Cipisis-Sketch — [WoLF] Crow - Tier 0 Traveller

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► :: I D E N T I T Y :: ◄

Name: Crow
- Small black corvid
Alias(es): -none-

Sex: Male
Gender: Cis Male
Age: Young Adult - 3 yrs (February 20, 2020)

Mist, Valley and Timber

Current: 32”

Mature: 34” - Average


Current: 115lbs

Mature: 130lbs - Average

Voice: Boy-ishly charming. (Young Chris O’Donnell)

Mannerisms: Crow walks with purpose. His stub of a tail is usually poised upwards, like if he had an actual tail it would be sweeping over his back.

Physical Description:
.Crow is a mass of grays and silver, however he’s got a little heft to him normally. At the moment, he doesn’t look like much, but he is in fact a little underweight right now. Which he is slowly gaining. His legs are long, but girthy. His fur has a mind of its own, and usually is standing up and defying gravity from his shoulders to his head. Three scars above, and below his eye can be easily seen.

Rare Traits/Birth Traits: Stump Tail(missing limb)
Related Deficiencies: N/A

Pack/Guild: Verndari
Rank: Tier 0 | Traveller

►:: P E R S O N A L I T Y ::◄

Good: Accepting, Loyal, Protective
Neutral: Faithless, Serious, Unsure
Negative: Sarcastic, Nervous, Quiet

In Depth: (600 words.)

Crow is very open to new ideas, and to meeting new wolves and creatures. He doesn’t have misgivings, unless it’s been proved otherwise by those he trusts that he sees for himself. Being away from his family, Crow has also come to accept that things happen and that not being able to change it is part of life. Upon being accepted into Verndari, Crow’s become loyal to his pack, just as he had with his family. Which is good, as he now considers the pack as his family too. It'll never waver, nor be put into question as he continues to prove his loyalty. Crow decided that he would lay down his life for any and all within it. Due to the losses of his Pack, and his family, Crow tries to protect all that he can. His pack and those he considers friends. He'll never give up on protecting them, not wanting another loss. Should he lose any within his control, he doubted he could rest easy with his Ancestors. No, he would protect them with his very life, not wanting his pack to lose more than what’s needed.

As Crow has grown and he has come to see that his brother and sister had found love in the very world that hasn't been so kind towards him. No matter what he tries to do or think, he's sure he's meant to be alone till the day he dies. Crow has no faith in deities, even less so than who he used to be when he had a purpose. His faith in his ancestors have dwindled, and no longer believes his life was saved for something greater. He's not sure where he should put his faith anymore. His seriousness at times will come to the forefront more than most these days. Being the son of two alpha's, having become an Alpha for a short time, has brought this out more in Crow. Not to say he won’t be playful, but seeing and learning many things while on his travels has made him realize that ‘goofing off’ has become a waste of energy. That he needs to come to terms that he is no longer as young as he used to be. Crow has made many mistakes in the past. He falters in his decisions at times, no longer trusting himself for making the right choices when he’s put on the spot. Given some time, perhaps he’ll learn to trust in himself and his own decisions.

Not exactly seen often, but Crow has become a little cynical with his words, at times even rolling his eyes and ‘copying their words’ right back at them. Only when his old wounds sting, or if he wakes in a mood, is this seen. Or even, if he’s feeling so much negative emotions about himself, at times saying things he doesn’t mean. It’s little things at first, a twitch of an eye, a stutter over a simple word. Crow has become nervous of his surroundings if he doesn’t recognize them. He can become jumpy, second guessing his actions and decisions even more than he normally does. It doesn’t help, as he’s developed a nervous tick, where he starts to mutter to himself under his breath. Something that can be noticeable, is how quiet the dark male can become. He's not even aware of it at times, he'll get lost in his thoughts. Thoughts he can't seem or want to talk about with those closest to him. It's not to say he's stopped talking all together, but it’s something that happens more often than most.

