ChuuSan — MV: Isabella Iselia

Published: 2013-01-15 23:55:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1890; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 9
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Description I think I'm going to be able to make it in time for the opening in Meine Vinzent OuO Or maybe it's beta-opening considering it's not advertised much for an open group? Maybe I'm not supposed to apply yet idk? Either way I feel very lucky for being able to find it since I'm kinda in love with the concept.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I hope I get in *cries*

P.S: Using classic/LotR and some Norse model for dragons. I had waaay too much fun with this family. They were supposed to be all strict, scary and dragonish but they ended up derpy, excitable and hopeless with romance. Emphasis on the last *shot* I think everything went to hell the moment I decided to name them all after pokemon characters.


"That would be uncouth." & "LET ME MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL!"
Isabella "Isa" Iselia
15-16 (~550. Although dragons of her line reach maturity faster than most, her diet has stunted her growth)
160kg/350p (her horn and rack*slapped* makeS the most of her weight.)
Distinction, Particular Feature:

Human form:
None visible besides her horn.

She either trims her nails or wears leather gloves to hide their claw like appearance. Her teeth are also slightly fanged.

Her hair is straighter and reaches her knees when not being styled.
Dragon form:
While her human form looks healthy, in her dragon form it's visible how malnourished and starving she's been for years. As a result of this;

She's smaller than most dragons her age, especially from her line. She'd still have trouble manifesting in most indoor locations and going through gates though.

Her scales are underdeveloped and her skin is softer, void of the prided natural armor. Her body color is closer to dark pink instead of her natural burgundy.

Her claws are not as sharp as the should be and she can use magic anymore, can't even properly breath fire.
Family Status:
Being treasure hoarders with a massive gold fetish, her family is very rich and humans being a favorite meal of theirs, blood is an integral part of their diet as well. That said, they're not very social and keep to themselves, nor are they interested in "gossipy-two-faced-dress-up-parties" as her mother Hilda once put it. Even back in the day, they'd been avoiding official contact with the King and his court. As a result they're not all that well known in most circles. All the males in the family are known as strong fighters.

Main family resides in a human town far north, acting as it's guardians in exchange for respect and tributes. They don't harm the residents, livestock or merchants, instead choosing to hunt outside and living a relatively peaceful life by the standards of their race. Since they're are rumored to have descended from Nidhogg itself, some attribute their preference for blood to this. Strangely enough though, they are not venomous.

That said Isa's own grandfather lives high in the snowy peaks with his treasures and she has many relatives still terrorizing other parts of Europa, doing dragon stuff. Each member is very territorial. There are also some who enjoy travelling for the sake of it and very rare oddballs who don't care for treasure. Even her close family isn't above letting loose once in a while and she's by no means an exception.

They reach maturity faster than most other lines of dragons and grow only stronger with age. Besides aging fast (compared to their lifespan which is like forever) even the oldest of them look barely out of their teens if that. As a result the whole seniority thing can get a bit weird as you can never know if someone is her brother or great great grandfather.

They also have a tradition of using various sweets as examples when describing how different kinds of blood taste to them. Most of them associate human blood with chocolate cake and prefer it. One of Isa's cousins, Ethan, has a liking for elven blood which he claims tastes like strawberry sorbet. Most of the family just wish he would give up admit to his crush on a particular elf. Rest of them are merely amused.

They don't worship any gods but they have a healthy dose of respect for nature spirits. Having rather strict ideas about realms of life and death, they don't look well upon zombies, ghosts and anything disturbing the balance, at times going out of their way to send them off. They particularly HATE necromancers, actively hunting them down if they ever run into one. These beliefs are also attributed to their supposed ancestor, serpent of Hel, Nidhogg. They also have a habit of approaching dragons from other clans with suspicion as potential thieves. This causes a lot of troubles with uncle Hilbert's lover. Meanwhile humans, are food. Unless they're one of their own. Then they're pets with dangerously overprotective owners.

On the other hand, they are rather partial to pretty princesses and the like. Though there aren't all that many kidnappings as they find it troublesome to get involved in world politics. If Meine Vinzent had beautiful teen princesses instead of cute shota princes, Isa would've never been allowed to leave home to begin with.

