ChibiCreates — Shadowlocke: Ruuna

#chibi #pokemon #pokemontrainer #rune #pokemonleague #ruuna #shadowlocke #chibicreates
Published: 2019-10-22 01:52:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 2020; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Name: Ruuna

Nickname/s: Rune (most people call her this)

Age: 26 (it’s been about a year XD, she’s aged)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They


Hometown: Starlight Marina

Relationship status: Happily Married

Sexuality: pretty open to anything

Gran (grandmother)
Connell (twin brother, calls him Con, old friends call him Connor as an joke from when they were 5)
Locke (loving husband)
Ezra (2 y/o son)


Naive (neg)

Nerd (honestly, neutral)

Kind (pos)

Caring (pos)

Hard headed (neg)

Smart (also neutral cause this gets her into as much trouble as it helps her)




Does just living count? XD


Actually born in the Issho region with her twin brother Torin. Together the two grew up pretty happy with their parents and grandparents all in one house on a decent sized plot of land. But not everything can be perfect, not every life is as fantastical as the fairy tales their grandmother told them. One day, when they  were about 5, the twins were in the car with their parents, excited about the prospects of the vacation they were going on. A wild pokemon darted across the road, trying to get away from some predator, their dad swerved to miss it, right into the path of a semi. At the last possible moment, sensing the impending disaster, the family Ralts burst forth from his pokeball  to protect his family. He wasn’t strong enough. He couldn’t save the parents. Ruuna was tramatized, Torin lost his arm.

It took a lot of counselling, and comforting grandparent hugs but eventually Ruuna got over the trama….at least enough to live a normal life, burying the emotions deep down and effectively blocking the memory (helped along by her grandfather’s hypno who would eat any of her bad dreams). She had a harder time coping though than her brother did and as a result, the Ralts stuck close to her, vowing to protect her from anything else, he  didn’t want her to feel that emotional pain again. So when she was that smart 16 year old who managed to get a prestigious internship in the Kanto region, he went with her. No one is entirely sure what happened in Kanto, but one thing is for sure, she came back seething but never expanded upon the reason.

She moved back in with her grandmother after her grandfather passed away from some sort of  the disease (the doctors were never able to figure out what). She was 21. Her grandparents had turned the family home in a daycare while their grandkids were away living their own lives, so Ruuna decided she would help with that. She  runs the front desk and handles more of the boring paperwork tasks so her grandma can take it easy. Her brother, Connell, joined around a year later, back from his college studies in the Galar region (where their family originally hails), and he handles a lot of the behind the scenes things such as feeding the boarding pokemon with the help of a coworker named Sam, and his sister’s now Gardevoir. It was also around the time her brother came back that she grew close to Locke, a hard working man 2 years her senior who had been doing some construction work on the day care. 

The two were wed when she was 23 and the ceremony, like most celebrations in her family, was large, vibrant, and full of joy. It wasn’t too long after that that the lovely couple welcomed Ezra into the world. A small handful of a rugrat who likes to get into all the things.

Ruuna had always wanted to be a pokemon trainer growing up, and now with all the things happening in the region, her grandmother has convinced her, “Put tha big brain o’ yers ta use again an find a solution fer somethin’ oter than couponin Pokefood fer next ta nuthin.” Still a little unsure, she had a young child after all, it wouldn’t be fair to just leave him. Locke had smiled at her and said he got this, go on her journey and he and Ezra would be at all her matches, cheering her on, taking their roommate when they can. Besides, Ezra liked helping her train, why not show him what all his hard work has accomplished. Her brother just grinned and nudged her on, “If ya don’t go now, ya know ya ne’er will”. So now she is gathering her stuff to set out on a journey! But she will still come back as often as she can to help her grandmother and have some family time.




Coming soon


Coming Soon


(You can use this section for whatever you like, or not at all! we've listed some suggestions below)

  • Hobbies?

    • Celtic song and dance

    • Tambourine 

    • Training

    • Family concerts (her family getting together to play and sing their favorite songs, it’s  a free for all, anyone is welcome to join in if they know the tune, hell, even if they don’t XD)

    • Chemistry

    • Nerd things (binging all the avengers movies in one sitting, going to cons, dreaming of that  one cosplay she really wants to do, etc)

  • Likes?

    • Dogs

    • Bears

    • Seals

    • Family

    • The maiden and her selkie (song, her favorite)

  • Dislikes?

    • Sour  and bitter things

    • Loss

    • Liars (white lies are fine, but she has a particular grudge against large scale lies)

  • Anything quirky about them? do they eat fish fingers and custard for example?

    • Participates in that one joke all daycare workers know, “your pokemon was holding an egg, we have no idea how it got there” with the most deadpan face, like she actually believes it (she doesn’t, she knows what happened, but it’s still fun to say)

    • Her family originally hails from the Galar region, her grandparents being the gen 1 immigrants, so she talks with a bit of an accent, though sometimes she tries to hide it.

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