CherryR95 — Corrin (Male)

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Published: 2019-08-12 19:14:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 7723; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 17
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Corrin is a playable character in Fire Emblem Fates  and the leading main protagonist of the game. As an Avatar , their name and appearance are customizable by the player.

Corrin was supposedly born to the Hoshidan  royal family as the child of Mikoto  and Hoshido's king Sumeragi . As a result, they are the younger half sibling of Ryoma  and Hinoka  and the older half sibling of Takumi  and Sakura , who are instead Sumeragi's children with his first wife Ikona . They were kidnapped as a young child and raised by the royal family of the neighboring kingdom of Nohr , gaining new siblings in the form of XanderCamillaLeo , and Elise . Unlike previous protagonists, Corrin has the ability to transform into a dragon, a similar trait to Manakete  from past games of the series. They only gain the ability to transform after Chapter 5. As a member of royalty, Corrin can wield the power of Dragon Veins , allowing them to alter the terrain of a map.

A great war looms over Hoshido and Nohr and soon the two kingdoms meet on the battlefield. Corrin must choose to side with one of the kingdoms and help with their respective causes or be neutral in an attempt to combat a larger threat by joining the two kingdoms together. Corrin has the services of SilasGunter , and Kaze , as well as FeliciaFloraJakob , and Lilith . If Corrin achieves an S-Support with any opposite gendered character, they will have a child named Kana , whose gender is the opposite of Corrin's. Male Corrin can also be the father of Shigure , while female Corrin can be the mother to all of the children characters aside from Shigure.

They have the most hidden potential.

In actuality, Corrin was born to Mikoto and the human manifestation of Anankos 's benevolent soul in Valla. However, their happiness toward their child was short lived as the dragon form of Anankos began his rampage in Valla, forcing Anankos' human form to send his lover and child to safety. Eventually, Mikoto brought them to Hoshido where she eventually married the Hoshidan King, Sumeragi. Corrin was officially adopted into the family, but the fact that they were not related to the Hoshido royal family by blood was kept a secret by Sumeragi, Mikoto, and Ryoma. As a result, Corrin also never learns that Anankos is their birth father, nor do they learn that Lilith  is their 'sister' due to separate vows of secrecy that Lilith and Mikoto made with Anankos's heart.

Despite conflict between Hoshido and Nohr, the Nohrian King, Garon , wanted to parley with Sumeragi and Corrin was brought at the suggestion of Garon. However, this parley was a trap and Sumeragi was killed defending Corrin. Corrin was kidnapped by Garon and raised in Nohr as a member of their royal family. Corrin lost all memory of their life prior to their life now confined to the Northern Fortress , with their memory of Sumeragi's death in particular being sealed away by a curse.

For many years, Corrin was raised in the Northern Fortress and was not allowed to leave it until Garon deemed them worthy. They were accompanied by their retainers and servants FloraFelicia , and JakobGunter , a veteran soldier, was also hired to serve as Corrin's combat instructor and the two became close. The Nohrian Royal Siblings would also pay frequent visits to the castle with Xander in particular serving as Corrin's main sparring partner. One day, a young boy named Silas  paid a visit to the Fortress. The two quickly became friends. However, their time together was cut short when Silas attempted to smuggle Corrin out of the fortress to take them on a picnic. With him forbidden from returning, this made them cry every day until their retainers sought to take their mind off Silas, leading to them not even remembering him. Corrin also found an injured bird one day and nursed it back to health. Unbeknownst to them, this "bird" would become a very important person in their life soon after.

Many years later, Corrin receives a premonition of a battle between Hoshido  and Nohr  in a dream, but they are awoken by Flora, Jakob, and Felicia. Before Corrin can properly tell them the story, they are summoned by Xander for another combat test, where they finally succeed in impressing Garon enough to allow them to leave the Fortress. Garon summons them immediately to Castle Krakenburg  in Windmire, Nohr‘s capital, and gifts them the Ganglari  as a present for succeeding in showing their worth. To test Corrin's loyalty, he orders that they execute some recently captured Hoshidan soldiers. Among them are Kaze  and Rinkah , both of whom they choose to spare. Though Garon demands that they be executed, Corrin continues to refuse. However, Leo and Xander help Corrin out by pretending to execute them in order to allow Corrin to set them free later.

