cheesycheesecrackers — FranceXReader Live
Published: 2013-06-16 05:00:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 2367; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 0
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The night was illuminated by a haunting blaze. People were murmuring and shouting. I ran towards the crowd, they kept screaming; witch, damnation, sinner. My heart was aching, my head was weary. The people parted as I ran, when I got to the middle...the center of the crowd. I saw...I saw my beloved. She was tied to a stake, her eyes filled with fear. Her wrists were raw from trying to escape. The flames, the fire, consumed everything in it path. I stopped, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't do anything to save her it was to late. I grasped at my heart trying to keep it at bay. I looked at her eyes, she looked in so much pain. She looked at me with tears falling down her face. "It's okay.", she mouthed. She then was bathed in orange. The initial shock faded and left me in despair. I tried reaching out to her, my hand nearing the warmth. "Joan!", the heat of the flames clashed with my tears. 


"I'm so sorry."


"Francis! Francis! Wake up!"


I sat up, my breath was at a quickened pace. My heart beating anxiously. I looked towards the voice, my eyesight blurry. I then saw eyes full of worry. 

I was then enveloped in warmth, not like the one in my dream. This warmth was calming. Then I felt familiar hands hold my face. 

"Francis, it's okay. It's okay." 

Her thumbs wiped away the droplet of moisture that silently left my eyes.

"It was just a bad dream. It's okay now."

This voice was so calming. My heart was quietened. I was once again embraced.

These arms. This voice. They all belong to her. 

To you.

The love of my life.

"Are you okay now, Francis?" Your voice was filled with concern.

"Yes. I'm fine now." I responded. 

I tightened my hold on you, and snuggled my head into your torso. I let out a breath.

You understood what I said with my actions.

You understood that I wasn't yet fine.

I needed you to stay closer to me.

You understood, you held me and you began to soothe my soul.

 Your understanding, that's one of the reason's I fell in love with you.

We stayed like this, until I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of the birds. To my surprise you weren't next to me.

I then heard the clangs of pots and pans in the kitchen. I lazily got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Good Morning.", you said with a smile on your face as you made breakfast.

"Good Morn..."

"Ouch", you flinched.

"What 'appened? Are you okay?"

"It's alright. I just burnt my finger.", you continued to work on the food.

"Burnt", that mean there's a fire. Fire, fire, fire. Glimpses of flames, screams, and whispers came to me.

"Wait!", you stopped what you were doing.

"Cheri, you should put zat under cold water. I'll take care of breakfast today."

"It's just a small burn Francis. I can still make..." 

"No. It's fine, today's my turn to do it anyway" 

Why am I so flustered? It's just cooking. Nothing to fret over. But that dream...

"Francis, is something wrong?" your voice took me out of my thoughts.

"N-no. Why do you ask?" 

Why am I so shaken? It was just a dream.

"Well, you seem agitated." You came and stood by me.

"It's nothing."

Your so close to the stove. You should get away.

"Can you set ze table? Breakfast is almost ready."

Anything, do anything. My heart, it feels so uneasy. Please stay away from the flames.

"Sure" you began collecting the silverware and setting it on the table.


I have to calm down. The world has changed, they wouldn't hurt you. 

You wouldn't have to go through the pain Joan went through.

The world is different, but my heart knows that humanity can be cruel.

Is it this or is it that my heart knows that humanity is frail.

And it's this fragility that can take your life away.

Why is it that I fell in love once again?

Knowing that you would have to leave me eventually.

Knowing that I can't grow old with you.

Knowing that I can cause you so much pain.

"Francis, it's getting late. We should go to bed."

I stepped away from the balcony. The day had passed quickly. It had morphed into night. The lights on the Eiffel Tower were lit. The bustling of the city went from the day breakers to the night owls. The stars that once illuminated the sky so clearly are now overpowered by the diminishing forces of pollution. 

I walked into the bedroom. You were already dressed in you sleeping wear.

Your beauty was still spectacular. No matter what you wore.

You looked at me with those compassionate eyes of yours.