No matter how sparsely they meet, they're still pretty hard knit. Everyone knows what everyone's up to at any given time. Word travels fast and the whole family really loves gossip and rumors. More exaggerated the better.
Dragon. The kind with four legs and wings. Can we treat this section as one with the status one with plenty more trivia in additional info? Thank ^u^
Abilities / Attacks:
Weakened or not, she's still a dragon. And she's pretty strong even in human form considering she can keep her head up with ease instead of snapping her own neck with that horn.

Unfortunately she hasn't tried flying since she was small and her wings were barely strong enough to keep her in air. So she wouldn't be all that well versed if she tried it now. She also never managed to figure out the aerodynamics of using wings while in human form. Technically, she can still fly. She just doesn't have any practice.

If she stopped the rebellious nonsense and started eating properly, she'd be a lot faster, stronger, harder, sturdier and capable of using magic and breathing fire and stuff too. Maybe even bigger. You know, a PROPER dragon. As it is right now though, nada nada. *sigh* teenagers...

She's fast with her hands and good in the kitchen since she always cooked for her brothers. She also has pretty good instincts and judgement in danger.

She's trained in some basic weapons to protect herself but refused further instructions because she was a girl. She's also a good rider once her steed is convinced she won't eat it.
Craftsman - Seamstress
Hot blooded: Sometimes her dragon blood comes through. Challenging her is a pretty good way to get her going.

Obsessive: She can lose sight of other things once she sets her eyes on something.

Possessive: Both of her material possessions and people she likes. She doesn't simply befriend people as much as she imprints on them. And it's a good idea leaving those she favors alone.

Territorial: Ditto like hooooley hell.

Whimsical: She rarely thinks things through and mostly moves on gut feeling. It's usually right but still dude...

Kinda bipolar: To her credit she at least tries to act like a lady. More riled up she is, less gentle and respectful she'll be. Even when in a good mood, she's far too chirpy to be elegant. Five minutes is her max as long as presenting herself goes.

Animated an Excitable: Tries to restrain herself yes. At the height of this she also has kind of a motor mouth.

Passionate: About her work. She hates sewing clothes in bulks and has a preference for designing them separately for each customer.

Petty, lazy, haughty, too proud, arrogant, greedy: Can be on occasion. Dragons and puberty don't mix k?
Isa was born to the main family as the eldest, and only girl among her siblings. When they were small she was very protective and watched over than with even more intensity than her parents. While she was taught just enough to protect herself and educated in womanly arts for the most part. Meanwhile her baby brothers were all brought up to be strong warriors.

As Isa saw them whenever she delivered lunch to the training fields, she found out that she also wanted to be a knight and protect her family. Unfortunately she was met with vehement disapproval from her everyone. Even as shut-ins, they were well aware how outside society viewed females. For her parents, it was less about belittling Isa and more about not wanting her to deal with hardships and discrimination such a position would bring outside their town. Also Dragon+Knight=WUT? family honor says no. As for her brothers, they wanted to grow up to protect her instead to pay back for all the times she took care of them. Even townies took a crack at it with local girls idolizing the only daughter as a lady (pfft) and boys for the same yet different reasons (duh).

Despite understanding where they were coming from, Isa grew bitter with her family. Eventually she came to see the improbability of her dream and gave up on it. Yet the feeling of dissatisfaction didn't disappear. Not wanting to drive a rift between herself and her family because she couldn't control her emotions, eventually she decided to get away from home until they settled down. At that time her uncle Hilbert came visiting from south. Carrying with him the news of the revival of infamous Meine Vinzent. And so she saw her chance, packed up and got the HELL out of there talked to her parents and resolved to go to the castle.