Upset by Corrin's defiance, Garon gives them the task of surveying a fortress situated at the Bottomless Canyon . Xander warns Corrin to be careful around Hans  who was sent with them as Xander had once arrested him. At the Canyon, Corrin sees that the fortress is occupied by Hoshidan soldiers and decides to head back to report. Hans brazenly engages on the Hoshidan soldiers, forcing Corrin and Gunter to fight them. After the battle, the Nohrian siblings, worried for Corrin, check on them to find them still engaged with the Hoshido forces. When they are sent back to the Castle, Hans betrays Corrin and attacks Gunter, plunging him into the canyon. Enraged, Corrin's arm shifts into a dragon appendage, greatly surprising both. Before they can exact their vengeance, the Ganglari flings Corrin into the Canyon. Lilith , Corrin's stablehand, appears and dives after them. Transforming into a Dragon  herself, Lilith brings Corrin into the Astral Realm , where she gives them a free space to rest in between battle from then on.

Immediately upon returning to the world, they are knocked out by Rinkah and brought to Hoshido. Escorted by Kaze back to Castle Shirasagi , they meet Ryoma , their long lost older brother and, most importantly, their mother, Mikoto. Overjoyed to be reunited with her child, she embraces them. However, Corrin's earlier childhood is a haze, preventing them from realizing that she really is their mother. Not wanting to pressure them, Mikoto tells them to take all the time they need. However, alarming news comes from the northern area of Hoshido where Faceless , Nohrian monstrosities, were attacking a local village where Corrin's two sisters, Hinoka  and Sakura , were helping. Together, Corrin and Ryoma rescue the Hoshidan sisters who happily reunite with their long lost sibling. Later, Corrin walks near a lake to gather their thoughts. Suddenly, a beautiful melody fills the air as they spot a blue-haired girl who introduces herself as Azura , a Nohrian princess who was kidnapped and raised in Hoshido in an inverse situation to Corrin. After spending a few days in Hoshido, they are still unable to recall any memories of their past. However, Mikoto still wishes to introduce them to the people of Hoshido.

At the castle town, just as Mikoto introduces Corrin to the Hoshidan people, a hooded man  appears and calls the Ganglari to him. Using the sword, he causes a large explosion, causing massive destruction to the town and the citizens there. Finally, using shards of the blade, he directs it towards Corrin, only for Mikoto to intercept the attack. Her final words to Corrin was to merely ask if they are unharmed, which they affirm. Her death causes Corrin to spontaneously awaken their dragon blood, causing them to become a Feral Dragon . Devoid of their senses, Corrin assaults the hooded man, but only manages to force him to retreat. Azura, using her special pendant  and song , is able to quell their rage, reverting them back to their human form. Although Takumi , Corrin's younger brother, labels them the cause of the tragedy, Ryoma assures that Corrin is innocent and that the Nohrian forces are responsible. Due to the explosion, the statue in the center of the town was destroyed, revealing a sword that was hidden inside. Yukimura  explains that the sword is the Yato , a legendary blade meant to be wielded by a hero who would use its power to end a great war. The sword suddenly rises from the pedestal and flies into Corrin's hands, choosing them as its wielder.

With the death of Mikoto, the barrier that once prevented hostile attacks from Nohr disappeared. Immediately, the Nohrian forces, led by the Nohrian Royal Siblings, head out to the Plains of Hoshido  where they are intercepted by the Hoshidan army, led by the Hoshidan Royal Siblings. Corrin realizes that their dream had come true and now, their siblings from both families are about to cross blades. Both families call out to Corrin, leaving them with a huge decision to make: return to their Nohrian siblings on their conquest in Hoshido, join the Hoshidan siblings to repel the Nohrian forces, or find another path by siding with neither.

Corrin decides to fight for Hoshido, refusing to follow the man who orchestrated the death of many innocent lives, including their now departed mother. Despite Xander's plea to have them return home to Nohr, Corrin refuses and thus, Xander resolves himself into attacking Corrin and dragging them back to Nohr. Xander easily overwhelms them, leading Ryoma to step in and the Hoshido army manages to repel the Nohrian forces. Corrin is labeled a traitor by Nohr.

