “you can be, just be the flame with us!” that warm feeling spreading from that point of contact, her image starting to change turning into reds, oranges and yellows, almost looking like it's catching fire, yet not painful, pleasurable. “Well… it.. It feels nice” Angelica spoke as that nervousness seemed to be being burned away as the flame harlequin in front also pressed up against her. It felt so good, her body and arms started rapidly swaying and wriggling as more and more her get up changed to match the two flame harlequins pressing up against her, their bodies mingling and caressing at times. “Be the flame, dance with us” they both spoke gently into her ears, the heat flowing through her, as the tops of her jester cap started to point up and then with a woosh, she was one of them “yes, I am the flame” she spoke in exhilaration, her body swaying and wriggling almost suggestively, the haughty girl burned away in passionate dancing flames. Miyuki stood in the doorway looking at them, having entered the image to get her out “Can't leave you here princess” she said getting the flames attention, the one that had been angelica dancing forward “oh Miyuki it's so wonderful, and like this I can tell you” “ not interested” the elf interrupted going to grab her but the flame danced out of reach and right up to her “ I want you Miyuki, I need you” she says rubbing her body up against Miyukis a warmth spreading from it “I just didn’t know how to express myself” Miyuki felt weird that warmth was so pleasant “you… didn't?” Angelica's arms came round Miyuki body still swaying “but now, we can be flames together” *she spoke as she kissed Miyuki causing her to turn into a flame too. New passions burned away at the old as they danced together embracing as one role, the flame. While not in the picture Elon felt hot watching it, but for different reasons. He for a moment considered going in to try and get them, but being more rational realised he would just end up dancing too. He kept an eye on the picture as he walked forward eventually finding two harlequins, both standing perfectly still wearing masks covering their faces, one side the colour of their outfit, the other white but completely blank of features. No hair or ears were shown as the material of the suits covered even the sides of their heads. “Hello Elon” both spoke unnervingly yet almost hypnotical calmly “ you know me?” he replied “we were Dela and Kamir but now we are both harlequin drones” They were about to explain that but Elon put his arms up “ Drones now! What else is there, I learned zombies are a thing, two friends have just been turned into sexy flame girls” the drones calmly replied “ would you like them turned back?” This caused a momentary pause for Elon “you would help me?” the drones without the slightest movement continued “ as a drone we exist to help to be of use, ask us and we shall obey” Elon thought for a moment, incase of a monkey's paw situation he best phrase this careful “ok, outside of turning them into more drones, how do I return people from being flames?” the drones robotically walked past him and pointed in the painting “there is a fire hydrant and other means to combat flames, putting out the flames will return them to their non flame sleeves” there was a wince of annoyance that he missed that, having been to focused on the movements and harlequins in the picture he missed that vital detail. Pressing his hand in he was momentarily bewildered by the change in perspective to a 2 dimensional one, but noticing a glow approaching he grabbed the extinguisher and headed to the opening. There were a few harlequins before that, he considered spraying them but he had taken basic fire safety and knew these did not have an unlimited supply, best to dodge. Finally coming to the entrance what had been Miyuki and Angelica almost eroticaly dancing with eachother, fighting back against a stiffness down below he aimed the extinguisher and the two flames were gone. Miyuki patted herself down while Angelica was somehow more red in the face than when she was a flame. “Come dance” came a voice behind Elon but rather than respond he just rushed to the two and they exited. “Are we going to…” Miyuki spoke before Elon, firmly embarrassed at the sheer number of innuendos of what just happened shook his head violently, Angelica still unsure what to do after… that. Attention then turned to the two drones, Elon stepping forward to explain “these are, or were Dela and Kamir” Miyuki looked closer at them, “harlequin drones? Hmm, odd combo” she said, barely giving Elon time to finish. The two had remained stiff at attention the whole time the rescue happened. “Well, that leaves 4 people still to find” Angelica said, getting up eager to move on rather than let the conversation get to what she did with Miyuki, “Then we can all leave.” This statement caused the two drones to finally react “ we do not wish to leave. We are drones, we are to be useful. You should become drones too” Their voices once again were almost hypnotically calm, to the point the two seemed to be making sense to the point the idea of becoming drones seemed, reasonable. “I think we should keep pushing forward rather than listen to the two people trying to tell us to give up our