Chris-chanXD — Legend of Zelda Multi Crossover Fanfic Chapter 4 by-nc-nd
Published: 2012-03-19 04:46:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 773; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description The Legend of Zelda Multi Crossover Fanfic
Anime/Manga: Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Soul Eater, and a suprise!
I do not own any of the characters. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 4: Resolve and the power of the ancestors...

~Link's PoV~

I can't think. My mind is a blur. How did this happen? Where are the others? Who did this? But above all, one question keeps comming up. Why wasn't I here? I clench my fists and begin to look for trails that will give me a clue. Whether it be the other's footprints leading me to them, or the enemies. I don't care. I feel a hand on my shoulder and a soft voice whispering, "Link..." I turn to see Zelda. She's worried about me. I turn around, "I have to find them." She was about to say something else when laughter erupted from behind us.

I whipped around to see what it was, stepping in front of Zelda as I did so. He was dressed in red and had jet black hair that had eye symbols on them. there were bandage looking things on him. Four protruded from his back like arms. "Well, well, well. Looks like I missed a few." "You!?" Maka yelled at him, "H-how?!" The man turned towards Maka and grinned, "Ah! The scythe meister brat? It's been far too long. As for how i'm here, all you need to know is that the man who revived me is beyond any of you." I noticed on one of his 'arms' there was blood. "You. Did you do this?" I asked. He simply laughed and bowed, "Of course, I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am Asura, the Kishin," He looked up and grinned again, "And this is my handiwork."

Faster than I could think, one of the arms shot out and hit me in the face. A second one wrapped itself around my waist and tossed me into the air. As I was trying to realign myself Asura suddenly appeared next to me. With a smirk he slammed both of his fists into my stomach causing blood and air to escape from my mouth. As I hit the ground, I saw my life flash in front of me. Growing up in the village, talking with Rusl, fighting the twilight monsters, meeting Zelda, and Rusl's dead body. I felt a power surging inside me. It was like nothing I had ever felt. I saw Maka fly past me and slam into a tree. "Maka!" I cried out but she was unconcious. "Link! Hel....urk!" I turned back to see Zelda being choked by one of Asura's arms, "Now, watch as I kill them right in front of you. The same way I did that pathetic swordsman." Thats when I felt the power unleash itself.

And the only thought in my mind was, not this time.

~Zelda's PoV~

Dark spots were dancing in front of my eyes. My lungs burned and my throat was being crushed. I wouldn't last much longer. Then, I heard two loud yells. One of anger, the other of pain. I felt air in my lungs again. I coughed and gasped. When I looked up, an arm was lying next to me. I screamed and jumped back. "What the? What did you do!?" I looked at the man named Asura. He was missing an arm. "Zelda. Stay out of this." I looked at Link and just stared. He was glowing! The triforce mark on my hand was resonating with his like crazy! There was also another triforce mark on his forhead. The triforce of courage shone brighter than wisdom or power. In his hand's he held a strange short sword. It had a ruby in it and looked about as big as a childs knife. But I could sense its power. Link spoke again, "I will protect you."

Asura simply stood to his full height. Suddenly his arm grew back! I had to keep myself from throwing up. "An interesting trick, however, I don't have time for games!" He opened his mouth and a weird item was sticking out of it. A beam of energy shot out of the end heading towards Link, "Look out!" I yelled. Link just moved his head to the side faster than humanly possible. Asura looked suprised for a second then fired shot after shot at Link. Link raised his hand and a large projection of the triforce appeared in front of him. The shots collided with it making a huge explosion. Asura grinned, but when the smoke cleared his mouth dropped.

Link stood there, unharmed. The triforce began to glow brighter, "My turn," he said. A flash of light erupted around him. When it dimmed, I saw a crystal floating in front of his forhead. There was a red light flickering inside it. Asura grunted then responded by channeling his own energy, "Don't underestimate me boy!" A lot of strange symbols appeared around him. Then, magic lines connected them and formed a circle. Inside the circles, two eyes opened and began taking in power from Asura. Link slowly raised his hand above his head and fire began to erupt from it. "Now die you worthless insect!" Twin beams of energy shot out from the eyes.

Link stretched his hand in front of him and yelled, "Purge evil! Din's fire!" The blaze raced toward the Asura's attack and took it head on. The result was a deadlock, neither combatant gained or lost ground but continued to pour energy into their blasts. Link's slowly overtook Asura's and with a loud yell, Link sent a huge fire ball from his mouth hurling at him. It collided with Asura causing the area around him to erupt into a blazing inferno. I watched, unable to move, "Link...what's happened to you?"

~Sora's PoV~

When the gummi ship finally landed, I stepped outside and looked around. There was nothing but desert! It was so hot! Riku, Goofy, and Donald came out behind me and looked around as well. In the distance we saw a city so we decided to start our search there. When we reached the city, the sun was high in the sky. The strange thing was, it had a face. And it was laughing! Audibly! 'Oh well, i've seen stranger things.' I thought. As we walked I noticed a sign with an arrow pointing up a large set of steps. It said, "DWMA up ahead!" Below it there was a picture of a skull holding up the peace sign. "Should we check there?" I asked. Riku shrugged and said, "Good a place as any." So we began our long trek up the stairs.

After what seemed like hours, we finally made it to the top. Sitting down to rest I admired the architecture of the building. Although the skulls, spikes, and huge flames seemed extremely creepy to me, it still had that odd beauty to it. "Hey! Looks like we have new students guys!" I looked over to see a guy with blue hair and a star tatoo on his arm that had a scar running through it. Walking next to him was a pretty girl with long black hair and a kind face. He walked over to me and stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you. My name is Blackstar! This here is Tsubaki, my weapon." She bowed to us, "Hello. So which of you is the meister?" I glanced at Riku, who shrugged, then looked back at the pair. "Meister? What's that? Anyways, we need to talk to someone in charge. It's urgent!" The two looked at each other, then back at us, "Alright, come with us. I'm sure Lord Death will want to see you." My jaw dropped. Lord Death? He didn't mean Hades did he?

~Kairi's PoV~

I was running down the corridor, trying not to trip over my makeshift dress. I took the bedsheet off the bed and tied it around myself so i wouldn't be running around in a bathing suit. Up ahead, Soul was taking out a guard who had spotted us escaping. I still couldn't get over the sharp blade that had once been his right arm. After the guard had been dispatched, he continued on ahead, looking for a passageway out. After a while, we came to a doorway at the end of the hallway. He motioned for me to stand against the wall and I obeyed. He slowly opened the door and told me it was safe to go inside.

The room was plain. A small table sat in the middle of the room and a few chairs were placed around it. A fire crackled in a fireplace off to the left. Even though the roomed seemed warm, I could sense a bloodlust comming from somewhere inside. "We should leave..." Soul nodded uneasily and we made our way back to the door. "You two aren't going anywhere." We froze and turned to face the voice. Sitting in one of the chairs was a man that had snow white hair, gray skin, and a red shawl-like thing that was held together by a golden chain. He had a diamond shaped pattern tattoed on his body that ran down his legs and arms. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Girahim. Although, I really do prefer my full tile. Lord Girahim."
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