I love my little Thorn Ditto ;u;
Trainer Apps: Versilia
Your Pokemon: Thorn Ditto | Shiny Froslass
Guest Pokemon: -
Items used: -
Job Title: Hit the Books
Requirement: Draw or write about your Trainer and one of their Pokémon organizing the shelving units in Storage Room B
Reward: 6k PD, Team Thorn Job Card Level [+1]
Due Date: January 31st 11:59 PM EST
The same small girl researcher who requested your assistance last month waves you over into another room that... oh that's.... that's a lot of books... Oh GOSH THEY'RE EVERYWHER-
"I may have made a bit of a mess when going through the books in my research... My pokemon also have a habit of knocking shelves down. I really need to get back to work if you could help me clean I would really appreciate it!"
Done for the group