►:: H I S T O R Y :: ◄

Pre-Group History: 

(1816 Words)


Crow was born in a litter of five, however his one brother was a stillborn, and thus he never got to know that sibling. He himself was born without a tail, a defect that was unforeseen, much like his brother's Sekani's blindness and Delaware's muteness. The other one of his litter born healthy was his sister Cheyenne. Just who were his parents? Tessa was a hunter before she became Alpha to the pack she herself had founded after a devastating storm that caused so much destruction before his own time had begun. She was a kind and fair alpha. She was a beautiful gray she-wolf, and the best mother in the world in his opinion. His father he hadn't known, though at a young age he and his siblings were introduced to Isaiah who was an Alpha from another pack, a good friend of his mother's. He liked the idea of his mother and this male being Alpha's. It's what made him strive to grow and become an Alpha himself!

As a pup he had gotten into a few incidents, such as being chased by a pair of coyotes, who saw him as a threat to their own young once. When he was cornered by the pair, he was sure he'd die! But then a pure white she-wolf intervened, catching the smaller predators off guard, but still focused on him. When one startled him, he couldn't help but to yelp and run away from the safety of the white wolf. This caused the coyotes to give chase once more. Thankfully, he wasn't harmed as the white she-wolf was able to finally chase them away. As the two spoke, he learned her name was Yuki. He was thankful for her help, but begged her to not breathe a word of this event to his mother! She would surely keep him in a den his whole life if she was informed, not to mention be in deep trouble. Yuki agreed not to say he was chased, but that she had merely come across the pair by herself.


Days went on after that, and it was shortly after that he had aged into being a Juvenile. At this time he wasn't seeing much of Cheyenne and Delaware, as the two were apprentices. He wasn't yet, mainly because he had hoped to be trained by the one who had saved him, Yuki, who his sister managed to ask before he could. And so, he devoted time to learning his pack lands, and which trail would lead to the closest body of water the quickest.

Some time into being an omega juvenile, his mother left the pack, only to return with a badly wounded Isaiah. He was shocked that such a wolf who was the strongest male he'd known, was taken out by a brute that didn't know honour. He watched as his mother looked after the pack, while still attending to Isaiah. Perhaps it was here that he felt something, but he pushed it away thinking it might have been something he ate.

One day, his brother Delaware had some time, and he and him had a race to the lake! It was a close race, but his brother had better stamina and was able to beat him. Which he didn't mind. He just loved to spend time with his brother. It also made him start thinking about his future in their pack. He needed to develop some skills. But as he was looking into the tasks their pack offered, his youngest brother Sekani had fallen ill. Everyone had hoped that he'd push through. And sometimes it looked like he would! But, it was not to be. The sickness ate away at his brother’s health so quickly, that it only took a few days after the initial onslaught of the illness that his brother passed away. This is what spurred him on to become Adidas’ apprentice, so as to get better with his own skills. He became a Healer’s apprentice.

Shortly before he and his siblings were to be considered young adults, Crow and his siblings were delivered life changing news during Sekani’s funeral. Crow was devastated, and claimed it wasn't fair the day he and his family were standing by Sekani's grave that they were told about the truth of their father. They were joined by Isaiah, but Crow didn't mind. His sister did, and was soon demanding to know why he was there! Crow was partially corrected in believing that Isaiah was being a comfort to their mother. He had seen how close they were after all. But the most shocking news was yet to hit them, as the two most respected adults in his life revealed the truth.

Isaiah was his father!

Shock coursed through them all, along with the feelings of being betrayed and hurt. But whereas his siblings couldn't take it, Crow had stayed as the other two had run off, filled with conflicting emotions. Crow was a little sad when his father went off to follow Delaware instead of staying so that they could talk, but was thankful that his mother stayed behind to give him some answers to his questions. But he was tired not too shortly after, and had asked for some time by himself. His mother accepted that, and with a lick to his head, left him. But with advice that his brother would always be with him.

-Young Adult-

Coming into being a young adult, Crow had changed some. However he was still the chubby Crow all knew him to have become, though that didn't stop him from his Delta Healing duties. 

Crow's sister Chey had been gone a long time, having not returned after their parents had told them the truth, but when she arrived back it was not what Crow was expecting. He had walked in on a conversation between his parents and his tensed sister. He was happy to see her, and greeted her as such! She then explained she had switched to their father Isaiah’s pack, which was in need of an Alpha who cared for the pack. Since Isaiah had been beaten and tossed out, the pack wasn’t doing good. Crow knew what to do, as Chey had come to see him.