free will” Miyuki broke the silence with “oh right” the other two replied coming out of a mild trance and dropping the two drone masks they were about to put on. Miyuki kept them talking rather than let the idea of becoming drones sink in “so how did you two become drones” she asked the two. “We found ourselves lost as you most likely did.” the female drone spoke, most likely Dela a red skinned oni “while running from some figures chancing us we entered a room were several harlequin drones were preparing for a show” spoke the Male one, Kamir. “They helped us, took care of us and showed us the wonders of being a drone. After that we realised it would be best to seek out the rest of the class, to help them.”Miyuki decided that was enough on that subject as otherwise it would become tempting for the other two, Elon seemed the most susceptible. “So how did you find us so quick?” she asked “we were informed that in this place to find where you want to go, you merely must above all else wish that. As drones are minds are clear and focused so..” *Miyuki interrupted again to stop that becoming tempting “ok so if you can take us to where other harlequins are then?” “understood!” they replied as they opened a door to a room filled with them, all doing weird different things. THe room itself was beyond sanity, floating shapes spinning in the air with harlequins just sitting on them even if they were upside down. What looked like that old crazy stairs painting brought to life but harlequins walking up and down them. Padded bouncy floor where they just seem to be chilling you. The group found a small space to sit at, while there were no chairs the floor seemed soft enough so crossing their legs they sat. “Before we do anything else I believe it would be best to remove their masks” said Elon, to which Miyuki was already in the process of doing. The two put up no resistance and soon their faces could be seen. Both blank yet serene. A feeling of being content. It was part way envious and unnerving to look at. Miyuki looked at Dela and how her horns could now be clearly seen yet the mask had no indentations in it. Turning it round she poked at the side to be worn, and it felt soft. “Put it on Miyuki, you will love it” spoke the unmasked Dela, and part of Miyuki felt like agreeing, the side looked strangely like it wanted her to wear it, and she wanted to be wearing it. Elon and Angelica were saying something to her, yet she couldn't hear them, only hear the voice telling her to put on the mask. “You will be content, live to serve. Exist only to serve” it was these words that had an unintended effect on her, for they hit something deep that only the elves of the empire knew, their time turned into Golems. The similarities sent a shiver down her spine that pulled her away from the mask.Miyuki paused and looked at the faces of the two non drones, then proceed to smash the mask in her hand, then the the other. Elon looked at the two drones expecting to see them return to normal but they didn’t. “Shouldn't they be themselves again?” came Angelica's voice. Elon pondered “it must take more stimuli to break them out of what ever programming they are under” *Miyuki put her arms behind her head almost falling backwards but managing to stop herself “well cant be helped I suppose, so what are we to do? I for one am a bit hungry” Miyuki’s statement made Angelica realise something “how long have we been here?” she spoke to which everyone, even the 2 drones turned and looked at her. While those 2 did not react much the non drones both then started to try and work out how much time had past since not only finding themselves in the outfits, but since entering the guild hall. “I suppose we could hole up somewhere till we all get a few hours sleep and something to eat” Elon uttered while trying to put together how long they had been there, the problem being his head was a bit blurry during that point he and Angelica were out of it. “Miyuki, your probably the best at talking to the others” he said eyes glancing at Angelica, thinking on how the posh girl was now so out of her comfort zone she seemed like a easily panicked child “ so if you could ask one of the many around here” Miyuki got up and nodded in acknowledgment. Approaching two harlequins juggling to each other, since they seemed like a better choice than the ones completely out of it going up stairs that go along a wall or the roof, or really any of the other weirdness, Miyuki gave a polight wave. “Hi were new here and.. “ one of them cut her off “don't worry, after a short while you will fit in juuuust fine” he said with the same crazy smile Elon and Angelica had earlier. “Thats not the issue, its been a long day and we just need somewhere to stay the night, and eat.” The two never stopped juggling, but did start throwing a ball or two towards Miyuki to get her to quickly join in “well thats a different problem now. For sleep the floor here is comfy enough if you don't have a room, there are a few cafeterias however, if your really hungry, you can find them easy” She was able to take in this information, though her attention was also a bit focused on not dropping the balls, she kept throwing them back but they did too. She was enjoying the practice but really needed to get back to her classmates, so started to move back while throwing them before dashing. Getting back to the group Angelica was the first to comment “you had a good time” her haughty nature creeping back into her voice. Miyuki partially apologised but Angelica continued “if it was that bad why do you have such a smile on your face” reacting to this Miyuki touched her face, she was indeed smiling, recomposing herself she sat back down before falling back to lie down “those two said the floor is good enough, and feeling this I believe them.” Elon leaned in “and food?”