Throughout the initial part of the story, Corrin gathers the best of the Hoshidan forces and find Ryoma  and Takumi  who went missing. They head to Izumo  where they meet with Izana , who tells them about the recent battle and that they are both alive. Corrin captures Zola  and spares him. During their trip through Mokushu, they find Takumi, who joins their group shortly afterwards, and take a ship to Crykensia.

Arriving in Nohr, they wind up in Cyrkensia , a port town where, at a local Opera House , where King Garon was going to watch a performance. As luck would have it, the star of the show Layla  wanted to visit her mother and Azura  comes up with the idea to masquerade as her using Zola's magic. Using her deception, they plot to kidnap Garon and force the war to end in exchange for his life. Azura sings Lost in Thoughts All Alone , causing Garon some discomfort. Garon summons his forces, aware that the Hoshidans were inside and reveals that Zola had leaked information to him. Despite Zola's betrayal, he attempts to parley some mercy for Corrin, but Garon executes him for his sentiment. Corrin barely manages to escape from the trap and makes their way with the rest of their army to Cheve .

At Cheve, Corrin stops to take a rest, only for Camilla and Hans to appear and another fight ensues. The Chevois quietly aid the Hoshidans with various items to help their cause. After the battle is over, Corrin tries to reason with Camilla, almost managing to convince her until Leo shows up. Hans is revealed to have survived the battle. Before they are able to do anything, a General appears and attacks Leo. A strong rebel force led by Scarlet soon appear, Leo retreats with Hans, taking Camilla with him. The general reveals himself as Ryoma, and the Hoshidan siblings are reunited again. Scarlet takes the group to the resistance hideout, where the Nohrian army suddenly attacks. They make their way to the border wall and break through the defenses set there.

Due to the Nohrian blockade around the capital, Corrin is forced to go through Mount Garou. There they encounter Keaton  who, despite initial hostility, allows them to pass through. However, a magical land mine planted by Iago  detonates, killing a Wolfskin  and a fight ensues. At the end of the battle, Keaton and the Wolfskins are killed in battle. Corrin expresses regret fighting the Wolfskin people, but this thought is dashed when the ground crumbles beneath them. As they fall, Kaze leaps in and grabs Corrin, but Corrin clings to Kaze's arm for dear life. Depending on Corrin's support level with Kaze, a different scene unfolds.

  • If Corrin does not achieve at least an A Rank Support with Kaze, Kaze sacrifices himself by throwing Corrin to Hinoka as the ground beneath him crumbles and he falls into the chasm. Corrin grieves for his death, but knows that they have to move on.
  • If Corrin has at least an A Rank Support with Kaze, he notices a magic land mine and throws a Shuriken at it. The explosion throws both Corrin and Kaze out of the cliff to safety. Grateful for Kaze's rescue, their bond is fortified and the Hoshidan army moves on.

Shortly after leaving Mount Garou, Takumi has a critical fever and Corrin decides to go search a Nohrian stronghold for medicine. They encounter Flora  who offers to find the medicine they need. However Iago  makes an appearance to take down Corrin. After repelling Iago and his forces, they ask Iago how he knew where they were, but Iago only taunts them saying they have a traitor in their group and flees. The group successfully find the medicine and Takumi is cured. Needing a place to rest, Flora suggest that they stay at the Ice Tribe Village and both Corrin and Felicia are delighted by the idea. At the village, Flora leaves for a short time and returns with Nohrian soldiers. Hurt by her betrayal, the army defeats Flora and Corrin questions why she attacked them. Flora explains that King Garon forced her to, lest she and her tribe be killed by him. Unable to cope with her cowardice and guilt-ridden for attacking Corrin, Flora sets herself ablaze and dies, much to Corrin, Felicia and Jakob's horror.

Corrin then passes through the Woods of the Forlorn , where they meet Leo again, who renounces his familial love for them and fights them. Despite his retainers and the Faceless horde, he is defeated and Corrin cannot bring themselves to hurt him. Leo likewise admits he unable to hurt them either. He apologizes for his actions and gives them a round-trip warp tome to Notre Sagesse  in exchange for a crystal ball Azura gives him.

