They are 5 points
You can name them
When pony has been purchased you can not steal
First come first serve
1.Sold (she lives ponyville she is punk as filly she reformed against equstria even sneaked starlight hardcore music.Now she sells radical beanies still rebeals against society misses days starlight was punk but has changed.)
2.Sold (she use live ponyville then moved manehattern what happened as filly had nieche creative snow beanies started selling them got her cutie mark then formed snow beanies then moved manehattern charges them lots bits rarity,coco and sassy sadles really love her styles some average ponies love it.)
3.Sold (Use live in manehattern then moved to starlight glimmer village in mountains what happened as filly her parents made clocks but she made cuckoo clocks called then crazy cuckoo unicormj she set her business up in starlight village then starlight stole her cutie mark then got free she has apoligsed to starlight went back making cuckoo clocks pinkie pie and double diamond love them)
4.Sold (She use live ponyville,canterlot finally maenhattern what happened as filly ponyville had no class cound't find it her friend was rarity she moved away tried canterlot then moved away to snobish she found just right manehattern moved there now model for sassy saddles respects her idol is sassy saddles
5.Sold (she lives ponyville she as filly painted portrais got really good set up her business called 1,2,3 paint potrait she paints portraits of ponyville even does portraits ponies done potraits berry punch drunk and colgate dentist even applejack farm sweet apple acres applejack likes.)
6.Sold (she use live in ponyville then moved manehattern what happened she was poor filly was trouble maeker did bad things to one day found this pretty dress wore started changing became more pretty then started becoming model went aloe and lotus spa working for them brief time then moved to manehattern became one coco models works with her.)… credit goes to base
thank you and have good day