. Miyuki rolled a little to look at him “if were hungry we should find the places. I suppose its like what those drones said, when you really want something here you find it.” the other two fell back Angelica rubbing herself a bit when finding out how soft it was. Elon turned to the drones “you two lie down too, and no trying to turn us into drones while we sleep” The two repeated in unison “understood” as they too fell back into sleep. Elon was the first to wake up, dreams of colourful shapes still burling slightly in his face as his eyes opened to see the blank serene drone face of Kabir looking right at him. “Why do you resist becoming what you want?” the drone asked. “I have no intention of becoming a drone” He retorted. The drone showed no emotion and continued “you felt the desire more than any other, does stress at school get to you, hinder your want to study? As a drone you will not have stress, you will do as you're told. You can study without worry, without distraction.” Elon wanted to counter, but the drone was not lying. He paused a moment before finding an answer “but also without free will” expecting a victory the drone merely tilted its head “is that important?” the drone held out a mask, it glistened, it was for him “I suppose… not'' he said the words of the drone and the beauty of the mask eating away at him. He grasped it in his hand and placed it on his face. The felt so comfortable, like the most comfy pillow he ever rested his face on, yet he could breath and see just fine. There really was nothing wrong. He felt calm, relaxed. Unnecessary thoughts and concerns didn't bother him anymore. He did feel a tingle as his harlequin outfit slightly morphed, the sides of his head being covered and merging with his hat. He understood now, why those two had been telling him to become a drone. He understood why being a drone was good. “Welcome” The drone that was Kabir said to his fellow drone “thank you for convincing me” the drone that was Elon spoke, the tone of his voice now gaining the calm tone the others had. Angelica was the next to wake up, Miyuki seemed to have rolled a bit on top of her in her sleep. No surprise there that the Oni by adoption was a messy sleeper, still it wasn't bad to be this close again. “Welcome back awake Angelica.” came Elons voice but sounding different, calm. Angelica rubbed her eyes while seeing three figures sitting up in front of her. As her vision cleared she could see Elon now wearing one of those drone masks. “Crap crap crap!” she said rubbing the sleeping elf to wake her up. “What is it?” Miyuki said as she got up. Angelica, momentarily lost at the realisation Miyuki did almost look like a elf princess or priestess before she had the time to mess up her look, refocused herself and pointed at the 3 drones. Yawning Miyuki asked them “didn't we order you NOT to turn us into drones in our sleep?” the answer came calmly yet instantly from what was Elon “yes, I was convinced and converted after I awoke. The experience is most desirable and you two should join us.” Miyuki leaned into Angelica, which did cause the girl to blush “we should stop them talking for now and get that mask of Elon, maybe it is easier to reverse if fresh.” Angelica, finding all this a bit of a sensory overload, even Miyuki’s smell was wonderful, managed to bring herself to reply “how are we to do that?” Miyuki pointed at elon. “ a stimulation should bring him back if its not to long in, you distract the other two.” Angelica beckoned the 2 drones over to her while Miyuki advanced on Elon. “Elon, I do hope Egil isn't the Jealous type” she said, the drone began to answer before Miyuki flung off his mask and kissed his blank face on the lips, a little motion and tease down below to add to the effect. The fresh drone couldn't handle it and “That… erm was a experience.” he replied his voice now back full of life. Miyuki giggled a bit nervously as she pulled her body back from where it was pressing up, She wasn't loose and not too fond of all this, the memories of what she did with Angelica in the wall still being complicated. “Ok Angelica we got Elon back” She said, turning to Angelica. “That is a shame, being a drone is so comforting” Angelica’s voice was hypnotically calm as she turned round revealing a drone mask on her face. Sighing heavily, Miyuki decided not to bother waiting for them to speak, removed Angelica's mask and kissed her on the lips. This instantly snapped her back.With all 3 of them normal again Miyuki sat back down, she wouldn't admit it was because the floor was just that soft on her bum and enjoyed it in the harlequin outfit. “I think we should find a way to send them ahead” she spoke. Elon nodded “I agree, the risk of them influencing us while trying to find the other 4 is too great. Fortunately, while a drone I had the clarity of thought and realised a way to do so, Drones you will leave the guild hall and return to the school” the two drones stood erect “we understand and obey” they turned and a door appeared which they walked through. After it closed Angelica was the first to bring up the obvious question “should not have we gone through that door too” Miyuki and Elon looking at each other, embarrassed at that obvious escape, they quickly tried to justify it as wanting to save the others, though Angelica was quite to retort the could have left, informed the school then come back better prepared. Leaving the large room after checking the other 4 weren't in there and having a nice meal. The three walked back out into the hall. “If the rules of how this place work are true, we just need to really want to find them and we should'' Elon spoke considering all the information he now had, plus it helped distract him from what it was like as a drone, which he had prangs of wanting to return to it. The 3 opened the next door and in front of them was a spiral, they knew they shouldn't look at it, but it captured their gaze instantly. It felt Comforting so all 3 walked slowly into the room with it, getting closer to it. It didn't speak but they knew it wanted to show them something, an experience that had been on each of their minds for some time. As they gazed deeply their bodies tingled, muscles relaxed and tensed multiple times. In their minds however thoughts seemed to slow. Who they were no longer felt important as strange new impulses grew in dominance. Complex thoughts no longer felt possible or important, these new desires and impulses were all that was important. Slowly their arms began to rise and to anyone watching the eyes of their masks changed from white to the colours of their masks. Once it was done, in their very quiet minds the 3 knew what they had become, and the zombies left the room, wobbling slightly as they walked.The notion of leaving or finding their fellow classmates didn't enter the 3 zombies minds. All that mattered was wandering aimlessly, unless of course they found non zombie harlequins. If that happened they knew to bit them, that it would turn them into a zombie as well. There was a strange pleasure to it all. It was wonderful walking around with other zombies, every time their bodies wobbled into one another was a lovely reminder they were not alone plus the sense of touch on the outfit was enhanced and tingled nicely.They didnt know how long they just aimlessly walked. Time didn't matter to them, neither did any concern or worry. Along the corridor they spotted someone, a young harlequin, they waved at them. The young harlequin was too late to realise something was off as the 3 grabbed them and Angelica opened her mouth and bit into their upper arm. For angelica this was a whole new wonderful sensation as her teeth pressed down on the harlequins suit. Pleasure flooded though Angelicas body as the harlequin winced in pain. Pushing her off they looked at their arm, no breach of suit or skin but, they felt weird, light headed. The Zombies just stood back as the young harlequin began to turn. Soon there was 4, being in a bigger group felt even better.And this is how they were for some time, even added another to their group. Harlequins that had been around longer were able to see them coming so effortlessly moved around the small group.Then just one day the 5 of them weren't zombies anymore. Angelica woke up first as reason began to flood back in. the other 2 original started to remember who they were as the impulses died down, and finally the 2 they turned. Elon though was the first to speak “that was, something.” Angelica though a little embarrassed spoke next “I.. kind of liked all that.” For her there had been none of the haughtiness she normally portrayed during it, she was with friends and everything felt good. Miyuki was about to comment on it herself but then remembered they had picked up 2 others “oh we found Kwan and Maria, erm sorry about turning you”. Maria rubbed the part that Miyuki had bitten into “you really scared me for a moment, but then..” *she blushed remembering her experiences. Kwan though was more perplexed “what was that?” Angelica was the one to answer “That was being a zombie harlequin, apparently Miyuki’s boyfriend had been one, but I thought you could only turn by being bitten?” the rest all looked at Miyuki who ultimately just shrugged. “Still that was… really nice” angelica spoke as a smile crept on her face not unlike the one she and elon had had when Miyuki first found her “yeah, no worries..” Miyuki said as a smile began to form on hers too “So fun…” Elon then uttered joining them as did Kwan and Maria, all 5 of them smiling like full harlequins. Written up it felt a good time to get full pics of Elon and Angelica in the harlequin get ups. I had designed some pics but it lacked the full pose and the jester caps for that finishing touch. Nicely  www.deviantart.com/mythkaz  let me commission him to get them done. So combined with   you get the trio of harlequins fully designed.
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