During their stay at Notre Sagesse, Corrin flags down an old man , who directs them to the Sevenfold Sanctuary , where the Hoshidans face off against the shades of those that died there. After ascending the sanctuary, they are immediately transported back to the town. The old man reveals himself as the Rainbow Sage they are looking for, and prepares the Seal of Flames ritual, giving them the Noble Yato. After using Leo's warp tome to take them back into the Woods of the Forlorn, they head north towards Fort Dragonfall , but are ambushed by Iago again. They escape the fortress and head out to sea. At sea, the Hoshidan siblings are notified of the battle front at home and take a rumored shortcut through the Demon's Falls  to reach the Nohrian capital of Windmire faster.

When they reach Windmire, they are ambushed by Shura 's gang, who demands Corrin's Yato to be spared. After a battle, Shura swears loyalty to Ryoma after hearing of his royal status. Shura shows the group the underground life of Nohr and on the way, bump into Elise, who was selling flowers. Elise takes the group into a small house where her wetmother, Cassita , gives some information about Garon and two queens; Arete  and Katerina . While on the way to castle Krakenburg's throne room, they are ambushed by Camilla after Elise's retainers thought they had kidnapped her. They manage to beat her in combat and explain the situation to her before proceeding.

After exiting the secret tunnel, the Hoshidans find themselves in the middle of a training ground led by Hans. Han's soldiers are unable to defeat the Hoshidans, so Hans personally takes over, overwhelming Corrin. Before Hans can land the killing blow, Lilith  sacrifices herself. Corrin, in a fit of rage, kills Hans after a short battle. Lilith talks with Corrin one last time before dying, sending them into tears. However, Ryoma tells them that they cannot give up now, as they are getting closer and that she sacrificed herself to help their cause, giving new hope to Corrin.

The Hoshidans army arrive at the staircase leading to the throne room of Castle Krakenburg and before they can climb it, Iago appears and teleports near them. Iago mocks Corrin for still being alive, but Corrin is sick of Iago's games and tells him to fight. However, Iago tells Elise to come to his side, to which she refuses on grounds of making Xander and Leo fight Corrin and attempting to kill them many times. As Corrin threatens him, Iago reveals one last trick, mind controling Takumi, who begins to restrain Azura. Iago explains that Takumi has been on Nohr's side all along, as thanks to him, he knew of their whereabouts. Corrin refuses to believe Takumi would willingly betray them, reasoning that he must still be possessed. Corrin pleads for Takumi to stop, saying that they still believe in him. Takumi's possession lapses for just long enough for Azura to sing and dispel it completely. Takumi breaks free and shoots Iago, and declares that he will live up to his title as prince. Iago is shocked and angered that his plans failed yet again, as Corrin then declares that peace is coming and threatens to kill Iago once and for all, and they and the army begin their assault.

After being defeated for the final time, out of shame and desperation, Iago begs Corrin to spare him, claiming to have been possessed, just like Takumi. However, they are not fooled by this and Leo arrives moments afterwards, expressing disgust in Iago's attempt to escape his fate, and he executes the cowardly sorcerer for good. Corrin thanks Leo and asks him to join them, but he informs Corrin that although he has been enlightened on the righteousness of their cause, he is unable to formally join them due to his position as a prince of Nohr and cannot aid them further. Corrin and Elise leave with Leo's blessing.

After passing through the Great Staircase in Castle Krakenburg, Corrin faces off against Xander alone. Elise, hating the idea of seeing her two dear siblings fight, intervenes, taking Xander's finishing blow in Corrin's stead. In her final breaths, Elise pleads with Xander to seek a more peaceful end to their fight. Both Corrin and Xander grieve for their fallen sister but Xander insists on finishing the duel. Heartbroken by their sister's death and their brother's seemingly uncaring feelings towards it, Corrin resolves to end the duel. Though they finally strike him down, they know that Xander was holding back and allowed them to do so. Xander admits that he is aware of his father's descent into madness. However, seeing how much Corrin has grown, he believes that they now wield the power to end his machinations and bring true peace to the world.