What would I be without you?

I got dressed and got in bed. You were already under the covers.

I scoot in and gathered you in my arms.

You turned and gave me a kiss.

We stayed there in that kiss until our breath needed to feed our lungs.

After that we fell asleep once more.

I really hope that the fears that dream brought are forgotten tomorrow.


Flames. Shouts. Death.

This awoke me in the middle of the night. 

I couldn't go back to sleep.

Life wasn't content with me having to live through Joan's death once.

I have to relive it.

I got out of bed being careful not to wake you.

Your faint breaths resounded within the room. 

I walked to the door and put on my jacket.

I tried my best to open the door with a little noise as possible.

The night was cold, my breath congealed.

My hands felt the cold, to warm them I put them in the pockets of my coat.

I walked the streets I've walked down for many years.

As I crossed them I remembered many thing.

I remember countless of solders marching to war.

Their families giving them shouts of farewells.

They marched off proudly.

But when they came back, their faces showed fear.

Fear of what they saw.

Fear of what they did.

Fear of the truths of humanity.

I remember this one young man.

He was mature for his age.

He understood the cruelilty of the world.

Yet he understood it's beauty.

One time during one of the battles, he showed unwavering strength.

He fought for his friends using all he could.

Yet when he turned to see if they were still there.

He found that they all left him there alone.

He smiled and whispered under his breath.

"Run you cowards. I no longer have to stand to protect you."

He collapsed, his breathing turned heavy.

He stared at the sky.

He coughed some more.


He silently prayed.

His chest stopped heaving.

 I went to check.

 He had the same smile on his face, and only one tear glistened on his cheek.

Although, the battle was lost.

I learned more about humanity that day.

The bells began to ring, signaling the hour has come.

I should go back home.

Enough reminiscing.


As I walked back home, I smelt smoke.

Then I heard fire engines bellowing there sirens.


My heart pained my chest with the painful twinge of fear.

It could not be.

It can't be.

I began to run.

My mind spinning many possibilities.

It could just be a coincidence.

Yet my fears could be realized.

I'm almost there.

My running came to a stop.

The building where our apartment was engulfed in the eerie orange glow.

The fire taunting me with its laughter.

I saw our neighbors outside staring at the fire.

Some coughing, some crying, and some just stood there.

Where are you? 

Where are you? 

I couldn't find you anywhere.

You were not outside.

If you were not outside...god.

I must get to you.

I ran towards the building.

As I got closer, my mind began to calculate the way to get to you.

My mind only thinking about you.

I felt someone restrain me.

"Stop! You can't go in."

I can't stop. I must find you.

I pulled against my restraint.

"Let go of me!"

I took a step closer.

"You can't go!"

I can't waste time.

"I can't leave 'er!"

"I  can't let zis 'appen again."

"Not, when zere's a chance she can be saved!"

I finally escaped.

I ran into the building.

I put my scarf over my face.

I must go up the stairs.

I ran up the stairs two at a time.

Luckily the building was only two stories.

But it was old.

It burned quicker than the ones made today.

I got to the second floor. 

Sweat began to trail down my body.

The smoke began to blurr my vision.


I got to our apartment door.

There were flames surrounding it.

I took my coat of I put it around the door knob.

The door was locked.

I threw my weight against it.

It took three times to break it open.

I went to the bedroom.

The doorway was blocked by flames and deberace.




My throat began to hurt. The smoke taking its toll on my lungs.

"(F/N), are you okay?!"

"Yes! But what are you doing here? You should leave!"

"No! I can't do zat! I can't leave you 'ere!"

"Francis, the door is blocked. There is no way for me to escape!"

"I'll make a way for you to escape."


I had to find a way.

My jacket had a few scortch mark.

I could break the door open.

But how would I...

I got an idea.

I checked if the kitchen facet was still working.

I turned it on.

It took some time for the water to come out.

But miraculously it did.

I got my jacket and drenched it as we'll as my scarf.

Now I need to get to the bedroom.

Prepared as much as I was I had to get through that door.

