Chick-a-Bee — PS: Trainer App: Renee Torres

#group #pokemon
Published: 2019-03-17 14:52:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1133; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 3
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I sort of based this character around me a bit, especially her fashion sense. I'm not too happy about the drawing style I used so throughout the group I'll be trying out different ones to find what I'm comfortable with.

 Renee Torres

March 17



 5’ 5”

Weight: 170 lbs

Job: Protector
- She couldn't decide on which job to pick so drew names from a hat to decide for her.

Starter: Malcolm – Rampardos/Gogoat "Gogardos"

Other Pokemon: 
Arthur - Eelektross/Dragonite "Dragotross"
                           Octavia - Lairon/Relicanth "Lairocanth"
                           Virgil - Psyduck/Vullaby "Psyllaby"
                           Irene - Riolu/Skrelp "Skriolu"
                           Nathaniel - Murkrow/Litwick "Murwick"
                           Grace - Torchic/Togepi "Torchepi"
                           Julius - Tyrunt/Deerling "Deerunt"
                           Edward - Oddish/Klink "Oddink"
                           Samantha - Shroomish/Litwick "Shroomwick"
                           Freya - Cresselia/Cutiefly "Cressiefly"
                           Quentin - Natu/Deino "Deitu"
                           ??? - Sweet GMax Caterpie/Cottonee (Hatched, need to post app)


Positive: excitable; even over the littlest things | adventurous | caring | patient | respectful | selfless | cheerful | generally a happy person | open-minded

Negative: underestimates herself | insecure | salty when stressed | doesn’t socialize much | can be a little childish | sometimes forgetful | superstitious | feels guilty even after already apologizing on numerous occasions | confidence in herself isn’t the greatest but she’s working on it


~ Can sew. (Both hand and machine sewing)

~ Excellent hearing

~ Knows how to crochet and does it when she has time.


~ The sound of rain, Kricketots chirping and the sound of thunder rolling in the distance.

~ Sleeping

~ Sweet and savoury foods; food in general

~ Scheduling

~ Learning new things. Is a hands on learner

~ Doing something helpful

~ Reading and listening to other’s stories

~ Nature


~ Disorganization

~ Being too hot which makes her feel sick

~ Stress

~ Bitter and spicy foods. (She can tolerate stuff that is a little spicy)

~ Rude people

~ High pitched noises

~ Feeling undermined; as if people are seeing her as worthless or dumb.


Growing up in Unova, Renee’s life felt normal to her. She would pick all the dandelions in the front lawn, play in the mud, collect rocks from the beach, put sticks of chalk in puddles of water and smear the leftover goop all over herself. Yea, a normal life.


School on the other hand wasn’t her favourite thing in the world. She did love learning, it was her favourite part about school; never missed a day besides when she was sick. However, it wasn’t the greatest when it came to other kids picking on her. The stress of the bullying would get too much for her that she would start stress eating. It was the only thing that she could find that made her feel better.


Renee started gaining weigh which didn’t help the bullying, just made it worse. She kept a smile on her face all the time, enjoying her life but on the inside she just wanted the bullying to stop. She had a few friends that stood up to her so her life in school wasn’t so bad and by the time high school came along it ceased entirely. Things were getting better and she started to enjoy her life but things were still not quite what she hoped.


When high school ended, things seemed to change. Now she was expected to have her entire life planned out. It seemed normal to go to college right after high school and no matter how much she’d like to she couldn’t figure out what she wanted to do. It might have been just her high school but it didn’t exactly prepare her for the real world and so she searched for part time jobs, did classes in first aid, her grandmother taught her how to sew and do a simple form of crochet.


Her parents were supportive, letting her take her time to figure out what she wanted to do. She had some ideas but they seemed so far out of reach, that she believed that she couldn’t do it.