In the throne room, Corrin finally confronts Garon to end his reign. Garon then flaunts their power and taunts them, referring to their achievements as "something approaching competence". Corrin announces their aim to dethrone Garon, bringing up the deaths of Xander and Elise, which Garon is surprised by, though only because of Xander's and Corrin's strength as his "pawns". Disgusted by Garon's nature, Corrin declares him to be irredeemable and vows to kill him. With their strengthened bond with Ryoma and Takumi, the Yato ascends in form, turning into the Blazing Yato. Despite his newfound power, Garon is taken down, but in a last ditch effort, he transforms into a Blight Dragon . Corrin protects Ryoma and Takumi from a powerful attack, but falls into a near-death state.

Inside their mind, they meet Flora, Lilith, Xander and Elise again, and quickly realize this is just a dream. The four convince Corrin to take arms again and fight for their allies, and after a gruesome battle, Garon is defeated for good. Garon returns to his human form, regaining his memories again before disappearing. Corrin wonders if what Xander said was true, with Garon being "controlled" by someone  else. Corrin and the Hoshidan siblings notice that Azura is dissolving into water, an effect of overtaxing the power of her necklace and her song. Corrin mourns for her sacrifice, but promises to make a better future thanks to her power.

Following King Garon's death, peace is restored throughout the lands. Ryoma ascends the Hoshidan throne, becoming its new king. Meanwhile Leo has taken over as the newly crowned King of Nohr, after Camilla relinquished the position to him. After a feast to celebrate Ryoma's coronation, Corrin visits the lake where they first met Azura, thanking her once more for her sacrifice and vows to preserve the peace they fought for. The Hoshidan Royal Siblings gather at the newly erected statue of Mikoto in Shirasagi Castle Town, vowing to maintain peace with Corrin on their side.

At the end of the route, if female Corrin marries Ryoma, she will rule alongside him as the new queen of Hoshido.

Much to the shock of the Hoshidan royal siblings, Corrin decides to fight for Nohr. Despite their pleas to have them reevaluate the situation based on the tragedy that had just occurred with their mother and the innocent Hoshidan people, Corrin remains steadfast in their decision as they have unanswered questions that they need to confront King Garon directly with. Corrin and the Nohrian army repels the Hoshidan siblings and their army.

After returning to Nohr, Garon is angered by their surprising return to Nohr, despite the atrocities that had occurred in Hoshido. Corrin feigns loyalty to Nohr and Garon decides to send Corrin to quell an impending rebellion by the Ice Tribe  by themselves. Fortunately, Xander overhears why Garon sent them alone and sends Elise, her retainers and Silas to accompany them to the Ice Tribe. When they arrive, they are treated nicely after Kilma , the leader of the Ice Tribe, recognizes Yato. However, he and his tribesmen fight them after knowing the real reason to why they were sent there, but Corrin and their allies defeat them. Kilma wonders why he is being spared before Corrin lets him know, and after hearing Corrin's words, believes them, stopping the rebellion.

When Corrin returns, Garon is pleased with their progress, though he quickly becomes angered when Iago reveals that they had assistance. Garon threatens to kill them for disobeying his orders, though he relents when Xander and Elise reveal that they were the ones who assisted them. Garon later sends Corrin to capture Notre Sagesse.

On the way, they rescue Azura from a group of Hoshidans at Fort Dragonfall, having been captured under suspicion of being a traitor like Corrin by the Hoshidan people, despite protests from the Hoshidan royal siblings. They later arrive at Notre Sagesse, where they encounter stiff Hoshidan resistance both in the town and in the Sevenfold Sanctuary, but manage to rout them. The Rainbow Sage gives Corrin the Grim Yato before he commits suicide due to his long age and potential powers if the Hoshidans captured him again.

The group eventually reaches Cheve, where another battle occurs between the Nohrians and the combined Hoshidan and Chevois forces. The Nohrians come out victorious and the army has spared the lives of the enemy soldiers. Corrin suddenly hears screaming and it is shown that after the battle, Hans and his men have barged in and started to kill everyone. Corrin demands Hans to stop this madness, but Hans simply replies that Garon has ordered him to do so. Corrin then reflects on the bloodshed with Camilla and how she is so calm with all the unnecessary violence occurring. She replies that they must bury all their feelings deep within their heart and continue as if nothing had happened, because there is nothing they can do against Garon's direct orders.