"(F/N), get away from ze door."


  You didn't't respond.


I had to get in there.

I took some steps back.

I ran with all the speed my legs had.

I hope you weren't near the door.

I jumped, the door broke with the force of my impact.

The room was hot, and flames had erupted here and there.

I found your form, sprawled out on the floor.


No, it can't be.

My mind was swept with the worst of possibilities.

I crawled to you.

I turned you gently to your side.

I put my ear on you chest.

There was...silence.

I laid you on your back.

Tear began to sting my eyes.

I was to late.

I lost you.

My body was racked with sobs.

I held you, I cradled you.

"Dear God, why!"

I held you, your head nestled in my neck.




Your voice faintly reached my ears.

My tears stopped. 

I turned my gaze to you.

Your comprehending eyes gazed at me.


"Francis, live."

"No, I won't leave without you."

Your eyes idled.

"No, (F/N). Stay with me, don't close your eyes."

My hand held your face.

"Stay with me!"

I pleaded, the tears once more escaping.

I had to get you out of here.

I had to get you to safety.

I laid you back down.

I got up and assessed the situation.

I got it.

I got the mattress from the bed.

I think it'll fit.

I kicked to balcony door open.

The fire got more ravenous as they consumed more oxygen.

I went out to the balcony.

There's no wind.

I threw the mattress outside.

It landed about a foot away from the balcony.

I hurried to you.

I got you in my arms.

I walked to the balcony.

It face to the west.

The fire fighters were concentrated at the front of the building.

Which was to the north.

I hope this works. 

"(F/N), can you 'old onto me."

I got your arms and laced them on my neck.

I felt you grasp on me with all the strength you could muster.

I hefted both of us to the ledge of the balcony.

When we were balanced, I rested your legs on my arm.

"(F/N), I need you to listen to me."

"I'm going to jump. I need you to cradle your 'ead in my chest okay."

"What ever you do, don't move." 

"Do you understand me?" 

The apartment beams began to give way.

I have no more time.

God, please let her live.

"I love you."

I tightened my hold on you, and I kissed you.

"I love you, too."

I let myself fall back.

As we fell, time went slow.

I began to remember every memory I had with you.

The first time I saw you.

The first time I kissed you.

The first time we declared our love.

The first time I held you.

Tears of hope made there way across my cheek.

God, let her live.

I felt something wrap us with warmth.

Everything molded into each other.

I no longer knew how long this fall had been.

Gravity, smashed us both onto the ground.

Darkness and hope.

Hope and darkness.


Joan appeared before me.

She put her had on my cheek.

"Francis. She awaits."

"Joan, please forgive me."

"I 'aven't forgotten about you."

"It is fine Francis."

"But, I.."

"There'll be another time. She awaits."


"See, she is calling you."




Beep, beep, beep.

I awoke with a gasp.

My head hurt.

I lifted myself from the bed.

I looked around the room.

There was medical equipment set up.

Where are you? 

I need to check if your okay.

"Francis, Francis, your fine"

"Your fine."

I felt the familiar warmth, wrap around me.

It was gentle and full of love.

Not raw and hurtful like fire.

"Francis...I'm so happy..."

You voice was raspy and it was breaking.

I felt tears well up.

Your alive, I felt so releaved.

Your alive.


I held onto you.

It hurt me, but I didn't care.

I held you with all the love I could muster.

"Francis, Francis, can you let to of me."

"No, I will never let you go."

"Francis...my IV.

"Oh, I'm so sorry my love."

"It's okay."

"Your crying?"

"Yes, I'm just so happy."

"I'm 'appy too."

 "'ow are you? Are you wounded? Anything broken?"

"I'm fine Francis. I just a few burns here or there. My throat and lungs are pretty bad. I have some bruises, a sprained foot, and a sprained wrist."

"Now don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Your the one who took the fall. The firefighter and doctors say that thanks to your quick thinking both of us were saved. And also part of it was miraculous."

"Miraculous it was (F/N)."

"Thank you for saving me Francis. I love you so much."

