ciela101 — OC Spectrum meme

#dbz #kidicarus #meme #oc #pirate #zelda #panisa
Published: 2015-03-14 03:18:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 3430; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 3
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Ok so gonna analysis each choice for each character

 Toto- A Legend of Korra OC I made when I first started watching the show. She has a friendly big sister personality, but her body has been weakened by an severe illness she had when she was little. She seems to worry too often, you can tell by her gray hairs (which are not in the head shot oops)

 F.Panisa- A DBZ OC. She is very protective over her twin brother TR and will do anything to protect him. She seriously dislikes her father VG but seems to have a special relationship with her friend Tamera. Also she's defiantly not as mentally sane as she seems, like check out her SSJ2 form she's terrifying as shit

 Jacquotte (Jac)- A Gerudo pirate. After her parents were killed by Hylian soldiers during a massacre, Jac began mercilessly murdering Hylian civilians in revenge. She is manipulated by Ganon into over throwing Queen Zelda and obtaining the Triforce pieces of Courage and Wisdom. She, like Panisa, is fucking crazy.

 Roy- A young Gerudo man. His parents were killed by the same knights that killed Jac's parents, but he was later adopted by Queen Zelda and raised as her foster child. He became a knight so he could protect his surrogate mother from danger. He and Jac are sworn enemies.

 Mera- HEY ITS THE BAE. A Kid Icarus OC I made like two years ago. She works for Palutena and loyally follows Captain Pit's orders. She has a big sister type personality but gets super serious on the job. Yes she makes fun of her captain like everyone else cuz she is a snarky fuck.

So each section....

These are all obvious

 Toto- Thanks to her illness Toto is pretty thin, in an unhealthy way
 Panisa- SHE HAS ABS only Tamera knows
 Jac- Most of her weight is in her chest if you know what I mean
 Roy- Pretty buff, but mostly skinny
 Mera- A bit on the chubby side TBH, it's kinda hard to draw however

 Toto- Once again cuz of her illness she's short
 Panisa- She's like as tall as her bro
 Jac- Loonnnngg leeeegggggsss
 Roy- As tall as his Queen
 Mera- Taller than her captain but still on the short side, she's like 15 in human years so she's maybe like 5'5 or something

 Toto- Right handed, though she can use her left hand in combat
 Jac-  Ambidextrous in battle, mostly right handed
 Panisa- Solely left handed
 Roy- Left like the legendary hero
 Mera- Right handed

 Toto- Physically weak but can fuck you over with some hard core water bending
 Panisa- Dude Panisa isn't even a human she has the blood of a blood-thirsty ultra powerful race within her
 Jac- Very nimble and good with swords, not as good with actual body strength
 Roy- Is the captain of the Hyrule Army for a reason dude
 Mera- Not as strong as her captain, but keep in mind she almost killed a goddess once

 Toto- Street-smart, not brain smart
 Panisa- More combat smart, knows some fancy shmancy science stuff from her mom
 Jac- Not school smart but pretty sharp
 Roy- Is defiantly smarter than a fifth grader
 Mera- Doesn't understand what her goddess means with all her fancy shmancy phrases

 Toto- Not clever, but can be if she seriously tries
 Panisa- Very clever, battle strategist and shit
 Jac- Acts dumb but is very clever
 Roy- Secretly very smart
 Mera- Tends to mess up sometimes  but for the most part is pretty clever


 Toto- Never went to school
 Panisa- Kinda went to school
 Jac- Never went to school
 Roy- Knows history of Hyrule threw and threw
 Mera- Learned some stuff in soldier school

~Social skills~
 Toto- Tries to be social, but her illness impairs her from really doing much
 Panisa- Would be more social if killer androids hadn't destroyed her world, even then she's pretty introverted
 Jac- Is practically an enemy to modern day society she's a serial killer dude
 Mera- Socializing among fellow soldiers, mostly hangs with captain and goddess

 Toto- Knows how to read other people's emotions pretty well, adding to her big sister personality
 Panisa- "Dude stop crying your mom died its not a big deal"
 Jac- She doesn't care about your feelings, just satisfy her
 Roy- "Huh, why're you cryin?"
 Mera- Very perceptive

 Toto- Easy to read with her outward personality, though she has a much more mature side inside her
 Panisa- Comes off as very cold at first but hides a lot of pain and instabilities
 Jac- Comes off as a ditsy chick but is actually very manipulative and cruel
 Roy- Super sexy mystery dude
 Mera- Thats...a pretty hard one. Like she has a strict soldier attitude but in reality is actually very lonely and sweet sooo uhhhh

 Toto- Tries to go out and hang with her friends as much as she can, though is impaired by her frailness
 Panisa- Fuck people
 Jac- "People are tools to use, why interact with them other wise?"
 Roy- Very introverted
 Mera- Sort of in the middle. Pretty social with her captain and fellow soldiers