Corrin eventually meets up with Garon at the Opera House  and meets Leo again. Garon privately speaks with Corrin, telling that he learned of their victory at Cheve from Hans  and that they contributed to the slaughter, much to their outrage. During the performance, a songstress  appears and causes pain to Garon with her song and dance. Iago and his soldiers attempt to apprehend the songstress, but she has already disappeared before they are able to do anything. Hoshidan assassins led by Kumagera  then attack in a bid to end Garon's life to stop the war. The assassination attempt is repelled, and after the battle, Garon orders all the songstresses killed. Corrin questions this order, angering Garon, though Leo quickly covers them. Away from Garon, Leo asks Corrin if they have a death wish, and gives them the same response as Camilla. He does reveal that they have done acts of good though, as they have always tried to find a way around his orders if possible.

Unable to cope with the violence, Corrin finds Azura acting suspiciously and follows her into an unknown land . Mysterious soldiers appear and attack, but Gunter arrives and protects them. The three fight their way through and manage to escape.

Returning to Nohr, Azura reveals that Garon is no longer human and is corrupted by a malevolent presence. Her performance was used in an attempt to remove the presence, but failed. She tells them that the only way to expose him is by having him sit on the Hoshidan throne, which would mean they would have to support an invasion of Hoshido, then have him sit on the throne, exposing his monster form, and killing him to end the war. Corrin reluctantly accepts and makes their way through Hoshidan lands.

With major areas seized to set a staging ground, Garon authorizes the invasion of Hoshido, tasking Corrin and their army to infiltrate Hoshido through the ocean, as all land routes are likely to be fortified. Xander accompanies the group, and during their journey, they discover bandits on the ship and eliminate them. Upon capturing their leader, he reveals himself as Shura and Xander allows Corrin to decide their fate. If Corrin spares Shura, Shura joins their army, and Xander keeps the revelation secret from Garon. If Corrin executes him, Xander sends a messenger to inform Garon, while Corrin expresses despair at the needless violence they are committing.

They eventually arrive at Mokushu, where they are met by their daiymo Kotaro. Kotaro had requested aid, and during their discussion, Saizo attempts to assassinate him but fails. Upon learning from Saizo that he is keeping Kagero hostage, Corrin demands to look at the prison cells. Kotaro then bluntly admits that he was keeping her hostage, and sends out a large group of Mokushujin to kill them all in a "tragic accident", but fail and is killed in the process.

Going past Mokushu, they find a large Hoshidan army blocking their advance to the capital. Corrin decides on circumnavigating the forces by traversing the nearby mountains, where they encounter a pack of Kitsune led by Kaden. Though Kaden believes Corrin, he refuses to let them through due to an old Kitsune belief, so Corrin and the army are forced to slay them all in self-defense. Corrin regrets the unnecessary violence that occurred, but knows that the war must end at all costs.

They eventually arrive at the Wind Tribe village where they parley with their chieftain, Fuga. After defeating Fuga and his tribesmen, they are shown the way to the Eternal Staircase and find a large number of slain Hoshidans. By then, a horde of Faceless appear, forcing Corrin and the others to break for the exit before they are overwhelmed. During the skirmish, Lilith is killed by a Faceless, much to Corrin's horror.

Eventually leaving the Eternal Stairway, they find themselves outside Fort Jinya, where they defeat the garrison's defenders and capture Yukimura, Sakura and her retainers. During their battle at the Great Wall of Suzanoh , the Nohrian army defeats Takumi and his retainers. Despite wishing to spare him, a malevolent force takes over him, causing him to fling himself over the wall to his death. Reaching Castle Shirasagi , the Nohrian forces storm the castle, leading Corrin to face Hinoka's faction. Hinoka is defeated, but Corrin is left to execute her. Unwilling to follow through, they allow Hinoka to retreat, but demands her naginata as "proof" of her execution. Despite seeing no corpse, Garon is left appeased, though Iago expresses his doubts. Inside the castle, Corrin faces Ryoma. Despite claiming to have spared their sisters, Ryoma is shown Hinoka's bloodied naginata, leading him to believe that his sibling is forever lost, and the two engage in an epic clash. Corrin is able to defeat Ryoma, and Garon orders Ryoma's execution. After witnessing Corrin's hesitation, Ryoma realizes that Corrin is still the same person he grew up with. Willing to sacrifice himself to allow Corrin to end the war, Ryoma commits seppuku, much to Corrin's grief.