Your gaze fell to the floor, and droplets of water fell on your legs.

"Don't cry."

I swept the tears away from your face.

"I'm fine." 

"I'm sorry, I just can't help but think that if we didn't land on the mattress, you could be dead right now. No matter what you say, even if your immortal. Your heart would of stopped. It would of stopped because of me."

"Look at me.

No matter 'ow many 'earts I must sacrifice, no matter 'ow many breaths, no matter 'ow many of my lives it would take. I love you, and nothing would make me let you die."

"Do you understand (F/N)?"

"Yes, Francis."

I leaned in and gave you a kiss.


Months had passed since the fire.

All our injuries were healed.

We moved into a nice apartment.

Every once in a while you or I would have a nightmare.

But when we wake up, we are there for each other.

The day is beautiful, summer is beautiful.

Ahh, things are perfect.

I walked of and melded in the crowd.


I heard a camera.

I look to where the sound came from.

I saw a young woman.

She looked very familiar.


I walked to her.

'Um...uhh...I'm so sorry for taking your picture without your permission! It was rude of me!'

Yes, it's her.


After I left Lisa. I found you drinking tea at a café.

"Francis, who was that girl?"

"A tourist."

"Oh, she reminded me of someone."


"On the night of the fire, as we were falling I saw an angel. She flew down and caught us. She looked just like that girl. Weird, right."

"I bet you don't believe me."

"No, I believe you mon amour."

"No you don't, your just saying that."

"No, I believe you because I saw 'er too."


"(F/N), want to go for a walk?"

"Sure." You stood from your seat and gave me a kiss.

When we parted you took hold of my hand and dragged me behind you.

You began to laugh as I stumbled trying to catch up to you.

Your laugh, another reason at why I fell in love with you.

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Comments: 16

AnimeGeekKatie [2015-08-03 05:01:09 +0000 UTC]

My reactions throught the story:


'Jeez France calm down.'



'*breathes sigh of relief*'


'FRANCE, NOOOOOOO! *teras falling down face*'

'Oh, phew, ok.'


'*crys happy tears* BRAVO, BRAVO!'

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PrussiasKitten [2014-08-28 01:44:24 +0000 UTC]

I think you killed me with feels. *looks around my small room.* yep you killed me. my soul is typing this right now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blakemckayla [2014-08-08 17:27:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXFABUXx [2014-08-03 11:17:36 +0000 UTC]


Dem feels....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MissTrafalgarLaw [2014-07-24 21:57:49 +0000 UTC]

  oh...my...god...this was...so...oh my god <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXKimberIsAwesomeXx [2014-06-25 13:47:11 +0000 UTC]

Imma sobbing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlucardFTW5 [2013-08-14 17:04:54 +0000 UTC]

Damn... That was great

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alycerain [2013-07-09 21:49:54 +0000 UTC]

Have you ever had that feeling when you finish reading something, and all you can do is sit back and say 'wow'? That's what I felt when I finished your story. That was beautiful.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AyaKaito [2013-07-08 10:02:09 +0000 UTC]

this is the most beautiful Xreader i have ever read

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jeanneparksinclair [2013-07-03 16:48:17 +0000 UTC]

that's beautiful. thanks for writing this
(aw, I always feel sooo awkward when reading those because my name is Jeanne - named exactly after Jeanne d'Arc ._.)
anyway, love it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tinaotaku123 [2013-06-25 19:52:59 +0000 UTC]

Omigod the feels. I read this while listening to Lana del ray's young and beautiful

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScarletMoon-98 [2013-06-19 18:03:28 +0000 UTC]

You are absolutly amazing. I have never read anything like this before. Bravo author, bravo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RussiaObssessive In reply to ScarletMoon-98 [2013-07-04 17:53:20 +0000 UTC]

I love your icon CX

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScarletMoon-98 In reply to RussiaObssessive [2013-07-05 12:56:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MirroR-7 [2013-06-17 22:50:42 +0000 UTC]

beautiful..just beautiful..

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

funkylime123 [2013-06-16 07:46:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0