I was thinking the other day about you, your courage, and your spunk, both traits that I wish I had. As my mind wandered through the memories of our time spent together as strangers in a strange land that summer, I remembered a complement you had given me when we were just starting to be friends. You had said I looked powerful, that the way I looked was actually desirable. I hardly knew you at the time you said it, and I didn’t know that you didn’t give complements with meaning them. So your words were filed with other words I perceived to be no more than that.
You, with your figure so slender that you could sing a song from Phantom of the Opera while in a corset that was laced up tight. You, who felt no need to hide your body as you strode around your dorm room telling me about the story you were writing or teaching me about your religion. You thought that my figure was… desirable? Yes, that’s what you said, though not directly, but when you talked later on about how hard it was for you to gain weight you were handing me the pieces of a puzzle to find a fondness in myself for myself that I had never had before.
Time marched on like it always does, in the middle of August we returned to our homes states away. We kept in touch via Facebook. A year had passed and the revelation hit. You helped me to realize that I don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful. There are still days where I look at myself and can only see flaws, but those days are fewer and it’s because you told me I looked powerful.