With no other defense left, King Garon arrives at the Shirasagi Throne Room, completing his goal. Demanding that they do not enter the throne room without his permission, he goes inside alone to bask in his glory and consult the great Anankos. Corrin and the others wait outside. Iago exposes Corrin for letting Hinoka go and promptly attempts to kill them, but this proves to his biggest mistake yet, as the Nohrian siblings turn against him and kill Hans and the Nohrian army. Iago attempts to begs for his life, but Leo shuts him up and calls him out for his shameless crimes and executes him. Iago screams in anguish and dies. With Iago's death, his schemes against Corrin are finally put to an end for good.

Corrin then reveals to the Norhian royal siblings that the war is not over yet and that they must kill Garon to end it, and reveals to them that Garon is no longer human as he has been replaced by a monster. Thus killing him is the only option. Corrin prepares to enter the throne room with Azura and their siblings to expose Garon's true form and kill him, but the siblings remain skeptical of how Corrin and Azura even know about Garon's state and why they didn't tell them sooner. When Corrin begs and forces their siblings to listen to their words, Xander reluctantly agrees to this, but warns them that if they are lying, they will execute them for treason as they enter the Throne Room.

True to their words, a water monster  appears before them in a grotesque visage of Garon after sitting on the throne, exposing his true form. Garon is angered at their "betrayal" and attempts to kill Corrin. Believing in Corrin, the Nohrian army turn against Garon and declare his reign over, and they kill Garon for good.

As they celebrate their victory, they are cut short when a possessed Takumi appears before them, demanding vengeance for the suffering of the Hoshidans and the death of his brother. Corrin volunteers to accept responsibility for their actions and allow Takumi to shoot them. Corrin falls into a near-death state, where they are met by Mikoto, Lilith, Ryoma, and Takumi, encouraging Corrin to return and the latter asking to stop his possessed self. Corrin is revived and the combined force faces the possessed Takumi.

After defeating the possessed Takumi, Xander and Corrin wonder what could have possessed both Garon and Takumi, but neither are able to come up with an answer. They soon leave to tell the other soldiers that the war is over and search for the now-missing Azura. Despite vowing to find her, they would never see her again after the final battle. Along with the remaining Hoshidan siblings and their Nohrian family, they attend Xander's coronation as the new king of Nohr, with Xander making peace with Hoshido, ending their conflict. Hinoka is revealed to have become the new Queen of Hoshido after the death of her brothers. After Xander's coronation and a lavish banquet celebrating his ascension, Corrin visits a nearby lake. Reminiscing of their first encounter with Azura, she suddenly appears before them. At her request to close their eyes, they thank Azura for her help. When they open their eyes, she mysteriously vanishes, leaving Corrin to wonder if they merely saw an illusion or her spirit.

A few days later, Xander reflects on the senseless war waged in Nohr's name. Vowing to preserve the peace they have earned, the Nohrian siblings vow to turn Nohr in a better direction and establish ties with Hoshido. To ensure they stay on that path, they ask Corrin to guide them, an offer they accept.

If female Corrin marries Xander, she will rule alongside him as the new queen of Nohr.

Unwilling to fight against either side, Corrin chooses to side with neither in hopes of getting Xander and Ryoma to talk. Believing that Corrin was manipulated by the other side, Xander and Ryoma engage in battle.

Needing a way to draw their attention, Corrin, Azura, and Felicia/Jakob decide to take down to frontline commanders of both armies and succeeds. Unfortunately, both Xander and Ryoma see this as an act of treason, and brand Corrin and Azura as traitors. With both armies after them, Azura takes them to the Bottomless Canyon and tells them to jump with her into it. After jumping in, they land in an unknown land that Azura introduces as Valla , a mysterious third kingdom that has been orchestrating the war between Nohr and Hoshido following its takeover by Anankos. To ensure that no one can know of this, a curse was placed so that anyone who discusses Valla outside of the kingdom will be killed. With the true villain of the war now made aware to Corrin, they decide to return to the surface in hopes of combining the Nohrian and Hoshidan armies in order to combat this threat.