Crow accepted the position, and had become the Alpha of his Birthright. He dealt with the lowlife who had taken over, with the help of his brother and sister as back-up. Life was peaceful, no challenges came to Crow after he took up the mantle, and it had made him complacent. He still did his visits to his brother's grave, though it was in his mother’s territory. He knew his parents wouldn't mind, since this also meant he could visit them now and then. The walk was always peaceful and nice, it was probably why it had been a surprise when he crossed paths with a mountain lion…

Crow had fought, but he was really a bad fighter. He’d been a healer before this after all. He remembered pain over his left eye, he also remembered being fearful. He had tried to run, but was kept from doing so! The mountain lion was relentless, it scared Crow so much! Finally, he managed to crawl into a small den and away from the feline. When it finally left, he crawled out and he realized that he was nowhere near his home, or any of the other packs he’d come to know as Alpha. He was in a completely new place in the wild lands, and he feared he'd die...

Crow somehow managed to survive the first night, gaining enough energy to search for some herbs. He remembered his lessons, and knew enough to keep his wounds from getting infected. It was hard, as having only one eye severely limited his ability. What was even weirder, was running into humans. He ended up crawling into a trap that had been set up, having found it a miracle to have found some good! But then it was strange and terrifying. He had heard about them while he was growing up, but had never seen or come across one until now. Whatever they had done, Crow wasn’t sure of. He had been blacked out for most of it each time he felt a pinch, and when he awakened his left eye was better than it had been before! Also he had this weird thing attached to his ear now that he couldn’t get off.

He felt he would have lost the eye if not for the humans. Shortly after being allowed to be awake without a pinch, he was set free after being with the humans for so long. Crow had to work harder to survive afterwards. Mainly how to hunt small animal prey, something he hadn't already been great at. He had lost weight during this time, a lot of it. His muscles and bulk seemed to shrink, and he lost the rest of his chunky body. Hunting was hard, but he managed well enough.

The dark male wanted to go home, but he was scared too. He had failed his parents and pack, and felt undeserving to return to his birth pack.

He had also been transported where he could scent so many more wolves and everything was strange and new. It wasn’t like his home, he knew this. None of the smells were familiar. He wandered the Sanctuary as he came to learn it to be called, coming upon a pack wolf or two. He avoided them however once he heard talk about ‘Faith’. Crow had grown up in a pack that honoured his Ancestors. But, he lost any faith in any deity since he lost his way…

He came upon a female wolf one night during his first week or so, who had been in search of her friend. Someone who she had pined after, but had never had the courage to tell her before it was too late and she had run off with a male… The two ended up in the same cave after a vicious storm started up, and emotions were high. One thing led to another, as Crow spoke gently to calm the other down. He listened as she talked, and offered advice from what he could. In the morning, Crow awoke to find the other had left…

Alone once more, Crow continued to wander, learning more of what he could about the Sanctuary. However when he came upon a Verndari wolf, it intrigued him as he learned more about their Guild. A strange name for a pack, but it still intrigued him. Crow wanted to see for himself, how the Guild was and just what it had to offer. He asked to visit, to see if he’d like to join up with Verndari.

Group History: (Keep a log of your antlers earned in-game here.)

► :: R E L A T I O N S H I P S :: ◄

NPCs are allowed but must be marked as such!

Mate: None


Litter from One Night Stand

Thane - Unknown Son(npc), Sparrow - Unknown Son(npc)


    Mother: Tessa (npc)

Father: Isaiah (Deceased/npc)

Brother(s): Dakota(Deceased/npc), Sekani(Deceased/npc), Delaware(npc)

Sisters(s): Cheyenne(npc)


► :: A V A I L A B I L I T Y :: ◄

Timezone: Central Standard Time (No Daylight savings for me!)

Preferred Methods

Notes: No

Comments: No(Unless its to do a reaction about something from the Clan)

Discord: Maybe

 Docs: Yes

 Other: None

► :: E X T R A:: ◄

Character and Art @Cipisis_Sketch

  Application for WolvesofLunarForest!

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Comments: 2

SummonWolf [2023-07-06 22:32:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cipisis-Sketch In reply to SummonWolf [2023-07-06 22:42:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0