For now she's quite pleased with her life with no nagging and plenty of interesting people to MAKE BEAUTIFUL from species she's never even seen before. Appearances aside, she doesn't really have any respect for the Castellan though. It's accurate to say that as a ghost, she's fundamentally irked by his very existence. His seemingly stuffy personality doesn't help either considering she grew up solely around ridiculously animated people. As far as the chain of command goes, she's far more likely to obey and revere to royalty and other nobles over him. To her credit she's been trying to ignore the issue (where she lives with and works under a ghost) and castle itself has been good distraction, living up to its name as the greatest. She's also trying to ignore all the gold and treasures popping out from ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE pretty hard. Beautiful as the castle is, restraining her nature has proven troublesome at some parts. Thankfully she's been vegan for a while so she's not too inclined to eat the slaves.
Likes / Dislikes: In order from most to least;

cute models
facial hair
mass production
other dragons
Additional Info:
She prefers being called by her first name.

Would be voice; Tomatsu Haruka

With how beloved her family is back home and how different the attitude of slaves over here are, she understandably came to see them as a different species from "her" humans.

She's vegetarian. It's not like she doesn't absolutely love meat and blood. And out of courtesy, she neither refuses it when offered. She just wants to spite her family by distancing herself from their traditions. Regardless of the amount, greens can't properly fulfill a dragon though. Which causes her many health problems. Likely to cause even more in the castle because at least at home, fans people were throwing themselves at her feet on regular basis, wanting her to have a taste.

As she's been refusing to use her dragon form for decades(partly to spite, partly because of the part where she ends up with shredded clothes and a body too big to go through the doors and reach her closed) She isn't aware of how her body looks now. If she did, she'd probably flip big time. She only recently became aware of her loss of magic. (To her defense, that symptom IS rather new. Albeit it's been gradually weakening for a while) Yet she wrongly attributes it to castles defenses against human magic effecting her.

That said she's very proud of her heritage. She contradicts herself a lot when it comes to her family verily tsundere*slapped* She doesn't hate them per se but she really needs a bit time off from them. By her logic, by the time she's old and strong enough to leave the castle, she should be mature enough to deal with them as well.

Out of all her brothers she gets along best with the one born immediately after her, who shares her passion for fashion, and loves the youngest twins most.

She keeps her heritage as a whole on a strict need-to-know basis. Dragons don't have a nice reputation.

She's extremely dissatisfied with the male dominated society but doesn't have any problems with individual males she knows so far.

If she's presented with a good looking customer, look out it's "LET ME MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL!" The habit started with her brothers, each of whom her highly biased sister vision finds extremely cute. She passed down the duty to the second eldest when leaving for the castle.

Animals, especially livestock, are frightened of her.

She doesn't indulge in romance and doesn't want to have a relationship without the intent of marriage. Considering she has a family where she's more or less convinced her grandfathers are in love with each other...

She idolizes her great great aunt Cynthia, who is said to have terrorized eastern Europe for hundreds of years, had thousands of handsome and wealthy mates around the world and tasted the flesh of every single creature known to man and more before disappearing off to the far west with all her treasures to conquer the barbarians there, as the ideal woman.

Nothing creeps her out more than her parents providing lecherous commentary on good looking people. And they're usually in agreement. For one, they both find uncle Hilbert's suspicious "friend" (He's in DENIAL! Totally his lover!)stinking hot which gets Isa screaming about her creepy family and wanting to meet whoever that is.
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Comments: 5

sayooooooonara [2013-01-16 07:54:28 +0000 UTC]

mai gawd she looks absolutely gorgeous!!!!! so jelly T_T

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChuuSan In reply to sayooooooonara [2013-01-16 16:51:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks you ^3^ working around horns is a paaaaain

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sayooooooonara In reply to ChuuSan [2013-01-17 05:02:08 +0000 UTC]

but the horn actually looks really nice on her... face? Head? Forehead?

//rolls away from humiliation

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ChuuSan In reply to sayooooooonara [2013-01-17 13:53:47 +0000 UTC]

I... I'm not sure? It's on her forehead but she'd have a huge bald spot too if I removed it? Halp what is horn *rolls with*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sayooooooonara In reply to ChuuSan [2013-01-17 23:51:40 +0000 UTC]

ok. It's a horn on her forehead.

//rolls away with Chuu

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