All are pretty obvious

I just realized like none of my OC's are straight

 Toto- Mostly hetero, though she had a crush on Korra at one point
 Panisa- Bi-sexual, leans mostly towards girls. She develops feelings towards Tamera during the Buu-arc and the two have a brief relationship until Tamera is permanently killed off. Oops spoilers. What if she shows up in that Multiverse comic, meets Tamera again and they literally cry out of happiness SOMEONE DRAW IT
 Jac- I'm sure she's kissed a girl before
 Roy- Heterosexual
 Mera- Asexual

~Romance stuff~
 Toto- Basically same as above, leans much more towards dudes
 Panisa- I literally just said she fell in love with a girl
 Jac- Doesn't really care, is more flirty as a means of manipulation
 Roy- Heterosexual, though he doesn't care about dating.
 Mera- Once again, asexual/ aromatic. She's more focused on her duty as a soldier than romance and stuff. She's never really felt romantic feelings towards anyone before

 Toto- Knows how to have a date, just doesn't have a lot
 Panisa- "What is romance"
 Jac- "My only love is my master"
 Roy- "I don't need romance I have my mom"
 Mera- Aromatic as fuck

 Toto- Will give you a hug if you seem sad
 Panisa- She will pat your head if your sad but thats it
 Jac- I dont need friends I only need my master
 Mera- Towards her fellow soldiers yeah but not too people she's not familiar with

~Outward thing~
 Toto- Sweet outside
 Panisa- Cold and distant, actually isn't that much of a bitch
 Jac- Nasty as fuck
 Roy- Seems cold and harsh, its part of his "stick in the mud" personality
 Mera- Generally nice, but can seem a bit snarky to some people

 Toto- Very sweet, though she won't hesitate to violently judge you in her brain
 Panisa- Very sweet, just has a very hard time showing it. Also not very sane
 Roy- Very compassionate
 Mera- Super kind and lonely she needs a hug


 Toto- Sane, but WILL kill you if you hurt one of her friends
 Panisa- "I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS AND WIPE EVERY LAST PIECE OFF THE FACE OF THIS EARTH YOU MONSTER!!!"- SSJ2 Panisa. She suffers from PTSD and depression, so it's only natural she's not the most stable.
 Jac- Will gut you alive and smile wickedly as she does so, crazy ass bitch
 Roy- Probably the most sane one here
 Mera- She actually snapped once and almost killed the goddess she serves, but other than that is pretty much in check

 Toto- Friendly as hell, but will be snarky towards people she dislikes
 Panisa- Mostly avoids having friends but is capable of making them
 Jac- All I need is my beloved lord~!
 Roy- Naaaahhhhh
 Mera- Polite towards other people, snarky as fuck and more childish to her closest friends 

 Toto- Yep
 Panisa- "What are these inconvenient things called emotions"
 Jac- Acts super emotionally due to her mental instabilities
 Roy- Stoic as a rock until someone threatens the Queen
 Mera- Stoic during serious times, but can become super emotional during her breakdowns

"LIKE A VIOLENT SWAN" is now my favorite term

 Toto- Very clumsy due to her illness
 Panisa- Fights gracefully, but other than that pretty clumsy
 Jac- Fights like a ballerina
 Roy- One of his traits is being kinda clumsy but trying to hide it as best he can
 Mera- Somewhere in the middle I guess

 Toto- Gives up easily, but if something important is at sake she's keep fighting
 Panisa- Stubborn when it comes to protecting her brother
 Jac- Stubborn as SHIET
 Roy- If you threaten mommy then he will fight you to the end
 Mera- If it means protecting her captain then yeah

 Toto- Timid, but is courageous when she really has to
 Panisa- Will do anything to protect her loved ones, even if it means being stupidly courages
 Jac- Well she wants the Triforce of Courage <:3
 Roy- Will fight to the death for his Queen
 Mera- Dude she fought against a goddess and stood up against Mr. Angry Chicken wings when he insulted her captain

 Toto- Loyal to her friends
 Panisa- Loyal as hell to her brother
 Jac- Insanely loyal to her master
 Roy- Eternally loyal to his Queen/Mother
 Mera- Is more loyal to her Captain rather than her Goddess, but still loves her goddess

~Law and shit~
 Toto- Mostly lawful, but had to break a lot of laws when she began living on the streets 
 Panisa- We have no laws in the future, the androids destroyed society
 Jac- Breaks practically every law in the book
 Roy- VERY lawful, he's a fucking soldier dude
 Mera- Is more open minded than her Captain, and will break the rules to protect him

 Toto- Prepares for the worse in every situation
 Panisa- "Yeah we're fucked"
 Jac- "Of course I'll revive my master~! <3 There's no way I can't do that!"
 Roy- "We may or may not be fucked"
 Mera- "If captain fucks up then we're all fucked"

The whole picture took me like a week to do. Jac's hair was a bitch to color and Mera's eyes look weird but oh well
Original meme-dustbunnythumper.deviantart.co…
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