Upon returning to the surface, Corrin begins the long task of obtaining the trust of both the Hoshidan and Nohrian royal siblings, slowly starting from the youngest to the oldest members. The Hoshidan siblings join Corrin due to their words and the feeling of trust their words emit, with Hinoka and Ryoma being the last two to join. The Nohrians join slightly later, with Xander and Leo joining after noticing that Garon's unusual behavior threatening their kingdom.

With both families united, Corrin leads them to jump off the Bottomless Canyon when the skies above Hoshido and Nohr change, and they all arrive at Valla, where Azura explains the situation further to them. However, during the jump, an unknown assailant kills Scarlet, and Corrin breaks the news to their army. Though they mourn her death, they need to kill the King of Valla, Anankos .

On the way to confront Anankos, Corrin faces several of his resurrected soldiers, including Scarlet and Azura's mother Arete . They also encounter a young Vallite boy named Anthony , who had managed to escape Anankos' control and promised to help enter the castle. Along the way, the army is relentlessly ambushed by Vallite Forces, leading Xander and Ryoma to cast doubt on Anthony as a possible spy, which Corrin disagrees with. Eventually the group fights their way to the castle and Anthony asks Corrin to come alone with him into the castle, which turns out to be a trap, as Anthony was tasked by Anankos to lead Corrin into the trap alone. However, Corrin already knew of the impending betrayal and the army comes to their aid immediately.

Traveling deeper in Castle Valla, Corrin encounters Mikoto who, under Anankos' influence, attempts to lead them into a trap, but avoids it. Corrin defeats Mikoto, and they, alongside Mikoto, are informed that she was originally born in Valla and is the sister of Arete, thus making Corrin Vallite royalty. In addition, she reveals that Corrin is not the child of Sumeragi, but does not reveal who their true father is. Later, they encounter Sumeragi himself who reveals that he was the hooded assailant who lead to Mikoto's death under Anankos's influence. In his defeat, he affirms that he is not Corrin's father, but does not know who their father is either.

Once the army reaches the Vallite throne room, a mysterious spell is launched at Corrin's army, injuring everyone save Corrin and Azura. The army is lead to believe that Corrin and Azura had been leading them into a trap, however Gunter accidentally slips that he knew that Scarlet had pinned a flower charm on her before her descent, a fact no one other than Corrin and Scarlet's killer could have known. Gunter reveals that he was the mole in the army and was being influenced by Anankos ever since he first fell into the Bottomless Canyon. After Corrin defeats Gunter and forgives him, Gunter dispels Anankos's influence and the armies prepare to face the Silent Dragon. Anankos appears and summons Garon, who initially believes that he is to serve Anankos as his vessel, but the dragon devours him, thus fully reclaiming his power. Though Anankos's power rises, the Alpha Yato resonates with the weapons of their brothers, transforming it into the Omega Yato , the Fire Emblem.

After a long battle, Anankos is slain. Hoshido and Nohr, now being lead by Ryoma and Xander respectively, forge a bond of peace between nations. With the ordeal they went through, Ryoma and Xander decide to cede part of their lands to Corrin, to ensure Valla will never be forgotten. Though Azura is the rightful heir to the Vallite throne, she relinquishes the title to Corrin as they were the true leader of the army, and thus the one most befitting to lead the restored Valla. With a new bond forged between the three kingdoms, peace comes to the war torn land.

If a Male Corrin marries Niles  or a Female Corrin marries Rhajat , the couple eventually adopts two children, whom will eventually succeed the Vallite throne. If Female Corrin marries either Ryoma or Xander, Valla will merge with Hoshido and Nohr respectively and be co-ruled by the pair.

If a Male Corrin marries Azura, she becomes Queen of Valla. If not, she serves as Corrin's advisor.

Here's Corrin (Fire Emblem Fates) with a male version.

Fire Emblem © Nintendo/Intelligent Systems

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