There was moments in Renee’s life that seemed like she was going nowhere; that nothing was happening. This was a low point for her that her weight started to worsen, even feeling disgusted with herself didn’t help. It wasn’t till she got to the point when she was pushing 240lbs at age 20 that she felt that enough was enough. She forced herself to start exercising and eat better, push herself for the good of her physical and mental health. She didn’t want to be lazing around like a Slaking all day.


Renee felt relief in her life when the results started to show not only on the scale but in her clothes. Old clothes didn’t fit anymore and her overall attitude towards everything and herself was a lot better. She used to wear plain t-shirts but now she can’t stand them; they reminded her too much of her old self. This was the moment that she started wearing shirts that were more feminine, that showed off her figure better because now she was proud of herself. She’d wear jeans but the only thing that she’d still wear from before was shorts that were from the men section like swim trunks. She felt more comfortable in them than your typical female shorts; they are too short for her liking.


Renee felt better than she ever felt before. Life seemed clearer for her but the only hurdle she had left to jump was to decide on her future. What was she going to do? She definitely didn’t want to stay at home for the rest of her life.


The moment came when she went looking for a job. She wanted to find something full-time so went to a local place that helped with job searching. A flyer was on one of the job listing boards, an offer to have a chance at exploring a potential new region with new mysteries. She took the flyer and went home to show her parents. On the way, her mind started filling with dreams of going to this new region and exploring its wonders. Was there an ancient civilization long gone? Was there new Pokemon there? She was completely ecstatic.


Yes, she was going to leave her family and the few friends she had but all of them were excited for her, knowing that she had been struggling with finding a job and deciding on what she wanted to do. It was going to be difficult, not having been away from her family for more than a week at a time. She felt that she could do it, to prove to herself that she was ready.


This must have been the moment she was looking for. No more feeling like she was in a rut, going about every day like the one previous. She wanted to explore, find new and exciting things, and learn what’s in the new region. It was like going back to school.


~ Backpack is filled with stuff that she believes that she’d need and she carries it everywhere. It contains: hair elastic, sunscreen, a notebook, sewing kit, and a first aid kit.

~ Can be startled easily

~ Follower not a leader.

~ Knows some first aid (for people only)

~ Not a touchy-feely kind of person, only gives hugs to people she considers very good friends.

~ Mediocre at giving life advice but is a great listener.

~ Doesn’t swear; substitutes the bad words for others.

~ One of the things she enjoys doing is sitting in silence and watch and listen to the world go by. Either its listening to the ambient sounds of an active forest or watching people go about their business. She finds that it’s a calming activity she does, a kind of meditation.

~ Rather health conscience now after getting rid of a lot of weight.

~ She’s a rather independent woman and enjoys time to herself yet she doesn’t like being alone.

~ Her sense of clothing style is rather… odd but she feels that it’s her style and she’s comfortable with it.

~ Has a sort of social quirk where if she gets talking a lot she may pause or repeat herself so she can gather the right words to say and not lose her train of thought. This sometimes includes a few hand gestures for emphasis.

~ She can sleep to the sound of rain, Kricketots chirping and when there is a dull hum in the air but when its complete silence she’ll have a hard time getting to sleep. If she’s not in a deep sleep and it suddenly becomes too quiet then it’ll wake her.

Safe Shallows - Early Morning Jog
Wreck Reef - A New Friend
Barrier Reef - Going Up An Octave

Nozama Jungle - RP: Interrupted Introductions
Unsafe Swamp - Entering the Unbeknown Trial
Grand Tree Isle - Saving Grace

Vast Grassland - Collab: Bone app the teeth
Mountain Pass -
Volcanic Spire -

Renee @ Me
Pokemon @ The Pokemon Company

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Comments: 3

MysticSeraphKid [2019-03-17 17:49:57 +0000 UTC]

Randomly came across this! She’s so cuteee

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Chick-a-Bee In reply to MysticSeraphKid [2019-03-17 19:05:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MysticSeraphKid In reply to Chick-a-Bee [2019-03-20 06:46:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0